Archive of feed items published on the 1st of August 2008
Phoenix lander tastes its first ice from News @ Nature
Estradiol exposure may impair cognition from UPI
Fish caught at 7,500 feet from UPI
Opinion: It's the water, stupid! from Science Alert
Opinion: In food we trust from Science Alert
Opinion: Climate security, energy security from Science Alert
Opinion: Meeting the carbon challenge? The place of your house in the city from Science Alert
Enough sleep improves memory from Science Alert
Scientists create first personalized stem cells in ALS patients from LA Times - Health
Sleep apnea more than quadruples risk of death, studies find from LA Times - Health
Sleep apnea more than quadruples risk of death, studies find from LA Times - Science
U.S. scientist in anthrax case kills himself: report from Reuters:Science
South Korea rejects disgraced clone scientist's license from Reuters:Science
Study reveals cost of stabbings to Britain's health service from Physorg
China opens first very high-speed rail line from Physorg
Profits up over 47 pct at Taiwan's Acer from Physorg
Congress sends Bush bill banning lead in toys from Physorg
Salmonella probe likened to 'Keystone Kops' from Physorg
The travel industry should inform travelers about malaria, say doctors from Physorg
China becomes a physics powerhouse from Physorg
Flu vaccine may not protect seniors well from Physorg
Cancer patients are not given enough information from Physorg
Maldives goes for mobile banking from SciDev
China's 'rapid renewables surge' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rescuers battling to save whale from BBC News: Science & Nature
US anthrax suspect kills self: report from Physorg
Milky Way: A Night Sky Wonder from
Milky Way: A Night Sky Wonder from Live Science
Growth industry from BBC News: Science & Nature
Just dive in: natural product hybrid provides antimicrobial and cell-resistant surfaces from Physorg
Doctors must be held accountable for complying with torture from Physorg
Immune system protein accurate predictor of survival in pediatric septic shock from Physorg
Strategies to control TB outdated, inadequate from Physorg
Africa needs research universities to fight poverty from SciDev
Better Bandage: Microscopic Scaffolding Offers A ‘simple’ Solution To Treating Skin Injuries from Science Daily
Fungi Expert Finds New Species In Aberdeen City Centre, Scotland from Science Daily
Novel Kind Of Learning Gene Discovered from Science Daily
Predicting Outbreaks Of Plague With The Help Of Satellite Images from Science Daily
Sleep Apnea Linked To Increased Risk Of Death from Science Daily
Older Men Happier Than Older Women from Live Science
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Huge Space Lake Confirmed on Saturn's Moon Titan from National Geographic
Planetary Science from C&EN
Water Ice on Mars Confirmed from Live Science
The Choreography of Dancing Molecules from Live Science
Solar Eclipse Blankets Arctic Circle from CBSNews - Science
How Birth Control Brings Us Down from Live Science
New, Cool Outdoor Speakers from CBSNews - Science
No substitute for hard work: Creatine supplementation does not improve exercise outcomes in COPD from Physorg
Long work hours widen the gender gap from Physorg
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Swimming Ponies, Greece Burns, More from National Geographic
Mars Water Discovered, "Tasted" by Lander -- A First from National Geographic
PHOTOS: Solar Eclipses from National Geographic
Ivory Poaching At Critical Levels: Elephants On Path To Extinction By 2020? from Science Daily
Gene May Put Women With Migraine At Increased Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke from Science Daily
Aging Impairs The 'Replay' Of Memories During Sleep from Science Daily
Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Associated With Risk Of Kidney Cancer from Science Daily
Climate Change Science Program Issues Report On Climate Models from Science Daily
Male Fish Deceive Rivals About Their Top Mate Choice from Science Daily
Cold And Ice, Not Heat, Episodically Gripped Tropical Regions 300 Million Years Ago from Science Daily
Autopsies Reveal Changes To DNA In Major Depression And Suicide from Science Daily
Virus Behind Mysterious Parrot Disease Identified from Science Daily
