MSNBC: Science

Tuesday th 30th of September 2008

Formula helps predict immigration patterns - 19:07

Froghopper bug's incredible leaps explained - 15:42

Skulls found in British yard sent home to Egypt - 12:14

Elephants 'phone' friends with rumbles - 11:28

Fat dolphins going on a diet - 05:07

Monday th 29th of September 2008

Crested pterodactyl inspires aircraft design - 20:07

Dinosaur predator breathed like a modern bird - 19:42

Video gamers are surprisingly fit, says study - 17:49

Fish sauce used to date Pompeii eruption - 16:42

CERN rivals see melting magnets as par for course - 12:35

Scholars hunt missing pages of ancient Bible - 09:56

Ladybug, ladybug, where have you gone? - 09:56

Saturday th 27th of September 2008

UCLA discovers gigantic prime number - 12:35

Friday th 26th of September 2008

Federal judge dismisses doomsday lawsuit - 23:28

New balloons aim for better hurricane data - 18:14

When giant prehistoric geese roamed the earth - 16:21

In barren patch of ocean, hope for life - 14:42

Bacteria ready to make plastic from sugar - 13:56

New life found in old tombs - 12:49

History reveals: Tesla totally awesome! - 09:07

Thursday th 25th of September 2008

Plant-eating dinosaur spills his guts - 18:28

Scientists seek volunteers to monitor for quakes - 18:28

Science you can see - 18:07

Traces of alien life could survive space travel - 17:42

Cosmic Log: Good company - 17:21

Egypt unearths granite head of Ramses II - 15:49

Oldest rocks on Earth found - 14:21

New Smithsonian Ocean Hall opens Saturday - 11:42

Zoo animals also victims of tainted milk crisis - 10:35

Wednesday th 24th of September 2008

The Grid we live in - 19:35

Beetle invasion seen changing weather - 15:28

Fossils tell of mass exodus from sea to land - 15:07

New species discovered in Yosemite - 13:35

Academy of Sciences reopens with green theme - 11:42

Tuesday th 23rd of September 2008

Cosmic Log: Pay-as-you-go power - 21:07

Ancient yeast reborn in modern beer - 19:35

Rubber duckies help track melting glacier - 15:28

Long-lost Einstein telescope found, restored - 14:42

Small and dainty dinosaur dined on termites - 14:21

Supercollider shut down until spring - 13:56

Interactive: Comparing candidates on science - 07:56

Monday th 22nd of September 2008

Ice Age geology revealed at Ground Zero - 21:28

Fish fingers: Your digits used to be fins - 19:35

Accident puts atom-smasher in limbo - 19:14

Supercollider = superstar - 17:42

7,000 years ago, Neolithic optical art flourished - 14:21

Wayward wallaby still hopping free - 11:35

Dig hints at Stonehenge’s healing role - 11:35

'Diverters' put on power lines to protect birds - 11:14

Sunday th 21st of September 2008

When did people first come to North America? - 10:35