Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

How a Man-Made Tornado Could Power the Future

15 years ago from Live Science

The electricity for a small city could be generated from the wind being sucked up an artificial tornado.

Engineers Reveal What Makes Diamonds Slippery At The Nanoscale

15 years ago from Science Daily

Engineers have conducted the first study of diamond friction supported by spectroscopy and determined that this slippery behavior comes from passivation of atomic bonds at the diamond surface that were...

Physicists Develop 'Impossible' Technique To Study And Develop Superconductors

15 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have developed a technique that controls the number of electrons on the surface of high-temperature superconductors, a procedure considered impossible for the past two decades.

Lemurs handed advantage by smelly trick

15 years ago from News @ Nature

Primates have distinct scents on each hand, perhaps to confuse rivals.

Method to make nanoscale patterns created

15 years ago from UPI

PRINCETON, N.J., June 24 (UPI) -- U.S. engineers say they've developed a technique that allows the easy creation of nanoscale patterns on uneven surfaces.

Large Hadron Collider Probably Won't Destroy Earth

15 years ago from PopSci

The Large Hadron Collider, the giant particle accelerator that's scheduled to begin colliding protons in August, has the potential to produce the long-sought Higgs boson. That elusive particle is a...

Scientists reveal why glass is glass

15 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Scientists have made a breakthrough discovery in the bizarre properties of glass, which behaves at times like both a solid and a liquid.

Protons Partner With Neutrons More Often Than With Other Protons

15 years ago from Science Daily

Fast-moving protons are much more likely to pair up with fast-moving neutrons than with other protons in the nuclei of atoms, according to a recent experiment. The research confirms a...

Physicists Store Images in Vapor

15 years ago from Physorg

Books are written on solid pieces of paper for an obvious reason: the atoms in a solid don`t move around much, keeping the words and pictures in place for centuries....

Detailed image of a viral protein created

15 years ago from UPI

SAN DIEGO, June 23 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists using electron microscopy and 3-D computer reconstruction say they have produced the most detailed image yet of a viral protein...

CSIRO scientist discovers natural 'invisible' gold

15 years ago from Physorg

The search for these natural but 'invisible' nanoparticles is important. If they can be proved to exist, the knowledge will help give us a deeper understanding of how gold can...

12 Million Molecules Share 143 Basic Shapes, Researchers Find

15 years ago from Science Daily

Chemists in Ohio have discovered that half of all of the known chemical compounds in the world have an amazing similarity in sharing only 143 basic molecular shapes.

Project to Advance Radar, Communications Systems

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is providing $1.4 million to a Phase III research project led by the U.S. Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory to develop high-performance...

Super multi-use minerals unveiled

15 years ago from Physorg

This material forms around a third of the average packet of washing powder and helps refine 99 per cent of the world's petrol. It is also used to clean up...

Electrical A-G Ratings may be on the way out

15 years ago from Physorg

Plans to scrap the A-G electrical rating system - the equivalent of HIPS in the electrical sector - may be on the cards according to a new report...

The robot that climbs in the pipe

15 years ago from Physorg

Industrial pipe systems are inaccessible and narrow. The pipes can be vertical and have junctions. Just as challenging, leakage points in the water system must be located, the condition of...

Harnessing The Tibetan Sun

15 years ago from Science Daily

In many villages throughout Tibet, there are two ways to cook a meal. There's the traditional open fire, fueled by yak dung or the region's increasingly scarce wood. And then...

Fill 'Er Up - But Make It Hydrogen

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A lucky few, including actress Jamie Lee Curtis, have won the chance to rent the potential car of the future - one that runs on hydrogen, not gasoline.

McCain Sets Goal of 45 New Nuclear Reactors by 2030

15 years ago from NY Times Science

Senator John McCain, in his third straight day of speeches about energy and $4-a-gallon gasoline, called the goal “as difficult as it is necessary.”

Canada puts brakes on electric vehicles

15 years ago from Physorg

Despite increasing local demand for zero-emissions cars and trucks and robust exports of electric vehicles, Canada will not allow them on its roads, lament manufacturers.

What's New In -- Cameras

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Consumer Reports' Paul Reynolds pointed to the most innovative new point-and-click devices on the market, in a new Early Show segment called "What's New In..."

Getting Wrapped Up In Solar Textiles

15 years ago from Science Daily

Expert in the integration of solar cell technology in architecture are creating designs for flexible photovoltaic materials that may change the way buildings receive and distribute energy.

Harnessing solar energy like plants do

15 years ago from MIT Research

Ask any scientist to name Earth's most abundant source of energy, and the answer comes quickly: sunlight. In one hour, the sun strikes Earth with enough energy to power the...

Ultrafast look into atoms and molecules

15 years ago from Physorg

New record in ultrafast metrology: Physicists at Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich are the first to produce light pulses lasting only 80 attoseconds.

Saving More Lives by Building a Better Scanner

15 years ago from PopSci

To grasp the power of Toshiba’s new Aquilion ONE computed-tomography (CT) scanner, imagine facing a picturesque beach. Your camera doesn’t have a panoramic function, so you take snapshots pointing to...

Stove projects stir up energy award success

15 years ago from SciDev

Innovative cooking stoves were among the winning projects at the 2008 Ashden Awards for sustainable energy.

Pharmacology Of Crystal Meth Described

15 years ago from Science Daily

When smoked, crystal meth rapidly achieves high concentrations in the brain without the burdens of the intravenous route. Scientists review the actions of methamphetamine and explain the potential role of...