Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Ontario women with HIV want babies: study

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A significant proportion of HIV-positive women of child-bearing age want to become pregnant at some point, a study shows, although extra care is needed to prevent transmission of the virus...

Is cannabis the answer to Booze Britain's problems?

14 years ago from Science Daily

Substituting cannabis in place of more harmful drugs may be a winning strategy in the fight against substance misuse. New research features a poll of 350 cannabis users, finding that...

New tool in fight against autoimmune diseases, blood cancers

14 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have described a new, highly pragmatic approach to the identification of molecules that prevent a specific type of immune cells from attacking their host. The findings add a powerful...

Biology of emergent Salmonella exposed

14 years ago from

Researchers have characterised a new multi drug resistant strain of Salmonella Typhimurium that is causing life-threatening disease in Africa...

Study shows antibiotic unsuccessful in preventing preterm labour

14 years ago from

The antibiotic, called azithromycin, is effective in treating infections such as syphilis, Chlamydia and Ureaplasma urealyticum - a bacterial infection thought to play a significant role in causing preterm labour....

UAB physician urges changes in diagnosis for sore throat in young adults

14 years ago from

New analysis from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) suggests that physicians need to re-think their diagnosis and treatment of sore throat, or pharyngitis, in adolescents and young adults...

Weight control strategies for adolescents identified

14 years ago from Science Daily

Adolescent obesity is a major public health problem that impacts one out of every three children, resulting in 4-5 million overweight youth in the United States. Researchers have now evaluated...

Long-term physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level

14 years ago from Science Daily

Physical activity has an anti-aging effect at the cellular level, suggesting exercise could prevent aging of the cardiovascular system. Two groups of trained professional athletes were compared with those who...

Overweight children may develop back pain and spinal abnormalities

14 years ago from Science Daily

Being overweight as a child could lead to early degeneration in the spine, according to a new study.

Chicken capsules good for aching joints, arthritis study finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

Chicken collagen can provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. A randomized, controlled trial has found that Chicken type II collagen, a protein extracted from the cartilage of chicken breast, is...

Pancreatic tumours are marked for immunotherapy

14 years ago from

Pancreatic tumours can be identified by a readily detectable marker that shows promise as a basis for immune therapy against the disease, according to research at Washington University School of...

More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries

14 years ago from

The first ever published study of aviation-related injuries and deaths in the U.S. finds that more than 1,013 patients are admitted to U.S. hospitals with aviation-related injuries annually, and that...

Americans born in the South may have a higher risk of dying from stroke as adults

14 years ago from

The 'stroke belt' has a tight hold. People born in the Southern stroke belt have a higher risk of dying from stroke as adults, even if they later move away,...

Suspended Winnipeg doctor had convictions in U.S.

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A doctor who owns a Winnipeg medical clinic that closed on Tuesday has a criminal past in the United States and also served time in a Manitoba jail earlier this...

St. John's cancer hospice to close for Christmas

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A hospice for cancer patients who travel to St. John's for treatment will be closed over the Christmas holidays.

H1N1 flu cases decline, but still taking heavy toll

14 years ago from LA Times - Health

Though the current wave of the pandemic flu appears to have peaked, the number of pediatric deaths has not, the CDC reports. The current wave of pandemic H1N1 appears to have peaked,...

Poll | Would an increased risk of psychosis deter you from using 'skunk'?

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

New research suggests that 'skunk' is associated with a higher incidence of psychosis. Would the risk deter you from using this super-strength cannabis?

Exercise therapy best for knee pain, study finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

For patients with severe knee pain, supervised exercise therapy is more effective at reducing pain and improving function than usual care, a study finds.

Muscle 'synergies' may be key to stroke treatment

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have shown that motor impairments in stroke patients can be understood as impairments in specific combinations of muscle activity, known as synergies.

Surgeons offering new procedure for acid reflux, GERD

14 years ago from Science Daily

Surgeons are now offering patients an incisionless alternative to laparoscopic and traditional surgery for treatment of acid reflux or GERD.

Swine flu shots go to schools, universities

14 years ago from CBC: Health

A push began Monday in Nova Scotia to get the H1N1 vaccine into the arms of a challenging age group - high school and university students who are not in...

Mean old levee

14 years ago from Science Blog

>>>>>It's a mean old levee, cause me to weep and moan >>>>>It's a mean old levee, cause me to weep and moan ...

Letters: Lemons and limeys

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Certainly, the diet offered by Captain James Cook (Report, 30 November) was sensible with regard to the prevention of scurvy. However, James Lind, the naval surgeon, had published his detailed Treatise of Scurvy...

Why I'd happily eat lab-grown meat

14 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Laboratory-grown meat is getting closer to reality – and we needn't be repulsed, says Leo HickmanWhat's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth? Never mind the kangaroo testicles and witchetty...

Essay: To Curb Repeat Hospital Stays, Pay Doctors

14 years ago from NY Times Science

Policy makers will have a difficult time achieving cost-cutting goals unless physicians view them as their own.

Anthrax research stopped over euthanasia

14 years ago from UPI

OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 30 (UPI) -- Oklahoma State University administrators stopped a pending program testing anthrax vaccines on baboons because the apes would be euthanized, officials say.

Canada looks at soy as source of Omega-3s

14 years ago from CBC: Health

With the hunt for alternative sources of Omega-3s in full swing, Canadian health officials are looking at soybeans adapted to produce the essential fatty acids.

Really?: The Claim: Exercise More During the Day, and You Will Sleep Better at Night

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Does regular exercise and better sleep go hand in hand?