Latest science news in Physics & Chemistry

Physicists Produce Quantum-Entangled Images

15 years ago from Science Blog

Using a convenient and flexible method for creating twin light beams, researchers at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have produced “quantum images,” pairs of information-rich visual patterns whose...

Scientist creates 'taste test strips'

15 years ago from UPI

PHILADELPHIA, June 12 (UPI) -- A U.S. scientist says he's developed a new, more effective taste testing method based on the same technology used to produce breath freshener...

European System For Cutting Carbon Dioxide Emissions Is Working Well

15 years ago from Science Daily

In a bid to control greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, the European Union has been operating the world's first system to limit and to trade carbon dioxide. Despite...

Northwestern chemist investigates lost reds in Homer painting

15 years ago from Physorg

More than 30 years ago, when Northwestern University chemist Richard Van Duyne developed a powerful new sensing technique, he never thought he would be using it to learn more about...

Perfect Vision But Blind To Light

15 years ago from Physorg

Mammals have two types of light-sensitive detectors in the retina. Known as rod and cone cells, they are both necessary to picture their environment. However, researchers at the Salk Institute...

Q & A: The Summer Wind

15 years ago from NY Times Science

Does it get windier the higher up you go? Or does it depend on the wind conditions in general and the arrangement of surrounding buildings?

Hair Analysis Deflates Napoleon Poisoning Theories

15 years ago from NY Times Science

A detailed analysis of hairs taken from Napoleon’s head at four times in his life casts doubt on the theory that he died from arsenic poisoning.

Researchers untangle quantum quirk

15 years ago from Physorg

Quantum computing has been hailed as the next leap forward for computers, promising to catapult memory capacity and processing speeds well beyond current limits. Several challenging problems need to be...

Scientists work on car that gets 100 mpg

15 years ago from UPI

DENVER, June 10 (UPI) -- Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo., are testing a modified 2006 Toyota Prius that can get 100 miles per...

Mind: Anticipating the Future to ‘See’ the Present

15 years ago from NY Times Health

New research suggests that the brain’s adaptive ability to see into the near future creates many common optical illusions.

Physicists Reveal Secrets Of Newest Form Of Carbon

15 years ago from Science Daily

Using one of the world's most powerful sources of man-made radiation, physicists have uncovered new secrets about the properties of graphene -- a form of pure carbon that may one...

Scientists Close to Reconstructing First Living Cell [News]

15 years ago from Scientific American

Modern cells are like microscopic cities: They have power plants (mitochondria), trash dumps (lysosomes), local government (the nucleus, with DNA serving as the legal charter), and many other activities going...

Wireless airwave auction slows down

15 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The government auction of wireless airwaves, expected to net new cellphone providers next year, continued to slow down on Tuesday with bids hitting $3.3 billion and firming up along regional...

Technology monitors tiny bone fractures

15 years ago from UPI

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., June 10 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they are developing a monitoring system similar to those used by seismologists to detect tiny cracks in bones.

Power stations need fuel efficiency standards, argue greens

15 years ago from The Guardian - Science

New UK power stations should meet tough greenhouse gas efficiency standards as a stepping stone towards very low carbon electricity generation, say environmentalists

High pressure used to grow new cartilage

15 years ago from UPI

HOUSTON, June 10 (UPI) -- U.S. bioengineers say they have discovered that intense high pressure can stimulate cartilage cells to grow new tissue.

Mechanics of climate curbs

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

Despite recent criticisms, the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism is delivering the goods.

Eco coal power may cost 'double'

15 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

The next clean coal power stations could lead to higher electric bills, a power firm boss tells the BBC.

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Hosts 1500 Scientists in Warsaw

15 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting World under stress: scientific and applied issues in environmental toxicology and chemistry Warsaw, Poland 25 - 29 May 2008

Suprafroths: How Cappuccino Froth Is Like A Superconductor

15 years ago from Science Daily

Who would think that the froth on a morning cup of cappuccino has a lot in common with superconductors? Physicists have found that the bubble-like arrangement of magnetic domains in...

Liquid Crystals Slow Light Pulses to a Snail's Pace

15 years ago from Physorg

In a vacuum, the speed of a light pulse is always a constant at 186,000 miles (300,000 km) per second. But by changing the medium through which light travels, physicists...

Revolutionary Swimsuit Built For Speed

15 years ago from CBSNews - Science

It's a second-skin that makes your body sleeker - and faster. Thanks to a new swimsuit by Speedo, swimmers are breaking dozens of records. But is it actually an unfair...

Extra Sleep Improves Athletic Performance

15 years ago from Science Daily

Extending their sleep to 10 hours per day enabled Stanford swimmers to improve their 15-meter sprint times, reaction times, turn times and kick strokes. Alertness and mood also improved. Results...

Scientists figure out how rice absorbs arsenic

15 years ago from Reuters:Science

LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have worked out how crops such as rice absorb arsenic, a finding that could help prevent people from eating dangerous levels of the poisonous metal, they...

Reducing demand can lower electric bills, lessen chance of blackouts

15 years ago from Physorg

A 5-percent reduction in electricity use will lower the market price of electricity, cut consumers' bills and lessen strain on the grid when demand shoots up this summer, say energy...

OSU Scientist Uses Fiber Optics to Measure Water and Air

15 years ago from Physorg

Scientists at Oregon State University are using fiber optics to study the temperature of water, the flow of air, and the dynamics of snow melt.

Open Patent Alliance Formed to Advance WiMAX 4G Technology

15 years ago from Physorg

To accelerate the widespread adoption and deployment of WiMAX technology and products, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Clearwire, Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics and Sprint today announced the formation of the Open Patent Alliance...

Successful first test of high speed 'penetrator'

15 years ago from Physorg

High speed ‘penetrators` that could one day be used to breach the surface of planets have successfully passed their first test in the UK, accelerating to 700 miles per hour...