Archive of feed items published on the 21st of May 2008
In Study, Researchers Find Nanotubes May Pose Health Risks Similar to Asbestos from NY Times Science
New Trend in Biofuels Has New Risks from NY Times Science
Biotech Company to Auction Chances to Clone a Dog from NY Times Science
Phoenix Lander Is Ready for Risky Descent to Mars from NY Times Science
Project Digitizes Works From the Golden Age of Timbuktu from NY Times Science
Older Brain Really May Be a Wiser Brain from NY Times Science
Willis Lamb Jr., 94, Dies; Won Nobel for Work on Atom from NY Times Science
Screening for Abuse May Be Key to Ending It from NY Times Science
Observatory: Birds Rely on Surface Tension to Eat Dinner from NY Times Science
Q & A: Giving Pets Long Lives from NY Times Science
Global Update: Cervical Cancer Could Double by 2030 Where Screening and Vaccine Are Lacking from NY Times Science
Ice Dwellers Are Finding Less Ice to Dwell On from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Hazards: Despite Dangers, Hookahs Gain Favor from NY Times Science
Vital Signs: Patterns: Craving Sweets? It May Be in Your Genes from NY Times Science
Regimens: Aspirin More Beneficial if Taken at Night from NY Times Science
Television Review: Adventures in Hands-On Science from NY Times Science
Report Charges Interference on Emissions from NY Times Science
Who Is the Walrus? from NY Times Science
Findings: Comfort Food, for Monkeys from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work | Claudius Conrad: A Musician Who Performs With a Scalpel from NY Times Science
Personal Health: Trying to Break Nicotine’s Grip from NY Times Science
Really?: The Claim: Smoking Can Cause the Loss of Hair from NY Times Science
Well: Finding the Best Way to Cook All Those Vegetables from NY Times Science
100 Explosions on the Moon from Science @ NASA
Fish filmed flying 45 seconds from UPI
Mars Express mission controllers ready for NASA Phoenix landing from European Space Agency
Rare pygmy hogs head for wild from BBC News: Science & Nature
ESA and space tourism from European Space Agency
Scientists find first dinosaur tracks on Arabian Peninsula from Physorg
How can we measure the emotional states of animals? from Physorg
Unique adaptive evolution in snake proteins -- insight into vertebrate physiology from Physorg
Not told of 2003 lab woes report, MD tells inquiry from CBC: Health
Scientific row brews over mega-rat from Physorg
Cancer-sniffing dog being cloned in SKorea: bio firm from Physorg
Hungarian student hurls eggs at Microsoft CEO Ballmer from Physorg
Analysis of millions of US births shows association between birth defects and preterm birth from Physorg
Researchers map iron transport protein from Physorg
Phoenix Mars Lander: How to Hunt for Martian Ice from
Ambitious NASA Probe to Fly Through Sun's Fringe from
Senator Kennedy Has a Malignant Brain Tumor from NY Times Health
Prognosis Usually Bleak for Condition, a Glioma from NY Times Health
Jesse Edwards, Pathologist, Dies at 96 from NY Times Health
No Shift in British Abortion Law from NY Times Health
Merck Agrees to Settlement Over Vioxx Ads from NY Times Health
Google Offers Personal Health Records on the Web from NY Times Health
Media Talk: Web Game With a Message Debunks H.I.V. Myths from NY Times Health
For an All-Organic Formula, Baby, That’s Sweet from NY Times Health
In Hospitals, Simple Reminders Reduce Deadly Infections from NY Times Health
Doctors Say ‘I’m Sorry’ Before ‘See You in Court’ from NY Times Health
Report Assesses Blame in Hepatitis Cases from NY Times Health
Despite H.I.V., Fighting to Maintain Health and a Positive Attitude from NY Times Health
Opinion: Implanon - just slip it in? from Science Alert
Green Plants Boost Job Satisfaction from Live Science
Opinion: Clock running out on irreversible climate change - Part II from Science Alert
Cost the 'biggest hurdle' for cervical cancer vaccine from SciDev
Feature: Delving into the hearts of immigrants from Science Alert
Wage subsidies announced for rural P.E.I. jobs from CBC: Technology & Science
New aerospace company launches on P.E.I. from CBC: Technology & Science
