
Tuesday th 17th of November 2009

Fighting climate change by turning CO2 to stone - 13:56

FDA says heartburn drugs can interfere with Plavix - 13:56

Unrealistic optimism prompts risky behavior - 13:29

Researchers Identify Gene Mutations Underlying Risk for Most Common Form of Parkinson's Disease - 13:28

Spotting evidence of directed percolation - 13:28

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions up by 29 percent since 2000 - 13:28

UK: Millions of customer records sold - 13:28

Stem cells alleviate tumor treatment side effects - 13:00

Counterfeit euros are detected with an optical mouse - 13:00

Research describes connections between Circadian and metabolic systems - 12:36

Alternative animal feed part of global fisheries crisis fix: study - 12:36

Seniors must use it or lose it, study shows - 12:36

Ladybugs taken hostage by wasps - 12:36

Report Says Musicians Hear Better Than Non-Musicians - 12:35

Solving the 50-year-old puzzle of thalidomide - 12:14

Advanced nuclear fuel sets global performance record - 12:14

Monetary gain and high-risk tactics stimulate activity in the brain - 12:14

Nutrigenomics researchers replicate gene interaction with saturated fat - 11:49

Cross-country runabouts -- immune cells on the move - 11:49

On your last nerve: Researchers advance understanding of stem cells - 11:49

New Anti-Clotting Medication Not More Effective than Standard Care; Hint of Other Clinical Benefits - 11:49

Depression as deadly as smoking, but anxiety may be good for you - 11:25

Study finds bees can learn differences in food's temperature - 11:24

Patients often turn first to 'Dr. Google' - 11:24

New research provides blueprint for molecular basis of global warming - 11:24

Study: New device improves heart failure survival - 10:56

Ticking stellar time bomb identified - 10:56

Scientists discover cells that control inflammation in chronic disease - 10:56

T-Mobile resumes sale of Sidekicks after data loss - 10:29

FutureGrid to provide platform for experimental computation - 10:29

Researchers Find Innate Correlations Among Different Power Law Phenomena - 10:29

Are teenagers wired differently than adults? - 10:29

Twitter to overhaul user list seen as partisan - 10:29

Alternative fuel 'can power 15% of flights by 2020' - 10:28

British town to offer free wi-fi to all residents - 10:28

Researchers discover Hedgehogs could play a role in treating osteoarthritis - 10:01

Red Sea coral seen to feed on jellyfish - 10:01

Small optical force can budge nanoscale objects - 09:38

New Shakespeare Archive launched - 09:37

There's no business like Grid business (w/ Video) - 09:37

Save the seeds: Scientists are relocating plants that may be affected by climate change - 09:14

Scientists Find Ozone Levels Already Affecting Soybean Yields - 09:14

Swirling clouds over the South Pacific - 09:14

African-American men at higher risk of false positives in prostate testing - 09:14

For the first time, scientists discover causative gene of a rare disorder by exome sequencing - 09:14

Open shop for environmental data - 09:13

Sezmi offers a new kind of TV service - 08:42

Drug therapy more cost-effective than angioplasty for diabetic patients with heart disease - 08:21

Exercise-linked ventricular tachycardia is not a risk to healthy older adults - 08:21

Vietnam Internet users fear Facebook blackout - 08:21