Live Science

Thursday th 13th of August 2009

Thanks, Fido! Cancer Drugs Tested on Pets - 07:49

Wednesday th 12th of August 2009

Is that a U.F.O.? - 14:56

Is that a U.F.O.? - 14:56

How to Know if You Have Alzheimer's - 12:42

Sight & Sound Processed Same by Brain - 12:21

Climate Controls Mountain Heights, New Study Shows - 12:21

Newfound Planet Orbits Backward - 12:21

High-Fat Diet May Make You Stupid and Lazy - 12:21

Tropical Storm Spotted on Saturn's Moon Titan - 12:21

Mars Meteorite Reveals Clues Into Planet's Past - 12:21

Two Worlds Collide in Deep Space - 12:21

Bend-But-Don't-Break is Chemist's Area of Expertise - 10:28

Zombie Ants Controlled by Fungus - 08:35

Students Recall More Hollywood than History - 07:28

Tuesday th 11th of August 2009

Babies' Brains Churning With Activity - 19:21

‘Flying Frog’ and Miniature Deer Discovered in Himalayas - 15:14

Key to Affordable Health Care: Healthier Lifestyles - 12:35

Men Not Choosy in One-Night Stands - 12:14

Quakes and Typhoons: What's Up with Mother Nature? - 12:14

Secret Lives of Roadrunners Revealed - 08:49

Strong Meteor Shower Expected Tonight - 08:28

Monday th 10th of August 2009

Study: Machismo Cuts Men's Lives Short - 16:42

Optimistic Women Live Longer, Healthier - 15:14

Humans Walked After Tree-Climbing Era, Study Indicates - 14:28

Powerful Ideas: Fungus Sex Forced for Fuel - 14:28

Shark Jumps into Boat - 12:56

Baby Declared Dead, Found Alive - 12:35

Hole in the Earth - 11:07

Orangutans Make Musical Instrument - 09:56

How a Desert Rat Feasts on Poisonous Plants - 08:28

Great Debate: Should Organ Donors Be Paid? - 08:28

Sunday th 9th of August 2009

Ants Ruin Plants' Sex Life - 08:07

Saturday th 8th of August 2009

Dogs as Smart as 2-year-old Kids - 13:21

How Fast Can Sprinters Go? - 09:35

Why 'Willy' Could Never Be Free - 09:14

WWII Shipwrecks Sought in 'Graveyard of the Atlantic' - 09:14

Friday th 7th of August 2009

Tiny Bacteria Secret to Cicada’s Success - 12:28

Charge: T. Rex Was a Chicken and a Baby Killer - 12:28

Ganges Delta: Gorgeous, Wild and Deadly - 11:21

Near-Earth Asteroid Found to be Triplets - 10:14

Fleet of 'Cloud Ships' Could Cool Climate - 08:42

Is the Future in Good Hands? - 08:21

Thursday th 6th of August 2009

Stop the Itch - 14:14

Titan: A World Much Like Earth - 13:28

Discovery Really Scratches an Itch - 13:28

Lightning Detected on Mars - 13:07

New Image Reveals Nebula's Double Star Heart - 13:07

Bird's Tool Use Called 'Amazing' - 11:30

Robot Chefs Run a Restaurant - 09:28

No Evidence That Therapy Can Turn Gays Straight - 09:07