See the ISS over Europe from European Space Agency
Analysis shows association between birth defects and preterm birth from Science Blog
Insights Into Lung Disease And Lung Function In Young Adults from Science Daily
Possible Biological Explanation For C-Section-linked Allergies And Asthma Found from Science Daily
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Health Factor From Day One from Science Daily
Iraq War Service: A Risk Factor For Bronchiolitis? from Science Daily
Low-intensity Case Management Cuts COPD-related Hospital Visits In Half from Science Daily
Analysis Of Millions Of US Births Shows Association Between Birth Defects And Preterm Birth from Science Daily
Iron Transport Protein Mapped from Science Daily
Renowned Cosmologist to Champion Origins Initiative at ASU from Newswise - Scinews
Mathematicians Reveal Secrets of the Ancient and Universal Art of Symmetry from Newswise - Scinews
Canada recalls Smith's-brand sandwich from UPI
FDA OKs postsurgical drug for hospital use from UPI
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Gold Toothpick-Earwax Spoon Found from National Geographic
Video: Panda Cubs Rescued After Quake from National Geographic
Rare Dinosaur Tracks Found on Arabian Peninsula from National Geographic
Video: Speed Boat Runs on Biofuel from National Geographic
Japan passes law to allow military use of space: official from Physorg
Yamaha says strong interest in new music machine from Physorg
Cell phone users may get break on fees from Physorg
Honda's New Commitment To Hybrids from CBSNews - Science
China: Quake-Damaged Nuke Sites Are Safe from CBSNews - Science
2 more jails to be tested for asbestos from CBC: Health
Design revamp for '$100 laptop' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dinosaur tracks found on Arabian Peninsula from UPI
Living Heart Chamber 'Organoids' Developed from Science Blog
Invasive species test brings big prize for student from CBC: Technology & Science
New dinosaur tracks discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
RNA Toxicity Contributes to Neurodegenerative Disease from Science Blog
Authorization Bill for Extra Shuttle Flight Clears House Subcommittee from
What Is The Value Of Biodiversity To Our Collective Future? from Science Daily
Merging 'control' software with smart devices could optimize manufacturing from Science Daily
Genetic 'Fix' For Problem In Some Sweet Corn Hybrids Developed from Science Daily
Corn Rootworm Population Studies: Faster, Cheaper, And Just As Good from Science Daily
New Peanut Variety Resistant To Nematodes, Virus from Science Daily
Ozone Might Help Make Bee Hives Cleaner And Safer from Science Daily
Ocean acidification - another undesired side effect of fossil fuel-burning from Science Blog
Prostate prevention drug seen in positive new light from CBC: Health
100 Explosions Recorded on the Moon from
Sound 'cause of shadow spectacle' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Carbon Nanotubes May Present a Cancer Risk from PopSci
Analysis of millions of US births shows association between birth defects and preterm birth from Biology News Net
Scientists find first dinosaur tracks on Arabian Peninsula from Biology News Net
Unique adaptive evolution in snake proteins -- insight into vertebrate physiology from Biology News Net
How can we measure the emotional states of animals? from Biology News Net
Study finds that recalled Aqua Dots did contain poisonous chemical from Biology News Net
Sleep-deprived brains alternate between normal activity and 'power failure' from Biology News Net
Scientists discover a molecular scaffold that guides connections between brain cells from Biology News Net
Our sun is not unique from Science Alert
Iraq war service: A risk factor for bronchiolitis? from Science Blog
Virtual biopsy can tell whether colon polyp is benign from Science Blog
Personalized cancer therapy found valuable from UPI
Scientists create West Nile vaccine from Science Alert
Why do astronauts suffer from space sickness? from Physorg
RNA toxicity contributes to neurodegenerative disease, scientists say from Physorg
Hydrogen-powered phones on the horizon from Physorg
