Archive of feed items published on the 14th of July 2008
Alaska volcano erupts; island residents evacuated from Reuters:Science
Can The New iPhone Revolutionize Radio? from CBSNews - Science
Governors Look Beyond Corn-Based Ethanol from CBSNews - Science
150-meter ice core pulled from McCall Glacier from Science Blog
Excavated Jericho bones may help combat tuberculosis from Science Blog
Positive thinking is prescription for the heart from Science Blog
Particles Retain Weight for Billions of Years from Live Science
The Language of Going Green from Live Science
Researchers Flee Melting Arctic Ice Floe from Live Science
Do Antidepressants Make Bones Brittle? from Live Science
Stakeholders Meet to Ensure Longevity of Space Station from Live Science
Court Overturns Regulation On Power Plant Emissions from C&EN
Questioning NF3 from C&EN
Marine Methane Mystery Explained from C&EN
G-8 Endorses Emissions Cuts from C&EN
Study Reveals Principles of Gold Nanocluster Stability from Newswise - Scinews
Positive Thinking Is Prescription For The Heart from Science Daily
New 'Scrubber' Speeds Removal Of Powerful Anthrax Clean-up Agent from Science Daily
Marine Worm's Jaws Say 'Cutting-edge New Aerospace Materials' from Science Daily
Detecting Flu Viruses In Remote Areas Of The World from Science Daily
Principles Behind Stability And Electronic Properties Of Gold Nanoclusters Identified from Science Daily
Record Land Grab Predicted As Demand Soars For New Sources Of Food, Energy And Wood Fiber from Science Daily
Exhausted B Cells Hamper Immune Response To HIV from Science Daily
Snake Venom Tells Tales About Geography from Science Daily
Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Still Too Low from Science Daily
Russian researchers 'rescued from melting ice floe' from Physorg
E-mail public documents get erased, disappear from Physorg
Japanese team developing palm-held 3D display from Physorg
Treadmill workstation brings exercise to office, slowly from Physorg
Tensions escalating in battle for Yahoo's board from Physorg
Cell phone companies scramble to halt trafficking from Physorg
Volcano erupts, fishing boat rescues 10 people from Physorg
Solar shades can't reverse warming from Science Alert
'Unlearning' important in business from Science Alert
China demand for ivory tops talks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Marine bill 'can strike balance' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Out of breath from BBC News: Science & Nature
Trunk text from BBC News: Science & Nature
A mother blogs against cancer from LA Times - Science
AI finds visual bugs from Science Alert
Echus Chasma from European Space Agency
Ancient bones could help combat TB, say scientists from Reuters:Science
Hunger Can Make You Happy from Live Science
Potential To Prevent Loss Of Insulin In Type 2 Diabetes from Science Daily
Risk Of Gall Bladder Disease With Hormone Replacement Therapy Patches Lower Than With HRT Pills from Science Daily
Immunology: April Showers Bring Mucosal Antibody Secreting Cells Long Life from Science Daily
Ion Channels Caught In Their Opening Act from Science Daily
New Helmet May Significantly Reduce Forces To Neck During Head-first Impact from Science Daily
Metabolic Disease: Understanding How The Brain Can Influence The Effects Of Insulin from Science Daily
Projected California Warming Promises Cycle Of More Heat Waves, Energy Use For Next Century from Science Daily
Palm launches new Treo on Sprint network from Physorg
Icahn: Replace Yahoo board to get Microsoft deal from Physorg
Apple sells one million iPhones in one weekend from Physorg
Obama proposes healthcare tax credit for small businesses from LA Times - Science
That's not a Bluetooth headset from LA Times - Science
Roche to suspend HIV research, seeing no advances from Reuters:Science
Positive thinking is prescription for the heart from Physorg
Icelandic volcanoes help researchers understand potential effects of eruptions from Physorg
Research reveals passive learning imprints on the brain just like active learning from Physorg
Study reveals principles behind stability and electronic properties of gold nanoclusters from Physorg
Detecting flu viruses in remote areas of the world from Physorg
Heart death risk cut by early warning drugs tests from Physorg
Discovery first step to new therapies from Physorg
Nuclear stress test can detect more than blockages from Physorg
