Archive of feed items published on the 28th of October 2009
'Culture of we' buffers genetic tendency to depression from Science Blog
American Cancer Society calls for new strategies to monitor exposure to environmental carcinogens from Science Blog
Gas Company Won’t Drill in New York Watershed from NY Times Science
Roku Devices Allow Simple Streaming to TVs from CBSNews - Science
Feature: Hitting the target and missing the point from Science Alert
U.S and Cuban scientists plan joint Gulf research from Reuters:Science
Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers: WHO from Reuters:Science
A new way to measure muscle from MIT Research
New methods are changing old materials from MIT Research
Study finds quake risk at Los Alamos from LA Times - Science
Russia reports its first deaths from swine flu from LA Times - Science
NASA Poised for 2nd Try to Launch Landmark Rocket Test from
Opinion: A pan-hemispheric energy infrastructure from Science Alert
Rare birds 'faring better' in UK from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists sift soil for new antibiotics from CBC: Health
Scientists sift soil for new antibiotics from CBC: Technology & Science
SMOS and Proba-2 installed in launch tower from European Space Agency
Plot Of The Week - The Upsilon Puzzle
Curry spice 'kills cancer cells' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Redshift by Cosmic Dust trumps Hubble and Tired Light Theories from Science Blog
Quality improvement program increases hospitals' adherence to evidenced-based care
New American Chemical Society podcast: Tiny sea creature and a new medical adhesive
Does diabetes speed up memory loss in Alzheimer's disease?
Disney iPhone app makes photos the key to content from Physorg
Spot Crinkly, the odd-necked swan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Curry compound kills cancer cells: scientists from Reuters:Science
Significant regional variations exist regarding proximity to burn centres
BMJ raises concerns over 'outlawed' gagging clauses in NHS contracts
Swine flu vaccine must be free and safe for high uptake
Epilepsy drugs could treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
American Cancer Society calls for new strategies to monitor exposure to environmental carcinogens
Deep brain stimulation may be effective treatment for Tourette's syndrome
Will genomics help prevent the next pandemic?
Most European palm oil buyers fail sustainability test
Patients starting dialysis have increased risk of death
Use of antipsychotic medications by children and adolescents associated with significant weight gain
Research: Migraine and cardiovascular disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Ant fight!
Ares Rocket Launch Faces More Bad Weather from CBSNews - Science
Rosetta lined up nicely for Earth approach from European Space Agency
Report: AMD ex-CEO said linked to Galleon case from Physorg
NASA tries 2nd time to launch experimental rocket from Physorg
iPhones everywhere in China ahead of launch from Physorg
Packages of care for alcohol use disorders in low- and middle-income countries
Surveys for major neglected tropical diseases in sub-Saharan Africa can be integrated
Chemosensitivity of cancer cells depends on their protein dependency
Sperm may play leading role in spreading HIV
Families suffer from problem gambling
Dining out in an ocean of plastic: How foraging albatrosses put plastic on the menu
New study reveals first ever method to genetically identify all 8 tuna species
Rethinking the antibody-dependent enhancement dengue haemorrhagic fever model
Strategies to reduce HIV treatment dropout rates: cost-effective and improve survival chances
Degraded Borneo land to be restored to orangutans
Alternative to pap test does not appear to be better for detecting cervical cancer
American Cancer Society calls for new strategies to monitor exposure to environmental carcinogens from Physorg
Gossip in the workplace: A weapon or gift from Physorg
Research: Migraine increases stroke risk from Physorg
Japanese car wins World Solar Challenge in Australia (w/ Video) from Physorg
Weather delays Nasa rocket launch from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA preps Ares rocket for 2nd launch attempt from CBC: Technology & Science
