Archive of feed items published on the 15th of April 2012
Healthcare pricing still a struggle for consumers from LA Times - Science
Profound Recursion Or Remains The Feeling That Something Profound Remains
Healthcare pricing still a struggle for consumers from LA Times - Health
California state mental hospitals plagued by peril from LA Times - Health
California hires relatives of hospital reform effort's leader from LA Times - Health
Report: Dental therapists worldwide give safe care from AP Science
DARPA sets sights on high-tech contact lenses from Physorg
SciTechTalk: Rude awakening for Mac owners from UPI
Heroin vaccine won't 'cure' what ails addicts from LA Times - Health
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week - April 15, 2012 from
Free HPV vaccine urged for boys from CBC: Health
SciTechTalk: Rude awakening for Mac owners from UPI
OPINION: The human penis is a puzzler, no bones about it from Science Alert
Satellite show penguin success from Science Alert
Prostate disorder proteins found from Science Alert
Green Blog: More on the Link Between Earthquakes and Fracking from NY Times Science
VIDEO: Tornado warning across US Midwest from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Polar explorer marries at North Pole from BBC News: Science & Nature
Polarized X-ray scattering technique reveals structure of printable electronics from Physorg
3-D RNA modeling opens scientific doors from Physorg
Nanoparticles home in on brain tumors, boost accuracy of surgical removal from Physorg
Giving drug dropouts a new lease of life from Chemistry World
Synthetic chemists print labware to order from Chemistry World
Technique Reveals Structure of Printable Electronics from Newswise - Scinews
Asian glaciers 'putting on mass' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Patent wars plague Internet Age from Physorg
Sony turnaround plan 'ordinary': analysts from Physorg
Estonian robots boost global online clothing market from Physorg
No ice loss seen in major Himalayan glaciers: scientists from Physorg
San Francisco startup makes data science a sport from Physorg
Renegade glaciers gain ice from News @ Nature
Specific Genes Linked to Big Brains and Intelligence from Live Science
Teenager in British court in anti-terror hotline probe from Physorg
Mexicans return beached whale to sea from Physorg
Memory in adults impacted by versions of four genes from Science Daily
New genetic regions linked to bone-weakening disease and fractures from Science Daily
Structure of printable electronics revealed from Science Daily
New genes linked to brain size, intelligence from Science Daily
Crowd-Sourcing Brain Research Leads to Breakthrough from NY Times Health
Scientists find how plants grow to escape shade from Physorg
Nanoparticles home in on brain tumors, boost accuracy of surgical removal from Science Daily
Blood type A may predispose to some rotavirus infections from Science Daily
Scientists identify FLT3 gene as a valid therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia from Science Daily
Gene mutations play critically important role in acute myeloid leukemia; Promising development for new treatments from Science Daily
Salk Scientists Discover How Plants Grow to Escape Shade from Newswise - Scinews
Drought may last until Christmas from BBC News: Science & Nature
Disable stolen cellphones, police tell carriers from CBC: Technology & Science
Space Shuttle Discovery Mounted Atop Jumbo Jet for Ride to Smithsonian from
Spaceflight Leaders Flock to Colorado For Big Conference This Week from
Church suspends Mass in Philippine mall over trees from AP Science
Sun Spits Fire In STEREO-B Satellite Direction | VIdeo from
Big gaps found in nursing homes' disaster plans from AP Health