Energy crops take a roasting from Physorg
Ocean acidification -- another undesired side effect of fossil fuel-burning from Physorg
Better business decisions with real-time data from Physorg
Senate panel votes to overturn EPA on Calif. waiver from Physorg
Toy-Like Microboat Could Carry Tiny Cargoes from Physorg
Monitoring Aftershocks in China from PopSci
Kangaroos Threaten One Of Australia's Last Remaining Original Grasslands, And Endangered Animals from Science Daily
RNA Toxicity Contributes To Neurodegenerative Disease, Scientists Say from Science Daily
Increase In Drunk Driving Fatalities Followed Ban On Smoking In Bars from Science Daily
Saltwater Sleuths: Seeking Clues To Help Determine The Ages Of Fish And Shellfish Populations from Science Daily
Why Do Astronauts Suffer From Space Sickness? from Science Daily
Does Patient Outcome Depend On Who They Are Or Where They Go For Care? from Science Daily
Virtual Biopsy Can Tell Whether Colon Polyp Is Benign Without Removal, Researchers Say from Science Daily
Ocean Acidification: Another Undesired Side Effect Of Fossil Fuel-burning from Science Daily
Biofuels: Process Used To Roast Coffee Beans May Give Biomass A Power Boost from Science Daily
U.S. OKs Sending Cell Phones To Cuba from CBSNews - Science
Experts create new definition for PE (not the kind at gym class) from Science Blog
Amazing Robot Jumps Like Grasshopper from Live Science
Experts from 10 countries develop first evidence-based definition of lifelong premature ejaculation from Physorg
A foamy drink and the future of food from Physorg
Saltwater sleuths: Seeking clues to help determine the ages of fish and shellfish populations from Physorg
Plague of kangaroos threatens one of Australia's last remaining original native grasslands from Physorg
Mechanical locomotion principles from jumping insects applied to microrobots from Physorg
Israeli study finds obstructive sleep apnea is health factor from day 1 from Physorg
Economist labors over employment relationships from Physorg
New journal highlights undergraduate research from Harvard Science
Japan allows military use of space from CBC: Technology & Science
1981 report shows radon levels in Harvey Station, N.B. from CBC: Technology & Science
How can we measure the emotional states of animals? from Science Blog
Brain's 'trust machinery' identified from Science Blog
Study finds best times for radio signals from UPI
Tool to improve ocean aquaculture from Science Alert
Time Warner to reap $9.25 billion windfall in cable spinoff from Physorg
Modeling how we see natural scenes from Physorg
Brain's 'trust machinery' identified from Physorg
Possible biological explanation for C-section-linked allergies and asthma found from Physorg
Virtual biopsy can tell whether colon polyp is benign without removal from Physorg
Astronomers Witness Supernova's First Moments [News] from Scientific American
Storm Winds Blow In Jupiter's Little Red Spot from Science Daily
Brain's 'Trust Machinery' Identified from Science Daily
Modeling How We See Natural Scenes from Science Daily
Grasshopper-Inspired Jumping Microrobot Can Make Staggering Leaps from Science Daily
Scientists witness start of star's explosive death from AP Science
FCC Targets Cell Phone Termination Fees from CBSNews - Science
EPA Car Emissions Ruling Contested On Hill from CBSNews - Science
Mysterious Whale Beaching In Senegal from CBSNews - Science
Weird shrimp have super vision from Science Blog
Disabling mouse enzyme increases fertility from UPI
Supernova Birth Observed for First Time from
Canada's food safety ranking surprises researchers from CBC: Health
New mousse repairs tooth decay from Science Alert
Amazing fish flight caught on video from MSNBC: Science
The very model of a modern transistor from Physorg
Halting methane squanderlust from Physorg
Scientists develop way to predict properties of light nuclei from Physorg
Scientists Develop Way to Predict Properties of Light Nuclei from Newswise - Scinews
Many Paths, Few Destinations: How Stem Cells Decide What They'll Be from Newswise - Scinews
Adaptive Evolution in Snake Proteins Could Give Insight into Human Metabolic Function and Physiology from Newswise - Scinews
