What Does The U.S. Look Like To Political Ad Buyers? [Infographic]
Map Of The Electoral College Adam Cole/NPRWhen you make the geography reflect the electoral college, things get weird. SuperPACS and other political spenders understand that. With the popular vote so close this election, eyes are on swing states even more than usual. Now what if we showed, cartographically, how outside campaign spenders pour money into a race? No surprise: the money for political ads goes to the swingiest of states. Distort the country by per capita spending and it gets even more jarring. Just add an old song (swing, of course) and you've got this excellent video from NPR showing what the U.S. looks like to superPACs and other groups during election season. Sans video, it's a little like this. First, the electoral college as it actually looks. Here the states have been resized proportionally based on their votes in the electoral college. They've also been reshaded according to how blue...