Vegetables can protect unborn child against diabetes
First evidence for a second breeding season among migratory songbirds
URI nutritionist finds chewing gum can reduce calorie intake, increase energy expenditure
Animals now picking up bugs from people, study shows
Bogus e-mails from FDIC link computer users to viruses, says UAB computer forensics expert
UAB research could boost coastal economics with crustacean molting on demand
Vast majority of physicians satisfied with hospital chaplain services
Novel findings shed light on how N-type channel function is modified by lipids
Anxious pregnant mothers more likely to have smaller babies
New look for antiques
French male bears in immediate need of more females
Constipation: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions from Live Science
Post-hospital care helps health from Science Alert
Profile: Life in the cage from Chemistry World
Weather May Delay NASA Launch Again from NY Times Science
Adding tools against breast tumours
Ancient 'monster' insect offers Halloween inspiration
Changing behaviour helps patients take medication as prescribed
Exposure to alkaline substances can result in damaged teeth
Moderate amounts of protein per meal found best for building muscle
Fingerprint technology beats world's toughest tests, including 100s of builders' thumbs
URI research couple's method targets cancerous tumours
Exercise makes cigarettes less attractive to smokers
Triple-combo drug shows promise against antiviral-resistant H1N1, UAB researcher says
Alcohol activates cellular changes that make tumour cells spread
Wolves lose their predatory edge in mid-life, new U of Minnesota study shows
Blind astronomer constructs backyard observatory from CBC: Technology & Science
Acid bladder feels fullest from Science Alert
Starfish 'pump up' to cool down from BBC News: Science & Nature
Water traps from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swine flu vaccine must be free and safe for high uptake from Physorg
Researchers find room design can enhance patient care from Physorg
Experts unveil new CVD guidelines and position papers from Science Blog
Researchers find room design can enhance patient care from Science Blog
Mobile society helps wellbeing from Science Alert
1507 gag from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dining out in an ocean of plastic: How foraging albatrosses put plastic on the menu (w/ Video) from Physorg
Like mother, like daughter, at least around the eyes from Physorg
BMJ raises concerns over 'outlawed' gagging clauses in NHS contracts from Physorg
Married with children the key to happiness?
Muscle weakness a common side effect of long stays in intensive care units
'Culture of we' buffers genetic tendency to depression
Scientists use world's fastest supercomputer to create the largest HIV evolutionary tree
Magnetic mixing creates quite a stir
Poor in rural Oregon face 'double binds' when getting food
UT Southwestern patient first in North Texas to receive newest-generation heart failure device
Increase in Down syndrome offset by better screening
Gossip in the workplace: A weapon or gift, new research from IU
Consumer electronics can help improve patient health
Web-based nutrition program reduces health care costs for employees with cardiac risk factors
Why Halloween Terrifies Some Kids from Live Science
Follow the launch of ESA's SMOS and Proba-2 satellites from European Space Agency
Aussie teens have tough time from Science Alert
Common weed could provide clues on ageing and cancer
Exercise is good medicine for lymphoma patients
University of Cincinnati researchers create all-electric spintronics
Tsunami waves reasonably likely to strike Israel
Sweet solution to energy production
Stanford study recommends change in treating pulmonary embolisms
UB study explores how women make decisions about breast cancer surgery
UC Davis researchers identify dominant chemical that attracts mosquitoes to humans
Protein critical for insulin secretion may be contributor to diabetes
Scientists discover gene that 'cancer-proofs' rodent's cells
Global warming cycles threaten endangered primate species
No H1N1 vaccine for Ontarians with egg allergies from CBC: Health
Accusure-brand insulin syringes recalled from UPI
Bad Weather Keeps NASA Rocket Test on Hold from
