Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

Condensed matter: Bethe strings experimentally observed

4 years ago from Science Daily

90 years ago, the physicist Hans Bethe postulated that unusual patterns, so-called Bethe strings, appear in certain magnetic solids. Now an international team has succeeded in experimentally detecting such Bethe...

Bubble dynamics reveal how to empty bottles faster

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have discovered how to make bottles empty faster, which has wide-ranging implications for many areas beyond the beverage industry. They explore this bottle-emptying phenomenon from the perspective of bubble...

Magnetic monopoles detected in Kagome spin ice systems

4 years ago from Science Daily

Magnetic monopoles are actually impossible. At low temperatures, however, certain crystals can contain so-called quasi-particles that behave like magnetic monopoles. Now an international cooperation has proven that such monopoles also...

Disagreements help team perception, study finds

4 years ago from Physorg

Team disagreements might be the key to helping soldiers identify objects in battle, researchers say. While studies on combat identification typically focus on how technology can help identify enemy...

Chemists 'program' liquid crystalline elastomers to replicate complex twisting action simply with the use of light

4 years ago from Physorg

The twisting and bending capabilities of the human muscle system enable a varied and dynamic range of motion, from walking and running to reaching and grasping. Replicating something as seemingly...

Listen: Jewel releases new song 'Grateful'

4 years ago from UPI

Jewel has released a new song titled "Grateful" that will appear on her upcoming 12th studio album.

Disagreements help team perception

4 years ago from Science Daily

Team disagreements might be the key to helping soldiers identify objects in battle, researchers say.

Engineers and chemists 'program' liquid crystalline elastomers to replicate complex twisting action simply with the use of light

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers designed a polymer known as a liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) that can be 'programmed' to both twist and bend in the presence of light. Especially in the field of...

The best Xbox controllers for every playing style

4 years ago from PopSci

Upgrade your gaming controller. (Wu Yi via Unsplash/)Every gamer has their own personal playing style, and regardless of where you fall on the casual to hardcore spectrum, you’ll want to pick a controller...

Henry Rollins debuts long-form KCRW show, 'The Cool Quarantine'

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

The DJ, actor, writer and former frontman for Black Flag has released the first episode of "The Cool Quarantine," a new four-hour show on KCRW.

Researchers investigate the structure of phosphate ionic conducting glasses using solid-state NMR

4 years ago from Physorg

Glassy fast ionic conductors can be used as solid electrolytes, cathode materials, conducting fibers and electrochromic glasses due to their high ionic conductivity and good transparency. While the conductivity of...

Prototype uses light to gauge composition, density of subsoils

4 years ago from Physorg

On the surface, it resembles a stainless steel spear, roughly 6 feet long with a silver-dollar diameter that ends in a 30-degree point.

AI system that predicts movement of glass molecules transitioning between liquid and solid states

4 years ago from Physorg

A team of researchers at Google's DeepMind has developed an AI system that is able to predict the movement of glass molecules as the material transitions between liquid and solid...

Innovative technologies for satellites

4 years ago from Physorg

Some satellites are only slightly larger than a milk carton. This type of construction is now to be given a further simplified architecture and thus become even lighter and more...

Bubble dynamics reveal how to empty bottles faster

4 years ago from Physorg

Bottle emptying is a phenomenon most of us have observed while pouring a beverage. Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee discovered how to make bottles empty faster, which...

A theater critic's letter to his students, past, present and future

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

Don't let the coronavirus outbreak obscure the lessons of theater, the connection to great thinkers, the inspiration that comes from the art of creation.

Secure light-based communication through biological tissues

4 years ago from Physorg

Visible light communications (VLC), and optical communications overall, caught professor Marcos Katz's interest when he and his team first demonstrated in 2017 a reconfigurable hybrid wireless network exploiting VLC and...

Bending microwaves and forbidding frequencies with simulated metamaterials

4 years ago from Physorg

Using plasma to control microwaves for beaming direct energy toward a specific point is explored for their durability in high-energy electric fields and their reconfigurable structure. High power microwave beams,...

Antibiotic matter waves: The quantum wave nature of a complex antibiotic polypeptide

4 years ago from Physorg

One of the central tenets of quantum mechanics is the wave-particle duality. It tells us that even massive objects behave like both particles and waves. A number of previous experiments...

Physicists produce stable water-based graphene dispersions

4 years ago from Physorg

Umeå researchers show how activated graphene, activated carbons and other hydrophobic carbons can be dispersed in water in a form of micrometer-sized particles. The key agent that helps to make...

Tiny polymer springs give a boost to environmental cleanup

4 years ago from Physorg

A study from Sujit Datta's lab, led by graduate student Christopher Browne, found that a promising class of cleaning solutions behave in ways that both confound traditional fluid models and...

No, the 'Super Pink Moon' isn't really pink … though we wish it was

4 years ago from

As much as I (an avid lover of all things pink) would love for the "Super Pink Moon," which comes out tonight (April 7) to actually be pink, it won't...

Bethe strings experimentally observed

4 years ago from Physorg

Ninety years ago, the physicist Hans Bethe postulated that unusual patterns, so-called Bethe strings, appear in certain magnetic solids. Now, an international team has succeeded in experimentally detecting such Bethe...

Belle II yields the first results: In search of the Z′ boson

4 years ago from Physorg

The Belle II experiment has been collecting data from physical measurements for about one year. After several years of rebuilding work, both the SuperKEKB electron–positron accelerator and the Belle II...

Larry the Cable Guy on politics: 'Everyone's sick of that stuff'

4 years ago from UPI

Larry the Cable Guy is back with his first solo comedy special in more than a decade, and the longtime stand-up said not much has changed -- other than his...

Sulfur 'spices' alien atmospheres

4 years ago from Science Daily

They say variety is the spice of life, and now new discoveries suggest that a certain elemental 'variety' -- sulfur -- is indeed a 'spice' that can perhaps point to...

British Open canceled and the Masters is tentatively scheduled for November

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the British Open will not be played for the first time since 1945. The Masters could be played in November.

Surviving the Shutdown: Wagyu and uni help keep the lights on at Sushi I-Naba

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

Manhattan Beach's Sushi I-Naba has transformed into a luxury grocer selling Japanese seafood