MicroRNA Implicated As Molecular Factor In Alcohol Tolerance from Science Daily
Researchers Identify An Important Gene For A Healthy, Nutritious Plant from Science Daily
Heat-related Deaths In High School Football Players Dip, But All Are Preventable from Science Daily
Brain Tweak Lets Sleep-deprived Flies Stay Sharp from Science Daily
Study Bolsters Link To Maternal Alzheimer's Disease from Science Daily
Evolution Of Skull And Mandible Shape In Cats from Science Daily
Simian Foamy Virus Found In Several People Living And Working With Monkeys In Asia from Science Daily
Facing Apparent Resistance To Antibiotics, Researchers Develop New Techniques To Kill Dormant Bacteria from Science Daily
Alcohol Binges Early In Pregnancy Increase Risk Of Infant Oral Clefts from Science Daily
New Male Circumcision Device For HIV Prevention from Science Daily
Survival Of The Fittest: Even Cancer Cells Follow The Laws Of Evolution from Science Daily
Emerging Scientific Discipline Of Aeroecology from Science Daily
Guilt On Their Hands: Tiny ‘tags’ Could Help To Solve And Deter Gun Crime from Science Daily
High hopes for new UK neutron source from Chemistry World
Cold atoms could help build 'spintronics' transistor from Physics World
Drug Gives Couch Potato Mice Benefits of a Workout from Live Science
NASA Now Looking for Life's Building Blocks on Mars from
Sanofi To Buy Acambis from C&EN
Combating Secondary Infections In Clinics from Science Daily
World's First Transplant Of Both Arms from Science Daily
Spanish Researchers Discover Significant Leatherback Turtle Nesting Beaches In The Caribbean from Science Daily
View of total eclipse an 'experience of a lifetime,' says Northern resident from CBC: Technology & Science
New Simulation Shows How Seeds of First Stars Formed [News] from Scientific American
Multiple Sclerosis: new MRI contrast medium enables early diagnosis in animal model from Physorg
German patient well after transplant of two arms from Reuters:Science
Pesticides, pollutants threaten Canadian tap water, researchers suggest from CBC: Health
New male circumcision device for HIV prevention studied by NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell from Physorg
Guilt on their hands: tiny 'tags' could help to solve and deter gun crime from Physorg
When our protective armor shows weakness from Physorg
Survival of the fittest: even cancer cells follow the laws of evolution from Physorg
Nano sculptures in gold from Physorg
Siberian Russians marvel at solar eclipse from Physorg
Sun 4Q profit falls 73 pct, guidance hurts stock from Physorg
World's first transplant of two full arms: German team from Physorg
Japan's Toyota unveils next-generation scooter from Physorg
Scientist Was Writing 'Books' by Age 5 from Live Science
Gore Sets 10-Year Clean Energy Goal from CBSNews - Science
Texas Approves Massive Wind Power Project from CBSNews - Science
Al Gore: Energy Crisis Can Be Fixed from CBSNews - Science
Beijing Readying For Air Pollution D-Day from CBSNews - Science
Rocket Racer Takes to the Skies from
Siberian Russians Marvel at Solar Eclipse from
Superbug becoming a major problem in North, health officials warn from CBC: Health
Disparities in prostate cancer treatment suggest ways to improve care from Physorg
NASA Tests Moon Imaging Spacecraft at Goddard from Physorg
Spotting tomorrow's forest fires from Physorg
Researchers find a new role for a 'Foxy Old Gene' from Physorg
Ties to war-dead are a predictor of likely presidential disapproval from Physorg
The EU's Hot Potato from C&EN
The Problem With Biofuels from CBSNews - Science
White House: No Greenhouse Gas Regulation from CBSNews - Science
EPA: Smog May Worsen With Global Warming from CBSNews - Science
Swept Up In The Winds Of Change from CBSNews - Science
Anti-smoking group has mixed feelings about Big Tobacco fines from CBC: Health
Nortel loss widens from CBC: Technology & Science
China's web censors easing off: report from CBC: Technology & Science
Skywatchers Marvel at Solar Eclipse from
Apparent suicide in anthrax case from LA Times - Science
Dolphin calf born at aquarium in Baltimore from MSNBC: Science
A Brief History of Solar Sails from Physorg
FYI Live: You're The Expert from PopSci
NASA Now Looking for Life's Building Blocks on Mars from Live Science
Cold and Ice Episodically Gripped Tropical Regions 300 Million Years Ago from Science Blog
