For the First Time, a Message Sent With Neutrinos
Neutrino Message University of RochesterStraight through 780 feet of rock In a major step for truly wireless communications, scientists have figured out how to send a message with neutrinos, transmitting a single word through 780 feet of bedrock and translating it at the other end. It's just a first step, but the message suggests that someday, submarine crews and maybe average civilians will communicate by sending chargeless, ghostly particles through any obstacle. The message? "Neutrino." Maybe researchers from the University of Rochester and North Carolina State University could have come up with a more interesting or ominous word, but their breakthrough is pretty impressive. Using neutrinos, you could theoretically communicate between any two points without any cables or wires - through water, which is what makes them an attractive option for marine applications, or even through the entire planet. Chargeless and tiny, neutrinos are unperturbed by obstacles the way radio waves...