Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of May 2008
New study finds most North Pacific humpback whale populations rebounding from Biology News Net
Gladstone scientists reveal the genetics of fat storage in cells from Biology News Net
Scientists discover how common vaccine booster works from Biology News Net
Relocation of endangered Chinese turtle may save species from Biology News Net
USC stem cell study sheds new light on cell mechanism from Biology News Net
A missing link settles debate over the origin of frogs and salamanders from Biology News Net
Brain's 'trust machinery' identified from Biology News Net
Preterm babies more likely to have defects from UPI
Australia cuts fed science jobs from UPI
Weight discrimination increasing in U.S. from UPI
Company offers to clone family pets from UPI
How to Solve Toddler Tantrums: Think Like a Neanderthal from Live Science
Airlines' Own Sites Can Offer the Best Deals from Live Science
New Machine Interprets Dreams from Live Science
Fastest Way Up Hills: Zigzag from Live Science
Video: Personal Spy Planes Take Off from Live Science
Identical Twins' DNA Varies from Live Science
Marketing the Next President of the United States from Live Science
10 Technologies That Will Transform Your Life from Live Science
What's Behind the Record Price of Gold? from Live Science
The Greatest Mysteries in Science from Live Science
The 10 Worst U.S Natural Disasters from Live Science
5 endangered tiger cubs born at Saint Louis Zoo from AP Science
Hospitals in L.A., Orange counties are fined for putting patients at risk from LA Times - Health
Capability of California's drug and alcohol treatment director questioned from LA Times - Health
Up to 24,000 deaths a year in California are linked to air pollution from LA Times - Health
Study touts new drug for use in angioplasty from LA Times - Science
James Stewart: Celebrating his 100th birthday from LA Times - Science
Bodily functions at the Discovery Science Center? It helps to be a kid from LA Times - Science
Exoplanet hunt update from European Space Agency
Aspen trees starved in global warming experiment from AP Science
AP: Foot-and-mouth plan used flawed study from AP Science
Technology improves crops faster from Science Alert
Scientists gather to review tunicate fight from CBC: Technology & Science
Foot-and-mouth plan used flawed study from Physorg
Aspen trees starved in global warming experiment from Physorg
5 endangered tiger cubs born at Saint Louis Zoo from Physorg
'Indiana Jones' and the computer-generated jungle from Physorg
First dinosaur tracks found in Arabian Peninsula from Reuters:Science
Phoenix Mars Lander: Step-by-Step Martian Landing Guide from
Bumpy Road to Mars, Part 2 from
Life Found Where You Least Expect It from
Estrogen Fuels Female Need For Power And Control from Science Daily
Oregano Oil Works As Well As Synthetic Insecticides To Tackle Common Beetle Pest from Science Daily
It Pays To Be Heart Smart If Considering Hormone Therapy from Science Daily
High School Knee Injuries By Sport And Gender from Science Daily
Solar eclipse-chasers booking seats on North Pole flight from CBC: Technology & Science
Landmark study reveals superiority of bivalirudin in heart attack patients at 30 days from Physorg
Oregano oil works as well as synthetic insecticides to tackle common beetle pest from Physorg
First of its kind study compares high school knee injuries by sport and gender from Physorg
Study finds it pays to be heart smart if considering hormone therapy from Physorg
Climate change does double-whammy to animals in seasonal environments from Physorg
Oregano oil works as well as synthetic insecticides to tackle common beetle from Science Blog
Timeline: Mars Express support to Phoenix landing from European Space Agency
Lenovo's net profit surges 200 percent on global sales from Physorg
EU to scrutinise Microsoft's promise to open up Office from Physorg
Company offers to clone dogs for 5 highest bidders from Physorg
ID-protection ads come back to bite pitchman from Physorg
Quitting Smoking Helps Social Life from Physorg
Scientists discover "frogamander" fossil from Reuters:Science
Thrill of small discoveries still inspires veteran astronomer from CBC: Technology & Science
US city to charge polluting firms from BBC News: Science & Nature
Some Like It Hot! Structure Of Receptor For Hot Chili Pepper And Pain Revealed from Science Daily
Relocation Of Endangered Chinese Turtle May Save Species from Science Daily
ICU Physicians Less Likely To Discuss Prognoses With African-American Patients from Science Daily
Molecular Scaffold That Guides Connections Between Brain Cells Discovered from Science Daily
Chemical Engineer Reveals The Secret Ingredient Of The Perfect Sandwich from Science Daily
Oxidative Stress May Predict Later Lung Trouble In Young Adults from Science Daily
Smoking Is Addictive, But Quitting Is Contagious from Science Daily
Many Paths, Few Destinations: How Stem Cells Decide What They'll Be from Science Daily
Potential Remedies To Obesity And Its Health Threats from Science Daily
