Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

Sharpest Measurement Of Ice Crystals In Clouds Ever Will Help In Climate Modeling

15 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have created an instrument designed to help determine the shapes and sizes of tiny ice crystals typical of those found in high-altitude clouds, down to the micron level (comparable...

Fuel from food waste: bacteria provide power

15 years ago from Biology News Net

Researchers have combined the efforts of two kinds of bacteria to produce hydrogen in a bioreactor, with the product from one providing food for the other. According to an article...

Gore Urges Change to Dodge an Energy Crisis

15 years ago from NY Times Science

Al Gore said the goal of using only electricity produced by renewable energy in 10 years was achievable and necessary for national security.

Virtual World Is Sign Of Future For Scientists, Engineers

15 years ago from Science Daily

A new virtual environment enables scientists and engineers to interpret raw data collected with powerful instruments called dynamic atomic force microscopes. This is part of a research trend, with tools...

Colorado School of Mines first to use nuclear energy research partnership

15 years ago from MIT Research

Under a research partnership between the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility at Idaho National Laboratory and MIT, a Colorado School of Mines nuclear materials irradiation experiment will be...

MIT-led team creates touch-based illusion

15 years ago from MIT Research

A team of scientists from MIT, Harvard and McGill has designed a new illusion involving the sense of touch, which is helping to glean new insights into perception and how...

Sensor detects bad milk, blood coagulation and road stress

15 years ago from Physorg

Craig Grimes, a professor of Electrical Engineering at Penn State, has created a very practical gadget.

Study: Fuel cell cars still 15 years away at best

15 years ago from LA Times - Science

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are still 15 years away from becoming a viable business for automakers even if they overcome remaining technical hurdles and the U.S. government provides massive subsidies, a...

Shaping the Nation's Renewable Energy Future

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Traditional economies may suggest that bigger is better, but the Oklahoma State University Biofuels Team has received widespread national recognition for cautioning that is not the case with all forms...

"Nanosculpture" Could Enable New Types of Heat Pumps and Energy Converters

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered a new technique for growing single-crystal nanorods and controlling their shape using biomolecules. The research, published in the journal Advanced Materials, could enable...

First full 3-D view of cracks growing in steel

15 years ago from Physorg

A team of researchers from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom), the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (France) and the ESRF has revealed how a growing crack interacts...

Super-resolution X-ray microscopy

15 years ago from Physorg

A novel super-resolution X-ray microscope developed by a team of researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and EPFL in Switzerland combines the high penetration power of x-rays with high...

Consortium Established to Develop 'TransferJet' Wireless Technology

15 years ago from Physorg

Several major telecom giants today announced an agreement to form a consortium to develop specifications for "TransferJet" - a new interoperable wireless transfer technology that enables rapid transfer of high...

Gold Complex Changes Color Reversibly

15 years ago from C&EN

Grinding and exposure to solvents trigger phase transformations and color changes

Uncovering the hidden nanoworld

15 years ago from Chemistry World

A powerful imaging technique now enables tiny buried objects to be investigated

Resorts offer to lock up BlackBerrys, cellphones

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

Some resort hotels in the Rockies are selling rest and relaxation to BlackBerry addicts and cellphone fanatics by offering to lock up their electronic devices during their stays.

Argonne Scientist to Become ATLAS Physics Coordinator for CERN

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory scientist Tom LeCompte has been tapped to be the physics coordinator for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at European...

Tree Branching Key To Efficient Flow In Nature And Novel Materials

15 years ago from Science Daily

Nature, in the simple form of a tree canopy, appears to provide keen insights into the best way to design complex systems to move substances from one place to another,...

Hydrogen Vehicles Coming Soon? Two Million Could Be On Roads By 2020

15 years ago from Science Daily

A transition to hydrogen vehicles could greatly reduce US oil dependence and carbon dioxide emissions, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council, but making hydrogen vehicles...

Students who use 'clickers' score better on physics tests

15 years ago from Physorg

Hand-held electronic devices called clickers are helping college students learn physics, according to a series of research studies.

New kind of MRI enables study of magnets for computer memory

15 years ago from Physorg

What is there to see inside a magnet that's smaller than the head of a pin? Quite a lot, say physicists who've invented a new kind of MRI technique to...

Molecular Hula Hoop: Spinning motion of a molecular rotor detected

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- Humans have long been trying to make the dream of nanoscopic robots come true. The dream is, in fact, taking on some aspects of reality. Nanoscience has produced...

Pumped atom laser brings high-precision measurements in sight

15 years ago from Physics World

Technique uses a second atomic condensate to feed the laser

Automakers offer hybrids for NYC taxi fleet

15 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Three major auto manufacturers are promising to reserve 300 new hybrid vehicles each month exclusively for the city as it replaces its entire fleet of yellow cabs.

Japanese lucky charms turn out to be radioactive: police

15 years ago from Physorg

A Japanese duo who marketed charms said to glow for more than a decade ran out of luck themselves as it came to light that the products were radioactive, police...

Lights Out?: How the Grid Copes When a Nuclear Power Plant Goes Down [News]

15 years ago from Scientific American

Last Friday at 11 A.M., the operators of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon, Vt., detected a leak. About 60 gallons (225 liters) of water a minute was...

Quantum Rod System May Safely 'Sneak' Drugs, Diagnostics into Brain

15 years ago from Physorg

( -- A unique nanoparticle system developed by University at Buffalo scientists takes advantage of the versatility of bioconjugated quantum rods to ferry novel diagnostic and therapeutic agents across the...

Researchers Lower the Force of Nothingness to, Well, Nothing

15 years ago from PopSci

In the strange, subatomic world of quantum mechanics, even complete nothingness exerts a force. According to a principle known as the Casimir Effect, two plates separated by an incredibly small...