Archive of feed items published on the 28th of May 2008
HHMI gives $600 million for med research from UPI
New bird flu dangers investigated from UPI
'Pixie dust' used to regrow finger from UPI
Florida county watching for deadly amoeba from UPI
Fed report says climate change risks crops, water from AP Science
In Space, No One Can Hear You Flush from CBSNews - Science
Brazil environment chief sworn in from BBC News: Science & Nature
Zoo sends aid to pandas in China from BBC News: Science & Nature
Money dispute threatens toxic tap water study from AP Health
Scientists warn of rising Pacific Coast acidity from AP Science
Large-scale community protein annotation -- WikiProteins from Physorg
Family feuds -- why close relatives keep their distance in the animal kingdom from Physorg
Tourists to the Caribbean should pay 1 dollar each to help fight tropical diseases of poverty from Physorg
Olfactory receptor neurons select which odor receptors to express from Physorg
Scientists in Japan design first optical pacemaker for laboratory research from Physorg
Microsoft Chiefs Talk Past, Look To Future from CBSNews - Science
Money dispute threatens toxic tap water study from Physorg
Scientists warn of rising Pacific Coast acidity from Physorg
Fed report says climate change risks crops, water from Physorg
Space station crew to NASA: Send plumber soon from Physorg
Childhood lead exposure is associated with increased risk of criminal arrest in adulthood from Physorg
Overweight men at risk of osteoarthritis of both hip and knee from Physorg
High throughput microscopy quantifies regulation of estrogen receptor from Physorg
Skin defects set off alarm with widespread and potentially harmful effects from Physorg
Giant flying reptiles preferred to walk from Physorg
Researchers retrieve authentic Viking DNA from 1,000-year-old skeletons from Physorg
SF State scientists expose new threat to spotted owl from Physorg
Secondhand smoke increases hospital admissions for all types of infectious diseases from Physorg
Key to Angelina-like cheeks? Add volume to deep fat compartment from Physorg
Researchers from 5 countries to test hygiene hypothesis from Physorg
C-sections a critical factor in preterm birth increase from Physorg
Microsoft demos future Windows with touch-screen from Physorg
Squirrel hunters set 1,000 traps from BBC News: Science & Nature
Long-range weather: it's a balmy -30 C on Mars from CBC: Technology & Science
Wisconsin governor signs Great Lakes compact from AP Science
Tackling Moondust for Future Lunar Living from
Pisa's leaning tower safe for 300 years: expert from Reuters:Science
Told not to question Eastern Health cancer figures, inquiry told from CBC: Health
PHOTOS: Mars Lander Takes First "Self Portraits" from National Geographic
Laptops that are made to play from CBC: Technology & Science
Researcher finds Laysan albatross employs 'dual mommies' from Physorg
Stress buildup precedes large Sumatra quakes from Physorg
New superlattice structure enables high performance infrared imaging from Physorg
Kennedy has major cancer bill in Senate from Physorg
Wisconsin governor signs Great Lakes compact from Physorg
Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths from AP Health
Oregon Physicists Don't Flip Spin but Find Possible Electron Switch from Newswise - Scinews
7 scientists share $1 million prizes for research from AP Science
Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths from AP Science
Archaeologists find ancient army HQ from Reuters:Science
Albatross employs 'dual mommies' from Science Blog
Federal scientists probe decline of B.C. salmon runs from CBC: Technology & Science
Nortel to close Calgary operations from CBC: Technology & Science
Dismissed pathologist to testify at N.B. inquiry into his errors from CBC: Health
Flu pandemic medical help left in the waiting room from Physorg
New breathing exercises help manage asthma from Physorg
Magnetic nanoparticles: Suitable for cancer therapy? from Physorg
When your memories can no longer be trusted from Physorg
Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths from Physorg
7 scientists share $1 million prizes for research from Physorg
