
Monday th 16th of November 2009

Smoking may now be considered an established risk factor for Lou Gehrig's disease - 17:21

Medical establishment prevents nurses from assuming new roles - 17:21

Study shows stroke incidence related to angioplasty remains steady over past 15 years - 17:21

Analyzing structural brain changes in Alzheimer's disease - 17:21

Researchers create compound that boosts anti-inflammatory fat levels - 17:21

Protein changes in heart strengthen link between Alzheimer's disease and chronic heart failure - 16:56

New climate treaty could put species at risk - 16:56

MS is more aggressive in children but slower to cause disability than in adults - 16:56

Structured reporting software creates less complete and accurate radiology reports than free text - 16:56

Sleep deprivation negatively affects split-second decision making, study shows - 16:56

Antioxidant found in vegetables has implications for treating cystic fibrosis - 16:56

Uninsured more likely to die after trauma - 16:56

Text message reminders can encourage healthy action - 16:56

Protecting the future: How plant stem cells guard against genetic damage - 16:35

Ancient high-altitude trees grow faster as temperatures rise - 16:35

Oak Ridge 'Jaguar' supercomputer is World's fastest - 16:35

Slowing evolution to stop drug resistance - 16:35

Volatile gas could turn Rwandan lake into a freshwater time bomb - 16:14

Study links genetic variation to individual empathy, stress levels - 16:14

Terra satellite spots Tropical Cyclone Anja, the first of the southern season - 16:14

New research provides insights into potential ecological costs and cobenefits of REDD - 15:49

Nanoparticles used in common household items caused genetic damage in mice - 15:49

HIV vaccine failure probably caused by virus used, says new research - 15:49

Scientists find previous seasonal flu infections may provide some level of H1N1 immunity - 15:49

Resuscitation and survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest nearly double (w/ Video) - 15:28

An often overlooked protein actually a potent regulator of cardiac hypertrophy - 15:28

Accidental discovery produces durable new blue pigment for multiple applications - 15:28

Scientists guide immune cells with light and microparticles (w/ Video) - 15:28

New funding will stimulate alternative energy research - 15:28

TRMM satellite mapped 'Ida the Low's' rainfall from space (w/ Video) - 15:28

New combination therapy could deliver powerful punch to breast cancer - 15:07

Samsung, Acer team up with AT&T on netbooks - 15:07

Plants prefer their kin, but crowd out competition when sharing a pot with strangers - 15:07

Glimpsing a greener future: Computer model foresees effects of alternative transportation fuels - 15:07

Fearless kids more likely to be adult criminals: study - 14:42

Researchers studying link between climate change and cattle nutritional stress - 14:42

UN demands removal of China poster at Net event - 14:42

The straight dope: Studies link parental monitoring with decreased teen marijuana usage - 14:42

Europe's first 'personalised paper' rolls off the presses - 14:42

Close-up movie shows hidden details in the birth of super-suns (w/ Video) - 14:21

Penguins and sea lions help produce new atlas - 14:21

Recovering with 4-legged friends requires less pain medication - 14:21

Astronauts board space shuttle Atlantis for launch - 14:21

Motor vehicle crashes more common among young drivers who engage in self-harm behaviors - 13:56

Birds 'See' Earth's Magnetic Field - 13:35

Cautious conservation: How to ensure that slowing global warming will protect biodiversity - 13:35

First ever large-scale study of ketamine users published - 13:35

Elevated biomarkers lead to diminished quality of life in heart attack patients post-discharge - 13:35

Continuous chest compression-CPR improved cardiac arrest survival in Arizona - 13:35

Investigating muscle repair, scientists follow their noses - 13:14