Latest science news in Psychology & Sociology

Ultrasound fee violates women's rights: NDP

13 years ago from CBC: Health

Charging expectant B.C. parents $50 to learn the gender of their fetus contradicts findings by Canadian doctors and could violate their rights, according to NDP health critic Adrian Dix.

Judge rejects 'bling ring' defendant's plea-deal argument

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge rejected arguments Wednesday by lawyers for a defendant in the "bling ring" celebrity burglary case that their client provided details of the crimes and...

A woman's touch: Physical contact increases financial risk taking

13 years ago from

A woman's touch is all it takes for people to throw caution to the wind. That's the conclusion of a new study published online in Psychological Science, a journal of...

Best Visual Illusion Of 2010 Defies Gravity

13 years ago from Physorg

On May 10, Japanese scientist Kokichi Sugihara claimed to have discovered a technology that every sixth grader knows to be impossible: a magnet that attracts wood. In front of a...

Dinosaur research: Chew and stay small

13 years ago from Biology News Net

There is a simple rule of thumb. The larger an animal is, the more time it spends eating. This means an elephant hardly has time to sleep. It spends 18...

Teachers alert: An interesting science project - A virtual moonwalk

13 years ago from Science Blog

This NASA news release might make an interesting individual or class science project.

Minimum Wage Jobs Cause Obesity? Puh-leeze

13 years ago from

It almost reads like an April Fools Day article.  A new UC Davis study has found that more obese people have minimum-wage jobs by demographic, adding to growing evidence that...

British Indian children have better mental health

13 years ago from

British Indian children have substantially better mental health than British Whites, new research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine shows...

Kanjorski says reforms needed after plunge

13 years ago from AP Science

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A key House lawmaker said reforms are needed to restore investor confidence and prevent the stock market from plummeting as it did last...

Young men with DMD demand more support

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- New research from the University of Bristol has found that the rights and needs of young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) ­are being severely restricted by the...

G20 Toronto summit unlikely to achieve major reform, Rotman study suggests

13 years ago from Science Blog

Toronto -- Coordination of financial regulations makes sense for countries trying to minimize the effects of global financial uncertainty, says a paper from the University of Toronto's Rotman School...

An uncommon influence for a research paper

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- An article written in 2004 by a Lehigh engineering professor and his former student has received more citations than any publication in its field, according to a company...

D-Day: What Might Have Been

13 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

What would have happened if Hitler had chosen to use the deadly nerve gas Tabun, that he alone possessed, to oppose the D-Day landings? What the little known chemist,...

Tags in eagle study 'not ideal'

13 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Radio tags used to track young lambs during a study of sea eagle behaviour were 'not ideal', say researchers.

Bereaved relatives helped by chance to view body after sudden loss

13 years ago from

Grieving family members have good reasons to see a dead loved one, even in cases of violent death

Questions on Offshore Oil

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Does BP have a conflict of interest if it remains in charge of plugging the well (and other questions)?

Good news on maternal health

13 years ago from SciDev

Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, discusses the implications of news that maternal deaths have dropped by nearly a third since 1980.

Are drugs the solution to ADHD?

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Figures revealed to Education Guardian show a huge increase in spending on Ritalin. Are teachers doing all they could to help children without drugs?Leon Perry is in trouble for insulting his teacher. Fidgeting...

L.A. County Sheriff's Department looks into misconduct allegations

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

A woman, whose drug case was dismissed last week, accuses deputies of lying about her arrest and seeking to have her prosecuted in retaliation for her filing a complaint against them. The...

Luther | The Story of Science | Heston's 80s Feast | True Stories: My Father, Pablo Escobar | In Confidence | Watch this

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Luther | The Story of Science | Heston's 80s Feast | True Stories: My Father, Pablo Escobar | In ConfidenceLuther9pm, BBC1Idris Elba is excellent again in his second outing as hard-nosed London...

On Mental Illness, Inmates, And Recidivism

13 years ago from

The admittedly small and self-selected group of inmates that I provide psychotherapy for on a weekly basis at our local county jail has inspired my curiosity about the mental and...

Science closing in on mystery of age-related memory loss, says neurobiologist

13 years ago from Science Daily

The world's scientific community may be one step closer to understanding age-related memory loss, and to developing a drug that might help boost memory. In a new editorial, a U.S....

The Science of a Happy Marriage

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Findings suggest that while some people may be naturally more resistant to temptation, men and women can train themselves to protect their relationship.

New Spending for a Wider Range of Sex Education

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Encouraging abstinence but offering more to sexually active teens.

Researchers show limits of brain scans as legal evidence

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Two psychologists and a law expert were able to see how much information about memories can be seen in brain activity.

Personal Health: Short? No Worries: Just Ask This Texan

13 years ago from NY Times Health

Research once suggested that short people were at a disadvantage in getting jobs and making money, but new book seeks to dispel those ideas and offer encouraging advice.

Neighbor pleads guilty in case of slain girl found stuffed in suitcase

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

A woman on Monday pleaded guilty in the slaying of Sandra Cantu, the 8-year-old kidnapped from her home last year and found dead in a suitcase.

Biological Passports: The Answer To Doping In Pro Sports?

13 years ago from

Steroid use has been a serious problem in professional sports for many years now. Famous baseball players, Olympic athletes, pro wrestlers and many others have been caught using performance enhancing...