MISSION UPDATE: Discovery Astronauts Scheduled to Arrive at Cape Canaveral Today from
EU urged to review animal testing from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seeking answers to asteroid deflection from Science Blog
Protein Fibrils as Alternative Plastics? from Physorg
When your memories can no longer be trusted from Science Blog
The best spam filter ever from Science Blog
Organic Corn: Increasing Rotation Complexity Increases Yields from Newswise - Scinews
Long-term hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk from Physorg
Organic corn: Increasing rotation complexity increases yields from Physorg
Life, but not as we know it? from Physorg
Geopolitics and Geology Force Oil Companies to Explore New Options [News] from Scientific American
US files WTO complaint against EU over high-tech goods tariffs from Physorg
Microsoft chief says in talks with Yahoo but not 're-bidding' from Physorg
New vegetarian food with several benefits from Physorg
Listen to Phoenix descend from European Space Agency
Varied breakfasts boost mental health from Science Alert
Shuttle Discovery on Track for Saturday Launch from
Large Hadron Collider Enables Hunt For 'God' Particle To Complete 'Theory Of Everything' from Science Daily
Combining Exercise With Hormone Could Prevent Weight Gain from Science Daily
Organic Free Grazing Cows Are Cream Of The Crop from Science Daily
Method Uses 'Bluetooth' To Track Travel Time For Vehicles, Pedestrians from Science Daily
Most Developing Countries Ill-equipped To Ensure Global Biosafety from Science Daily
Fundamental Building Block In Flowering Plants Evolved Independently, Yet Almost Identically In Ancient Plants from Science Daily
Antioxidant Supplements May Lessen Benefit Of Radiation And Chemotherapy from Science Daily
Little Man And Cosmic Cauldron: Very Large Telescope Images Two Nebulae In Carina from Science Daily
Cancer Research: A Common Denominator Of Inflammations And Fatty Liver Found from Science Daily
Engineering Researcher Seeks Answers To Asteroid Deflection from Science Daily
Childhood Lead Exposure Is Associated With Decreased Brain Volume In Adults from Science Daily
Childhood Lead Exposure Linked To Criminal Behavior In Adulthood from Science Daily
Youth Obesity Epidemic Reaches Plateau? from Science Daily
Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence On Clouds from Science Daily
Some Biofuels Might Do More Harm Than Good To The Environment, Study Finds from Science Daily
Second Hand Smoke Increases Hospital Admissions For All Types Of Infectious Diseases from Science Daily
Passion fruit extract eases asthma from Science Alert
Key allergy gene discovered from Science Alert
Brown expands nuclear ambitions from BBC News: Science & Nature
AU teams up with Microsoft to advance ICT from SciDev
Life, but not as we know it from Science Blog
One quarter of disabled kids not getting special education: StatsCan from CBC: Health
Medical marijuana user files human rights complaint over smoking laws from CBC: Health
FDA says Glaxo drug fails to control bleeding from AP Health
Bush Administration Sued Over Smog Rules from CBSNews - Science
E-Paper To The Rescue In 2020 from CBSNews - Science
Scientists share $1 million prizes from MSNBC: Science
Brazil court to decide on embryonic cell research from Reuters:Science
Pisa's leaning tower safe for 300 years from MSNBC: Science
Scientists find seizure drug reverses cellular effects from Physorg
A new way to look at lung cancer and tobacco carcinogens from Physorg
New study reveals brain cell mechanism of alcohol dependence from Physorg
Monkey's brain controls robot arm from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seven scientists win first $1 mln Kavli prizes from Reuters:Science
Intestinal Bacteria Promote and Prevent Inflammatory Bowel Disease from Harvard Science
Genomic analysis gives new insights into cellular reprogramming from Harvard Science
Strange Ring Found Circling Dead Star from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mice mothers devote energies to offspring when life is threatened from Physorg
Protein plays key role in transmitting deadly malaria parasite from Physorg
SAfrica protests Microsoft Office 2007 file standard from Physorg
