IPCC Surer Than Ever About Human-Caused Climate Change
Coal Plant A Intermountain Power Project coal-burning plant in Utah Utah Geological Survey But the international panel of experts is less sure how that will affect people in specific places. What debate? A recent draft of an international consensus report offers stronger-than-ever evidence that global warming is driven by human activity. The report also adjusts its expectations for important climate change effects such as how much sea levels will rise, while admitting the difficulty in estimating what will happen to individual cities in the age of climate change. Reuters recently got a hold of a draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's next report, the first stage of which is due in September. The panel, put together by the United Nations, periodically summarizes the worldwide scientific consensus on climate change. The panel's estimates for future warming are important to policymakers. They drive decisions about what do to prepare towns and nations for...