Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

A step closer to ecofriendly hydrogen fuel production

4 years ago from Physorg

Griffith University researchers are aiming to unlock a catalytic process that will enhance the breakdown of water, into hydrogen and oxygen and bring Australia a step closer to creating clean...

New understanding of energy fluctuations in fluids

4 years ago from Science Daily

The Casimir Force is a well-known effect originating from the quantum fluctuation of electromagnetic fields in a vacuum. Now an international group of researchers have reported a counterpoint to that...

AI techniques used to improve battery health and safety

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have designed a machine learning method that can predict battery health with 10x higher accuracy than current industry standard, which could aid in the development of safer and more...

Life-like cells can now communicate over long distances via signal amplification

4 years ago from Physorg

Scientists have big dreams for artificial cells. These replicas of biological cells in the laboratory could help understand how living organisms work. While a lot of progress has been made...

Cement vs. concrete: Their differences, and opportunities for sustainability

4 years ago from Physorg

There's a lot the average person doesn't know about concrete. For example, it's porous; it's the world's most-used material after water; and, perhaps most fundamentally, it's not cement.

How the chemical industry can meet the climate goals

4 years ago from Physorg

ETH researchers analyzed various possibilities for reducing the net CO2 emissions of the chemical industry to zero. Their conclusion? The chemical industry can in fact have a carbon-neutral future.

Private companies find role in developing nuclear power for space travel

4 years ago from

The private sector wants to bring nuclear power to space to enable faster and more efficient space travel.

A twist connecting magnetism and electronic-band topology

4 years ago from Physorg

Materials that combine topological electronic properties and quantum magnetism are of high interest for the quantum many-body physics they exhibit and for possible applications in electronic components. ETH physicists have...

Researchers expand search for new state of matter

4 years ago from Physorg

A recent discovery by University of Arkansas physicists could help researchers establish the existence of quantum spin liquids, a new state of matter. They've been a mystery since they were...

Libya GNA forces destroy military plane, supplies near Tripoli

4 years ago from UPI

Libya's United Nations-supported government says it destroyed a military plane near Tripoli carrying ammunition and other supplies intended for opposition leader Khalifa Haftar.

Thousands of gallons of good: LSU chemists help louisiana prepare large batches of hand rub sanitizer

4 years ago from Physorg

When the LSU Department of Chemistry received a call a few weeks ago from someone looking for experts to help prepare hand rub sanitizer, LSU chemistry Ph.D. student Anthony Mai...

NFL Draft: Teams using technology to evaluate prospects, but access still limited

4 years ago from UPI

NFL teams and college prospects have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic by using new technology, but the 2020 NFL Draft process could hurt some prospects financially and hinder teams' ability...

Chemistry faculty cope with coronavirus shutdowns

4 years ago from C&EN

With university labs shuttered by COVID-19, chemistry faculty are getting a crash course in how to stay productive

Four robot vacuums that also mop

4 years ago from PopSci

Intelligent cleaners to ease your workload. (Depositphotos/)Robot vacuums are absolute game changers when it comes to keeping a clean home. You can schedule them to vacuum and mop while you’re out, so you...

3-D printing complex structures with conducting polymers

4 years ago from C&EN

Procedure for preparing inks for additive manufacturing broadens range of application

Acridine radical acts as a powerful photoreductant

4 years ago from C&EN

Stable organic radical replaces alkali metals or dissolving metal reductants in certain reactions

Combining heat with light boosts methanol synthesis from CO2

4 years ago from C&EN

Study unravels reaction mechanism occurring on common catalyst

My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way releases four new songs

4 years ago from UPI

My Chemical Romance singer-songwriter Gerard Way released four new solo songs online this weekend.

Louis C.K. releases new comedy special on his website

4 years ago from UPI

Louis C.K. has released a new comedy special called "Sincerely Louis C.K." on his website.

Tiny optical cavities could make quantum networks possible

4 years ago from Science Blog

Engineers at Caltech have shown that atoms in optical cavities — tiny boxes for light — could lead to the creation of a quantum internet. Their National Science Foundation-funded work was published in...

'Long on fear, short of gear': Inside California hospitals as they wait for the surge

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

With emergency rooms and ICUs filling rapidly, those inside California's hospitals are tense, tired and determined to endure.

Hands-on with the Polaroid Now instant film camera

4 years ago from PopSci

Meet the newest Polaroid instant camera, Polaroid Now. (Polaroid/)Polaroid Originals reverting back to its classic name: Polaroid. To celebrate, the company has announced its new Polaroid Now instant film camera. It’s an autofocus...

Woman discovers she is sole passenger on Washington-Boston flight

4 years ago from UPI

A woman who flew from Washington, D.C., to Boston amid the COVID-19 pandemic captured video on board the plane when she discovered she was the flight's sole passenger.

New laser technique will allow more powerful—and smaller—particle accelerators

4 years ago from Physorg

By observing electrons that have been accelerated to extremely high energies, scientists are able to unlock clues about the particles that make up our universe.

Beets bleed red but a chemistry tweak can create a blue hue

4 years ago from

Beet juice is red. Now chemists turned it blue. It might have potential for consumers like you. Natural colorings for food and cosmetics are in demand. Biology’s blue pigments, however, are tough to...

Capturing 3D microstructures in real time

4 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have invented a machine-learning based algorithm for quantitatively characterizing material microstructure in three dimensions and in real time. This algorithm applies to most structural materials of interest to industry.

A twist connecting magnetism and electronic-band topology

4 years ago from Science Daily

Materials that combine topological electronic properties and quantum magnetism are of high current interest, for the quantum many-body physics that can unfold in them and for possible applications in electronic...

Coronavirus changes the AP test big time. Here's what it will look like

4 years ago from LA Times - Health

New details about Advanced Placement tests this year released by the College Board Friday show how much the coronavirus pandemic is altering the format.