Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry
Breathable electronic fabric to make wearable tech more comfortable
Engineers have developed a new ultra-thin, stretchable electronic material that is gas permeable. Like many high-performance fabrics, it can breathe.
Watch: Surfers ride bioluminescent waves off California coast
Surfers off the California coast were caught on camera taking advantage of bioluminescence in the water by riding the neon blue waves after dark.
ACS honors 4 industrial teams with its 2020 Heroes of Chemistry award
Innovations have led to advances in cataract surgery, water purification, semiconductor fabrication, and tuberculosis drugs
Scientists suggest using machine learning to predict materials' properties
Researchers from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) in collaboration with colleagues from Southern Federal University and Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IIT Madras) suggested using machine learning methods to...
Machine learning enhances light–Matter interactions in dielectric nanostructures
A paper published in Advanced Photonics "Enhanced light–matter interactions in dielectric nanostructures via machine-learning approach," suggests that machine-learning techniques can be used to enhance metasurfaces, optimizing them for nonlinear optics...
Don't panic about Russia's recent anti-satellite test, experts say
Russia's recent anti-satellite test wasn't as big of a deal as you probably think.
'Breathable' electronics pave the way for more functional wearable tech
Engineering researchers have created ultrathin, stretchable electronic material that is gas permeable, allowing the material to 'breathe.' The material was designed specifically for use in biomedical or wearable technologies, since...
Naked mole-rats need carbon dioxide to avoid seizures and here's why
African naked mole-rats are sometimes referred to as animal superheroes. They resist cancer, tolerate pain, and live a remarkably long time. They're also known for their ability to handle high...
The best headphones for editing audio and video
Hear what you're working with. (ConvertKit via Unsplash/)When you’re editing audio or video, a proper set of headphones designed specifically for the task is essential for doing it right. The most common headphones...
Ending the daily work commute may not cut energy usage as much as one might hope
A mass move to working-from-home accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic might not be as beneficial to the planet as many hope, according to a new study by the Centre for...
Double bubbles pierce with less trouble
Two microscopic bubbles are better than one at penetrating soft materials, concludes a new study by engineers at the University of California, Riverside.
Gravitational waves could prove the existence of the quark-gluon plasma
Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the Uiverse. If our Sun, with its radius of 700,000 kilometres were a neutron star, its mass would be condensed into an...
Naked mole-rats need carbon dioxide to avoid seizures and here's why
African naked mole-rats are sometimes referred to as animal superheroes. They resist cancer, tolerate pain, and live a remarkably long time. They're also known for their ability to handle high...
Double bubbles pierce with less trouble
Two microscopic bubbles penetrate soft materials better than one, concludes a new study by engineers. Optical cavitation uses a laser to form bubbles in a liquid that expand rapidly then...
A new solvent system: Hydrothermal molten salt
In a new report on Science Advances, T. Voisin and a research team in the Scientific Research National Center and the Institute of Technology and Energy Management in France, proposed...
Groovy photoelectrodes: How a textured surface can dramatically boost performance
In the present context of concerning CO2 levels and sustainability issues, the search for efficient and clean alternatives for producing energy continues. Among the most attractive ecofriendly fuels known, hydrogen...
Radiation-detecting plastic gets ingredient to stay in the clear
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have identified a straightforward change to the formula for radiation-detecting plastic. The change prevents "fogging," which reduces the lifetime of the plastics used to detect...
'Breathable' electronics pave the way for more functional wearable tech
Engineering researchers have created ultrathin, stretchable electronic material that is gas permeable, allowing the material to "breathe." The material was designed specifically for use in biomedical or wearable technologies, since...
Video: Can wormholes act like time machines?
Time travel into the past is a tricky thing. We know of no single law of physics that absolutely forbids it, and yet we can't find a way to do...
Intricate magnetic configuration of 3-D nanoscale gyroid networks revealed
A multinational team of researchers from Tohoku University and institutions in the UK, Germany and Switzerland has revealed the magnetic states of nanoscale gyroids, 3-D chiral network-like nanostructures. The findings...
A spin on a topological insulator: Hybrid approach to magnetic topological states of matter
Controlling the interactions at the interface of a magnetic/topological insulator heterostructure is an outstanding challenge with implications in fundamental science and technology. A research led by the ICN2 Atomic Manipulation...
Imaging nematic transitions in iron pnictide superconductors
Researchers at Stanford University have recently carried out an in-depth study of nematic transitions in iron pnictide superconductors. Their paper, published in Nature Physics, presents new imaging data of these...
News story: Researchers use magnetism to keep drugs at disease sites
The researchers were able to use magnetism to hold 'magnetically responsive' microscopic drug carriers at chosen sites, even in the presence of external forces, such as flowing liquid, which would...
Hidden symmetry found in chemical kinetic equations
Rice University researchers have discovered a hidden symmetry in the chemical kinetic equations scientists have long used to model and study many of the chemical processes essential for life.
AEW Dynamite: Cody, Lance Archer advance to tournament final
Cody and Lance Archer advanced to the final round in the TNT Championship Tournament on AEW Dynamite.
Algae tasked with producing COVID-19 test kits
Researchers at Western and Suncor are teaming up to use algae as a way to produce serological test kits for COVID-19 – a new process that overcomes shortfalls of existing...
New STM technique points way to new and purer pharmaceuticals
A research project led by chemists at the University of Warwick first used ultrahigh resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy to see the exact location of atoms and bonds within a molecule,...
Major upgrades of particle detectors and electronics prepare CERN experiment to stream a data tsunami
For a gargantuan nuclear physics experiment that will generate big data at unprecedented rates—called A Large Ion Collider Experiment, or ALICE—the University of Tennessee has worked with the Department of...