Science Blog

Friday th 13th of March 2009

Rice report shows lessons from Hurricane Rita not practiced during Ike - 09:38

Researchers discover ways of integrating treatment of traumatized Tibetan refugee monks - 02:56

New study shows that one-third shelter youth have been institutionalized - 02:56

Researchers discover ways of integrating treatment of traumatized Tibetan refugee monks - 00:43

New study shows that one-third shelter youth have been institutionalized - 00:42

Thursday th 12th of March 2009

Experienced air traffic controllers work smarter, not harder, making up for normal mental aging - 21:09

'Fridges and washing machines liberated women': researcher - 21:08

Rabies deaths from dog bites could be eliminated - 21:08

Galactic Dust Bunnies Found to Contain Carbon After All - 21:08

Tobacco use will continue, possibly grow, during recession, Georgia State expert says - 21:08

Work stress associated with adverse mental and physical health outcomes in police officers - 21:08

Physicists offer new theory for iron compounds - 21:07

Scientists create mouse model of melanoma that generates hope for the use of targeted therapies - 21:07

New investigational treatment for bladder cancer, identified with Columbia-developed research model - 21:07

Genetic differences help protect against cervical cancer - 21:07

Tobacco use will continue, possibly grow, during recession, Georgia State expert says - 16:36

Work stress associated with adverse mental and physical health outcomes in police officers - 16:35

Physicists offer new theory for iron compounds - 16:35

Scientists create mouse model of melanoma that generates hope for the use of targeted therapies - 16:35

New investigational treatment for bladder cancer, identified with Columbia-developed research model - 16:35

Genetic differences help protect against cervical cancer - 16:35

Galactic Dust Bunnies Found to Contain Carbon After All - 15:28

Argonne scientists reveal interaction between supersonic fuel spray and its shock wave - 14:42

Biofilms: Even stickier than suspected - 14:41

Experienced air traffic controllers work smarter, not harder, making up for normal mental aging - 14:41

'Fridges and washing machines liberated women': researcher - 14:41

Rabies deaths from dog bites could be eliminated - 14:41

'Climate change: Global risks, challenges and decisions' - 12:43

Survey explores medical care for children with autism using complementary alternative medicine - 12:43

Stem cell administration study demonstrates improved quality of life for patients suffering from spinal cord injury - 12:43

Stem cell infusion and hyperbaric oxygen treatment improve islet function in diabetes - 12:42

New aerosol observing technique turns gray skies to blue - 12:42

Female birds 'jam' their mates' flirtatious songs - 12:42

Revealing new applications for carbon nanomaterials in hydrogen storage - 11:16

Drawing enhances emotional verbalization among children under the shadow of drug-addicted fathers - 11:16

Weighing the options after life-altering stroke - 11:16

Fighting global warming offers growth and development opportunities - 11:16

Families are feeling the stress of economic crisis, researcher finds - 11:15

Better health and prosperity in Europe via improved clinical research - 11:15

A diet rich in calcium aids weight loss - 11:15

Federal government should give greater support to decision makers coping with climate change - 11:14

Studying the female form - 11:14

The Scientist as Parent - 11:14

Options for a new Britain: A report card for Britain - 00:43

Well-known enzyme is unexpected contributor to brain growth - 00:42

Wednesday th 11th of March 2009

Nanowires may lead to better fuel cells - 17:36

UTMB study shows dramatic growth in number of hospitalists - 17:36

Precision measurement of W boson mass portends stricter limits for Higgs particle - 17:35

Student-designed device provides new way to track calorie burning - 17:35

Study shows prevalence of anergia in people with failing hearts - 17:35