Australian dilemma: too many kangaroos, too few devils from AP Science
'Frog-amander' Fossil Fills Evolutionary Gap from Live Science
Grain popper may help hungry Africans from UPI
Exploding star caught in the act from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swift satellite catches first 'normal' supernova in the act of exploding from Physorg
Many paths, few destinations: How stem cells decide what they'll be from Physorg
A missing link settles debate over the origin of frogs and salamanders from Physorg
Malaria 'causes immune system to attack own DNA' from SciDev
Caribou facing extinction as recovery efforts stall, biologist says from CBC: Technology & Science
Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms from Live Science
NIH funds research at Ohio University from UPI
Global warming may increase kidney stones from UPI
Seniors deserve break on pharmacare rates, opposition says from CBC: Health
Mathematicians Reveal Secrets of the Ancient and Universal Art of Symmetry from Physorg
100 Explosions on the Moon from Physorg
Researchers develop new image-recognition software from Physorg
Challenges of HIV-1 subtype diversity from Physorg
Supernova caught exploding on camera from Reuters:Science
Carbon Nanotubes That Look Like Asbestos, Behave Like Asbestos, Could Lead To Asbestos-related Disease from Science Daily
First-born Babies' Higher Asthma And Allergy Rates Due To Pregnancy Conditions from Science Daily
Targeting A Pathological Area Using MRI from Science Daily
Blood-clotting Protein Modified For People With Hard-to-treat Hemophilia from Science Daily
Counting Immune Cells On A 'Protein Printboard' from Science Daily
Teen Blood Donors Have Higher Risk Of Donation-related Complications from Science Daily
Fungus That Produces Biofuels From Plants: Genome Sequenced from Science Daily
New Research Improves Early Detection And Survival For Pancreatic Cancer from Science Daily
Improved Gene Therapy Agent Is 30 Times More Efficient Than Current One from Science Daily
Old Antibiotic May Find New Life As A Stroke Treatment from Science Daily
Incisionless Procedure To Reduce Weight Regain After Gastric Bypass Surgery from Science Daily
Supernova Birth Seen For First Time from Science Daily
No star left behind from News @ Nature
Tiny robot replicates grasshopper's long leaps from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. to allow sending of cellphones to Cubans from CBC: Technology & Science
3-D picture of protein receptor obtained from UPI
Astronomers upgrade Schmidt telescope from UPI
Twinkle, twinkle, any star - Sun not so special from Physorg
Tasmanian Devils Named Endangered Species from National Geographic
Amazon Indians Attack Official Over Dam Project from National Geographic
Supernova Caught Starting to Explode for First Time from National Geographic
ESA ready to assist NASA's Phoenix mission from UPI
Study firms up promise of potential new cervical cancer screening tool from Physorg
Study finds continuing upward pressure on retail gasoline prices from Physorg
Researcher strives for watershed moment from Physorg
Willis E. Lamb Jr., 94; Nobel laureate developed quantum electrodynamics from LA Times - Science
Phoenix Mission Ready For Mars Landing Sunday from Science Blog
Simple, cheap filter removes 90% of CO2 from smokestack gases from Science Blog
Parkinson's researchers join forces with gene tester from News @ Nature
Whales are on the rise from News @ Nature
NOAA chief backs bid for climate-change agency from News @ Nature
Poland tackles science like a business from News @ Nature
US plans more primate research from News @ Nature
Powerhouse Spacecraft Launched for North America from
Philippine provider to offer free phones from Physorg
Mobile browser maker says social networks top use from Physorg
Sharing Now Might Help Kids Learn Advanced Math Later from Physorg
Chip-Based Device Measures Drug Resistance in Tumor Cells from Physorg
Mass-Producing Tunable Magnetic Nanoparticles from Physorg
Senegalese fisherman save dozens of stranded whales from Reuters:Science