Gene therapy increases survival for end-stage head and neck cancer from Physorg
World's fastest-growing mud volcano is collapsing, says new research from Physorg
New Iron-based and Copper-Oxide High Temperature Superconductors Share Key Magnetic Properties from Newswise - Scinews
New Insights Into Cellular Reprogramming Revealed by Genomic Analysis from Newswise - Scinews
Prof to Participate in G8 Summit in Japan from Newswise - Scinews
Sullivan Wins NSF Career Award for Research on Therapeutic Drug Carriers from Newswise - Scinews
Space Station Crew Awaits Orbital Plumbers from
Climate Change Already Affecting U.S. Water, Land, And Biodiversity, Report Finds from Science Daily
Ambulance New Brunswick defends its service in Simonds from CBC: Health
New vaccine approach prevents/reverses diabetes in lab from Science Blog
At-risk mothers devote energies to offspring from Science Blog
Intestinal bacteria promote -- and prevent -- inflammatory bowel disease from Physorg
New insights into cellular reprogramming revealed by genomic analysis from Physorg
New Iron-based and Copper-Oxide High-Temperature Superconductors Share Key Magnetic Properties from Physorg
Mind over matter: Monkey feeds itself using its brain from Physorg
Large methane release could cause abrupt climate change as happened 635 million years ago from Physorg
Microbiology: Straight from the gut from News @ Nature
Sidelines from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Plug pulled on stellarator fusion project from News @ Nature
The oldest pregnant mum from News @ Nature
Berni-brand pesto items recalled in Canada from UPI
Incident shows Taser may have affected heart from Reuters:Science
Belgian newspapers want Google to pay for copyright violation from CBC: Technology & Science
Messaging without barriers from Physorg
Astronauts to deliver pump for balky space toilet from Physorg
Kew Gardens provides climate for agricultural change from Physorg
New vaccine approach prevents/reverses diabetes in lab study from Physorg
Getting warmer: Researchers uncover information on new superconductors from Physorg
'Barren' seafloor teeming with microbial life from Physorg
Venerable institute gets a refit from News @ Nature
Climate anomaly is an artefact from News @ Nature
Genetic testing for everyone from News @ Nature
U.S. EPA smog limits challenged in court from UPI
Vaccine can prevent, reverse diabetes from UPI
Molecule stops, prevents colitis symptoms from UPI
Lead snacks as child, crime as adult from Science Blog
Phoenix Sees the Colors of Mars from Physorg
Web site lets Dell customers apply for restitution from Physorg
MIT student ingenuity plus high-tech batteries yields advanced all-electric Porsche from Physorg
Microbiology: The inside story from News @ Nature
Virus might help Huntington's victims move from UPI
California prison gets solar power plant from UPI
Good news for a fast-wrinkling generation: Some anti-aging methods work from Physorg
The ghostly gaze of science from Physorg
A way to hear the electric car coming down the road from Physorg
North Pacific humpback whales rebounding from UPI
Insects may control strawberry guava from UPI
Fossil reveals oldest live birth from BBC News: Science & Nature
Massive diamond under the hammer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Space station incommoded by broken toilet from Reuters:Science
China Races to Open Roads, Stop Floods in Quake Zone from National Geographic
NASA's Phoenix Spacecraft Commanded to Unstow Arm from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
U.S. cable providers move to ditch set-top boxes from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists find giant ring encircling exotic dead star from Physorg
Phoenix prepares for work after safe landing on Mars from News @ Nature
Mars Lander Back Online After Radio Glitch from CBSNews - Science
FDA asks Xiadafil VIP Tabs be recalled from UPI
Malaria parasites fine-tune offspring's gender: study from Reuters:Science
New MRI technique could catch cancer early: study from Reuters:Science
Monkey think, monkey do: with robotic arm from Reuters:Science
Giant Ring Found Around Exotic Dead Star from Science Blog