Irregular Menstrual Cycles In Teens May Be Warning Sign Of Bulimia from Science Daily
New Robot Walks Like A Human from Science Daily
Cosmic Supermagnet Spreads Mysterious 'Morse Code' from Science Daily
Taming toxic waste from CBC: Technology & Science
Timeline: Mars Express support to Phoenix landing from European Space Agency
Bangladesh reports 1st human case of H5N1 bird flu from AP Health
11-Year-Old Wins National Geographic Bee from National Geographic
Indiana Jones and the mysteries of archaeology from MSNBC: Science
Sharks swim closer to extinction from BBC News: Science & Nature
"Benders" Make Sweet Noise from Old Toys [Slideshow] [News] from Scientific American
Smoking is addictive, but quitting is contagious from Science Blog
No closing of ICUs, health minister says from CBC: Health
Teenage mothers feel judged from Science Alert
How sustainable is your suburb? from Science Alert
Online daters lack caution from Science Alert
No link between antidepressants and birth defects from Science Blog
Method to duplicate primitive stem cells found from Science Blog
New Red Spot Appears on Jupiter from Newswise - Scinews
Study touts new drug for use in angioplasty from LA Times - Health
Opinion: The plight of the Great Barrier Reef from Science Alert
Feature: Budget gives and takes from Science Alert
Tiny barcodes could aid diagnosis from Science Alert
Flawed Soyuz Landing Stemmed from Module Separation Glitch from
Consultations begin on new mental health strategy from CBC: Health
Scientists Imagine California's "Big One" from CBSNews - Science
Opinion: Saving the Mary River from Science Alert
Endangered tiger becomes proud mama of five! from MSNBC: Science
A Test of the Copernican Principle from Physorg
No link between antidepressants and birth defects from Physorg
Dutch robot Flame walks like a human from Physorg
Fluorescent nano-barcodes could revolutionize diagnostics from Physorg
Up To 9 Hurricanes Expected For '08 from CBSNews - Science
'Virtual bike' improves safety from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sports-related knee injuries more severe in girls than boys: study from CBC: Health
Device to Measure Wind on Mars Will Soon be Landing from Newswise - Scinews
FAA bans anti-smoking drug Chantix for pilots, air controllers from LA Times - Science
Up to 24,000 deaths a year in California are linked to air pollution from LA Times - Science
Hospitals in L.A., Orange counties are fined for putting patients at risk from LA Times - Science
McDonald's cooking fries in trans-fat-free oil from AP Health
Life After Extinction: Is There a Tiger in the Mouse? [News] from Scientific American
Calgary seniors' health information on stolen computers from CBC: Health
Four New Teams Join Moon Rover Race from
More patients with drug-coated cardiac stents survive, avoid costly follow-up procedures from Physorg
Study finds unique HIV vaccine formula elicits strong immune responses from Physorg
U of T research supports Ontario ban on cigarette displays from Physorg
Over 50 percent of oceanic shark species threatened with extinction from Physorg
Taking care of business shouldn't be just for men from Physorg
Insect release proposed to control exotic strawberry guava from Physorg
Education 'top priority' for new AU commissioner from SciDev
Climate change 'will cost Andes US$30 billion' from SciDev
Sub-Saharan Africa news in brief: 9–28 May 2008 from SciDev
High-school girls who consider themselves attractive are more likely to be targets for bullying from Science Blog
Puppy clones? Going once, going twice ... from MSNBC: Science
Scorched Earth millenium map shows 'fire scars' from Physorg
Nitrogen retained through loss from Physorg
Stabilizing cancer-fighting p53 can also shield a metastasis-promoter from Physorg
High-school girls who consider themselves attractive are more likely to be targets for bullying from Physorg
Internet Terror Threat to US 'Not Serious' from CBSNews - Science
MARS MISSION UPDATE: NASA to Discuss Phoenix Lander's Progress from
Bone Cells Found to Influence Blood Stem Cell Replication and Migration from Newswise - Scinews
Health officials get tool to monitor drug safety from AP Health
Common virus blamed for 5 infant deaths, CDC says from AP Health
Crystal skulls 'are modern fakes' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Polar Probe to Land on Mars from National Geographic
Dinosaur Tracks Discovered on Arabian Peninsula [News] from Scientific American
Ocean sharks face big extinction threat from Science Blog
Space agency puts out call for astronauts from CBC: Technology & Science
BCE shares plunge after court ruling from CBC: Technology & Science
Cosmic Log: Dig deeper into archaeology from MSNBC: Science
NASA sets Oct. 8 date for shuttle's Hubble mission from AP Science
COROT's exoplanet hunt update from Physorg
Archaeologists explore Peruvian mystery from Physorg
Bangladesh says child recovers from bird flu from Reuters:Science
Lunar GRAIL from Science @ NASA
MTS wireless alliance dissolves from CBC: Technology & Science
