Archive of feed items published on the 21st of October 2008
U.S. suicide rate is up from LA Times - Science
Genome fanatics to post own DNA sequences on Web from LA Times - Science
U.S. suicide rate is up from LA Times - Health
Maths and science 'end decline' from BBC News: Science & Nature
A Taste for Blood from NY Times Science
Basics: The Wonders of Blood from NY Times Science
Under Maryland Street, Ties to African Past from NY Times Science
Essay: The Terror and Attraction of Science, Put to Song from NY Times Science
Mind: When All Else Fails, Blaming the Patient Often Comes Next from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work | Nathan Wolfe: Deep in the Rain Forest, Stalking the Next Pandemic from NY Times Science
Cases: A Planet of Pain, Where No Words Are Quite Right from NY Times Science
Weight-Loss Surgery, No Cutting Required from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Nostrums: Supplements Seem to Be No Help to Knees from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Patterns: Race and Health Coverage Affect Survival from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Having a Baby: Cortisol Booster in Preemies of Little Help from NY Times Science
Exelon’s $6.2 Billion Bid for NRG Would Create Largest Power Utility in U.S. from NY Times Science
Momentum Slows for Alternative Energy from NY Times Science
Green Policies in California Generated Jobs, Study Finds from NY Times Science
The DNA Age: Taking a Peek at the Experts’ Genetic Secrets from NY Times Science
Observatory: Shortage of Pollinators Is Not Affecting Crops, at Least for Now from NY Times Science
Q & A: Flighty Flies from NY Times Science
Personal Health: For Breast Health, Take the Initiative from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Coffee Eases Headaches From Epidural Injections from NY Times Science
Well: Dentists Back Sealants, Despite Concerns from NY Times Science
Letters: When Imaging Falls Short (3 Letters) from NY Times Science
Letters: Parsing Words (and Lyrics) (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
Letters: Asphalt and Reptiles (1 Letter) from NY Times Science
An eroding model for health insurance from LA Times - Health
Barack Obama to take time off trail to visit ailing grandmother from LA Times - Health
An assessment of McCain's and Obama's health insurance proposals from LA Times - Health
India joins Asia space race in first moon mission from Reuters:Science
200 sex assault cases pass prosecution deadline before LAPD tested DNA kits from LA Times - Science
Japanese climbers say find footprints of abominable snowman from Reuters:Science
EBay to ban sale of ivory products from Reuters:Science
India Moon probe ready for launch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Western diet 'raises heart risk' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Russia set to invest heavily in space industry from Reuters:Science
Midlife suicides are on the rise from
Planets Thought Dead Might Be Habitable from Live Science
Planets Thought Dead Might Be Habitable from
Science minister urges investment from BBC News: Science & Nature
The genetic explanation for moles' poor eyesight from Physorg
Mercury pollution causes immune damage to harbor seals from Physorg
Study links inflammation and coagulation to non-AIDS deaths in people with HIV from Physorg
3-D doppler ultrasound helps identify breast cancer from Physorg
South Africa in grip of strangulation spate from Physorg
Revolutionary operation performed live for heart rhythm congress from Physorg
US suicide rate increasing: Largest increase seen in middle-aged white women from Physorg
New MRI technique may identify cervical cancer early from Physorg
Bacterium 'to blame for Crohn's' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Middle-Age Suicide Rate Rising from Live Science
Energy agency urges more investment in carbon-capture projects to reduce pollution from Physorg
Nebraska lawmakers would limit safe haven to newborns from Physorg
Egyptologists use high-tech software to analyze construction of Great Pyramid from Physorg
India shoots for the moon in Asian space race from Physorg
Campaign 2008: The YouTube election from Physorg
New Zealand approves pig-human tissue transplants for diabetics from Physorg
Genome fanatics to post own DNA sequences on Web from Physorg
Ebay to ban sales of ivory products in January from Physorg
- gives digital music another try from Physorg
Buffets and bigwigs as CERN opens... but not with a bang from Physorg
Scientist turns to ink-jet printer for a new heart from Physorg
