Latest science news in Astronomy & Space

Nobel laureate Black dead at age 85

13 years ago from UPI

DUNDEE, Scotland, March 26 (UPI) -- The University of Dundee in Scotland said Nobel laureate James Black, known for his work on the rational design of drugs, died at...

Mars Rover Passes 20-Km. Marker

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

A Planned 90-Day Mission Enters its Seventh Year as Opportunity Pushes Forward

Snowblower on Enceladus: How moon's ice jets feed Saturn's E ring and cause some slight snowfall

13 years ago from Science Daily

Cassini's nose dives through Saturn's E ring have yielded insights on the give and take of ice particles between Enceladus and the ring. Some of the moon's jets are successful...

Bathing and showering: Under-appreciated sources of water pollution from medicines

13 years ago from Science Daily

That bracing morning shower and soothing bedtime soak in the tub are potentially important but until now unrecognized sources of the hormones, antibiotics, and other pharmaceuticals that pollute the environment,...

Bright Fireball Caught on Camera Over Alabama

13 years ago from

A bright fireball that lit up the sky over Alabama last week was caught by NASA cameras.

El Niño's last hurrah?

13 years ago from Science Daily

El Niño 2009-2010 just keeps hanging in there. Recent sea-level height data from the NASA/European Ocean Surface Topography Mission/Jason-2 oceanography satellite show that a large-scale, sustained weakening of trade winds...

Last Chance to Get a Good Look at Mars Until 2012

13 years ago from

Mars will be close to the moon on Thursday night, on its way to the far side of the sun.

20-year study yields precise model of tectonic-plate movements

13 years ago from

A new model of the Earth, 20 years in the making, describes a dynamic three-dimensional puzzle of planetary proportions...

GOES-15 in orbit and in checkout mode

13 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, March 24 (UPI) -- NASA says the latest Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite is now in its proper orbit and has been named GOES-15.

China should support solar thermal energy research

13 years ago from SciDev

China must support technological research on solar thermal energy, say Huang Ming and Yidong Gong.

Robert M. White dies at 85; pilot made history with 1962 test flight into space

13 years ago from LA Times - Science

The retired Air Force major general and decorated war veteran was the first pilot to exceed Mach 6. In 1962 he flew an X-15 research plane nearly 60 miles above Earth and...

Bees in more trouble than ever after bad winter

13 years ago from AP Science

MERCED, Calif. (AP) -- The mysterious 4-year-old crisis of disappearing honeybees is deepening. A quick federal survey indicates a heavy bee die-off this winter, while a...

Notes and queries

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

Who owns the moon – the Clangers, Murdoch's Sky or the Moonies?Who owns the moon and its resources?Man in the?Juliet Abrahamson, CambridgeThe Clangers, of course.David Prothero, Harpenden, HertsKraft.Julia Harrison, CambridgeMurdoch's Sky.Jenny Jones, Cerrick, Delabole,...

New Coming Attractions Trailer Shows an Exciting Webb Telescope Mission

13 years ago from Physorg

Picture yourself in a movie theater waiting for the main attraction to begin and the scent of popcorn wafts through the air. The screen lights up with coming attractions and...

Cosmic Log: Fusion’s ups and downs

13 years ago from MSNBC: Science

Science editor Alan Boyle's Weblog: The folks following an unconventional path to nuclear fusion power are feeling more confident about their footsteps. Fusion - Physics -...

To Mars and back -- as real as it gets

13 years ago from Physorg

( -- A crew of six, including two Europeans, will soon begin a simulated mission to Mars in a mockup that includes an interplanetary spaceship, Mars lander and martian landscape....

Got $200K to Fly Above the Earth?

13 years ago from CBSNews - Science

That's How Much a Ride On Virgin Galactic's Newest Spacecraft Will Cost You

Clever Math Puts a Firm Number on the Amount of Dark Matter in Existence

13 years ago from PopSci

Counting up the missing mass Dark matter, the material that makes up the majority of the matter in the universe, remains so mysterious that scientists don't even know how much of it...

NASA's Aqua Satellite sees a tight Tropical Storm 21S

13 years ago from Physorg

The Southern Indian Ocean is still warm enough to enable tropical cyclones to form, and Tropical Cyclone 21S did just that today. NASA's Aqua satellite captured infrared and visible images...

Red River Flooding Seen From Space

13 years ago from Live Science

NASA has looked down on flooding along the Red River from space.

History's Most Destructive Volcanoes

13 years ago from Live Science

Their explosive power and tons of debris have wreaked havoc on the Earth since the world began.

Senator Weighs Alternative Use for NASA's Commercial Spaceship Funds

13 years ago from

Sen. Bill Nelson is questioning whether $6 billion NASA is seeking for developing commercial crew taxis might be better spent on a heavy-lift rocket that could take humans beyond low...

United Kingdom Launches New Space Agency

13 years ago from

The United Kingdom launched the U.K. Space Agency Tuesday along with plans for a new multimillion-dollar space center.

Chevron testing new solar panels

13 years ago from UPI

BAKERSFIELD, Calif., March 23 (UPI) -- U.S. supermajor Chevron announced that it was testing seven new solar panels at a demonstration site on a former refinery in California.

Massive China Sandstorm Seen from Space

13 years ago from Live Science

A massive sand and dust storm in China over the weekend has been imaged from space, revealing a shape much like a weather front.

'Mars' mission is ultimate reality show | Leo Hickman

13 years ago from The Guardian - Science

If I was on the panel choosing the crew for this simulated flight, I'd focus my attention on the 'social habits' of each candidateIn May, six people will climb into a steel...

Can Life on Titan Thrive Without Water?

13 years ago from

Saturn's giant moon Titan is so cold that water is frozen as hard as granite, but methane is a liquid. Scientists wonder whether there could also be life.

Has Global Warming Slowed?

13 years ago from Scientific American

Global warming has neither stopped nor slowed in the past decade, according to a draft analysis of temperature data by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies . [More]