Science Blog

Monday th 29th of September 2008

Carbon dioxide 'scrubber' captures greenhouse gases - 11:21

'Hub' of fear memory formation identified in brain cells - 11:21

Deadly virus spreads in sumo wrestlers - 11:21

Friday th 26th of September 2008

Toddlers' focus on mouths rather than on eyes is a predictor of autism severity - 18:07

Arctic saw fastest August sea ice retreat on record - 16:14

A Whole New Spin On The Phrase 'Milking It' - 13:35

All Students Proficient on State Tests by 2014? - 09:07

Oldest Known Rock on Earth Discovered - 09:07

Don't blame cities for climate change, see them as solutions - 09:07

Zeroing in on Wi-Fi 'dead zones' - 09:07

Thursday th 25th of September 2008

Martin Gardner Interview - 21:42

Scientist proposes explanation for puzzling property of night-shining clouds at the edge of space - 21:42

Army Can Boost Mission Success by Thinking Green - 21:42

Who advises McCain and Obama on science issues? - 21:42

Who advises McCain and Obama on science issues? - 19:07

Martin Gardner Interview - 17:14

Scientist proposes explanation for puzzling property of night-shining clouds at the edge of space - 17:14

Army Can Boost Mission Success by Thinking Green - 17:14

Is that song sexy or just so-so? - 14:56

Who does Web-based experiments? - 14:56

What is the best strategy for treating Helicobacter pylori? - 14:56

Step right up, let the computer look at your face and tell you your age - 14:56

Step back to move forward emotionally, study suggests - 14:56

America's smallest dinosaur uncovered - 14:56

Science vs. Religion - The Physics Angle - 14:56

Do you have the memory of a crow? - 14:56

Researchers find animal with ability to survive climate change - 14:56

Strong leaders who punish freeloaders and cheats can benefit society - 14:56

What's the Difference Between a Conservative and a Liberal? - 14:56

Out of Iraq emerges hope for those with the severest of head injuries - 14:56

Ban on betting would boost ailing economy, gambling critic says - 14:56

What to do with leftover embryos in fertility clinics? - 14:56

Unraveling 'math dyslexia' - 14:56

Anabolic Steroids Still Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Even Years After Doping Has Ended - 14:56

From 12 years onwards you learn differently - 14:56

Workers more prone to lie in E-mail - 14:56

New approach to gene therapy may shrink brain tumors, prevent their spread - 14:56

Simple device which uses electrical field could boost gas efficiency - 14:56

Simple device which uses electrical field could boost gas efficiency - 13:49

Workers more prone to lie in E-mail - 12:21

New approach to gene therapy may shrink brain tumors, prevent their spread - 12:21

From 12 years onwards you learn differently - 10:07

Wednesday th 24th of September 2008

Anabolic Steroids Still Provide A Competitive Edge In Power Lifting Even Years After Doping Has Ended - 23:35

Unraveling 'math dyslexia' - 18:21

What to do with leftover embryos in fertility clinics? - 17:35

Ban on betting would boost ailing economy, gambling critic says - 12:21

What's the Difference Between a Conservative and a Liberal? - 11:35

Out of Iraq emerges hope for those with the severest of head injuries - 11:35

Do you have the memory of a crow? - 09:21

Researchers find animal with ability to survive climate change - 09:21