Science Blog

Sunday th 29th of March 2020

Travel adventure: S.F. Bay to the Silver State and back via Interstate 80 - 14:20

Friday th 27th of March 2020

Neanderthals ate mussels, fish, and seals too - 09:50

Study shows legal marijuana products too strong for pain relief - 09:50

Deleting a gene prevents Type 1 diabetes in mice by disguising insulin-producing cells - 09:50

Why does your cotton towel get stiff after natural drying? - 09:50

US autism rates up 10 percent in new CDC report - 09:50

Beneath an Iron Sky - 09:50

In politics and pandemics, trolls use fear, anger to drive clicks - 09:50

Thursday th 26th of March 2020

Fleeing Nazis shaped Austrian politics for generations after World War II - 10:10

Ankle exoskeleton aids running - 10:10

Eclectic rocks influence earthquake types - 10:10

New technologies aim to make 3D cameras easier to use - 10:10

Here be dragons: Analysis reveals new species in Smaug lizard group - 10:10

Gut enzyme IAP found to prevent aging and frailty in animal models - 09:50

Why life can get better as we age - 09:50

Experiments shed light on best way to deliver nanoparticles to cancer - 09:50

Which trees are best in the fight against air pollution? - 09:50

Wednesday th 25th of March 2020

Mother/infant skin-to-skin touch boosts baby’s brain development and function - 11:30

Calculating contagion: Researchers examine social aspect of pathogen spread - 11:00

Left and right agree U.S. needs to reduce fossil-fuel dependence but disagree about how to do it - 11:00

The risk coronavirus poses to our tenuous, complex supply chain - 11:00

To Stay Positive, Live in the Moment – But Plan Ahead - 11:00

Researchers develop early warning system to fight disinformation online - 11:00

How trans fats assist cell death - 11:00

Wuhan study shows lying face down improves breathing in severe COVID-19 - 11:00

Tuesday th 24th of March 2020

Meta-analysis supports AA as treatment for AUD - 12:20

Crumpled graphene makes ultra-sensitive cancer DNA detector - 09:40

Team supercharged cells with mitochondrial transplantation - 09:40

Measuring quality of life for people on autism spectrum - 09:40

Researchers develop new tool for performing cancer liquid biopsies - 09:40

MIT joins White House supercomputing effort to speed up search for Covid-19 solutions - 09:40

System trains driverless cars in simulation before they hit the road - 09:40

The story behind that little padlock in your browser - 09:40

Monday th 23rd of March 2020

How squid communicate in the dark - 19:21

The fight to save Europe’s olive trees from disease - 19:21

Autism rates declining among wealthy whites, escalating among poor - 09:40

Electric jolt to carbon makes better water purifier - 09:40

New research may help older adults stay physically capable for longer - 09:40

Christmas Island discovery redraws map of life - 09:40

Isoflavones, in tofu and plant proteins, associated with lower heart disease risk - 09:40

Advanced ‘super-planckian’ material exhibits LED-like light when heated - 09:40

New device quickly detects harmful bacteria in blood - 09:40

Talking to yourself in the third person can promote healthier eating - 09:40

A pigment from ancient Egypt to modern microscopy - 09:10

Photons and electrons one on one - 09:10

Saturday th 21st of March 2020

In the wake of the corona virus outbreak broadcast news journalists could report from home instead - 18:00

Ancient Rings of Time - 18:00

Thursday th 19th of March 2020

Dancing electrons solve a longstanding puzzle in the oldest magnetic material - 17:30

Sea otters, opossums and the surprising ways pathogens move from land to sea - 17:00

Vampire bats form deep social bonds by grooming before sharing blood - 16:30