Live Science

Saturday th 18th of July 2009

Tough Microbe Has The Right Stuff for Mars - 08:21

Friday th 17th of July 2009

Greenland Ice Cores - 16:14

Myths About Men\'s Bodies - 15:49

New Photos Reveal Apollo 11 at First Moon Landing Site - 13:14

Fossilized Mega-Dung Reveals a Hidden Ecosystem - 10:56

Why Sonia Sotomayor Won't Make History - 09:07

Juvenile Justice System Breeds Adult Criminals - 09:07

How Penguins & Seals Survive Deep Dives - 08:21

Thursday th 16th of July 2009

Is the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Flag Still Standing? - 15:28

Wow! Moths Jam Bat Sonar - 13:56

Neanderthals Were Few and Poised for Extinction - 13:35

Lizard Swims Like Snake Through Sand - 13:35

Robots Could Replace Teachers - 13:35

Swimming Through Sand - 13:14

Sun's Activity Cycle Linked to Earth Climate - 11:42

Migrating Planets May Have Kicked Asteroids Into Orbit - 11:42

Scientist's Best Advice: Don't Fear the Truth - 10:35

Scientist's Best Advice: Don't Fear the Truth - 09:28

40 Years After Moon Landing: Why Aren't People Smarter? - 09:28

Wednesday th 15th of July 2009

Urine Tapped as Fuel - 22:14

Technology Tracks Trash - 21:49

Elephants Welcome Strangers - 18:49

Military Robot Could Eat Dead Bodies - 12:28

Buried City in Oasis Lends View of Ancient Egypt - 11:21

Mom Who Killed Kids Claims Demons - 10:56

Mystery Gobs of Goo in Arctic Sea - 10:56

Cannonballs Really Could Sink Ships, Study Finds - 10:56

Captive Alligators Breen in Wild - 09:28

Pirate Attacks Double in First Half of 2009 - 09:07

Baby Alligators Boxed, Shipped, Set Free - 09:07

Should Seniors Worry About Hearing Loss? - 07:35

Tuesday th 14th of July 2009

40 Years After Moon Landing: Why Can't We Cure Cancer? - 21:49

Pot-Bellied Dinosaur Skeleton Found in Utah - 19:14

UK Public Health Program Encourages Masturbation - 17:21

New Heavy Element Likely to Be Named for Copernicus - 12:49

Prenuptial Cohabiting Can Spoil Marriage - 12:28

Nobody Wants to Talk to a Physicist - 09:49

Automated Smile Police Monitor Employees - 09:49

Oceans on Ancient Venus, Study Suggests - 08:42

Powerful Ideas: Military Develops 'Cybug' Spies - 07:56

Swine Flu More Severe than Seasonal Flu - 06:49

Monday th 13th of July 2009

New Sci-Tech Words in the Dictionary - 16:56

NASA's Next Rover Pricetag Soars - 16:56

The 'Belief Gap' - 16:56

Light's Repulsive Force Discovered - 12:49

Cats Do Control Humans, Study Finds - 12:07

Childhood Tub & Shower Injuries Surprisingly High - 10:14

Why Are Human Brains So Big? - 09:28

Economic Woes Threaten Male Identity - 08:42

Antimatter Annihilation Causes Milky Way Mystery - 08:42