Brain tweak lets sleep-deprived flies stay sharp from Science Blog
Many 'failing' schools aren't failing when measured on impact rather than achievement from Science Blog
Sleep apnea linked to increased risk of death from Science Blog
Podcast: History of madhouses and seaside health spas in Devon, UK from Science Blog
Giant Ice Shelf Breaks Off In Arctic from CBSNews - Science
Queen's Guitarist Publishes Astrophysics Thesis from
The Secrets of Prince Rupert's Exploding Glass Drops from Live Science
Queen's Guitarist Publishes Astrophysics Thesis from Live Science
Thousands of Russians, tourists in Siberia marvel at total solar eclipse from LA Times - Science
Say I'm Inside the Large Hadron Collider and It's Revving Up. Should I Be Concerned? from PopSci
Flooded rice stores more arsenic, research finds from SciDev
Africa still dependent on satellite net access from SciDev
Cutting the brakes on the immune system from Physorg
The brightest, sharpest, fastest X-ray holograms yet from Physorg
Researchers Discover Dual-Use Sexual Attraction and Population-Control Chemicals in Nematodes from Physorg
Yahoo shareholders get chance to spar with company from Physorg
Bugs Use Air Bubbles to Survive Underwater from Live Science
Not quite a teen, not fully an adult from MIT Research
Eroded telomeres are behind a rare premature aging syndrome from Physorg
NASA Nanosatellites Catch Ride On Rocket, Demonstrate Technology from Physorg
Hitachi Shows Technical Feasibility Of Perpendicular Magnetic Recording At 610 Gbit/in2 from Physorg
Tracking down abrupt climate changes from Physorg
Phoenix Tastes Water Ice On Mars from C&EN
Frankincense provides relief to arthritis sufferers from Science Blog
Europe and Japan join forces to map out future of intelligent robots from Science Blog
How chemo kills tumours: research to reduce side effects from Physorg
Unravelling breast cancer susceptibility from Physorg
Winnipeg zoo's polar bear, world's oldest, dying: officials from CBC: Technology & Science
Fermilab still playing Higgs hide-and-seek from News @ Nature
August brings the Perseid meteors and a cluster of planets from Physorg
FCC rules Comcast violated Internet access policy from Physorg
Verizon labor deal to end, strike seen as unlikely from Physorg
Chinese cheered by eclipse a week before Olympics from Physorg
Higher HIV infection estimate shows need for routine screening, more funding for care from Physorg
Size-specific cracking shakes out at the nanoscale from Physorg
Researcher finds that women are speaking up from Physorg
5 Things You Must Know About Sleep from Live Science
Anthrax suspect suicide: Burden on the Feds from Science Blog
Bell's beavers bite it from CBC: Technology & Science
DEA agents raid Culver City medical marijuana dispensary from LA Times - Science
PASSINGS from LA Times - Science
China drops some Internet curbs ahead of Games from Physorg
Boston Hurricane Frequency Over Last Millennium Linked To Ocean Surface Temperatures from Physorg
Siemens builds a lock made of light: Data transfer using quantum cryptography from Physorg
Probing Question: How do antioxidants work? from Physorg
Phoenix Gas Analyzer Confirms Water on Mars [News] from Scientific American
U.S. border agents given power to seize travellers' laptops, cellphones from CBC: Technology & Science
Outdoor Activity And Nearsightedness In Children from Science Daily
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) In An Asian Population from Science Daily
Superfluid-superconductor Relationship Is Detailed from Science Daily
Higher HIV Infection Estimate Shows Need For Routine Screening, More Funding For Care from Science Daily
Nanotechnology: Size-specific Cracking Shakes from Science Daily
Disparities In Prostate Cancer Treatment Suggest Ways To Improve Care from Science Daily
Caltech researchers create a 'microscope on a chip' from LA Times - Science
PHOTOS: Solar Eclipse Seen Around the World Today from National Geographic
VIDEO: Belugas Troubled by Tourism? from National Geographic
Estrogen can impair memory, behaviour: study from CBC: Health
Camels Plagued by Parasites [News] from Scientific American
FCC: Comcast Traffic Block Violated Rights from CBSNews - Science
NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended from Science Blog