Monkey's brain controls robot arm from CBC: Technology & Science
Archaeologists find ancient fortified city from MSNBC: Science
Preservationists: Gas drilling threatens carvings from Physorg
Robot climbs Grand Canyon with batteries from Physorg
Study: Child maltreatment victims lose 2 years of quality of life from Physorg
Marine chemist says 'not so fast' to quick oil detection method from Physorg
Preservationists: Gas drilling threatens carvings from AP Science
FDA asks Xiadafil VIP Tabs be recalled from UPI
Word/Logic Bank to Help Build 'Thinking' Machines from Science Blog
Oldest vertebrate fish mother discovered from Reuters:Science
World`s First Two-in-one Server Blade Joins HP Portfolio for Powering 'Scale-out' Computing Environments from Physorg
Acute artificial compound eyes from Physorg
Trauma of 9/11 appears to have altered brains, study suggests from Physorg
Ancient Egyptian city unearthed in Sinai from AP Science
Phoenix Mars Lander to Flex Robotic Arm from
World's oldest mother fish found from Science Alert
Pathologist at heart of N.B. inquiry into botched tests apologizes from CBC: Health
Phoenix Spacecraft Commanded to Unstow Arm from Physorg
Fruit fly protein acts as decoy to capture tumor growth factors from Physorg
Homing in on Halifax - First Annual Ocean Tracking Network Conference from Newswise - Scinews
Powerful Superconductor in a Class All Its Own from Newswise - Scinews
Last Call for Entries: ASCE Excellence in Journalism Award from Newswise - Scinews
CSI: Milky Way Team Works Scene of Dead Star from Newswise - Scinews
"Barren" Seafloor Teeming with Microbial Life from Newswise - Scinews
Kids have words in common from Science Alert
Oldest Live-Birth Fossil Found; Fish Had Umblical Cord from National Geographic
Ancient "Snowball Earth" Melted Fast Due to Methane from National Geographic
Space shuttle mission now a plumber's house call from Reuters:Science
Manitoba hires 18 more nurse practitioners from CBC: Health
Oldest vertebrate fish mother found from MSNBC: Science
Fossil captures 380-million-year-old live birth from Physorg
Funding boost for B-cell-based HIV vaccine research from News @ Nature
Feature: Making every drop count from Science Alert
Nurses, police feel undervalued from Science Alert
Protein plays key role in transmitting deadly malaria parasite from Biology News Net
Intestinal bacteria promote -- and prevent! -- inflammatory bowel disease from Biology News Net
Mind over matter: Monkey feeds itself using its brain from Biology News Net
Mice mothers devote energies to offspring when life is threatened from Biology News Net
New study reveals brain cell mechanism of alcohol dependence from Biology News Net
When your memories can no longer be trusted from Biology News Net
Life, but not as we know it? from Biology News Net
Sugar-coated antibiotics from Biology News Net
Bacteria 'feed' on earth's ocean-bottom crust from Biology News Net
MIT project seeks to arm robotic training with data from MIT Research
Stretching exercises may reduce risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy from Physorg
Statistical tool could explain gene study variations from Physorg
A Great Lakes mystery: The case of the disappearing species from Physorg
Ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen may be equally effective at reducing risk of Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Scholar explores mystery of the 'music-evoked frisson' from Physorg
Keeping the rhythm of life in sync from Physorg
Mind Over Matter: Monkey Feeds Itself Using Its Brain from Science Daily
Medication shows promise for patients with severe chronic constipation from Physorg
'Sniff' out acquaintances, wherever they are from Physorg
TiVo 1Q profit soars as costs fall from Physorg
Physicists Don't Flip Spin but Find Possible Electron Switch from Physorg
Ancient Egyptian city unearthed in Sinai from Physorg
Sony to sell golf ball-sized speakers from Physorg
Intel CEO: Smaller gadgets will expand market from Physorg
Statement of Kathy Hudson, Director, Genetics and Public Policy Center, Regarding Resignation of NHGRI's Francis Collins from Newswise - Scinews
Epilepsy drug may help alcoholics from News @ Nature
Japan to allow limited human embryonic cloning from News @ Nature