A Mental, Not a Physical, Face-Off: Students Selected to 2008 US Physics Team from Newswise - Scinews
Couple make a rare find: a supernova ready to flame out from LA Times - Science
Some nanotubes as dangerous as asbestos from UPI
Call to settle ocean care dispute from BBC News: Science & Nature
Biggest rodent 'shrinks in size' from BBC News: Science & Nature
A Modest Glass of Wine Each Day Could Improve Liver Health from Physorg
Microsoft lures search traffic with cash rebates from Physorg
Older L.A. County adults suffer from inadequate dental care from LA Times - Health
Brazil says Amazon deforestation rising from AP Science
Sidelines from News @ Nature
Cosmic dust hides true brightness of Universe from News @ Nature
Sterile mosquitoes near take-off from News @ Nature
Polar bear numbers set to fall from News @ Nature
Europe considers plans for manned spacecraft from News @ Nature
Meeting urges scientists into politics from News @ Nature
Language: The language barrier from News @ Nature
Eyewitness identification: Line-ups on trial from News @ Nature
Older L.A. County adults suffer from inadequate dental care from LA Times - Science
New grape irrigation technique is devised from UPI
Modified protein might help hemophiliacs from UPI
Cause of lupus may be genetic 'editing' from UPI
Lab breakthrough seen in lethal dengue fever from Physorg
Brazil says Amazon deforestation rising from Physorg
First lamp with OLEDs is art object from Physorg
Doctors can unmask deceptive high-risk breast tumors using genetic profile from Physorg
Presidential election will bring change in federal stem cell policy from Harvard Science
Crude Awakening: Price of Oil Tops $130 a Barrel [News] from Scientific American
Calif. quake scientists detail impact of 'Big One' from AP Science
Groups wondering why whale must go from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Winning GeoBee Questions from National Geographic
"Frog-amander" Fossil May Be Amphibian Missing Link from National Geographic
Study: Rural broadband access is needed from UPI
'Frog-amander' fossil fills evolutionary gap from MSNBC: Science
Newsweek: China’s celebrity pandas return from MSNBC: Science
Alps hit by two-decade decline in snowfall from Physorg
Calif. quake scientists detail impact of 'Big One' from Physorg
Review: Netflix delivers Internet movies to TV from Physorg
Relocation of endangered Chinese turtle may save species from Physorg
Scientists discover how common vaccine booster works from Physorg
Ask an Interspecies Musicologist from PopSci
Relocation of Endangered Chinese Turtle May Save Species from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Join Hunt for 'God' Particle to Complete 'Theory of Everything' from Newswise - Scinews
Atmospheric aerosol measurements improved from UPI
Chimp undergoes surgery for bone deformity from UPI
Secrets of the Real Crystal Skulls from Live Science
UW scientists join hunt for 'God' particle to complete 'theory of everything' from Physorg
Storn winds blow in Jupiter's Little Red Spot from Physorg
I'm sorry, Eastern Health's former top MD tells inquiry from CBC: Health
Merck ends study of cholesterol drug from AP Health
Bush signs bill outlawing genetic discrimination from AP Health
Plan to trim cell phone cancellation fees draws criticism from Physorg
Japan cracks down on virus with copyright law from Physorg
New Web Site Answers Radiation Questions from Newswise - Scinews
EERC Director Initiates Long-Term Relationship with Israel to Address Critical Energy, Environmental Challenges from Newswise - Scinews
New Blood Test Reveals Risk For Metabolic Syndrome from Science Daily
Invasion Of Gigantic Burmese Pythons In South Florida Appears To Be Rapidly Expanding from Science Daily
Scientists Characterize Protein Structure Of Environmentally Friendly Bacteria from Science Daily
Protecting Polar Bears Must Include Mitigating Global Warming, Group Argues from Science Daily
How Can We Measure The Emotional States Of Animals? from Science Daily
Early Life Exposure To Cats May Reduce Risk Of Childhood Allergies And Asthma Symptoms from Science Daily
Gene Therapy: Oral Gene Delivery System For Inflammatory Bowel Disease Works, Study Shows from Science Daily
