Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Heart drugs show promise for fighting colon cancer

14 years ago from

Scientists in Sweden are reporting for the first time that a group of drugs used to treat heart failure shows promise for fighting colon cancer. The study is in ACS'...

Researchers publish review of the 'molecular basis of colorectal cancer'

14 years ago from Physorg

Every year in the United States, 160,000 cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed, and 57,000 patients die of the disease, making it the second leading cause of death from cancer...

New nanoparticle might find, treat cancer

14 years ago from UPI

HOUSTON, Dec. 16 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've created a nanoparticle that might be able to allow both cancer diagnosis and treatment during one hospital visit.

Economic Scene: If Health Care Reform Fails, America’s Innovation Gap Will Grow

14 years ago from NY Times Health

The need for health coverage prevents many workers from finding new jobs or starting new companies, which suppresses economic growth.

Study points way to development of drugs for deadly childhood leukemia

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new study could point the way to the development of better drugs to fight a deadly form of childhood leukemia called mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL).

Killer cookies: To resist temptation, exaggerate the threat

14 years ago from Science Daily

Your ability to resist that tempting cookie depends on how a big a threat you perceive it to be, according to a new study.

Scientists uncover protective mechanism against liver cancer

14 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists have identified a protein switch that helps prevent liver damage, including inflammation, fibrosis and cancer. The findings suggest that a better understanding of how the protein, TAK1, works could...

American Academy of Ophthalmology on NEI report on sharp rise in myopia in Americans

14 years ago from Science Blog

SAN FRANCISCO -- According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the 66.4 percent increase in myopia in Americans since the 1970s, as reported in the recent National Eye Institute (NEI)...

Nanoprobes hit targets in tumors, could lessen chemo side effects

14 years ago from Science Daily

Tiny nanoprobes have shown to be effective in delivering cancer drugs more directly to tumor cells -- mitigating the damage to nearby healthy cells -- and new research has shown...

Master gene Math1 controls framework for perceiving external and internal body parts

14 years ago from Science Daily

Math1 is a master hub for the genes that control various parts of neural networks for hearing, balance, the unconscious sense of one's position in space called proprioception and in...

More than 90 percent of people with gum disease are at risk for diabetes, study finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

An overwhelming majority of people who have periodontal disease are also at high risk for diabetes and should be screened for diabetes, a nursing-dental research team has found. The researchers...

Researchers find evidence of survival gains in bone marrow disease

14 years ago from

A recent study, published in the December issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, demonstrates new survival data for the blood disorder myelofibrosis. This retrospective study is the largest ever conducted in...

Imaging test detects Alzheimer's disease that is likely to progress

14 years ago from

Early Alzheimer's disease detected by a compound that binds to brain plaques appears likely to progress into symptomatic Alzheimer's disease with dementia, according to a report in the December issue...

Variable doses of radiation raise safety concerns for CT procedures

14 years ago from

Radiation doses from common CT procedures vary widely and are higher than generally thought, raising concerns about increased risk for cancer, according to a new study led by UCSF imaging...

Pandemic toolkit offers flu with a view

14 years ago from

As communities brace for rising wintertime influenza cases, scientists are developing a mathematical and visual analytic toolkit to help health officials quickly analyse pandemics and craft better response strategies...

Antidepressants may increase risk of stroke and death

14 years ago from

Postmenopausal women who take antidepressants face a small but statistically significant increased risk for stroke and death compared with those who do not take the drugs. The new findings are...

Study finds over 90 percent of people with gum disease are at risk for diabetes

14 years ago from

The study, led by Dr Shiela Strauss, Associate Professor of Nursing and Co-Director of the Statistics and Data Management Core for NYU's Colleges of Dentistry and Nursing, examined data from...

Do consumers always approach pleasure and avoid pain? New study suggests an alternative

14 years ago from Science Blog

Whether it's doing sit-ups or eating steamed veggies instead of fries, it's often difficult to get ourselves to do something we know is beneficial. A new study in the Journal...

Vital Signs: Hazards: Take Care When Ordering Bear for Dinner

14 years ago from NY Times Health

A federal report indicated that in recent years, bear meat accounted for almost all nonpork cases of trichinosis.

UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News

14 years ago from UPI

WISE spacecraft is launched successfully … Personality judged by physical appearance … NASA creates Web site for teenagers … Therapy may reverse sickle cell disease ... Health/Science news from UPI.

Veiling in style: How does a stigmatized practice become fashionable?

14 years ago from Science Blog

Why are an increasing number of Turkish women wearing veils in a secular country where the practice is banned in public buildings? A new study in the Journal of Consumer...

UCSD Experts Calculate How Much Information Americans Consume

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- U.S. households consumed approximately 3.6 zettabytes of information in 2008, according to the "How Much Information? 2009 Report on American Consumers," released today by the University of California,...

UNC scientists coordinate study of link between insulin use and cancer in people with diabetes

14 years ago from Physorg

Type 2 diabetes and obesity are linked to an increased risk of certain cancers. Recently published studies suggested that insulin glargine (a synthetic insulin preparation marketed under the trade...

I think step to the left, you think step to the east

14 years ago from Science Blog

Even the way people remember dance moves depends on the culture they come from, according to a report in the December 14th issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. Whereas a...

Cut out the (estrogen) middleman: Risky therapy for aging brain may be avoidable by focusing instead on hormone's target

14 years ago from Science Daily

Estrogen has a dual role in brain as a hormone and, indirectly, as a neurotransmitter, according to a new study which suggests a strategy for replacing hormone therapy.

Mechanism discovered by which body's cells encourage tuberculosis infection

14 years ago from Science Daily

Tuberculosis bacteria use a signaling pathway to coerce disease fighting cells to switch allegiance and work on their behalf. Scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism by which TB bacteria prod...

Book demystifies psychiatry for the general public

14 years ago from Physorg

Psychiatric disorders are underdiagnosed, poorly treated and highly stigmatized, according to psychiatrists Charles F. Zorumski, M.D., and Eugene H. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D. So these Washington University physicians have written a...

OU Lab 1 of 4 in nation testing new exercise technique

14 years ago from Physorg

A year ago, Michael Bemben, professor of health and exercise science in the University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences, was invited to the National Press Club in Washington,...