Pirates Still Terrorize High Seas from Live Science
Green recovery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Northwest Climate Change Is Target of $3.2 Million in Grants to Oregon from Newswise - Scinews
Residents' concerns delay vote on wind farm from CBC: Technology & Science
Trick or Treat? Corn Syrup's New Disguise from Live Science
All set for Chandrayaan-1 launch from European Space Agency
Mining for data from CBC: Technology & Science
Police seek venomous snake that bit Winnipeg man from CBC: Health
India Shoots for the Moon with New Probe from
Ten innovations inspired by nature from MSNBC: Science
NASA Probe To Map Solar System's Edge from CBSNews - Science
ID-Scam College Student Gets 5 Years from CBSNews - Science
"Buckypaper" Hype Could Soon Be Reality from CBSNews - Science
Beluga Whale Added To Endangered List from CBSNews - Science
"Gladiator" Tomb Discovered In Rome from CBSNews - Science
Google Steps Into The Cell Phone Market from CBSNews - Science
Report: EPA Failing On Waterway Pollution from CBSNews - Science
NASA's Party Over from CBSNews - Science
Surfing The Web Stimulates Older Brains from CBSNews - Science
New TB blood test seen more accurate from Reuters:Science
Latin American innovation projects receive funding boost from SciDev
Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Governor's Palace In Turkey from Science Daily
Beta-blocker Use Linked To Risks Of Death And Heart Attack After Surgery, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Cleaning Up Iraqi Nuclear Facilities, Radioactive Waste from Science Daily
Non-AIDS Deaths In People With HIV Linked To Inflammation And Coagulation, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Pesticide Concentrations Decreasing from Science Daily
The Nose Knows: Two Fixation Points Needed For Face Recognition from Science Daily
Man's Best Friend Recruited In Hunt For Disease Genes from Science Daily
Low-carb Diets Alter Glucose Formation By The Liver from Science Daily
Respiratory Rhythms Can Help Predict Insomnia from Science Daily
Group Bragging Betrays Insecurity, Study Shows from Science Daily
Throwing Light On The Dark Side Of The Universe from Science Daily
India set for unmanned moon mission from CBC: Technology & Science
TRAVEL/CULTURE PHOTOS WEEKLY: Culinary Olympics, More from National Geographic
VIDEO: Ancient Temples Found in Peru from National Geographic
VIDEO: Red Squirrels Develop Immunity from National Geographic
Huge Mountain Range Should Not Be There from Live Science
Safety a problem for new generation drugs, too from AP Health
Hikers find 'abominable snowman' footprints from MSNBC: Science
Feature: Sustaining our iconic north from Science Alert
Mass. Firm Opens Algae-growing Greenhouse from CBSNews - Science
Netflix Profit Up 30 Percent In 3Q from CBSNews - Science
US suicide rate increasing, especially in middle-aged white women from Science Blog
Extra cash from government program linked to higher risk of adult obesity from Science Blog
Scientific hunch poised to save thousands from toxic fish poisoning from Science Blog
Massive U.S. recall of baby cribs made over suffocation risk from CBC: Health
NASA holds $2M lunar lander competition from UPI
Energy Department official visits Canada from UPI
Hartz recalls some rawhide dog chips from UPI
Solar Cells Go Organic from Live Science
Rust resistant gene found in grass from Science Alert
Macadamia industry is 'carbon friendly' from Science Alert
Opinion: The threat to and the dangers of coal from Science Alert
Physicists get closer to metallic hydrogen from Physics World
EBay to ban global sale of ivory products on its auction site from CBC: Technology & Science
High number of children and teens in US uninsured despite having a parent with health insurance from Physorg
Exposing chicks to maternal stress leads to long-term reproductive success from Physorg
Archaeologists find unique, early US relic of African worship from Physorg
Austrian firm to produce electric off-road motorcycle from Physorg
Safety a problem for new generation drugs, too from Physorg
Justice expected to weigh in on Google, Yahoo deal from Physorg
Study sheds new light on dolphin coordination during predation from Physorg
MU professor analyzes presidential debates from Physorg
The effect of gamma waves on cognitive and language skills in children from Physorg
Stem cell research to benefit horse owners and trainers from Physorg
Rare corals breed their way out of trouble from Physorg
Nurses help new doctors cope from Science Alert
