Latest science news in Mathematics & Economics

Mathematicians Reveal Secrets Of The Ancient And Universal Art Of Symmetry

15 years ago from Science Daily

Humans have used symmetrical patterns for thousands of years in both functional and decorative ways. Now, a new book by three mathematicians offers both math experts and enthusiasts a new...

MIT helps develop image-recognition software

15 years ago from MIT Research

It takes surprisingly few pixels of information to be able to identify the subject of an image, a team led by an MIT researcher has found. The discovery could lead...

Smoking Is Addictive, But Quitting Is Contagious

15 years ago from Science Daily

A study of 12,067 people over a period of 32 years has found that people quit smoking in droves. Through reconstructing the social network of the 12,067 individuals, researchers discovered...

Facebook preparing for redesign to clear clutter

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Having nearly tripled its audience and added about 20,000 new applications over the past year, Facebook Inc.'s popular online hangout is about to undergo a housecleaning.

Continuing Upward Pressure On Retail Gasoline Prices Expected

15 years ago from Science Daily

With the price of a barrel of oil hovering around $120, US drivers can expect to pay more at the pump in the near future, according to a new study.

Identifying The Global Elements Of Job Satisfaction

15 years ago from Science Daily

When it comes to satisfaction at work, workers in different countries find it in different ways, according to new studies. Researchers are probing the ways in which firms interact with...

New Web Site Answers Radiation Questions

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

In response to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Dale Klein's comments that the radiation industry "has not been sufficiently proactive in educating the public about what is a real danger...

Japan cracks down on virus with copyright law

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A student who allegedly spread a computer virus was convicted Friday of copyright infringement in a case that has highlighted the lack of laws in Japan to...

Plan to trim cell phone cancellation fees draws criticism

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A proposal for the government to help cell phone customers avoid expensive fees when they cancel contracts with wireless companies may go down in flames after consumer...

Review: Netflix delivers Internet movies to TV

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- It's the big horse race in the gadget market this year: Who's going to win consumers' hearts with a box that brings Internet movie downloads to the...

VIDEO: Winning GeoBee Questions

15 years ago from National Geographic

Host Alex Trebek asks the last three questions of the final round in the 2008 National Geographic Bee held in Washington, D.C.

Microsoft lures search traffic with cash rebates

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. is offering cash rebates when people make purchases after using its search engine as the software maker begins to reveal how it plans to take...

Philippine provider to offer free phones

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- A Philippine mobile service provider plans to offer free service to subscribers who agree to receive advertisements on their cell phones, company officials said Tuesday.

Poland tackles science like a business

15 years ago from News @ Nature

Polish leaders were disconcerted in January, when the nation's scientists came away empty-handed from the first round of applications for the European Research Council's starting-grant competition. The country is also...

Grain popper may help hungry Africans

15 years ago from UPI

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 21 (UPI) -- U.S. students and faculty at Purdue University in Indiana have modified a popping machine that might bring needed relief to malnourished...

Australian dilemma: too many kangaroos, too few devils

15 years ago from AP Science

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Too many kangaroos, too few Tasmanian devils. Two of the country's beloved icons are challenging Australians' thinking on wildlife management....

Canada's food safety ranking surprises researchers

15 years ago from CBC: Health

Canada ranks fifth for food safety in a survey comparing 17 industrial countries, says a University of Regina study released Wednesday.

Grasshopper-Inspired Jumping Microrobot Can Make Staggering Leaps

15 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers from the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL are unveiling a novel, grasshopper-inspired jumping robot at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. The robot weighs a minuscule...

Modeling How We See Natural Scenes

15 years ago from Science Daily

Sophisticated mathematical modeling methods and a "CatCam" that captures feline-centric video of a forest are two elements of a new effort to explain how the brain's visual circuitry processes real...

Time Warner to reap $9.25 billion windfall in cable spinoff

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Time Warner Inc. said Wednesday it would formally split off its cable TV business, giving the media conglomerate a $9.25 billion windfall and allowing it to focus...

Japan allows military use of space

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Reversing a nearly 40-year-old ban, Japan's parliament voted on Wednesday to allow the nation's space programs to be used for national defence.

New journal highlights undergraduate research

15 years ago from Harvard Science

Spanning topics as diverse as cancerous tumors and the overfishing of grouper in the Turks and Caicos Islands, a new journal aims to highlight the serious scientific research regularly undertaken by Harvard undergraduates. Editors...

Better business decisions with real-time data

15 years ago from Physorg

They may look like ordinary washers and dryers to you, but to Hemant Jain they are the first steps into the future.

Merging 'control' software with smart devices could optimize manufacturing

15 years ago from Science Daily

Real-time access to manufacturing data is essential to modern factories. Researchers are developing software that takes advantage of the real-time data generated by smart devices to support real-time decision-making.

What Is The Value Of Biodiversity To Our Collective Future?

15 years ago from Science Daily

What will the loss of biodiversity cost us in the long term? How much do national economies need to invest now in order to stop the trend? And what price...

Invasive species test brings big prize for student

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

A high school student from Summerside, P.E.I., has won a $4,500 prize for developing a test for identifying minute amounts of DNA from the vase tunicate in water samples.

Honda's New Commitment To Hybrids

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Honda will sell a new, improved and affordable gas-electric hybrid in the U.S., Japan and Europe starting in early 2009, underlining the Japanese automaker's commitment to "green" technology, the company...

Yamaha says strong interest in new music machine

15 years ago from Physorg

Yamaha says it is seeing brisk interest in a new digital musical instrument that enables users to create and play music as if they are drawing pictures.