Latest science news in Health & Medicine
Double Duty: Loss Of Protective Heart Failure Protein Causes High Blood Pressure
Scientists have found that a protein that appears to have protective and perhaps healing effects for failing hearts also plays a similar role in high blood pressure. They found lower-than-normal...
Gates: 'Key decisions' up to Ballmer
(AP) -- Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said Tuesday that "key decisions" following the company's withdrawal of a $47.5 billion bid for Yahoo will be made by CEO Steve Ballmer.
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
Shuttle ready for terminal countdown test … Possible genetic link to obesity found … Study: New computer threat is emerging … Step taken in fighting staph infections ... Health/Science news...
Study In 7,000 Men And Women Ties Obesity, Inflammatory Proteins To Heart Failure Risk
Heart specialists report what is believed to be the first wide-scale evidence linking severe overweight to prolonged inflammation of heart tissue and the subsequent damage leading to failure of the...
Genetic Breakthrough Explains Dangerously High Blood Glucose Levels
Researchers have identified a DNA sequence that controls the variability of blood glucose levels in people. This is a potentially significant discovery because high blood glucose levels in otherwise healthy...
Red Tide Killer Identified
Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have identified a potential “red tide killer.” read more
Measles on the rise
Nine U.S. states have reported measles cases this year, the highest incidence since 2001. Of the 64 cases, 63 occurred in people without vaccinations. read more
Valley doctor indicted in alleged OxyContin scam; DEA says he pocketed $100,000 a week
Dealers recruited homeless from San Diego to pose as patients and get prescriptions, then sold the drugs in Tijuana, authorities say. ...
Researchers develop new ultrasensitive assay to detect most poisonous substance known
Scientists at City of Hope and the California Department of Public Health have developed a new ultrasensitive assay to detect botulinum neurotoxin. The toxin is one of the most poisonous...
Antidepressant Found To Alleviate Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome In Adolescents
Low-dose antidepressant therapy can significantly improve the overall quality of life for adolescents suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. The study is the first of its kind to look...
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News
Record low 2008 Arctic ice a probability … New treatment found for HIV … Increasingly intense storms threaten coral … Study finds how bacteria fight antibiotics ... Health/Science news from...
A consistent, worldwide association between short sleep duration and obesity
A study published in the May 1 issue of the journal SLEEP is the first attempt to quantify the strength of the cross-sectional relationships between duration of sleep and obesity...
Podcast: How Jews, Catholics, and Muslims have responded to creationism
Creationism and intelligent design seem to have sprung Athena-like from the head of American Protestantism. But how have Jews, Catholics, and Muslims positioned themselves in this debate? Find out in...
Reduced Emergency Room Visits For Elderly Patients Attributed To 'Virtual' Health Care Team Approach
Elderly patients suffering from chronic illnesses who receive 'virtual' care from a team of medical experts linked together via phone, fax and e-mail, make fewer emergency visits than patients who...
Don't Spoil a Good Picnic
Ants and bad weather aren`t the only things that can ruin a picnic. When food gets too hot or too cold, the chances of contamination and food-borne illness increase. Taking...
OxyContin that's harder to abuse? FDA debates new version
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government is evaluating a new version of OxyContin - the potent painkiller sometimes called "hillbilly heroin" - designed to be harder to abuse....
Vaccine success signals rethink in pneumonia care
Successful vaccination against the main causes of pneumonia will complicate care of remaining cases, say J. Anthony G. Scott and Mike English.
Cheaper rabies treatment 'as effective' as standard
Scientists have found that a cheap, simple way of administering the rabies vaccine gives as good an immune response as the standard treatment.
Man Regenerates Finger
What do starfish, salamanders, and the Hulk have in common? They all have the power of regeneration. Starfish can regenerate their legs; salamanders can do that and a few better...
Sick Children Should Be Tranferred To Specialty Hospitals Sooner, Study Suggests
Critically ill children admitted to the pediatric intensive care units of regional medical centers from smaller hospitals are sicker than those admitted directly from those centers' own emergency rooms, a...
Largest Study To Date Finds Benefits Of ICDs In Children
More and more children with congenital heart disease are receiving implantable cardioverter-defibrillators to maintain proper heart rhythm. ICDs were first introduced for adults in the 1980s, but little is known...
Bird flu worries increase in South Korea
South Korean agriculture officials boosted the country's bird flu risk level to 'orange' this week after recent outbreaks on poultry farms.
FDA finishes 'Total Body' products study
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration say its testing of Total Body Formula and Total Body Mega Formula has detected hazardous amounts of chromium.
Audit: Vets with brain injury still not getting proper care
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Many Iraq war veterans with traumatic brain injury are not getting adequate health care and job assistance for their long-term recovery despite years of government pledges to...
Did a man grow his finger back?
Powder made from pig's bladder triggered regrowth of severed fingertip, US research company claims
Step closer to safer cancer treatment
The discovery of a protein, which can be targeted by cancer drugs, could lead to safer treatments for the disease that leave healthy cells intact.
Girl travels from Philippines to NYC for clubfoot surgery
NEW YORK (AP) -- In her 15 years, Jingle Luis has never walked on the bottoms of her feet....
Sexes face separate dementia risks - study
French researchers found link with strokes in men, and connection to coping with daily life in women