Organ donations soon faster, cheaper from Science Alert
Corals have sex to survive from Science Alert
Ex-Astronaut Aims to Get Statement Tossed Out from
Hospital rankings: More than meets the eye from Physorg
What we 'know' may not be so, when it comes to the uninsured and ERs from Physorg
Construction safety terms not understood from UPI
The Effect of Gamma Waves on Cognitive and Language Skills in Children from Science Blog
Xbox Live not ready for Primetime from CBC: Technology & Science
At Two Feet Long, A Record-Breaking Bug from PopSci
New candidate genes for schizophrenia identified from Physorg
Caste in the colony: How fate is determined between workers and queens from Physorg
Fertilizers -- a growing threat to sea life from Physorg
Markers of inflammation and blood-clotting tied to hazards of intermittent HIV treatment from Physorg
Impacts of climate change on lakes from Physorg
Researchers examine evolution of genes that trigger the body's immune response to viral infection from Physorg
A claret-colored cloud with a massive heart from Physorg
Understanding the nervous system by walking in a neuron's shoes from Physorg
Laser could aid search for life on Mars from UPI
Salk Institute reports stem cell advance from UPI
World's most relaxing room? from Science Blog
Wang Yung-Ching, Founder Of Formosa Plastics, Dies from C&EN
Big Bang experiment inaugurated despite glitch from Reuters:Science
Space Shuttle Atlantis Returns to Storage from
Genome fanatics share their DNA sequences from MSNBC: Science
Keyboard sniffers to steal data from BBC News: Science & Nature
Asthma prevalence and deaths in Australia still high by world standards, despite declining trends from Physorg
Extra cash from government program linked to higher risk of adult obesity from Physorg
Simulated Seismic Signals Could Help Save Lives from Newswise - Scinews
Roast beef sandwiches recalled in Quebec from UPI
New ALS research findings are reported from UPI
New type of seed bank is proposed from UPI
Group Bragging Betrays Insecurity, Study Finds from Science Blog
Chronic inflammation can help nurture skin cancer, study shows from Physorg
Early-onset depressive disorders predict the use of addictive substances in adolescence from Physorg
First antenna-in-package solution for single-chip 60 GHz radio from Physorg
Throwing light on the dark side of the Universe from Physorg
NASA returns to the moon -- sort of from UPI
Volunteers unveil DNA, medical data in push for everyday gene sequencing from Harvard Science
Scary Days Ahead For Tech Industry from CBSNews - Science
Vast Stellar Nursery: Claret-colored Cloud With A Massive Heart from Science Daily
Archaeologists Find Unique, Early US Relic Of African Worship from Science Daily
Evolution Of Genes That Trigger The Body's Immune Response To Viral Infection from Science Daily
The Effect Of Gamma Waves On Cognitive And Language Skills In Children from Science Daily
Fertilizers: A Growing Threat To Sea Life from Science Daily
Impacts Of Climate Change On Lakes from Science Daily
First Antenna-in-package Solution For Single-chip 60 GHz Radio from Science Daily
Broken atom smasher inaugurated anyway from MSNBC: Science
Self-assembling nano-fiber gel delivers high concentrations of clinically approved drugs from Physorg
ADHD appears to increase level of nicotine dependence in smokers from Physorg
Study shows direct link between health-related behaviors and grades from Physorg
RSV may hide in the lungs, lead to asthma, researchers report from Physorg
Opinion: Mind aerobics fight dementia from Science Alert
Feature: Profile - Dr Tom Burton in hot pursuit of highland frogs from Science Alert
Parents in denial over kids' weight from Science Alert
Asthma still problem for Aussies from Science Alert
Telescopes focus on distant galaxies from Science Alert
Illness costs Australia $14.7 billion from Science Alert
Discovery could stop cancer spreading from Science Alert
New drug could cure fish poisoning from Science Alert
Study: Plants are smarter than we think from UPI
OECD urges China to innovate from Chemistry World
Interview: The flying chemist from Chemistry World
Pakistan launches task force on climate change from SciDev
Science 'should blaze a trail' in economic development from SciDev
Safety problems found in nearly 1 in 4 biotech drugs: study from CBC: Health
Congress Withholds Funding for Spysat Program from
Italy museum says da Vinci writings gather no mold from AP Science
Italy museum says da Vinci writings gather no mold from Physorg
