Archive of feed items published on the 28th of June 2008
Launch pad repairs priced at $2.7 million from UPI
Fake virus could make safe new vaccines from Reuters:Science
Booming China splashes out on science from Reuters:Science
EU agrees to cap aircraft emissions from UPI
Uneasy peace from BBC News: Science & Nature
Surprises in genetic study will shake up birds' family tree from LA Times - Science
Crocodile babies 'talk' before birth from LA Times - Science
Mysteries of time, and the multiverse from LA Times - Science
Treating hip bursitis with bromelain from LA Times - Health
Parents don't need to be sneaky to get children to eat nutritiously from LA Times - Health
Could hadron collider devour the Earth? from Physorg
Passports for penguins from Physorg
China seals off quake town over epidemic fears: report from Physorg
US checks if tomatoes caused Salmonella outbreak from Physorg
This summer may see first ice-free North Pole from Physorg
Ballmer and Gates bid farewell with tears from Physorg
Wireless company to allow other carriers' devices from Physorg
MySpace releases tools, info for data sharing from Physorg
Growth hormone's link to starvation may be clue to increasing life span from Physorg
NASA Goddard mission approved to probe matter in extreme environments from Physorg
Continental plan to protect the monarch's migratory journey from Physorg
Mate choice in plants from Physorg
The 21st century tomato from Physorg
Garden Is a Seedbed for Green Cosmetics from NY Times Science
Passports For Penguins from Science Daily
Tony Blair Urges Action on Climate Change from Live Science
No move on climate expected at G8 summit: US experts from Physorg
300 Internet death threats since Tokyo killing spree from Physorg
Global waste meeting fails to break impasse from Physorg
Evolution Of Fruit Size In Tomato from Science Daily
The 21st Century Tomato from Science Daily
Mate Choice In Plants from Science Daily
Drought Tolerance In Potatoes from Science Daily
Passports for penguins from Science Blog
Scientists: Nothing to fear from atom-smasher from AP Science
Hu calls on party to fight climate change from UPI
Sea lions ate fewe Oregon salmon this year from UPI
Loggerhead turtle to be freed from UPI
Bird study filled with surprises from UPI
Cancer 'Cure' In Mice To Be Tested In Humans from Science Daily
Mars Lander Scrapes Icy Soil in Wonderland from
Food Inspection Technology Could Kill Waiter Jokes from Science Daily
Ancient Olympics: ‘Like Vince Lombardi On The PGA Circuit’ from Science Daily
Genetics, environment tied to homosexuality: study from CBC: Health
8 Ways to Green Your Garden from Live Science
Homosexual Behavior Largely Shaped By Genetics And Random Environmental Factors from Science Daily
Scientists: Don't Worry About Atom-Smasher from CBSNews - Science
Cluster Satellites Listen To The Sounds Of Earth from Science Daily
First Patients Implanted In Study Evaluating Deep Brain Stimulation For Depression from Science Daily
Cassini To Earth: 'Mission Accomplished, But New Questions Await!' from Science Daily
Discovery Of Lyme Disease Bug Clone May Explain Disease Spread from Science Daily
Mechanism And Function Of Humor Identified By New Evolutionary Theory from Science Daily
Customized 'Wimpy' Polioviruses Designed: A New Path To Vaccines? from Science Daily
Phoenix Scrapes To Icy Soil In Wonderland from Science Daily
The Good And The Bad Of A Potential Alzheimer's Target from Science Daily
'Electron Trapping' May Impact Future Microelectronics Measurements from Science Daily
Facebook Concepts Indicate Brains Of Alzheimer's Patients Aren't As Networked, Stanford Study Shows from Science Daily
A Quark Star? Super-luminous Stellar Explosion Observed from Science Daily
Marijuana May Be Effective For Neuropathic Pain from Science Daily
Migrating Songbirds Learn Survival Tips On The Fly from Science Daily
10 Percent Of Healthy People In Study Had Injury From 'Silent Strokes' from Science Daily
Genome Communication: Alleles Of Homologous Genes Can Silence One Another from Science Daily
Should Doctors Be Increasing Their Carbon Footprint By Flying To Medical Conferences? from Science Daily