BBC News: Science & Nature

Friday th 24th of January 2020

Space cookies: First food baked in space by astronauts - 07:40

Climate change: 'We're not perfect', says Marion Cotillard on Antarctica trip - 06:20

Rolls-Royce plans mini nuclear reactors by 2029 - 05:00

Thursday th 23rd of January 2020

Iguanas falling from trees in Florida - 18:00

What does Trump actually believe on climate change? - 17:00

Mummy returns: Voice of 3,000-year-old Egyptian priest brought to life - 13:20

Mount Vesuvius eruption: Extreme heat 'turned man's brain to glass' - 08:00

Scientists discover 'why stress turns hair white' - 04:11

Wednesday th 22nd of January 2020

Ivory Coast is using plastic waste to build schools - 20:10

Cut meat and dairy intake 'by a fifth', report urges - 20:10

Wanted - volunteers to monitor Britain's growing slug population - 20:10

Sizewell: RSPB Minsmere nature reserve fears 'environmental impact' on wildlife - 15:50

Davos 2020: Prince Charles offers stark warning over 'approaching catastrophe' - 15:10

Davos 2020: Prince Charles meets Greta Thunberg - 13:00

Tuesday th 21st of January 2020

Earth's oldest asteroid impact 'may have ended ice age' - 22:40

Space mission to reveal 'Truths' about climate change - 22:10

Davos: Greta Thunberg & Donald Trump clash on climate change - 15:50

Davos: Trump decries climate 'prophets of doom' with Thunberg in audience - 08:30

Davos: 'Forget about net zero, we need real zero' - Greta Thunberg - 08:01

Trump Davos speech: 'This is not a time for pessimism' - 07:40

New solar power source and storage developed - 04:50

Monday th 20th of January 2020

New UK housing 'dominated by roads' - 20:20

People urgently fleeing climate crisis cannot be sent home, UN rules - 13:20

Malaysia returns 42 containers of 'illegal' plastic waste to UK - 12:50

Immune discovery 'may treat all cancer' - 12:50

Barometric pressure in London 'highest in 300 years' at least - 11:01

Human impact on nature 'dates back millions of years' - 10:30

Plankton phenomenon lights up bay - 09:10

More precious than gold: Why the metal palladium is soaring - 07:01

Single-use plastic: China to ban bags and other items - 06:00

Sunday th 19th of January 2020

Is China addicted to coal? - 19:50

SpaceX completes emergency crew capsule escape - 11:02

Friday th 17th of January 2020

SpaceX to practise emergency crew capsule escape - 19:30

'Resistant' trees planted in Hampshire in ash dieback fight - 12:20

Dinosaur extinction: 'Asteroid strike was real culprit' - 08:00

Australia fires: 'Apocalypse' comes to Kangaroo Island - 08:00

Climate change food calculator: What's your diet's carbon footprint? - 04:10

Climate change: What can I do about it and other questions - 04:10

Giant jet engines aim to make our flying greener - 04:10

Thursday th 16th of January 2020

New maps reveal Scotland's seabird breeding hotspots - 21:10

Climate change: Citizens' jury prepares to tackle climate change - 20:40

Climate change: Can Glasgow go carbon neutral? - 20:10

Taal volcano lake all but gone in eruption - 13:00

Microsoft makes 'carbon negative' pledge - 13:00

Facts and figures behind our climate and weather - 12:30

Sir David Attenborough blasts inaction on climate change - 11:30

'Rosalind Franklin' Mars rover edges closer to launch - 11:00

Man arrested in Peru airport with 20 birds in suitcase - 10:30

Climate change: What do all the terms mean? - 05:40

What is climate change? - 05:40