Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Fit For A Game-Loving Couch Potato

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Larry Magid tries out Nintendo"s innovative Wii Fit - an $89.99 game and accessory for the Nintendo Wii designed to help people of all ages and both genders get healthier.

Distinct Treatment Needed: Tourette's And Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

15 years ago from Science Daily

While 30 to 50 percent of people with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome are also affected with obsessive compulsive disorder, both illnesses might have a distinct neurocognitive profile, according to...

Discovery Of Cell Linked To Learning And Memory

15 years ago from Science Daily

Neuroscientists have discovered a fundamental component of the process that regulates memory formation. The discovery explains, for the first time, how new nerve cells form in an area of the...

Pre-K students benefit when teachers are supportive

15 years ago from Physorg

States are investing considerable amounts of money in pre-kindergarten programs for 4-year-olds. A new study finds that the quality of interactions between teachers and children plays a key role in...

Most Ethnic Minority Teens Don't Hang Out With Ethnic School Crowds

15 years ago from Science Daily

New research found that ethnic minority teens tend not to hang out in groups based on ethnicity. Only 30 percent of teens were described by peers as part of ethnically-oriented...

Spillover Effects Of Family And School Stress Linger In Adolescents' Daily Lives

15 years ago from Science Daily

A study among 589 9th graders found that stress at home affects adolescents' school life and vice versa. When adolescents experienced family stress, their learning and attendance problems increased at...

Adolescents' Values Can Serve As A Buffer Against Behaving Violently At School

15 years ago from Science Daily

A study conducted among Arab and Jewish adolescents in public schools in Israel found that certain values helped protect teens against behaving violently. Surveys among 907 students examined how 10...

Teens' Perception That They Are Liked Found To Be At Least As Important As Actually Being Liked

15 years ago from Science Daily

Interviews conducted among ethnically and socio-economically diverse 13- and 14-year olds found that teens who felt good about their social standing did well over time, regardless of their actual popularity....

Young people with cancer studied

15 years ago from UPI

COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 15 (UPI) -- A U.S. study is trying to understand what makes young people vulnerable to cancer and how it changes their life.

What's A Landline? Home Phone Use Declines

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

For nearly three in 10 U.S. households, don't even bother trying to call them on a landline phone. They either only have a cell phone or seldom if ever take...

SK Telecom in 'strategic' talks with Virgin Mobile

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Virgin Mobile USA Inc. said Wednesday it is in preliminary talks with South Korea's SK Telecom Co. about possible "strategic options," a phrase that usually suggests a...

Illegal Philosophy

15 years ago from Science Blog

The moral of the following story is that philosophy is great, but check with a lawyer before applying it to the real world. read more

Boy forced to get chemo treatments returned to parents

15 years ago from CBC: Health

An 11-year-old Hamilton boy who was given chemotherapy against his wishes will be returned to his parents' custody.

Groups say Amazon vulnerable after resignation

15 years ago from AP Science

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) -- Marina Silva brought impeccable credentials to her post as Brazil's environment minister: The daughter of a poor Amazon rubber tapper, she was a colleague...

Review: Foneshow makes podcasts available by cell phone

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A new service named Foneshow offers a quick and easy way to access the downloadable radio shows known as podcasts. Instead of synching your music player to...

Well: A Guided Tour of Your Body

15 years ago from NY Times Health

Changes in our health are inevitable as we get older. What do we need to know about staying well as we age?

Back: Back Pain Eludes Perfect Solutions

15 years ago from NY Times Health

The sudden onset of back pain can be the start of a long and confusing medical journey for some people.

Brain: For a Sharp Brain, Stimulation

15 years ago from NY Times Health

Research suggests that staying active, physically and mentally, may help the aging brain remain fit, too.

Middle Class Relaxing With Marijuana

15 years ago from Science Daily

A variety of middle-class people are making a conscious but careful choice to use marijuana to enhance their leisure activities. A qualitative study showed that there is no such thing...

Female Sex Offenders Often Have Mental Problems

15 years ago from Science Daily

Women who commit sexual offenses are just as likely to have mental problems or drug addictions as other violent female criminals. This according to the largest study ever conducted of...

China displays openness in earthquake response

15 years ago from SciDev

The Sichuan earthquake has highlighted the importance of open, accurate and authoritative information in disaster response, say experts.

Young Adults Drink to Boost Their Chances of Hooking Up

15 years ago from PopSci

In testament to a tried-and-true move in the human mating game, European scientists have noticed that young people in bars and nightclubs across the land are using alcohol and drugs...

Taking on Britain's 'sick note culture'

15 years ago from Physorg

GPs should lend a hand to beat the ‘sick note culture` that sees millions of working days lost every year, according to a survey of smaller business owners.

Office initiative reduces headaches and neck and shoulder pain by more than 40 percent

15 years ago from Physorg

Office staff who took part in an eight-month workplace initiative reported that headaches and neck and shoulder pain fell by more than 40 per cent and their use of painkillers...

Newsweek: A woman who can't forget

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

In a new memoir, a 42-year-old California woman named Jill Price who can remember almost every day of her life since childhood discusses her remarkable talent.

Dictionary mirrors human mental methods

15 years ago from UPI

TROY, N.Y., May 14 (UPI) -- A U.S. scientist says his research suggests the organization of dictionaries mirrors the manner in which the human brain optimally organizes information.

Government to unveil fitness test for adults

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- If you didn't get a Presidential Physical Fitness Award in school, the government is giving you another chance to prove you're in shape.

Collaboration requires a strong home base

15 years ago from SciDev

Developing-world scientists should make every effort to pursue careers at home – and their governments should help them, says Mohamed Hassan.