AP Science

Thursday th 8th of December 2016

'Godspeed, John Glenn': Public hails hero of space, politics - 16:52

Quotes from John Glenn: 'Zero-G and I feel fine.' - 16:52

John Glenn, the 1st American to orbit Earth, has died at 95 - 16:52

Harvard reaches goal of cutting gas emissions by 30 percent - 14:01

Southern drought relents but not over, despite recent rains - 05:01

Wednesday th 7th of December 2016

Giraffes, rarer than elephants, put on extinction watch list - 21:21

Former astronaut, US Sen. John Glenn is hospitalized in Ohio - 16:41

Expedition eyes sunken mini sub on Pearl Harbor anniversary - 16:41

Former astronaut, US Sen. John Glenn is hospitalized in Ohio - 16:11

AP source: Trump to tap Oklahoma AG Pruitt to head EPA - 15:41

Earthquake rocks Indonesia's Aceh province; at least 27 dead - 01:21

Spread by trade and climate, bugs butcher America's forests - 01:21

The Latest: Survivor says quake terrifying, fled to hill - 00:51

Tuesday th 6th of December 2016

The Latest: At least 20 reported dead in Indonesian quake - 22:51

Scientists develop robotic hand for people with quadriplegia - 14:31

Southern Madagascar to suffer drought impact into 2017 - 06:01

Indonesia takes new step to combat loss of forests, fires - 05:01

Indians look for solutions only when toxic pollution soars - 02:01

Rhode Island School of Design works with NASA on Mars suit - 02:01

Indians look for solutions only when toxic pollution soars - 00:01

Monday th 5th of December 2016

Study: Warming to trigger 3 times as many downpours in US - 12:02

Firearm-only bear hunt in New Jersey resumes - 05:01

Firearm-only bear hunt in New Jersey resumes - 00:41

Sunday th 4th of December 2016

Researchers grow protective biological soil crusts - 14:01

Rare weasel-like mammal makes a comeback in Washington state - 13:01

New Hampshire looks for answers behind oyster outbreaks - 09:31

Friday th 2nd of December 2016

Buzz Aldrin gets visit from NASA after polar evacuation - 21:21

Thomas Edison's lab door key, lightbulbs up for auction - 13:51

Quake scale: Ohio St win vs Michigan rocked stadium the most - 00:51

Thursday th 1st of December 2016

Study: Biggest tornado outbreaks are spawning more twisters - 15:21

'Magic mushroom' psychedelic may ease anxiety, depression - 00:21

Wednesday th 30th of November 2016

Science panel urges rewrite of food allergy warning labels - 17:01

After new regulations, Oklahoma's shakes calm down a bit - 14:31

Massachusetts woman says DNA tests confirm mountain lion - 12:01

GOP leaders set for House vote on medical research bill - 03:21

Rare ferrets settling in, making babies at new Colorado home - 02:21

Tuesday th 29th of November 2016

Massive Chernobyl shelter safely put over exploded reactor - 14:01

Alaska biologists research mystery of declining caribou herd - 11:01

Efforts to save the Cheat River chart clearer course forward - 03:31

California targets dairy cows to combat global warming - 02:02

Monday th 28th of November 2016

Leaning San Francisco tower seen sinking from space - 19:31

2 Taiwanese teenagers win World Robot Olympiad in India - 08:31

Controversial Kenyan railway plan divides conservationists - 06:31

World students face off in robot games in India - 06:31

Controversial Kenyan railway plan divides conservationists - 05:31

Sunday th 27th of November 2016

Connecticut Audubon calls for protecting endangered birds - 10:51

Saturday th 26th of November 2016

Tech solutions to tackle overfishing, labor abuse at sea - 02:02

Thursday th 24th of November 2016

'Jurassic World' comes alive at Philadelphia exhibit - 12:01

'Jurassic World' comes alive at Philadelphia exhibit - 11:31

Scientists go big with first aquatic species map for US West - 02:41