Ancient bones could help combat TB from MSNBC: Science
Exhausted B cells hamper immune response to HIV from Biology News Net
Excavated Jericho bones may help Israeli-Palestinian-German team combat tuberculosis from Biology News Net
Baby's smile gives mom a natural high from Reuters:Science
Fatal brain fever a 'double hit' say Indian scientists from SciDev
Marine worm's jaws say 'cutting-edge new aerospace materials' from Physorg
Exhausted B cells fail to fight HIV from Physorg
89 percent of children's food products provide poor nutritional quality from Physorg
Ancient tree 'one of UK's best' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mars Lander Stymied by Ice; Like "Scraping a Sidewalk" from National Geographic
Fatal Attack on Conservationists' Truck in Gorilla Park from National Geographic
PHOTOS: 7 Man-made Wonders Among New Heritage Sites from National Geographic
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: "Star Maker Machine" Galaxy Found from National Geographic
Physicists tweak quantum force from Science Blog
Dioxin Risk in Soil and Plant Tissues after Long-Term Biosolids Application from Newswise - Scinews
Ecology, Economics and Soil Societies Brief Congress on Post-Wildfire Resource Management from Newswise - Scinews
Excavated Jericho bones may help researchers combat tuberculosis from Physorg
Cellular decision on the computer from Physorg
A quarter of Ontarians with diabetes aren't admitting it, study says from CBC: Health
Abandon ice floe, researchers told from MSNBC: Science
Physicists tweak quantum force, reducing barrier to tiny devices from Physorg
Dioxin risk in soil and plant tissues after long-term biosolids application from Physorg
British showers most wasteful and inconsiderate in Western Europe from Physorg
New 'scrubber' speeds removal of powerful anthrax clean-up agent from Physorg
Huntington's disease: catching it early from Physorg
Drug prevents bone loss in prostate cancer: Amgen from Reuters:Science
It's a long road to a H5N1 vaccine stockpile from SciDev
Killer Phytoplankton from Hell from Live Science
Seas Striped With Newfound Currents from Live Science
eBay beats Tiffany in court case over trademarks from Physorg
Potential to prevent loss of insulin in type 2 diabetes from Physorg
Exhausted B cells hamper immune response to HIV from Physorg
Farming at young age may lead to bone disease in adulthood from Physorg
The Nature of Fear from PopSci
Nicotine Linked to Enhanced Memory from PopSci
More iPhones available this week from CBC: Technology & Science
Large Dead Zones Predicted for Gulf, Chesapeake Bay from Newswise - Scinews
Many processors make light work of calculations from Physorg
Station Crew Relaxes Before Second Spacewalk from Physorg
Multithreaded supercomputer seeks software for data-intensive computing from Physorg
New finding in rare eye disease from Physorg
Riverjump from PopSci
Seal oil shows promise for healthy heart, researcher says from CBC: Health
Solar-powered cars begin race to Calgary from CBC: Technology & Science
Infrared device may help dementia victims from UPI
Israeli lifeguard discovers 2,500-year-old relic from MSNBC: Science
Diet and nutrient intake of Indigenous Australians poor from Physorg
Carbon Nanotubes heralded as ideal candidates for next generation Nanoelectronics from Physorg
Controlled growth of truly nanoscale single crystal fullerites for device applications from Physorg
Multithreaded Supercomputer Seeks Software for Data-intensive Computing from Newswise - Scinews
Scattered nature of Wisconsin's woodlands could complicate forests' response to climate change from Physorg
Large dead zones predicted for Gulf, Chesapeake Bay from Physorg
Glia guide brain development in worms from Physorg
Doctors hopeful easier blood thinners are nearing from AP Health
Juicing 3.0 from PopSci
Russian Ravers Blinded By Concert Lasers from CBSNews - Science
Apple Sells 1M iPhones In First 3 Days from CBSNews - Science
10 Revolutionary Computers from Live Science
Astronomers warn northerners against sungazing during eclipse from CBC: Technology & Science
Stadium construction yields tavern find from UPI
NASA engineers work on alternative moon rocket from AP Science
Closing coal-burning power plant in China and improved cognitive development in children from Physorg
Asians who immigrated to US before age 25 have poorer mental health than older immigrants from Physorg
