Latest science news in Health & Medicine

Doctors' tests often miss high blood pressure in kids with kidney disease

14 years ago from

Many children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who show normal blood pressure readings at the doctor's office have high blood pressure when tested at home, according to a study appearing...

Scientists find link between cancer genes

14 years ago from UPI

KINGSTON, Ontario, Nov. 12 (UPI) -- Canadian scientists say they've found a link between two genes involved in cancer formation that might lead to a drug target for cancer...

People with less education could be more susceptible to the flu

14 years ago from

People who did not earn a high school diploma could be more likely to get H1N1 and the vaccine might be less effective in them compared to those who earned...

Collaboration key to developing world genomics research

14 years ago from SciDev

Poor countries need support to participate in genomics research, say Josefina Coloma and Eva Harris in PLoS Medicine.

Scientists decipher the formation of lasting memories

14 years ago from

Researchers Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have discovered a mechanism that controls the brain's ability to create lasting memories. In experiments on genetically manipulated mice, they were...

Men leave: Separation and divorce far more common when the wife is the patient

14 years ago from

A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer or multiple sclerosis than if a man in the relationship is the...

A pain in the neck

14 years ago from Science Blog

The world record for fastest text message typing is held by a 21-year old college student from Utah, but his dexterous digits could mean serious injury later on.

Neuroimaging provides insights into new treatment options for Alzheimer's disease

14 years ago from Science Blog

Amsterdam, November 10, 2009 -- With about 35 million people around the world suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD) by the year 2010 and an expectation that these numbers will...

Minimally Invasive Surgery Shown Safe And Effective Treatment For Rectal Cancer

14 years ago from Science Daily

Laparoscopic surgery has been used in the treatment of intestinal disorders for close to 20 years, but its benefits have only recently begun to be extended to people with rectal...

Healthy babies by the numbers

14 years ago from Physorg

When a fetus is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of pregnancy, due to associated problems like a poorly developed heart, health concerns as severe as brain damage...

Experts: Placebo power behind many natural cures

14 years ago from AP Health

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures from alternative medicine. Yet these mostly unproven treatments are now mainstream and used by more than a...

Over 2,200 veterans died in 2008 due to lack of health insurance

14 years ago from Physorg

A research team at Harvard Medical School estimates 2,266 U.S. military veterans under the age of 65 died last year because they lacked health insurance and thus had reduced access...

Aging eye disorder no worse with cataract surgery

14 years ago from CBC: Health

Cataract surgery might not speed up age-related macular degeneration as previously thought, a new study suggests.

The missionary doctor

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- Dr. Kenneth Chang has built one of the nation's finest digestive disease centers for UC Irvine Healthcare with a drive and passion inspired by doctors he assisted in...

Flu overload cancels Ottawa surgeries

14 years ago from CBC: Health

More than 100 surgeries have been cancelled at the Ottawa Hospital as swine flu patients seek emergency care and fill beds.

Head injuries driving new helmet designs

14 years ago from UPI

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 (UPI) -- Only longtime use will determine whether new football helmet designs protect the brain against dangerous concussions, head injury experts said.

On the cutting edge: Zigzag incision technique improves outcome of laser-assisted corneal transplantation

14 years ago from Physorg

( -- For most of the 40,000 Americans who undergo corneal transplants each year, recovery is uncomfortable and slow, sometimes taking as long as six months. Even then, clear vision...

Happiest States are Wealthy and Tolerant

14 years ago from Live Science

The happiest states also have the wealthiest residents and highest number of gays, research shows.

Eye patch makes school tough

14 years ago from Science Alert

A recent study found that – for kids with lazy eye – wearing glasses at school was okay, but an eye patch made acceptance less likely.

Urban birds sing higher notes

14 years ago from Science Alert

Researchers have found that some birds call at a higher pitch in the city, to avoid being drowned out by noise – only a partial success.

Dentist anxiety harms teeth

14 years ago from Science Alert

A recent study has found that people with anxious personalities are more likely to have bad teeth, because they put off dentist visits.

Some chest pain patients wait longer than 10 minutes to see ER physician

14 years ago from Science Blog

ATLANTA -- Emory University Rollins School of Public Health researchers will present Nov.

Bubbles used to find cancer cells

14 years ago from BBC News: Science & Nature

A new technique using tiny bubbles to detect cancer is developed by radiographers and surgeons at a hospital in Kent.

National Briefing | West: California: Hospital Warns of Cataracts Risk in CT Scans

14 years ago from NY Times Health

A Los Angeles hospital where patients were exposed to X-ray radiation overdoses during CT scans said its investigation found the patients could be at higher risk of cataracts.

Obama Seeks Revision of Plan’s Abortion Limits

14 years ago from NY Times Health

The president said he wanted to make sure “we’re not restricting women’s insurance choices” in an amendment to the health bill.

Missing in Health Bills: Solutions for Rising Costs

14 years ago from NY Times Health

Health economists say it is impossible to know whether the bill would meet cost-cutting goals, and many are skeptical that they even come close.

Researchers Reconstitute Enzyme That Synthesizes Cholesterol Drug Lovastatin

14 years ago from Science Daily

Researchers have for the first time, successfully reconstituted one of the most interesting but least understood enzymes in the highly reducing iterative polyketide synthases found in filamentous fungi. This enzyme...

Leishmaniasis: New Strategy To Find Drugs To Treat Neglected Parasitic Infection

14 years ago from Science Daily

Using an unconventional approach that they designed, drug discoverers have identified compounds that hold promise for treating leishmaniasis, a parasitic infection that many consider one of the world's most overlooked...