'First Bank of Antimatter' Issues Anti-Money from Live Science
Chemical causes ant infighting from Science Alert
'High-payoff' energy research receives US cash boost from Physics World
Charles Darwin really did have advanced ideas about the origin of life
$1.1B up in smoke: Sask. Cancer Society from CBC: Health
Rosetta probe lined up nicely for Earth approach from Physorg
Robot Armada Might Scale New Worlds from Physorg
Benefit of memantine in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease not proven from Physorg
Gossip In The Workplace: A Weapon Or Gift? from Science Daily
Room Design Can Enhance Patient Care from Science Daily
Toyota Engineers Two New Flower Species to Offset Manufacturing Carbon from PopSci
Phantom limbs learn impossible tricks from Physorg
Physically active have reduced risk of prostate cancer from Physorg
Preliminary run held at CERN collider from UPI
Rot-resistant wheat could save farmers millions from Physorg
Scientists explain mystery of observed turbulent density fluctuations in interplanetary space from Physorg
News briefing: 29 October 2009 from News @ Nature
Dark energy rips cosmos and agencies from News @ Nature
Member of NFL Hall of Fame diagnosed with degenerative brain disease from Physorg
Autosub6000 dives to depth of 3.5 miles from Physorg
Verizon says Droid smart phone goes on sale Nov. 6 from Physorg
Qwest Communications 3Q earnings fall 6 pct from Physorg
Safety upgrade urged for nuclear lab from UPI
Olivia Judson: A Language of Smiles from NY Times Science
Jury still out on HIV vaccine results from News @ Nature
News briefing: 29 October 2009 from News @ Nature
Sandia, Others Funded to Sequence Microbial Genes for Potential Biofuels Use from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Take Faith-Based Approach to Global Warming With 'Climate for Change' from Newswise - Scinews
Knocking nanoparticles off the socks from Physorg
New technique for injectable facial fillers improves comfort, recovery from Physorg
Physicist makes new high-res panorama of Milky Way from Physorg
A new explanation of 'Asian paradox' from Physorg
Nasa launches rocket successfully from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA awards radiobiology research grants from UPI
New biomarker found for aggressive cancers from UPI
Liftoff! NASA Launches Moon Rocket Prototype on Test Flight from
Is The Mind Unique For Each Person? from Science Blog
Mortality rates reduced among children whose mothers received iron-folic acid supplements from Physorg
NASA's newest rocket launched successfully from UPI
So . . . How Do Squid Fly Exactly?
Introducing The Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Halloween Pumpkins May Scare Away Yeast Infection Too
Flu activity boosts H1N1 vaccine interest from CBC: Health
Video: Ares I-X Rocket Launches from CBSNews - Science
NASA Launches Ares I-X Test Flight from CBSNews - Science
Member Of NFL Hall Of Fame Diagnosed With Degenerative Brain Disease from Science Daily
Next-generation Microcapsules Deliver 'Chemicals On Demand' from Science Daily
Knocking Nanoparticles Off The Socks from Science Daily
Answering That Age-old Lament: Where Does All This Dust Come From? from Science Daily
Pumpkin Skin May Scare Away Germs from Science Daily
Depressed Pregnant Women Could Be At Higher Risk For Severe Response To Flu Infection from Science Daily
Mortality Rates Reduced Among Children Whose Mothers Received Iron-folic Acid Supplements from Science Daily
Physicist Makes New High-resolution Panorama Of Milky Way from Science Daily
New Strategies To Monitor Exposure To Environmental Carcinogens Needed from Science Daily
Ozone protocol squares up to climate from News @ Nature
Jury still out on HIV vaccine results from News @ Nature
Member of NFL Hall of Fame diagnosed with degenerative brain disease from Science Blog
Follow the launch of ESA's SMOS and Proba-2 satellites from Science Blog
Physicist makes new high-res panorama of Milky Way from Science Blog
Mortality rates reduced among children whose mothers received iron-folic acid supplements from Science Blog
High-definition colonoscopy detects more polyps, Mayo Clinic researchers say from Science Blog
LANL Roadrunner models nonlinear physics of high-power lasers from Science Blog