When it comes to putting, Tiger and Nicklaus might not have best advice from Physorg
Rx for time-crunched physicians from Physorg
Particles Retain Weight for Billions of Years from
Stakeholders Meet to Ensure Longevity of Space Station from
Asteroid Cruises Past Earth ... With a Partner! from
Bees Enlisted to Attack Crows in Tokyo from National Geographic
89% of kids' food products low on nutritional value: study from CBC: Health
Batter Up: Shattering Sticks Create Peril in MLB Ballparks [News] from Scientific American
Wildlife trade convention opens from UPI
A new look at how genes unfold to enable their expression from Physorg
Doctors hopeful easier blood thinners are nearing from Physorg
NASA engineers work on alternative moon rocket from Physorg
Microsoft's Xbox 360 to stream Netflix movies from Physorg
Researchers hone technique to KO pediatric brain tumors from Physorg
Tropical Storm Bertha scrapes past Bermuda from Reuters:Science
Researchers suggest change to help detect dementia earlier from CBC: Technology & Science
K-State's Konza Prairie A Candidate Site for Scientists to Study Effects of Global Change from Newswise - Scinews
Icelandic Volcanoes Help Researchers Understand Effects of Eruptions from Newswise - Scinews
Ambitious U Chicago Scientific Agenda Triggers $20 Million Gift from Newswise - Scinews
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
NASA technology aids Calif. firefighter from UPI
Keep It Growing -- Plant Fall and Winter Vegetables in July from Physorg
Fujitsu, Sun Microsystems Unveil Next-Generation SPARC Enterprise Servers from Physorg
New criterion may improve identification of dementia risk in highly educated older adults from Physorg
IMEC reports major progress in EUV from Physorg
Hand Washing Saves Newborn Lives from Physorg
Physical fitness may slow Alzheimer brain atrophy from AP Health
Alzheimer's patients who exercise have bigger brains: study from CBC: Health
Benefits of closing coal plants on childhood neurodevelopment from Science Blog
How Shaka Zulu Changed the World from Live Science
Visual impairment may be associated with higher suicide risk from Physorg
Bush lifts offshore drilling ban from Physorg
Outraged Icahn refocuses on ousting Yahoo board from Physorg
All Sweeteners May Not Be the Same When Managing Type 2 Diabetes and Complications from Physorg
Insulin Suppresses Receptors that Cause Cascade of Inflammation, Study Shows from Physorg
Exercise may prevent brain shrinkage in early Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
'Snapshots' of eyes could serve as early warning of diabetes from Physorg
Coronary heart disease patients live longer, but not always happier, lives from Physorg
New Guns N' Roses song to debut on game sequel Rock Band 2 from CBC: Technology & Science
Out of Sight, Out of Clime: Burying Carbon In a Vault of Sea and Rock [News] from Scientific American
Babies Think Like Adults from Live Science
Tasmanian Devils Fight Cancer with Sex from Live Science
Sleep loss produces false memories from News @ Nature
Do mammals think in 3-D? from Physorg
Battle of sex in genes and the brain from Physorg
Out-of-pocket health care costs for disabled children vary widely by state from Physorg
'Healthy' sterols may pose health risk from Physorg
Smoking cessation therapies more effective than placebos from Physorg
Gene produces hormones that lead to obesity from Physorg
Formula predicts emergency admissions in adults older than 40 from Physorg
Joint replacement may improve osteoarthritis symptoms in older adults from Physorg
Tasmanian Devil mating earlier to beat extinction from Reuters:Science
Experts detail how rice absorbs so much arsenic from Reuters:Science
Fear Factor: Dopamine May Fuel Dread, Too [News] from Scientific American
Researchers Find Link Between DNA Palindromes and Disease from Newswise - Scinews
More Kidney Stone Disease Projected Due to Global Warming, Predicts Researchers from Newswise - Scinews
Special Preview of "Dig It! The Secrets of Soil" Exhibition from Newswise - Scinews
Exercise Might Slow Brain Shrinkage in Alzheimer's Patients from Live Science
Cancer forces Tasmanian devils to breed earlier from Physorg
More kidney stone disease projected due to global warming from Physorg
Even toddlers get it: Data 'chunks' are easier to remember from Physorg
New study sheds light on how intracellular pathogens trigger the immune system from Physorg
