Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Gene Therapy Can Improves Muscle Mass And Strength In Monkeys, Research Suggests

14 years ago from Science Daily

Scientists are one step closer to clinical trials to test a gene delivery strategy to improve muscle mass and function in patients with certain degenerative muscle disorders.

No need to fast for cholesterol test

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Patients do not need to fast before having their cholesterol tested, a major study has found.

Preventative Brain Radiation For Lung Cancer Patients: Benefits And Risks

14 years ago from Science Daily

A new study is taking a closer look at the benefits vs. risks for lung cancer patients to undergo preventative brain radiation therapy as a means to stop cancer from...

BPA Linked To Male Sexual Dysfunction

14 years ago from C&EN

Chemical Safety: Study of Chinese workers raises concerns about human exposure to controversial plastics chemical.

Drug shrinks lung cancer tumours in mice

14 years ago from

A potential new drug for lung cancer has eliminated tumours in 50% of mice in a new study published today in the journal Cancer Research. In the animals, the drug...

Ventilation treatment in prone position for ARDS does not provide significant survival benefit

14 years ago from

Despite a current suggestion that patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome be positioned lying face down while receiving mechanical ventilation, study results indicate that this positioning does not significantly lower...

Antitumour activity of nutlin-3 in neuroblastoma with wild-type p53

14 years ago from

The small-molecule inhibitor nutlin-3 may be a viable treatment option for neuroblastoma patients with wild-type p53 activity, according to a new study published online November 10 in the Journal of...

90 percent of Africans are not protected by smoke-free laws

14 years ago from Science Blog

DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA (11 November 2009)?As African nations are poised to undergo the highest increase in the rate of tobacco use among developing countries, nearly 90 percent of people...

Health care accounts for 8 percent of US carbon footprint

14 years ago from

The American health care sector accounts for nearly a tenth of the country's carbon dioxide emissions, according to a first-of-its-kind calculation of health care's carbon footprint...

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents associated with higher risk of venous thromboembolism

14 years ago from

Use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism, according to study published online November 10 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute...

Drugs to treat anaemia in cancer patients linked to thromboembolism

14 years ago from

Medications frequently given to cancer patients to reduce their risk of anaemia are associated with an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, according to new research led...

1 in 4 hospitalised heart failure patients with Medicare back in hospital within a month

14 years ago from

Almost a quarter of heart failure patients with Medicare are back in the hospital within a month after discharge, researchers report in Circulation: Heart Failure, a journal of the American...

Medical marijuana gets a boost from major doctors group

14 years ago from LA Times - Science

The American Medical Assn. changes its policy to promote clinical research and development of cannabis-based medicines and alternative delivery methods. ...

Women More Likely Than Men To Suffer Depression After Stroke

14 years ago from Science Daily

Depression occurs in as many as one-third of patients after a stroke, and women are at somewhat higher risk, according to a large new review of studies. Post-stroke depression is...

Unexpected Consequences Of Proton Pump Inhibitor Use In Reflux Disease

14 years ago from Science Daily

Despite being highly effective and beneficial for many patients, unexpected consequences are emerging in patients who are prescribed proton pump inhibitors for reflux diseases. Physicians are warned to monitor these...

Inhibitor Of Heat Shock Protein Is A Potential Anticancer Drug, Study Finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

Like yoga for office drones, cells do have coping strategies for stress. Heat, lack of nutrients, oxygen radicals -- all can wreak havoc on the delicate internal components of a...

High Fructose Corn Syrup: A Recipe For Hypertension, Study Finds

14 years ago from Science Daily

A diet high in fructose increases the risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension), according to ne research. The findings suggest that cutting back on processed foods and beverages that...

Surgical Masks Vs. N95 Respirators For Preventing Influenza Among Health-care Workers

14 years ago from Science Daily

Surgical masks appear to be no worse than, and nearly as effective as N95 respirators in preventing influenza in health care workers, according to a new study.

Heating, Air-Conditioning And Carpets May Be Hazardous To Your Health

14 years ago from Science Daily

Damp environments, poorly maintained heating and air-conditioning systems and carpeting may contribute to poor indoor air quality, according to experts. Americans spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, where...

Ethics guide for rural MDs

14 years ago from Physorg

With an eye to small-town health professionals as well as to the people training students to practice medicine beyond metropolitan settings, Dartmouth's Department of Community and Family Medicine is unveiling...

Bush rats fight back

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Sydney's native bush rats were unintended victims of a campaign to exterminate foreign black rats during a plague epidemic in 1900, according to new research by scientists who...

Researchers Study Effect of Cinnamon Compounds on Brain Cells

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Cell-culture studies looking into how compounds in cinnamon extract affect brain cells are being conducted by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists. The researchers have reported findings that the...

Researchers using excimer laser angioplasty to blast arterial blockages in heart and kidneys

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Using an excimer laser to widen narrowed or obstructed blood vessels in hard-to-reach areas of heart and kidney arteries may be feasible and safe, according to a study...

NHLBI publishes new heart healthy cookbook

14 years ago from Physorg

The health of your heart has a lot to do with the foods you eat. To help busy people and families shop for, prepare, and serve healthy meals, the...

Afghan detainees at front of line for H1N1 shots

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Afghan detainees in Canadian custody are to be offered swine flu vaccinations this week, long before many Canadians can be inoculated.

Ontario expands H1N1 vaccination program

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Ontario is expanding its H1N1 immunization program to include, among others, some members of the Ontario health ministry, seniors living in long-term care homes, and first responders.

The childhood nerve cancer neuroblastoma shows weakness

14 years ago from

By activating the tumor suppressor p53, a new drug may slow the malignancy, a study in mice shows

Addressing poverty to reduce chronic diseases

14 years ago from SciDev

The Pan American Health Organization has proposed to reduce poverty in a bid to tackle chronic diseases.