New technique for injectable facial fillers improves comfort, recovery from Science Blog
Toward bold new anti-cancer medicines from Science Blog
Circadian surprise: Mechanism of temperature synchronization in drosophila from Physorg
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity problems associated with low folate levels in pregnant women from Physorg
Bad driving may have genetic basis, study finds from Physorg
Your Bad Driving May Be Genetic
NASA successfully tests new tall moon rocket from Reuters:Science
Neuroscience: Shooting pain from News @ Nature
Ozone protocol squares up to climate from News @ Nature
Next-generation microcapsules deliver 'chemicals on demand' from Physorg
The IUD is the most popular long-acting contraceptive amongst Europeans from Physorg
New methods are changing old materials from Physorg
EPA's new green parking lot allows scientists to study permeable surfaces that may help the environment from Physorg
Regeneration can be achieved after chronic spinal cord injury from Physorg
Maize research reduces poverty in west and central Africa from Physorg
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Volcanoes played role in ancient ice age from UPI
Embryonic stem cells become germ cells from UPI
How NASA Test Drives Moon Landers on Earth from
Decision-making: Risk school from News @ Nature
Neuroscience: Shooting pain from News @ Nature
Can GM food mitigate world hunger? from SciDev
Answering that age-old lament: Where does all this dust come from? from Physorg
STMicroelectronics and ARM Team Up to Power Next-Generation Home Entertainment from Physorg
Google unveils free GPS navigation for mobile phones from Physorg
Musical sensibility can help shape teaching, research education from Physorg
High-definition colonoscopy detects more polyps from Physorg
Embedded systems -- the whole picture from Physorg
Review: $99 WikiReader is a pocket encyclopedia from Physorg
NASA's new moon rocket makes first test flight from Physorg
World on brink of new era of exploration from UPI
NASA's Ares I-X Rocket Completes Successful Flight Test from Science Daily
Statins Show Dramatic Drug And Cell Dependent Effects In The Brain from Science Daily
New Technique For Injectable Facial Fillers Improves Comfort, Recovery from Science Daily
Sea Art Created by Natural Bloom from Live Science
How To Fix a Broken Collider: the LHC's Restart Checklist from PopSci
Fibre may keep asthma, diabetes at bay, study finds from Physorg
Gastroenterologists explore relationship between bacteria in the gut and breast cancer from Physorg
Musicians Make The Best Researchers?
Chickens immunised by GM peas from SciDev
Speed up climate tech transfer, urges UN meeting from SciDev
Google takes on GPS with navigation feature from CBC: Technology & Science
Mediation starts in N.L. breast cancer lawsuit from CBC: Health
Radiology review to cost N.B. $1M from CBC: Health
Search and rescue aid wins navigation prize from European Space Agency
Top 10 Mysteries of the First Humans from Live Science
Wind breakers from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers rest their case: TV consumption predicts opinions about criminal justice system from Physorg
Moderate exercise in mice boosts immune system, diminishes flu's severity from Physorg
A new way to measure muscle from Physorg
SMOS and Proba-2 satellites installed in launch tower from Physorg
Genes drive behaviour, but culture can select genes: study from Physorg
Wolves lose predatory edge in mid-life from UPI
Canary Islands: Wetter 50,000 years ago from UPI
Scope Of Coral Reefs In Flower Gardens
Woman Accidentally Swallows Coffee Spoon Has It Removed From Jejunum, With No Complications from Science Daily
Underwater Exploration: Autosub6000 Dives To Depth Of 3.5 Miles from Science Daily
Rot-resistant Wheat Could Save Farmers Millions from Science Daily
Violent Explosion Is Most Distant Object Ever Seen from Live Science
Decision-making: Risk school from News @ Nature
Gene-patching damaged lungs for transplanting from AP Health
AIDS experts say Russia needs new HIV strategy from AP Health
Blast from the Past Gives Clues About Early Universe from Physorg
Remotely Operated Vehicles and Satellite Tags Aid Turtle Studies from Physorg
Not a healthy state for all Latinos in the US from Physorg
