FDA Approving Medical Devices Without Sound Evidence
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 18:49
in Health & Medicine
The FDA's pre-market approval process for cardiovascular devices is often based on studies that lack adequate strength or may have been prone to bias, according to a study in the December 23/30 issue of JAMA. The researchers found that of nearly 80 high-risk devices, the majority received approval based on data from a single study. Cardiovascular devices are increasing in number and usage. "In 2008, at least 350,000 pacemakers, 140,000 implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, and 1,230,000 stents were implanted. Although there has been recent scrutiny of evidence used in the FDA drug approval process, less attention has been paid to the approval process for medical devices," the authors write. read more