Daily Glass Of Wine Could Improve Liver Health from Science Daily
Technique For Nasal Obstruction Helps Patients Breathe Easier, Study Finds from Science Daily
Identifying The Global Elements Of Job Satisfaction from Science Daily
Most North Pacific Humpback Whale Populations Rebounding from Science Daily
Method To Duplicate Primitive Stem Cells And Prevent Cell Differentiation Discovered from Science Daily
White-handed Gibbons Now Presumed 'Extinct' In China, Forest Survey Shows from Science Daily
Neural Cell Transplants May Help Those With Parkinson's Disease from Science Daily
Scientists Develop Way To Predict Properties Of Light Nuclei from Science Daily
Continuing Upward Pressure On Retail Gasoline Prices Expected from Science Daily
Mars Express Mission Controllers Ready For NASA Phoenix Landing from Science Daily
Dermatologists Link Family History To Shingles Susceptibility from Science Daily
Halting Methane Squanderlust: Catalyst Converts Methane To More Useful Compounds from Science Daily
Food For Thought: Environmental Cost Of Getting Food To Restaurants Far Higher, UK Study Finds from Science Daily
Tracking Influenza's Every Movement from Science Daily
Turning Conventional Video Coding Wisdom On Its Head from Science Daily
Delayed Adverse Effects May Occur Following Injection With Cosmetic Skin Fillers from Science Daily
Observation Of X-rays From Birth Of Supernova Leads To All-out Effort To Record Stellar Death from Science Daily
Ancient Amphibian: Debate Over Origin Of Frogs And Salamanders Settled With Discovery Of Missing Link from Science Daily
Magma has a cracking time from News @ Nature
Stellar blast watched in real time from News @ Nature
Friends quit smoking? You probably will too from AP Health
Creationism edges into high school classes from MSNBC: Science
New study finds most North Pacific humpback whale populations rebounding from Physorg
Evidence mounts against DHEA use in treating cognitive decline from Physorg
Gladstone scientists reveal the genetics of fat storage in cells from Physorg
Scientists Witness Star's Explosive End from CBSNews - Science
Artificial heart valves in action from News @ Nature
Scientists detail impact of 'Big One' from MSNBC: Science
FAA bans anti-smoking drug Chantix for pilots, air controllers from LA Times - Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Scientists discover "frogamander" fossil from Reuters:Science
Chinese Researchers Take Stock After Quake from Science NOW
The Beginning of a Star's Explosive End from Science NOW
The Neurochemistry of Forgiving and Forgetting from Science NOW
Vaccine Booster's Secret Revealed from Science NOW
A Strange Crustacean Transformation from Science NOW
Smoking is Addictive but Quitting is Contagious from Harvard Science
Preemies more likely to have major birth defects from CBC: Health
Outaouais ER wait times 20 hours, 42 minutes and counting from CBC: Health
Bulk of Missing "Normal" Matter Found in Cosmic Web from National Geographic
VIDEO: Missing Panda Returns from National Geographic
VIDEO: Record Flying Fish Flight Seen from National Geographic
Alaska trying to get polar bears off U.S. threatened list from CBC: Technology & Science
Dinosaur tracks found on Arabian Peninsula from AP Science
Merck ends study of cholesterol drug from Physorg
Facebook preparing for redesign to clear clutter from Physorg
Friends quit smoking? You probably will too from Physorg
Bush signs anti-discrimination bill from Physorg
IT companies now largest sector in S&P 500 from Physorg
Napster narrows loss in 4Q; revenue up 6 percent from Physorg
Bolivians granted free access to virtual libraries from SciDev
Big-bang machine’s battle plan set from MSNBC: Science
China sends emergency relief to quake-hit pandas from Reuters:Science
Canadian magazine makes history using special paper from CBC: Technology & Science
Japan to probe whale meat 'theft' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Company offers to clone dogs for 5 highest bidders from AP Science
Review of APOCALYPSE: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God from Science Blog