Why fish oils help and how they could help even more from Physorg
Dendritic cells spark smoldering inflammation in smokers' lungs from Physorg
Cancerless rodent has genetic defense from UPI
No TV for tots under 2, says B.C. pediatrician from CBC: Health
NASA Launches Ares I-X Rocket from National Geographic
Halloween 2009: Top Costumes, History, Myths, More from National Geographic
Violent Explosion Is Most Distant Object Ever Seen from
Astronomical Artifact: Most Distant Object Yet Detected Carries Clues from Early Universe from Scientific American
Pumpkins Pack Natural Fungus Fighter from Live Science
Google Releases Free Turn-by-Turn Navigation App from Live Science
TMS Invites Members to Tell Their Materials Science & Engineering Stories through Video Contest from Newswise - Scinews
Start-up Company Prepares to Commercialize Novel Detector for Medical, Military Applications from Newswise - Scinews
An intergalactic race in space and time from News @ Nature
Most distant gamma-ray burst spotted from News @ Nature
Correction from News @ Nature
Researchers rest their case: TV consumption predicts opinions about criminal justice system from Science Blog
Statins show dramatic drug and cell dependent effects in the brain from Physorg
Residents play key role in CT colonography awareness and promoting the radiology specialty from Physorg
Scientists turn stem cells into precursors for sperm, eggs from Physorg
Stem cell research produces human germ cells from CBC: Technology & Science
Stem Cells Changed Into Precursors For Sperm, Eggs from Science Daily
Bad Driving May Have Genetic Basis, Study Finds from Science Daily
Regeneration Can Be Achieved After Chronic Spinal Cord Injury from Science Daily
Diet And Intestinal Bacteria Linked To Healthier Immune Systems from Science Daily
Blast From The Past Gives Clues About Early Universe from Science Daily
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Problems Associated With Low Folate Levels In Pregnant Women from Science Daily
Circadian Surprise: Mechanism Of Temperature Synchronization In Drosophila from Science Daily
LANL Roadrunner Models Nonlinear Physics Of High-power Lasers from Science Daily
Video - Ares I-X Rocket Soars in Test Launch from
Gamma-ray observations shrink known grain size of spacetime from
Stellar blast is record-breaker from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bad driving may have genetic basis, UCI study finds from Science Blog
The IUD is the most popular long-acting contraceptive amongst Europeans from Science Blog
Remotely operated vehicles and satellite tags aid turtle studies from Science Blog
Not a healthy state for all Latinos in the US from Science Blog
Depressed pregnant women could be at higher risk for severe response to flu infection from Physorg
Fermi Telescope Caps First Year With Glimpse of Space-Time (w/ Video) from Physorg
Gene therapy repairs injured human donor lungs for the first time from Physorg
Stem cell research produces human germ cells from CBC: Health
40 Years Ago: The Message that Conceived the Internet from Live Science
Fermi Telescope Peers At Space-Time
Bad driving may have genetic basis, UCI study finds from Science Blog
The IUD is the most popular long-acting contraceptive amongst Europeans from Science Blog
Remotely operated vehicles and satellite tags aid turtle studies from Science Blog
Not a healthy state for all Latinos in the US from Science Blog
Researchers rest their case: TV consumption predicts opinions about criminal justice system from Science Blog
Member of NFL Hall of Fame diagnosed with degenerative brain disease from Science Blog
Follow the launch of ESA's SMOS and Proba-2 satellites from Science Blog
Physicist makes new high-res panorama of Milky Way from Science Blog
Fermi captures space-time theory evidence from UPI
Travel of a mis-swallowed long spoon to the jejunum from Physorg
Lead poisoning threatens a vulnerable albatross population from Physorg
'Feel-good' hormone serotonin regulates blood sugar concentration from Physorg
Scientists Are First to Observe the Global Motions of an Enzyme Copying DNA from Newswise - Scinews
Halloween Fears And Phobias
NASA awards minority university grants from UPI
Crab molting may be controllable from UPI
