Low Income Kids More Likely To Admit Early Sex, Crime And Drugs - Study
Monday, August 16, 2010 - 11:00
in Psychology & Sociology
A new article concludes that early intervention for young people with delinquency problems may help prevent the development of crime, alcoholism and risky sex behaviors, especially among those with low incomes. The study in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry set out to examine the influence of delinquency behavior in late childhood development. The adolescent and young adults (800 people, ages 10 to 24, from low- and middle-income backgrounds) completed self-report assessments - so calibrate that accordingly - which included questions on delinquent involvement, alcohol use, and sexual activity in late childhood; delinquency and alcohol use in adolescence; and crime, AUDs, and risky sex in early adulthood. read more