Perceived access to cigarettes predicts youth smoking from Physorg
Incorrectly cleaved protein leads to schizophrenia from Physorg
Young adults with prehypertension are more likely to have atherosclerosis later in life from Physorg
Mutant testis cells behind genetic disorder have survival advantage from Physorg
Undersea volcanic rocks offer vast repository for greenhouse gas, says study from Physorg
Researchers discover link between DNA palindromes and disease from Physorg
Cancer forces Tasmanian devils to breed earlier from AP Science
Ill-Tempered Devils Evolve To Beat Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Study links coal power, child development from UPI
Tough Times for the Taz from Science NOW
Answer to Carbon Emissions May Lie Under the Sea from Science NOW
Group to demand US clear Mexican tomatoes from AP Health
Government urged to spend spectrum proceeds on broadband from CBC: Technology & Science
Undersea volcanic rock could house greenhouse gases, scientists say from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: Higher education, lower cancer risk from UPI
Do Old Glass Windows Sag? from Live Science
Off-peak electricity could power hybrids from UPI
VIDEO: Red Panda Breeding Success from National Geographic
Summer Storms Could Mean More Dead Zones from Science Blog
Scientist uses old bones for modern cures from UPI
Mystery insect bugging experts at London museum from AP Science
Doctors reveal case of Alberta woman who died after stepping on venomous caterpillars from CBC: Health
Study: Properly used biosolids not risky from UPI
Ulcers Discovered in Mummies from Live Science
New study sheds light on how intracellular pathogens trigger the immune system from Biology News Net
Mystery insect bugging experts at museum from MSNBC: Science
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Extending Trench from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Physicists Tweak Quantum Force, Reducing Barrier To Tiny Devices from Science Daily
More Kidney Stone Disease Projected Due To Global Warming from Science Daily
Exercise May Prevent Brain Shrinkage In Early Alzheimer's Disease from Science Daily
Nano-sized Electronic Circuit Promises Bright View Of Early Universe from Science Daily
Long Commutes, Cell Phones While Driving Can Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from Science Daily
The 700-year-old Mexican Mummy With A Tummy Ache from Science Daily
Researchers Map Cells' Inner Landscapes from Science Daily
Researchers Hone Technique To KO Pediatric Brain Tumors from Science Daily
Seismic Waves From Mine Collapses Can Now Be Distinguished From Other Seismic Activities from Science Daily
Visual Impairment May Be Associated With Higher Suicide Risk from Science Daily
Language Without Numbers: Amazonian Tribe Has No Word To Express 'One,' Other Numbers from Science Daily
Excavated Jericho Bones May Help Israeli-Palestinian-German Team Combat Tuberculosis from Science Daily
Apert's Syndrome: Why Kids Of Older Dads Are More Likely To Have Some Genetic Disorders from Science Daily
Closing Coal-fired Power Plants Improves Cognitive Development Of Children, New Study Suggests from Science Daily
89 Percent Of Children's Food Products Provide Poor Nutritional Quality, Study Finds from Science Daily
Passive Learning Imprints On The Brain Just Like Active Learning from Science Daily
Anatomy Of Membrane Protein Mapped: May Lead Faster Drug Development from Science Daily
New Coral Bleaching Prediction System Calls For Low Level Of Bleaching In Caribbean This Year from Science Daily
Vitamin D: Builds Bones And Much More from Science Daily
Sociological Research Shows Combined Impact Of Genetics, Social Factors On Delinquency from Science Daily
Undersea Volcanic Rocks Offer Vast Repository For Greenhouse Gas, Says Study from Science Daily
Diabetes Increases Risk Of Tuberculosis, Studies Show from Science Daily
Mitochondrial Cholesterol Makes Response To Chemotherapy Difficult In Hepatic Cancer from Science Daily
"Lucky" the Koala lives after horror car hit from Reuters:Science
New report: Greatest value of forests is sustainable water supply from Science Blog
Conversion of solar energy in a mechanical form from Science Blog
Red lights keep turtles on track from UPI
Methamphetamine users expand risks from Science Alert
Report: US behind in doubling science grads from AP Science
Tropical Storm Bertha heads away from Bermuda from Reuters:Science