Mass. gov. signs bill on managing ocean resources from AP Science
Malaria parasites 'family plan' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Genome Institute Chief to Step Down from Science NOW
Make Way for Superfrog from Science NOW
Private Donor Gives Fermilab $5 Million from Science NOW
And the Kavli Prizes Go To ... from Science NOW
Climate Change Is Bad News for U.S. Agriculture from Science NOW
Arctic claimants say they will obey U.N. rules from Reuters:Science
US games developer makes quitting smoking child's play from Physorg
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Opinion: Hurdles for free debate charter from Science Alert
China Launches Second Olympic Satellite from
Phoenix Spacecraft Commanded To Unstow Arm from Science Daily
Net neutrality bill hits House of Commons from CBC: Technology & Science
Japanese plan to brew 'space beer' from Physorg
Marine microbiology: Origins of Death from News @ Nature
Norway's first Kavlis take on Nobel prizes from News @ Nature
Drug labeling aimed at pregnant women may change from AP Health
Bloomberg Lays into Policymakers' "Political Science" [News] from Scientific American
Cellphone spectrum auction tops $700 million on day two from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists puzzled by how seafloor life survives from MSNBC: Science
Human Genome Project Head to Step Down [News] from Scientific American
Cosmic Log: Spring fling with science from MSNBC: Science
Phoenix Mars Lander Phones Home, Prepares to Unfold Arm [News] from Scientific American
Flying reptiles ate dinosaurs for lunch from MSNBC: Science
Genetics guru to leave government post from MSNBC: Science
Preterm births -- most via C-sections -- on the rise in U.S. from LA Times - Science
Preterm births -- most via C-sections -- on the rise in U.S. from LA Times - Health
'Barren' Seafloor Teeming With Microbial Life from Science Daily
Estrogen Helps Drive Distinct, Aggressive Form Of Prostate Cancer from Science Daily
Examining The Physics Of Carbon Nanotubes from Science Daily
Regulatory B Cells Exist -- And Pack A Punch from Science Daily
New Threat To Spotted Owl Exposed from Science Daily
Mice Mothers Devote Energies To Offspring When Life Is Threatened from Science Daily
Large Methane Release Could Cause Abrupt Climate Change As Happened 635 Million Years Ago from Science Daily
Brain Cells Help Neighboring Nerves Regenerate from Science Daily
New Unifying Theory Of Lasers Advanced By Physicists from Science Daily
Molecular Fingerprint Of Cocaine Addiction Revealed from Science Daily
Researchers Aim To Mitigate Impact Of Unintended Hydrogen Leaks By Examining 'Embrittlement' Issues from Science Daily
Gene Therapy Increases Survival For End-stage Head And Neck Cancer from Science Daily
Controlling Invasive Species: When The Butterfly Bush Blossoms from Science Daily
Overweight Men At Risk Of Osteoarthritis Of Both Hip And Knee from Science Daily
September Launch For ESA's Gravity Mission GOCE from Science Daily
Child Maltreatment Victims Lose 2 Years Of Quality Of Life from Science Daily
Strange Ring Found Circling Dead Star from Science Daily
Seizure Drug Reverses Cellular Effects In Brain Related To Alcohol Addiction from Science Daily
Avoiding Spleen Removal For Cooley's Anemia Sufferers from Science Daily
Water Used To Make Complicated Chain Of Chemical Reactions For Plastics And Medicines Much More Environmentally Friendly from Science Daily
Brazil court to decide on embryonic cell research from Reuters:Science
Indiana Jones And The Plunder Of Cultural Heritage from Science Daily
Key To Angelina-like Cheeks? Add Volume To Deep Fat Compartment from Science Daily
Fossilized fish reveals first vertebrate sex from Reuters:Science
Arctic claimants say they will obey U.N. rules from Reuters:Science
Students' Device Allows ICU Patients to Get Back on Their Feet from Newswise - Scinews
Fireflies' Glow Helps Researchers Track Cancer Drug's Effectiveness from Newswise - Scinews
U.S. climate change detailed from UPI
Monkey think, monkey do: with robotic arm from Reuters:Science
City residents produce less carbon from AP Science
Lead exposure linked to criminal behavior from UPI