Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

U.S. bombers, Danish, Polish fighters join for task force mission over Warsaw

4 years ago from UPI

Two B-1B Lancers flew over Warsaw, Poland, this week with Danish and Polish F-16s and MiG-29s as part of what the Air Force called a long-range strategic Bomber Task Force...

Hollow-core fiber raises prospects for next-generation scientific instruments

4 years ago from Physorg

The novel fibres' latest advances, published this week in Nature Photonics, have underlined the technology's potential for next generation optical interferometric systems and sensors.

ORNL, LANL-developed quantum technologies go the distance

4 years ago from Physorg

For the second year in a row, a team from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge and Los Alamos national laboratories led a demonstration hosted by EPB, a community-based utility...

Researchers create electronic diodes beyond 5G performance

4 years ago from Physorg

David Storm, a research physicist, and Tyler Growden, an electrical engineer, both with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, developed a new gallium nitride-based electrical component called a resonant tunneling diode...

Transistor sets a new standard for energy efficiency

4 years ago from Physorg

Smartphones, laptops and smartwatches consume vast quantities of energy, yet only around half of this energy is actually used to power important functions. And with billions of these devices in...

A study analyzes the unexpected behavior of hydrogen flames

4 years ago from Physorg

Hydrogen flames can propagate even with very little fuel, within surprisingly narrow gaps and can extend breaking up into fractal patterns. That is the unexpected physical behavior of this gas...

Filming quantic measurement for the first time

4 years ago from Physorg

Quantum physics deals with microscopic systems such as atoms and light particles. It is a theory that makes it possible to calculate the probabilities of the possible results of any...

Super steel project attains major breakthrough

4 years ago from Physorg

The Super Steel project led by Professor Huang Mingxin at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), with collaborators at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab...

Researchers Develop First Real-Time Physics Engine for Soft Robotics

4 years ago from Science Blog

Motion picture animation and video games are impressively lifelike nowadays, capturing a wisp of hair falling across a heroine’s eyes or a canvas sail snapping crisply in the wind. Collaborators...

Antiferromagnetic fluoride nanocrystals

4 years ago from Physorg

When magnetic materials are nanometric at least in one dimension, the surface effect often dominates the static and transport behaviors due to the limited long-range order and broken translation symmetry....

Nanofiber membranes transformed into 3-D scaffolds

4 years ago from Physorg

In the movie "Transformers," cars morph into robots, jets or a variety of machinery. A similar concept inspired a group of researchers to combine gas foaming, which is a blend...

Chameleon materials: The origin of color variation in low-dimensional perovskites

4 years ago from Science Daily

Some light-emitting diodes (LEDs) created from perovskite, a class of optoelectronic materials, emit light over a broad wavelength range. Scientists have now shown that in some cases, the explanation of...

The observation of photon-assisted tunneling signatures in Majorana wires

4 years ago from Physorg

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen and Microsoft Quantum Lab Copenhagen have recently carried out a study investigating the potential of Majorana zero modes, zero-energy quasiparticle states that can be...

Generating color 3-D images with designed reflective metasurfaces under incoherent illumination

4 years ago from Physorg

As part of an international collaboration with Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen (China), London Centre for Nanotechnology researchers at King's College London have developed a novel way of generating color...

Quantum brakes in molecules

4 years ago from Physorg

Physicists have measured the flight times of electrons emitted from a specific atom in a molecule upon excitation with laser light. This has enabled them to measure the influence of...

Researchers review advances in halide perovskites for miniaturized lasers

4 years ago from Physorg

The demands of miniaturization and integration of photonic components, such as nanolasers, have opened up and pushed the development of integrated optical systems. Halide perovskite semiconductor materials have shown tremendous...

Researchers turn algae leftovers into renewable products with flare

4 years ago from Physorg

The UC San Diego researchers who developed algae-based flip-flops and surfboards are at it again. This time they are advancing their brand of renewable and biodegradable materials for use in...

Machine learning cracks quantum chemistry conundrum

4 years ago from Physorg

A new machine learning tool can calculate the energy required to make—or break—a molecule with higher accuracy than conventional methods. While the tool can currently only handle simple molecules, it...

Copper ion unlocks magnesium's potential in next-generation batteries

4 years ago from Physorg

Researchers at the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have come a step closer to making a viable, high-output battery based...

Researchers report memresistor material composition breakthrough

4 years ago from Physorg

Scientists around the world are intensively working on memristive devices that draw extremely low power and behave similarly to neurons in the brain. Researchers from the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance...

Polymer composite could serve as lighter, non-toxic radiation shielding

4 years ago from Science Daily

A new study suggests that a polymer compound embedded with bismuth trioxide particles holds tremendous potential for replacing conventional radiation shielding materials, such as lead.

Street smarts required in heat mitigation

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers investigated how solar reflective coatings on select Los Angeles city streets affected radiant heat and, in turn, pedestrians' comfort on a typical summer day. The idea is, if you...

Climate change: Study pours cold water on oil company net zero claims

Doubt is cast on claims fossil fuel companies are curbing their CO2 in line with net zero targets.

Supercomputer Simulations Help Advance Electrochemical Reaction Research

4 years ago from Science Blog

Single-atom catalysts have recently emerged as holding promise for solving environmental and energy issues. One such example, nickel embedded in graphene (a thin layer of graphite), has been shown to...

Defective graphene has high electrocatalytic activity

4 years ago from Physorg

Scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Skoltech, and the Russian Academy of Sciences Joint Institute for High Temperatures have conducted a theoretical study of the effects of...

Scientists demonstrate quantum radar prototype

4 years ago from Science Daily

Physicists have invented a new radar prototype that utilizes quantum entanglement as a method of object detection. This successful integration of quantum mechanics into our everyday devices could significantly impact...

Artificial synapses on design

4 years ago from Science Daily

Memristive devices behave similarly to neurons in the brain. Researchers have now discovered how to systematically control the functional behaviour of these elements. The smallest differences in material composition are...

2,000 former DOJ prosecutors, FBI officials demand Barr resign over Flynn case

4 years ago from UPI

Almost 2,000 former federal prosecutors and members of the FBI published an open letter Monday calling for the resignation of Attorney General William P. Barr over the dropping of the...