SC prisons take on feds over jamming phone signals from Physorg
Election forecast predicts democrats will gain 3 seats in Senate, 11 in House from Physorg
Child abuse increases risk for later sexually coercive behavior in some men from Physorg
New study shows diversity decreases chances of parasitic disease from Physorg
Researchers develop cross-protective vaccine from Physorg
Secret Lives of Catalysts Revealed from Physorg
Self-assembling Nano-fiber Gel Delivers High Concentrations of Clinically Approved Drugs from Newswise - Scinews
Missouri Botanical Garden sets a record from UPI
Hybrid solar power material is created from UPI
Safety a problem for new generation drugs, too from AP Science
Bell's own retailers sue company for breaking contracts from CBC: Technology & Science
Interac service restored at Royal Bank machines from CBC: Technology & Science
Job choice 'affects Alzheimer's' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study: World is undergoing mass extinction from UPI
Robotic ants building homes on Mars? from Physorg
Study shows steroid therapies following transplant can be eliminated from Physorg
Penny-pinching shoppers may get PC deals soon from Physorg
Google releases Android open-source code: company from Physorg
HP Reveals Their Ipaq Data Manager & Voice Messenger Smartphones from Physorg
Study: New bacteria causes bone infections from UPI
Real, virtual planes race each other from UPI
NASA's FERMI, Space, and Time from Science Blog
Dinosaur Graveyard Yields Fossil Bounty from Live Science
MoD scientists 'deployed in UK' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers find rust resistance genes in wild grasses from Physorg
A Brief Mystery: What are Short Gamma-ray Bursts? from Physorg
Volunteers unveil DNA, medical data in push for everyday gene sequencing from Physorg
Scientists help Microsoft and Yahoo improve online security from Physorg
NASA Returns to the Moon with Instruments on Indian Spacecraft from Physorg
Modified receptor boosts dopamine release from UPI
Microparticles may bolster heart function from UPI
Study finds all sea turtles are related from UPI
Spike in lung cancer concerns Dawson Creek doctor from CBC: Health
Quebec sandwich brand recalled because of listeria from CBC: Health
BlackBerry application store launching in March from CBC: Technology & Science
Geobiologists Discover Unique 'Magnetic Death Star' Fossil from Physorg
Explorers to measure Arctic's vanishing summer ice from Reuters:Science
Cosmic Lens Reveals Distant Galactic Violence from Science Daily
Do Cell Phones Increase Brain Cancer Risk? from Science Daily
Diatom Genome Helps Explain Success In Trapping Excess Carbon In Oceans from Science Daily
Innovations Improve Accuracy Of MRI As Internal 'Thermometer'; Technique Can Enhance Cancer Therapy from Science Daily
Producing New U.S. Energy Crops By The Barrel from Science Daily
Voters In Battleground States More Ambivalent About Presidential Candidates from Science Daily
Earth In Midst Of Sixth Mass Extinction: 50% Of All Species Disappearing from Science Daily
Drug-embedded Microparticles Bolster Heart Function In Animal Studies from Science Daily
Ripening Bananas Glow An Intense Blue Under Black Light from Science Daily
New Study Claims Acne Is Not Associated With Yet-Uncultured Bacteria from Science Daily
Searching For Rare Ladybugs, With Unusual Spots from Science Daily
Designing Wildlife Corridors: Wildlife Need More Complex Travel Plans from Science Daily
'Filament' Of Dark Matter Supports 'Bubbly' Universe Theory from Science Daily
Role Of Fatty Acids In Alzheimer's Disease Identified from Science Daily
Revealing The Evolutionary History Of Threatened Sea Turtles from Science Daily
Best Treatment Determined For Childhood Eye Problem, Study Suggests from Science Daily
New Tools That Model 3D Structure Of Amorphous Materials To Transform Technology Driven R&D from Science Daily
Hypertension Disparity Linked To Environment from Science Daily
Scientists Create 'World's Most Relaxing Room' from Science Daily
New Hope For A Better Treatment For Childhood Cancer from Science Daily
Toxoplasma Parasite's Family Tree Traced from Science Daily
Integrating Antiretroviral Therapy With TB Treatment For Co-infections Reduces Mortality By 55% from Science Daily
Herbicide-resistant Grape Could Revitalize Midwest Wine Industry from Science Daily
New Framework Could Consign Slavery To The Past from Science Daily
Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago from Science Daily
Swamping Bad Cells With Good In ALS Animal Models Helps Sustain Breathing from Science Daily