New Bytes of the Week: Large Hadron Collider gets its own rap song [News] from Scientific American
Solar Eclipse Wows Airborne Skywatchers Over Arctic Circle from
Stranded sick whale put to sleep from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science in brief from LA Times - Science
Bug Lab from Live Science
Solar Eclipse Wows Airborne Skywatchers Over Arctic Circle from Live Science
Can a Nuclear Blast Alter Earth's Rotation? from Live Science
British children deaf to call of the wild from UPI
Study: To sleep better, perchance to live longer from AP Health
Arctic park faces melting crisis from BBC News: Science & Nature
Learn science of survival at London museum from MSNBC: Science
China becomes a physics powerhouse from Science Blog
Farmer has double arm transplant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Early stereo recordings restored from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Pressure' killed anthrax suspect from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Fitness pill' being developed from BBC News: Science & Nature
No plastic from BBC News: Science & Nature
Suicide of Anthrax Scientist Raises Questions from Science NOW
Pollinator Plasticity from Science NOW
Unmasking Dark Energy from Science NOW
Relief From Rehab? from Science NOW
Brazil launches rainforest fund from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cosmic Log: Waiting for an air taxi from MSNBC: Science
Smokin' athletes! Who says cigarettes and sports don't mix? from LA Times - Health
Exercise cuts some of smoking's risks -- but it's a fact that performance is affected from LA Times - Health
Doctors talk shop on medical blogs from LA Times - Health
Medical blogs for doctors and patients alike from LA Times - Health
Nanosilver products raise concerns of safety, effectiveness from LA Times - Health
Questioning nanosilver's germ-killing abilities from LA Times - Health
Nanosilver use prompts worries of resistant bacteria from LA Times - Health
More soy, less sperm? New study in the journal Human Reproduction fuels debate but results remain inconclusive from LA Times - Health
Abdominal exercise is a twist on the old sit-up routine from LA Times - Health
If only healthcare weren't all about money from LA Times - Health
Yahoo Board Unscathed After Annual Meeting from CBSNews - Science
Farmer receives two new arms from UPI
The shrew that drinks like a fish from LA Times - Science
Field test from BBC News: Science & Nature
Once common on skin, anthrax is deadly in lungs from AP Science
Traumatic Response To Bad Memories Can Be Minimized from Science Daily
Simple Lab Test For Bone Disease Linked To Risk Of Death In Dialysis Patients from Science Daily
Functional Nanoribbons Carved Using Super-heated, Nano-sized Particles Of Iron from Science Daily
Biological Fathers Not Necessarily The Best, Social Dads Parent Well Too from Science Daily
Olfactory Fine-tuning Helps Fruit Flies Find Their Mates from Science Daily
New Method Assesses Risks For Heart Failure Patients from Science Daily
Relays Pass Baton To Next-gen Broadband Networks from Science Daily
Communication Gap Exists Between Seniors And Surgeons, Study Finds from Science Daily
In Lean Times, Flies Can't Survive Without Their Sense Of Smell from Science Daily
Liver Damage In Hepatitis C Patients Could Be Treated With Warfarin, Says New Study from Science Daily
Telescope Embedded In Glasses Lens Promises To Make Driving Easier For Visually Impaired from Science Daily
Two Different Breast Cancer Screening Strategies Are Equally Effective, Study Fiinds from Science Daily
Drug Has Potential To Prevent Alcoholics From Relapsing from Science Daily
Biodefence researcher linked to anthrax attacks from News @ Nature
Tuna around S. Korea getting bigger from UPI
Biophysicist J. Murdock Ritchie dies from UPI
Newly Discovered Monkey Is Threatened With Extinction from Science Daily
How Some Bacteria May Steal Iron From Their Human Hosts from Science Daily
New Immune Disease Identified from Science Daily
NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended from Science Daily
Like Eavesdropping At A Party: How A Tiny Protein Senses All The Communications In A Cell from Science Daily
Computer shows origins of first stars from UPI
Scientist in anthrax case said to kill self from Reuters:Science