Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

NASA Satellite Images Dissect Iceland Volcanic Plume

A thermal infrared analysis of NASA satellite imagery of the ash plume from Iceland's erupting volcano provides insights into its composition.

Probe captures 1st space lightning video

13 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science

The Cassini spacecraft has captured a series of images of lightning on the night side of Saturn, allowing astronomers to create the first video of lightning strikes on another planet.

Supermassive Black Holes Can Kill Whole Galaxies

13 years ago from Science NOW

Intense radiation can stop star formation in its tracks

Astronomer: Earth-Like Planets Are Common

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

But While These Worlds May Be More Common Than Thought, Stars Have Eaten Many

Technological Advances Bring Exoplanets into Clearer View

13 years ago from Scientific American

In late 2008 two teams made waves with the simultaneous announcement that they had managed to directly photograph planets in orbit around distant stars, also known as exoplanets....

Space telescope moves on with one detector

13 years ago from Science Daily

Mission engineers and scientists with NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer, a space telescope that has been beaming back pictures of galaxies for three times its design lifespan, are no longer planning...

Space Storms Could Threaten The UK Power Grid

13 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have developed a new model that shows the widespread impact inclement space weather could have on the UK.

Studies show more evidence of water on moon, Mars

13 years ago from Reuters:Science

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ice deposits at least 6 feet thick can be found in some small craters on the moon, researchers reported Monday in one of two studies showing more...

EU energy chief arrives in Azerbaijan

13 years ago from UPI

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 14 (UPI) -- EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger arrived Wednesday in Azerbaijan to discuss natural gas corridors for the European Union.

NASA and Hawaii partner on space science

13 years ago from UPI

HONOLULU, April 14 (UPI) -- NASA says it has entered into a partnership with Hawaii for a variety of activities involving various space science projects.

LOFAR opens up the low-frequency universe - and starts a new SETI search

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a new pan-European radio astronomy facility, has started mapping the Universe at very low energy wavelengths, a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that...

ESA's ice mission delivers first data

13 years ago from

ESA's CryoSat-2 has delivered its first data just hours after ground controllers switched on the satellite's sophisticated radar instrument for the first time. CryoSat-2 was launched on 8 April and...

Earth's Newest Neighbor: 10 Light Years Away

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

Sky Watchers Say the Find Marks the Closest New Star Spotted in 63 Years

Cluster takes first look at acceleration processes driving aurora

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Using the Cluster spacecraft, scientists from University College London (UCL) have made the first direct observations of charged particles that lead to some of the brightest aurora. Dr...

One mystery of sandstorm lightning explained

13 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Sandstorms can generate spectacular lightning displays, but how they do so is a mystery. Earth Sciences - Meteorology - Weather Phenomena - Atmospheric Sciences - Thunderstorms...

Spacepunk: A Wooden Satellite?

13 years ago from

Could you successfully launch a high precision functioning space satellite that was made out of wood? Instead of speculating, I asked.  In my 365DOA Podcast I called up Randa Milliron,...

NASA Chief: Change is Vital for Space Agency's Future

13 years ago from

Change for NASA is difficult but necessary, according to NASA administrator Charles Bolden, who spoke Tuesday at the 26th National Space Symposium.

How Weather Satellites Changed the World

13 years ago from

The world's first weather satellite, TIROS-1, launched 50 years ago,and changed the world.

Bose-Einstein Correlations Measured By CMS!

13 years ago from

I am quite proud today to announce the publication of a new physics result from the CMS experiment: maybe not a groundbreaking result, yet one to which I contributed directly,...

Baby stars in the Rosette cloud

13 years ago from

Herschel's latest image reveals the formation of previously unseen large stars, each one up to ten times the mass of our Sun. These are the stars that will influence where...

What If Apollo 13 Failed to Return Home? New Video Tells All

13 years ago from

A new video simulation reveals the ultimate fate of NASA's Apollo 13 flight had it been unable to return to Earth safely.

M81's 'Halo' Sheds Light on Galaxy Formation

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- Observations with Subaru Telescope's Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) have revealed an extended structure of the spiral galaxy Messier 81 (M81) that may hold a key to understanding the...

Paramount tests frontier with 'Star Trek' drives

13 years ago from Physorg

(AP) -- Paramount Pictures is exploring a new frontier by participating in an offer to sell Seagate Technology hard drives with a copy of the latest "Star Trek" movie...

Findings: NASA, We’ve Got a Problem. But It Can Be Fixed.

13 years ago from NY Times Science

Even though NASA’s budget, adjusted for inflation, is the same as it was in the 1960s, its cost are higher, unlike other technologies.

NJIT physicist sees terahertz imaging as ultimate defense against terrorism

13 years ago from Science Blog

John Federici, a physics professor at NJIT, sees the use of terahertz rays as a critical technology in the defense against suicide bombers and other terrorist activities. Federici and...

Russian Cosmonauts Honor Yuri Gagarin, 1st Man in Space, From Orbit

13 years ago from

Cosmonauts in orbit honored a space holiday Monday to celebrate the historic launch of Russian pilot Yuri Gagarin 49 years ago.

U.S, Japan begin sharing satellite data

13 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, April 12 (UPI) -- The U.S. and Japanese space agencies say they have started combining elements of their satellite resources to improve a type of Earth observation data.

Under New Leadership, Kavli Institute at Cornell Evolves from Think Tank to Proving Ground

13 years ago from Newswise - Scinews

Looking to push the boundaries of nanoscience, the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science is no longer a think tank for new ideas, but a proving ground to aggressively...