Hydrothermal Vents on Mars Could Have Supported Life from
Ancient Flash Floods Sculpted Earth, Mars from
Male songbirds' sly tricks can get them girls from MSNBC: Science
Heat-sensing Camera Helps Phoenix Land Safely on Mars from Newswise - Scinews
Food-Related Clock in the Brain Identified from Newswise - Scinews
Northeastern University Recognized as National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Research from Newswise - Scinews
Major 'missed' biochemical pathway emerges as important in virtually all cells from Physorg
Scientists reveal the lifestyle evolution of wild marine bacteria from Physorg
Anti-rejection drug may increase risk of diabetes after kidney transplant from Physorg
Metagenomics of skin reveals insights into the human microbiome from Physorg
Experimental agent blocks prostate cancer in animal study from Physorg
Oocyte-specific gene mutations cause premature ovarian failure from Physorg
Real-time observation of the DNA-repair mechanism from Physorg
New family of gecko discovered from Physorg
Enzyme for ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation linked to cellular senescence from Physorg
NASA Updates Space Shuttle Target Launch Dates from Physorg
U of A device to measure wind on Mars will soon be landing from Physorg
The Space Archaeologists from PopSci
Microbes found living at record 1.6km below seabed from Reuters:Science
Study Finds Big Social Factor in Quitting Smoking from NY Times Health
At One University, Tobacco Money Is a Secret from NY Times Health
F.A.A. Bans Antismoking Drug, Citing Side Effects from NY Times Health
Raiding the Pantry to Add Sparkle and Shine from NY Times Health
Gear Test | Blister Remedies: Physical Culture | At Trail’s End, There’s Nothing Like Happy Feet from NY Times Health
New Florida Law Allows Low-Cost Health Policies from NY Times Health
Kennedy Leaves Hospital in Boston from NY Times Health
Charles Brenner, Psychoanalyst, Dies at 94 from NY Times Health
MIT helps develop image-recognition software from MIT Research
MIT student ingenuity sparks all-electric Porsche from MIT Research
On a roll: Students bring mobility to remote areas from MIT Research
The cost of repealing blue laws from MIT Research
Logan to get Lincoln Lab-developed safety system from MIT Research
Extreme life found at record seafloor depth from MSNBC: Science
StatoilHydro to test first deepwater floating wind turbine from Physorg
Water, salinity levels in Hunter linked to climate from Physorg
OHSU discovery may lead to early cancer detection from Physorg
Study identifies food-related clock in the brain from Physorg
Foot-dragging Mars rover finds Yellowstone-like hot spring deposits from Physorg
Common virus blamed for 5 infant deaths, CDC says from Physorg
McDonald's cooking fries in trans-fat-free oil from Physorg
At the synapse: Gene may shed light on neurological disorders from Physorg
Rapid escalation characterizes virus/host arms race from Physorg
Senegalese fisherman save dozens of stranded whales from Reuters:Science
Faculty Design Clinical Trial Study for Drug Aimed at Slowing Memory Loss from Newswise - Scinews
Jupiter gets new freckle from Reuters:Science
Study identifies food-related clock in the brain from Harvard Science
VIDEO: Australia Sharks in Danger from National Geographic
Navigating By X-Ray Pulsar from
Access to next-gen Internet may be uneven from Physorg
Monitors urged for all with high blood pressure from AP Health
Disaster Earthquake Scenario Unveiled For Southern California from Science Daily
Common Foodborne Pathogen In Poultry Finds Resistance To Antibiotic Used By Humans from Science Daily
Unique Adaptive Evolution Found In Snake Proteins Provide New Insight Into Vertebrate Physiology from Science Daily
Joint NASA-French Satellite To Track Trends In Sea Level, Climate from Science Daily
New Family Of Gecko Discovered from Science Daily
Major 'Missed' Biochemical Pathway Emerges As Important In Virtually All Cells from Science Daily
New Treatment Gives Hope For Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients from Science Daily
Physicists Demonstrate Precise Manipulation Of DNA-Drug Interactions from Science Daily
Foot-dragging Mars Rover Finds Yellowstone-like Hot Spring Deposits from Science Daily
New Hope For HIV Vaccine: Unique HIV Vaccine Formula Elicits Strong Immune Responses from Science Daily
Latent TB Treatment Saves Time, Money, And Lives from Science Daily
New Technology Puts Biomedical Imaging In Palm Of Hands from Science Daily
No Link Found Between Antidepressants And Birth Defects, According To New Study from Science Daily
Gene Mutations In Mice Mimic Human-like Sleep Disorder from Science Daily
Doctors Can Unmask Deceptive High-risk Breast Tumors Using Genetic Profile from Science Daily
Hypertension Treatment With Diuretics Recommended In New Guide from Science Daily
High-school Girls Who Consider Themselves Attractive Are More Likely To Be Targets For Bullying from Science Daily
Jupiter: Turbulent Storms May Be Sign Of Global Climate Change from Science Daily
