Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

Photoelectron spectra of alkali metal-ammonia microjets: From blue electrolyte to bronze metal

3 years ago from Science NOW

Experimental studies of the electronic structure of excess electrons in liquids—archetypal quantum solutes—have been largely restricted to very dilute electron concentrations. We overcame this limitation by applying soft x-ray photoelectron...

Scientists Aim Gene-Targeting Breakthrough Against COVID-19

3 years ago from Science Blog

A team of scientists from Stanford University is working with researchers at the Molecular Foundry, a nanoscience user facility located at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), to...

How Airborne is the Virus?

3 years ago from Science Blog

In March, an Italian study claiming that pollution particles could be a vector for spreading SARS-CoV-2 made the headlines. The physicist and chemist Jean-François Doussin explains why this thesis does...

Metasurface design methods can make LED light act more like lasers

3 years ago from Science Blog

UC Santa Barbara researchers continue to push the boundaries of LED design a little further with a new method that could pave the way toward more efficient and versatile LED...

X-ray method solves mystery of metallic ammonia

3 years ago from C&EN

Researchers study how solvated electrons behave inside the classic reagent used in Birch reductions

Discovery unlocks 'hot' electrons for more efficient energy use

3 years ago from Physorg

Highly energetic, "hot" electrons have the potential to help solar panels more efficiently harvest light energy.

'Artificial chemist' combines AI, robotics to conduct autonomous R&D

3 years ago from Physorg

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University at Buffalo have developed a technology called "Artificial Chemist," which incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and an automated system for performing chemical...

New material, modeling methods promise advances in energy storage

3 years ago from Physorg

The explosion of mobile electronic devices, electric vehicles, drones and other technologies have driven demand for new lightweight materials that can provide the power to operate them. Researchers from the...

Breaking the mold: An unusual choice of material yields incredibly long-lasting batteries

3 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have developed a novel silica-based cathode for lithium-sulfur batteries, thereby enabling the realization of batteries that can last for over 2000 charge/discharge cycles. The possibility of successfully using the...

Showtime for photosynthesis

3 years ago from Science Daily

Using a unique combination of nanoscale imaging and chemical analysis, researchers have revealed a key step in the molecular mechanism behind the water splitting reaction of photosynthesis, a finding that...

Microscale armor toughens super water-repellant surfaces

3 years ago from C&EN

Researchers add a microstructured frame around fragile superhydrophobic nanostructures to improve their durability

Using tear gas to subdue protesters may help spread the coronavirus, experts warn

3 years ago from LA Times - Health

A petition signed by infectious disease experts says spraying tear gas causes people to cough and scream — which can disperse infectious droplets.

A touch of gold and silver

3 years ago from Physorg

Metals are usually characterized by good electrical conductivity. This applies in particular to gold and silver. However, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, together...

What is tear gas?

3 years ago from Physorg

In the past week, there have been reports of tear gas being used to control crowds protesting the death of George Floyd, so questions have arisen on the dangers of...

Exploring new ways to see the Higgs boson

3 years ago from Physorg

The ATLAS and CMS collaborations presented their latest results on new signatures for detecting the Higgs boson at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. These include searches for rare transformations of the...

Scientists propose novel method to synthesize atomic dispersed Cu-N-C catalyst

3 years ago from Physorg

Non-noble metal nitrogen doped carbon material (M-N-C) catalysts are considered as potential alternatives for precious metals, due to their abundance, biocompatibility, environmental benign and high catalytic performance.

Breaking the mold: An unusual choice of material yields incredibly long-lasting batteries

3 years ago from Physorg

The tremendous increase in the use of mobile technology, wearable electronics, and a wide range of portable devices in general over the past few decades, has driven scientists worldwide to...

Scientists aim gene-targeting breakthrough against COVID-19

3 years ago from Physorg

A team of scientists from Stanford University is working with researchers at the Molecular Foundry, a nanoscience user facility located at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley...

Scientists aim gene-targeting breakthrough against COVID-19

3 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists at Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry have joined forces with a research team at Stanford to aim a gene-targeting, antiviral agent called PAC-MAN against COVID-19.

Recovery is slow for the chemical industry in China

3 years ago from C&EN

Materials for infrastructure will benefit from government spending, but other markets are lagging

Micro-pipette probe for tuning the volume and particle concentration of liquids

3 years ago from Physorg

At the PME department, a micro-sized pipette probe has been developed for handling multiple liquids. It is the first time that such a small probe can dose fluid volume, and...

A nature-inspired coating to keep drugs from breaking down too early

3 years ago from Physorg

Chemists have developed a coating that could make certain medications and other materials more stable by covering them with an outer layer much thinner than the width of a human...

The nature of glass-forming liquids is more clear

3 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have found that attractive and repulsive interactions between particles are both essential to form structural order that controls the dynamics of glass-forming liquids. This knowledge will help understanding why...

New method predicts spin dynamics of materials for quantum computing

3 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have developed a theoretical foundation and new computational tools for predicting a material's spin dynamics, a key property for building solid-state quantum computing platforms and...

The best ways to get your iced coffee fix

3 years ago from PopSci

Beat the heat with some cold coffee. (Blake Wisz via Unsplash/)It’s almost as subtle as the changing of the seasons. You just know it when you feel it, that moment when you...

Arrays of strontium Rydberg atoms show promise for use in quantum computers

3 years ago from Physorg

A team of researchers at California Institute of Technology has found that arrays of strontium Rydberg atoms show promise for use in a quantum computer. In their paper published in...

One-of-a-kind microscope enables breakthrough in quantum science

3 years ago from Physorg

Technion Professor Ido Kaminer and his team have made a dramatic breakthrough in the field of quantum science: a quantum microscope that records the flow of light, enabling the direct...

SENSEI gets quiet: Scientists demonstrate particle detector for dark matter

3 years ago from Physorg

What makes for a good dark matter detector? It has a lot in common with a good teleconference setup: You need a sensitive microphone and a quiet room.