City Trash Plus Farm Leftovers May Yield Clean Energy from Science Daily
Blood Flow Reversal System Used During Carotid Stenting Is Both Safe And Effective, Study Shows from Science Daily
Protected 'Swimways' Urged For Endangered Leatherback Sea Turtle from Science Daily
Forest Peoples' Rights Key To Reducing Emissions From Deforestation from Science Daily
Engineers Build First-ever Multi-input 'Plug-and-play' Synthetic RNA Device from Science Daily
'Junk' DNA May Have Important Role In Gene Regulation from Science Daily
Spinning Natural Proteins Into Fabrics For New Wound-repair Products from Science Daily
Enlarged Prostates: Choice Of Treatment Needs Careful Consideration from Science Daily
Researchers Write Protein Nanoarrays Using A Fountain Pen And Electric Fields from Science Daily
Catching Smugglers With Technology To Detect Guilt from Science Daily
Dinosaur Dance Floor: Numerous Tracks at Jurassic Oasis on Arizona-Utah Border from Science Daily
Achilles Heel Of Common Childhood Tumor Identified from Science Daily
LEDs May Help Reduce Skin Wrinkles from Science Daily
Potential Treatment To Prevent Diabetes And Obesity Using Interleukin-6 from Science Daily
Ship Strike Reduction Rule Aims To Protect North Atlantic Right Whales from Science Daily
Kidney Donation Web Sites Raise Ethical Concerns from Science Daily
Listening To Dark Matter: New Clues From Lab Deep Underground from Science Daily
New Method May Rapidly And Effectively Detect Significant Food-Borne Pathogen from Science Daily
Real Pilots And 'Virtual Flyers' Go Head-to-head from Science Daily
Varying Combinations Of Antiviral Drugs May Effectively Treat Chronic Hepatitis Virus Infection In Woodchucks from Science Daily
New Natural Products Act Against Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria from Science Daily
See What I See: Machines With Mental Muscle from Science Daily
Tie hospital budgets to patients, CMA head says from CBC: Health
Beyond recognizing odors, a single neuron controls reactions from Physorg
LG Electronics to Invest in Solar Cell Production Line from Physorg
Palin Backed Shipping Natural Gas To Japan from CBSNews - Science
The Oddball Hosts of Gamma-ray Bursts from Science @ NASA
Bird flu pushed back, pandemic threat remains: UN from Reuters:Science
India heads for the Moon from News @ Nature
Plumes of methane identified on Mars from News @ Nature
American Airlines sues Yahoo over search terms from Physorg
Sprint to trim cell phone termination fees from Physorg
Dutch youths convicted of virtual theft from Physorg
Study of polar dinosaur migration questions whether dinosaurs were truly the first great migrators from Physorg
Couples with children with ADHD at risk of higher divorce rates, shorter marriages from Physorg
Serendipitous observations reveal rare event in life of distant quasar from Physorg
Identity politics: Sex, race color perceptions of Obama, Palin from Physorg
Child abuse increases risk for later sexually coercive behavior in some men from Science Blog
Confirmed cases of E. coli rise in northern Ontario from CBC: Health
New DNA Tool Probes Rice Genome from Physorg
Study Shines Light on How Red Blood Cells Control Blood Pressure from Physorg
Doctor shares secrets to calm your child from Physorg
Anti-piracy software creates more problems than it solves from Physorg
Billions at Stake in Bid for NASA Mission Control Contract from
India readies 1st moon mission in Asian space race from AP Science
Researchers Study How Mother's High-fat Diet Contributes to Obesity in Children from Physorg
Researchers Resolve 40-Year Dispute Over Disappearing Physical Property from Physorg
It's Oktober: I'll Drink To That! from PopSci
Helping flippers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ancient Bone Tool Sheds Light on Prehistoric Midwest from Newswise - Scinews
Building Better Bees from Physorg
X marks the spot: Sharpies get thumbs-up for marking surgery sites from Physorg
Apple's profit up 26 percent on iPhone boom from Physorg
Yahoo firing 1,500 workers; 3Q profit falls 64 pct from Physorg
Scientists enhance immune system attacks on cancer from Physorg
Physicists find a new state of matter in a 'transistor' from Physorg
Give me my genome from News @ Nature
The Science of YouTube: Lightning from PopSci
The Drug Pumper from PopSci
The Neural Puppeteer from PopSci
Helping flippers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why Women Get More Cavities from Science NOW
Yahoo misses Q3 earnings, cutting 10% of workforce from CBC: Technology & Science
