Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

Intermolecular vibrational energy transfer enabled by microcavity strong light-matter coupling

4 years ago from Science NOW

Selective vibrational energy transfer between molecules in the liquid phase, a difficult process hampered by weak intermolecular forces, is achieved through polaritons formed by strong coupling between cavity photon modes...

Controlling interdependent meso-nanosecond dynamics and defect generation in metal 3D printing

4 years ago from Science NOW

State-of-the-art metal 3D printers promise to revolutionize manufacturing, yet they have not reached optimal operational reliability. The challenge is to control complex laser–powder–melt pool interdependency (dependent upon each other) dynamics....

Light-powered CO2 fixation in a chloroplast mimic with natural and synthetic parts

4 years ago from Science NOW

Nature integrates complex biosynthetic and energy-converting tasks within compartments such as chloroplasts and mitochondria. Chloroplasts convert light into chemical energy, driving carbon dioxide fixation. We used microfluidics to develop a...

Emergence of complexity in hierarchically organized chiral particles

4 years ago from Science NOW

The structural complexity of composite biomaterials and biomineralized particles arises from the hierarchical ordering of inorganic building blocks over multiple scales. Although empirical observations of complex nanoassemblies are abundant, the...

Aerodynamic imaging by mosquitoes inspires a surface detector for autonomous flying vehicles

4 years ago from Science NOW

Some flying animals use active sensing to perceive and avoid obstacles. Nocturnal mosquitoes exhibit a behavioral response to divert away from surfaces when vision is unavailable, indicating a short-range, mechanosensory...

Imaging the onset of the resonance regime in low-energy NO-He collisions

4 years ago from Science NOW

At low energies, the quantum wave–like nature of molecular interactions results in distinctive scattering behavior, ranging from the universal Wigner laws near 0 kelvin to the occurrence of scattering resonances...

2-D oxide flakes pick up surprise electrical properties

4 years ago from Physorg

Rice University researchers have found evidence of piezoelectricity in lab-grown, two-dimensional flakes of molybdenum dioxide.

Surfaces that grip like gecko feet could be easily mass-produced

4 years ago from Physorg

Why did the gecko climb the skyscraper? Because it could; its toes stick to about anything. For a few years, engineers have known the secrets of gecko stickiness and emulated...

Laser loop couples quantum systems over a distance

4 years ago from Physorg

For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating strong coupling between quantum systems over a great distance. They accomplished this with a novel method in which a laser loop...

Quantum resonances near absolute zero

4 years ago from Physorg

Recently, Prof. Yang Xueming from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Yang Tiangang from the Southern University of Science and Technology discussed...

Quantum jump tipping the balance

4 years ago from Science Daily

Measuring tiny differences in mass between different quantum states provides new insights into heavy atoms.

Light, sound, action: Extending the life of acoustic waves on microchips

4 years ago from Science Daily

Data centres and digital information processors are reaching their capacity limits and producing heat. Foundational work here on optical-acoustic microchips opens door to low-heat, low-energy, fast internet.

Ultra-long-working-distance spectroscopy with 3-D-printed aspherical microlenses

4 years ago from Physorg

Additive manufacturing is a technique in which a three-dimensional object is produced by successively adding new layers of building material to those that have already been deposited. Recently, commercially available...

New invisibility concept and miniaturization of photonic circuits using ultrafast laser

4 years ago from Physorg

From compact biosensors and spectrometers to invisible devices and quantum computers, applications related to integrated photonics are increasingly sought after. As in optical fibres, guiding light in integrated photonic circuits...

Researchers pave the way to designing omnidirectional invisible materials

4 years ago from Physorg

Researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), belonging to the Nanophotonics Technology Center, have taken a new step in designing omnidirectional invisible materials. At their laboratories, they have discovered...

New measuring method helps understand physics of high-temperature superconductivity

4 years ago from Physorg

From sustainable energy to quantum computers: high-temperature superconductors have the potential to revolutionize today's technologies. Despite intensive research, however, we still lack the necessary basic understanding to develop these complex...

Highly efficient hydrogen gas production using sunlight, water and hematite

4 years ago from Physorg

A research group led by Associate Professor Tachikawa Takashi of Kobe University's Molecular Photoscience Research Center has succeeded in developing a strategy that greatly increases the amount of hydrogen produced...

High color purity 3-D printing

4 years ago from Physorg

Selective powder sintering for 3-D printing has recently become an increasingly affordable solution for manufacturing made-to-order elements of almost any shape or geometry. This technique involves heating a bed of...

Magnetic liquid frees microfluidics from friction

4 years ago from C&EN

Conveyor-belt effect in the liquid speeds sensitive cell samples with less pressure

A closer look at superconductors

4 years ago from Science Daily

High-temperature superconductors have the potential to revolutionize today's technologies. 'Higgs spectroscopy' could bring about a watershed as it reveals the dynamics of paired electrons in superconductors. Remarkably, the dynamics also...

Students will take the Advanced Placement chemistry exam in a modified format

4 years ago from C&EN

Decision to move forward during COVID-19 pandemic relieves some but also raises concerns about cheating

Smarter hardware to make artificial intelligence more energy efficient

4 years ago from UPI

Artificial intelligence requires a lot of energy. Simply solving a puzzle can require the equivalent of the energy produced by three nuclear plants in a single hour.

Unique 3D-images reveal the architecture of nerve fibers

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have used synchrotron light to study what happens to the nerves in diabetes. The technique shows the 3D-structure of nerve fibers in very high resolution.

Shedding new light on nanolasers using 2D semiconductors

4 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have discovered a process of physics that enables low-power nanolasers to be produced in 2D semiconductor materials. Understanding the physics behind lasers at nanoscale and how they interact with...

Successfully measuring infinitesimal change in mass of individual atoms for the first time

4 years ago from Physorg

A new door to the quantum world has been opened: When an atom absorbs or releases energy via the quantum leap of an electron, it becomes heavier or lighter. This...

Finite-temperature violation of the anomalous transverse Wiedemann-Franz law

4 years ago from Physorg

According to the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law, the electrical conductivity of a metal is linked to its thermal counterpart, provided that the heat carried by the phonons is negligible and the electrons do not...