
Wednesday th 18th of November 2009

New Down syndrome treatment suggested by study in mice - 14:56

Unique Uranium Source in Naturally Bioreduced Sediment - 14:56

Detecting the Undetectable in Prostate Cancer Testing - 14:56

New study shows brain's ability to reorganize - 14:35

UK police make 2 Trojan computer virus arrests - 14:14

Future for Internet retailers: Compete on niche products advises management insights study - 14:14

New culprit for viral infections among elderly -- an overactive immune response - 14:14

Study: CT scans rule out heart attacks faster - 14:14

Research spawns new discoveries showing how crops survive drought - 14:14

Hidden Risks Of Modular Classrooms - 14:14

'Uncharted 2' leads Video Game Award nominations - 13:49

Scientists find molecular trigger that helps prevent aging and disease - 13:49

Saliva proteins change as women age - 13:49

Mysteriously warm times in Antarctica - 13:49

Drug for erectile dysfunction improves heart function in young heart-disease patients - 13:49

Sony Ericsson closes NC, other sites as HQ moves - 13:49

Common pain relief medication may encourage cancer growth - 13:28

Researchers Examine How Viruses Destroy Bacteria - 13:28

New on-off 'switch' triggers and reverses paralysis in animals with a beam of light (w/ Video) - 13:28

When good companies do bad things: Examining illegal corporate behavior - 13:28

Oceans' uptake of manmade carbon may be slowing - 13:28

iPhone Software That Controls Robot Movements (w/ Video) - 13:07

Kill the cancer, not the patient: New toxicity testing approach could make chemo drugs safer - 13:07

Hospital report cards do not appear to result in significant improvements - 13:07

Researchers create 'fly paper' to capture circulating cancer cells - 13:07

Cancers' sweet tooth may be weakness - 12:42

Scientific debate sparked over carbon sink data - 12:42

Vardenafil: A potential drug to protect gastric mucosa - 12:42

Extinct moa rewrites New Zealand's history - 12:21

EMI music videos, concerts coming to - 12:21

Creation of new school districts in US may cause a new form of segregation - 12:21

Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 friend Facebook - 12:21

Migration of key employees to competitors hinders organizational success - 12:21

What relates to the short-term effectiveness of biliary drainage? - 12:21

California targets TVs to lower electricity demand - 11:56

DataONE helping scientists deal with data deluge - 11:56

At-risk college students reduce HBP, anxiety, depression through Transcendental Meditation - 11:35

Experts: Failure to focus on farming will undermine global climate agreement and increase hunger - 11:35

QuikScat and Aqua providing important data on Tropical Storm Anja - 11:35

Current cigarette smokers at increased risk of seizures - 11:35

Vitamin B niacin offers no extra benefit to statin therapy in seniors already diagnosed with CAD - 11:35

Findings could speed the development of drugs for Parkinson's disease - 11:35

What's eating the breadwinners? - 11:35

Unexplained liver hemorrhage after metastasis radiofrequency ablation - 11:07

5 exercises can reduce neck, shoulder pain of women office workers - 11:07

Immune system activated in schizophrenia - 11:07

JQI researchers create entangled photons from quantum dots - 11:07

NGC 4710 galaxy: Baffling boxy bulge (w/ Video) - 11:07

'No muss, no fuss' miniaturized analysis for complex samples developed - 11:07

Novel connector uses magnets for leak-free microfluidic devices - 11:07