Fruit Juice Consumption Not Related To Overweight In Children, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Noninvasive Device For GERD, Obesity Developed from Science Daily
The Very Model Of A Modern Transistor from Science Daily
Phoenix Spacecraft On Course For May 25 Mars Landing from Science Daily
Phoenix mission to Mars will search for climate clues from Physorg
Researchers explore the emerging role of infection in Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Monitors urged for all with high blood pressure from Physorg
Farm groups clash over moving foot-and-mouth research from Physorg
Scientists fathom niches of ocean microbes from MIT Research
How low can life go? from News @ Nature
FAA bans smoking cessation drug Chantix from UPI
Survey: More kids hospitalized for alcohol from UPI
Study finds 11 shark species endangered from UPI
Quake scenario unveiled for S.California from UPI
Inflammation drug may benefit diabetics from UPI
Medtronic Spine settles fraud case from UPI
Probing question: Are print newspapers dying? from Physorg
Getting to the Roots of Sunflower Cultivation from Physorg
Experiment advances understanding of cell reprogramming from Harvard Science
Bell opens online video store from CBC: Technology & Science
Steel toughened by pancakes from News @ Nature
Mars Weather Looks Good for Phoenix Probe's Sunday Landing from
Bangladesh reports 1st human case of H5N1 bird flu from Physorg
Premature tooth loss can affect oral health for years to come from Physorg
Home blood pressure monitor can be great monitoring tool, group says from CBC: Health
Peregrine Falcon Webcams Draw Crowds Online from Newswise - Scinews
Italy to reverse policy and build nuclear power stations: minister from Physorg
Reducing blockage fails to improve access to the bloodstream for kidney dialysis from Physorg
Pacific coast turning more acidic from Physorg
Carbon market could be worth 2 trillion euros in 2020: study from Physorg
Big Reptiles, Alien Trees Hamper Everglades Fire Fight from National Geographic
Growing Ocean Acidity May Erode Coastal Ecosystems from National Geographic
Early Mars Had Floods, Yellowstone-Like Hot Springs from National Geographic
Indiana Jones Back in Action in The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull [News] from Scientific American
Genetic Nondiscrimination Act Becomes Law [News] from Scientific American
Failure to Kick Smoking Habit May Put a Drag on Social Life [News] from Scientific American
Third red spot erupts on Jupiter from Science Blog
Satellite Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!' from Science Blog
Licorice extract provides new treatment option for canker sores from Science Blog
Pacific coast turning more acidic from Science Blog
Scientists reveal the lifestyle evolution of wild marine bacteria from Biology News Net
Study finds unique HIV vaccine formula elicits strong immune responses from Biology News Net
Real-time observation of the DNA-repair mechanism from Biology News Net
Fluorescent nano-barcodes could revolutionize diagnostics from Biology News Net
Insect release proposed to control exotic strawberry guava from Biology News Net
Gatekeepers are discovered in the human cell 'shredder' from Biology News Net
Over 50 percent of oceanic shark species threatened with extinction from Biology News Net
At the synapse: Gene may shed light on neurological disorders from Biology News Net
Major 'missed' biochemical pathway emerges as important in virtually all cells from Biology News Net
Your belly's very own body clock from News @ Nature
Final Hubble Shuttle Mission to Launch Oct. 8 from
Phoenix Spacecraft on Course for May 25 Mars Landing from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
More sharks added to threatened species list from MSNBC: Science
Group: Italy's flora, fauna dwindling from UPI
New moms tested for HIV infection from UPI
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Doctor's son may have died a week ago from UPI
Cougars moving eastward, researcher says from UPI
Phoenix Mission to Mars Will Search for Climate Clues from Newswise - Scinews
Martian Canyons by a Trickle or a Gush? from Science NOW
Ice-sampling probe set for Sunday landing on Mars from Reuters:Science
Report: Toyota building green-car battery plants from AP Science
New Discovery May Lead To Early Cancer Detection from Science Daily
Best Bet For Boosting Brawn In Women Is Traditional Strength Training from Science Daily
New Study Firms Up Promise Of Potential New Cervical Cancer Screening Tool from Science Daily
Phoenix Mission To Mars Will Search For Climate Clues from Science Daily
To Block The Carcinogens, Add A Touch Of Rosemary When Grilling Meats from Science Daily
A Trial Of Removing Food Additives Should Be Considered For Hyperactive Children, Experts Suggest from Science Daily
U.S. Pacific Coast Waters Turning More Acidic from Science Daily
Food-related Clock In The Brain Identified from Science Daily
First, Do No Harm: Limiting Resident Work Hours Does Not Harm ICU Patients, Researchers Find from Science Daily
Forecast: 6 to 9 Atlantic hurricanes from UPI