Va. pharmacy follows faith, no birth control sales from AP Health
First Apollo Flight Crew Last to be Honored from
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Britain's Oldest Toy Found Buried with Stonehenge Baby? from National Geographic
More patients complaining about doctors' annual fees: health group from CBC: Health
Va. pharmacy follows faith, no birth control sales from Physorg
Why faster eaters pack on pounds from CBC: Health
Dino graveyard yields fossil bounty from MSNBC: Science
Physicists find a new state of matter in a 'transistor' from Science Blog
Vaccine Type That Holds Promise In Protecting Against TB Identified from Science Daily
Potential New Way To Make A Good Anti-leukemia Drug Even Better from Science Daily
City Councilman wants to ban elephants at L.A. Zoo from LA Times - Science
Huge mountain range shouldn't be there from MSNBC: Science
Un-Netting Trade in Endangered Species: eBay Vows Crackdown on Illegal Ivory Sales from Scientific American
Phoenix Lander Finishes Soil Delivery to Onboard Labs from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Robotic Ants Building Homes On Mars? from Science Daily
Physicists Find New State Of Matter In 'Transistor': Huge Implications For New Electronic Devices from Science Daily
Serendipitous Observations Reveal Rare Event In Life Of Distant Quasar from Science Daily
Study Of Polar Dinosaur Migration Questions Whether Dinosaurs Were Truly The First Great Migrators from Science Daily
Self-assembling Nano-fiber Gel Delivers High Concentrations Of Clinically Approved Drugs from Science Daily
Building a Better Bee: New World and Old World Unite from Science Blog
Heat sensors guide insects to a hot meal from
Avian airlines: Alaska to New Zealand nonstop from
Why eating males pays off, for spiders from Reuters:Science
Spider males: A meal and a mate from
Contact Lenses Are Home To Pathogenic Amoebae from Science Daily
A Large Spiral Galaxy, NGC 7331, In All Its Splendor from Science Daily
Allergy Patch Test: Children Tend To React To Different Allergens Than Adults from Science Daily
Egg Whites Solve The 3-D Problem from Science Daily
Scientific Hunch Poised To Save Thousands From Toxic Fish Poisoning from Science Daily
Education Protects Against Pre-Alzheimer's Memory Loss from Science Daily
Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus Reveals Its Access Code from Science Daily
'Western' Diet Increases Heart Attack Risk Globally from Science Daily
T Cell Response To New Melanoma Antigen Linked To Relapse-free Survival from Science Daily
Grades In College Directly Linked To Health-related Behaviors from Science Daily
Amphibian Diversity Decreases Chances Of Parasitic Disease, Study Shows from Science Daily
How Neuronal Activity Leads To Alzheimer's Protein Cleavage from Science Daily
Creating Unique Health ID Numbers Would Improve Health Care Quality, Efficiency, Study Claims from Science Daily
Microscopic Structure Of Quantum Gases Made Visible: Bose-Einstein Condensate from Science Daily
Can Exercise Prevent A Severe Stroke? from Science Daily
Embolic Neuroprotection System Reduces Risk Of Cardiac Events, Study Reveals from Science Daily
Baseball: Professor Sees 59 Percent Chance Of Rays Win Over Phillies In World Series from Science Daily
Techier than Thou: Obama and McCain's Showdown on Science Research from PopSci
Study sheds new light on dolphin coordination during predation from Biology News Net
Rare corals breed their way out of trouble from Biology News Net
Study of polar dinosaur migration questions whether dinosaurs were truly the first great migrators from Biology News Net
Heart valves that grow with the patient from Biology News Net
Study shows steroid therapies following transplant can be eliminated from Biology News Net
Building a better bee from Biology News Net
Digesting the termite digestome -- a way to make biofuels? from Biology News Net
Middle schoolers earn top prizes in science competition from
India launches first moon mission from Reuters:Science
India Launches Moon Mission in Asian Space Race from
Techier than Thou: Obama and McCain's Showdown on Science Research from PopSci
Spider males good for mating, food from
India launches first unmanned moon mission from Reuters:Science
India launches first moon mission from Reuters:Science
India Launches First Unmanned Moon Mission from CBSNews - Science
Immigrants' advocates decry cervical cancer vaccine order from LA Times - Science
Congress Nixes Novel Satellite Program from CBSNews - Science
Plague kills Grand Canyon biologist from UPI