Magnet may transform high-field research from UPI
The Medical Minute: Talk about prescriptions from Physorg
Anti-psychotics linked to childhood obesity from CBC: Health
Why Fish Oils Help With Conditions Like Rheumatoid Arthritis How They Could Help Even More from Science Daily
Experimental Evidence About Structure Of Space-Time from Science Daily
Researchers Rest Their Case: TV Consumption Predicts Opinions About Criminal Justice System from Science Daily
Dendritic Cells Spark Smoldering Inflammation In Smokers' Lungs from Science Daily
Gene Therapy Repairs Injured Human Donor Lungs For The First Time from Science Daily
Remotely Operated Vehicles And Satellite Tags Aid Turtle Studies from Science Daily
Musical Sensibility Can Help Shape Teaching, Research Education from Science Daily
EPA's New Green Parking Lot Allows Scientists To Study Permeable Surfaces That May Help The Environment from Science Daily
Making Molecules (And Salamanders) Glow from Live Science
Feature: Climate change - adapting is crucial too from Science Alert
Feature: Climate change - adapting is crucial too from Science Alert
Rubber tree genome is sequenced from UPI
Professor: Yanks heavy Series favorite from UPI
Technology quickly spots microbial life from UPI
Study: depression can lead to inflated reports of physical symptoms from Physorg
Should children undergo surgery without a long period of fasting after feeding? from Physorg
AIDS experts say Russia needs new HIV strategy from Physorg
Mirinae intensifying while moving away from the northern Marianas from Physorg
Expect the unexpected when adapting to climate change in Africa, says researcher from Physorg
Pumpkin skin may scare away germs from Physorg
Study targets stroke prevention in children with sickle cell anemia from Physorg
Stem cell therapy may offer hope for acute lung injury from Physorg
Birds’ eyes, not beaks, sense magnetic fields from
Scientists make cells that form eggs, sperm in lab from Reuters:Science
H1N1 shouldn't scare away Halloween from CBC: Health
Ancient 'unicorn' fly had 3 eyes on its horn from CBC: Technology & Science
Fermi Space Telescope Captures Glimpse of Space-Time from PopSci
Study shows hormone replacement therapy decreases mortality in younger postmenopausal woman from Physorg
Scientists Cryopreserve Pest-Imperiled Ash Trees from Physorg
Harvesting Energy from Natural Motion: Magnets, Cantilever Capture Wide Range of Frequencies from Physorg
Yahoo sets out to regain analysts' respect from Physorg
Gamma-ray photon race ends in dead heat; Einstein wins this round from Physorg
Birds' eyes, not beaks, sense magnetic fields from
Intergalactic Race Ends in a Virtual Tie from NY Times Science
Trees facilitate wildfires as a way to protect their habitat from Physorg
Streaking: DiMaggio And Probability
ANIMAL "ZOMBIES": Nature's "Walking Dead" in Pictures from National Geographic
VIDEO: NASA's Ares I-X Rocket Launches from National Geographic
Maize Research Reduces Poverty In West And Central Africa from Science Daily
Study: Bad Driving Is Genetic from Live Science
How to Avoid the FDIC Email Scam from Live Science
NASA Hails New Moon Rocket's First Test Launch from
Space-Time Observations Find Einstein Still Rules from
Stem Cell Therapy May Offer Hope for Acute Lung Injury from Newswise - Scinews
Nanotubes Fast Forward Seed Germination from Newswise - Scinews
NIEHS Awards Recovery Act Funds to Address Bisphenol A Research Gaps from Newswise - Scinews
North Carolina Sea Levels Rising Three Times Faster Than in Previous 500 Years, Study Says from Physorg
Researcher 'Shows the Voice' in Swallowing Disorders from Physorg
The Dawn Of Academic Chemistry from C&EN
One embryo nearly as good a multiples for pregnancy from Reuters:Science
2012 Cataclysm: Ancient Astronomy to Modern Myth? from Live Science
AAPS Workshop to Focus on Special Dosage Forms, Developments in In Vitro Drug Release from Newswise - Scinews
Brief Highlights of the Fluid Dynamics Conference, Minneapolis, Nov. 22-24, 2009 from Newswise - Scinews
Grandma Plays Favorites from Science NOW
A Blast From the Deep, Dark Past from Science NOW
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Solitude contributes to a person's imagined intimacy with a TV character from Physorg
The Sun's Sneaky Variability from Physorg
Brain responds to human voice in one fifth of a second from Physorg
Astronomers explore 'last blank space' on map of the Universe from Physorg
Genetic links to fungal infection risk identified from Physorg
Opinion: The malaria myths of climate change from Science Alert
FOR KIDS: Giant snakes invading North America from
FOR KIDS: Junk food junkies from
Channels from Mars Hale Crater from Physorg
ASUS Unveils First Motherboards to Feature USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gb/s Performance from Physorg
Things To Ponder While Eating Halloween Candy from Physorg
FDA panel backs first non-drug asthma treatment from AP Health
Obama team: US needs bill to lead in clean energy from Physorg
High-tech mom helps teach student nurses from Physorg
Promise of sex may save orchid from Science Alert
MicroRNA-mediated metastasis suppression from Physorg
Most Distant Object Found; Light Pierced "Dark Age" Fog from National Geographic
Tree "Mummies" Found, Traced Back to Viking Era from National Geographic
First Halloween Costumes: Skins, Skulls, and Skirts from National Geographic
H1N1 outbreak at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital from CBC: Health
Curry compound killed cancer cells in lab from CBC: Health
Breakthrough In Lab-on-chip For Fast Cancer Detection And Therapy from Science Daily
Depression Can Lead To Inflated Reports Of Physical Symptoms from Science Daily
Stem Cell Therapy May Offer Hope For Acute Lung Injury from Science Daily
NASA's New Rocket Sports a Supersonic Look from
Bad drivers? Blame their genes from Reuters:Science
Greater use of in-patient diagnostic imaging improves patient outcomes without significantly impacting costs from Physorg
Is short-term Celecoxib intervention a effective method for preventing gastric carcinogenesis? from Physorg
Yahoo!, Microsoft extend talks on Web search agreement from Physorg
Lifestyle changes, drug lower type 2 diabetes risk from Physorg
Swine flu prompts hundreds of schools to close from Physorg
Google Voice service blocks fewer than 100 numbers from Physorg
Size matters when it comes to AIDS defense from Reuters:Science
Google puts songs a click away in search from Physorg
Be cautious upgrading to Windows 7 from Physorg
Cancer: New Explanation Of 'Asian Paradox' from Science Daily
Software That Gets Reduced, Reused, Recycled from Science Daily
Patients Starting Dialysis Have Increased Risk Of Death, Study Finds from Science Daily
Roadrunner supercomputer models nonlinear physics of high-power lasers from Physorg
Next-generation microcapsules deliver 'chemicals on demand' from Biology News Net
Grant to fund exploration of fossil plants in Patagonia from Biology News Net
Stem cell therapy may offer hope for acute lung injury from Biology News Net
Tuna ban 'justified' by science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gadgets: Picks from the PhotoPlus Expo from Physorg
Focusing on key swine flu issues from LA Times - Science
Feature: WiFi inventor wins Prime Minister’s Prize for Science from Science Alert
Science spending creates jobs from Science Alert
Scientists see blast from past -- 13 billion years ago from Reuters:Science
Lakeshore Foundation, UAB Launch Joint Research Effort from Newswise - Scinews
Special relativity passes key test from Physics World
Fermi telescope caps its first year with a glimpse of space-time from Science Blog
Mirinae intensifying while moving away from the northern Marianas from Science Blog
Stem cell therapy may offer hope for acute lung injury from Science Blog
Study: depression can lead to inflated reports of physical symptoms from Science Blog
Study shows hormone replacement therapy decreases mortality in younger postmenopausal woman from Science Blog
Gamma-ray photon race ends in dead heat; Einstein wins this round from Science Blog
North Carolina sea levels rising 3 times faster than in previous 500 years, Penn study says from Science Blog
UPLB research on improved eggplant varieties, a success from Science Blog
B.C. plans to import surgery patients from CBC: Health
The Future of Video Game Input: Muscle Sensors from Live Science
One embryo is best, in vitro fertilization study finds from LA Times - Science
Windows 7: Beyond the Hoopla from Live Science