Archive of feed items published on the 20th of December 2009
A Flash of Light from Titan from Science @ NASA
Colliding Auroras Produce Explosions of Light from Science @ NASA
What's in health care proposals for 5 Americans from AP Health
Team finds Australian hospital ship sunk in WW2 from Reuters:Science
China: Climate talks yielded 'positive' results from AP Science
A Brief Introduction to Virtual Water from Science Blog
Taiwan hit by 6.4-magnitude quake: USGS from Physorg
What's in health care proposals for 5 Americans from Physorg
Climate scientists underwhelmed by Copenhagen Accord from Physorg
Germany's Merkel defends climate accord from AP Science
Senate Dems look to close deal on health overhaul from Physorg
Asian giants hail Copenhagen deal from BBC News: Science & Nature
No glitter from BBC News: Science & Nature
State of the art from BBC News: Science & Nature
Birds Favor Most Promising Offspring from Live Science
Mars missions get final go-ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: Techno-Claus Gift Rhyme from CBSNews - Science
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Techno Claus from CBSNews - Science
Evanescent waves bring new window into the nanoworld from Physics World
Slide show: ‘Polar Obsession’ from MSNBC: Science
War-torn 'nursery' hopes to send monkeys to Mars from Physorg
Major volcanic eruption feared in Philippines from Physorg
Malaysian authorities rescue 130 pangolins from Physorg
Newsmaker of the year: The power player from News @ Nature
Copenhagen accord emerges from News @ Nature
Next generation lens promises more control from Physorg
Scientists take a step towards uncovering the histone code from Physorg
Metastasis formation revealed in detail and real time from Physorg
Global warming likely to be amplified by slow changes to Earth systems from Physorg
Faster, cheaper DNA sequencing method developed from Physorg
Prescriptions Column: Senators Add the Ornaments and Trimmings from NY Times Health
Next generation lens promises more control from Science Blog
Global warming likely to be amplified by slow changes to Earth systems from Science Blog
Metastasis formation revealed in detail and real time from Science Blog
Global temperatures could rise more than expected, new study shows from Science Blog
Boston University reseachers develop faster, cheaper DNA sequencing method from Science Blog
Scientists take a step towards uncovering the histone code from Science Blog
Hopes Dim, G.O.P. Still Vows to Fight Health Bill from NY Times Health
An Air of Frustration for Europe at Climate Talks from NY Times Science
Green Inc. Column: Copenhagen’s One Real Accomplishment: Getting Some Money Flowing from NY Times Science
Daily Pot Smoking May Hasten Onset of Psychosis from Science Daily
Scientists take a step towards uncovering the histone code from Science Daily
Global warming likely to be amplified by slow changes to Earth systems from Science Daily
Metastasis formation revealed in detail in real time from Science Daily
Faster, cheaper DNA sequencing method developed from Science Daily
Next generation lens promises more control from Science Daily
Oceans becoming nosier thanks to pollution -- report from Physorg
Google gets digital foothold in France from Physorg
Hollywood adds money, talent to made-for-Web shows from Physorg
Russian railways enter modern age with new express from Physorg
New Crew Launches Toward International Space Station from
Video: Man Marries Nintendo Character from CBSNews - Science
Conflict Over War Deaths: Researchers attack British Medical Journal review process from Science Daily
Russian rocket blasts off to space outpost from Reuters:Science
Gefitinib improves survival compared with standard chemotherapy in lung cancer patients with genetic mutation from Physorg
The First Time, SIAM Named 191 Fellows in 2009 from Science Blog
Russian rocket blasts off to space outpost from Reuters:Science
Video: Web Wizard from CBSNews - Science
Astronauts blast off for Christmas space mission from Physorg
Sixty headless skeletons -- 3,000 years old -- discovered in Pacific Ocean archipelago Vanuatu from Science Daily
Use and misuse of alcohol and marijuana can be traced to common set of genes from Science Daily
Cannabis hope for inflammatory bowel disease from Science Daily
Computer algorithm identifies authentic Van Gogh from Science Daily
Having children makes you more like your own parents from Science Daily
Black holes in star clusters stir up time and space from Science Daily
Fewer migratory birds in Dutch woods due to climate change from Science Daily
Happiest Americans live in states ranked highest for quality of life from Science Daily
Researchers prove key cancer theory: Animal study demonstrates how whole chromosome changes cause cancer from Science Daily
Machine that visually inspects and sorts strawberry plants invented from Science Daily
Movement comes with appetite from Science Daily
The buzz on fruit flies: New role in the search for addiction treatments from Science Daily
Septic shock: Nitric oxide beneficial after all from Science Daily
Deepest explosive eruption on sea floor: Underwater remotely operated vehicle Jason images discovery from Science Daily
Programmed cell death: Pores finding reveals targets for cancer and degenerative disease from Science Daily
New insight into selective binding properties of infectious HIV from Science Daily
Now you see it, now you know you see it from Science Daily
The First Time, SIAM Elected More than 190 Fellows in 2009 from Science Blog
Next generation lens promises more control from Science Blog
Global warming likely to be amplified by slow changes to Earth systems from Science Blog
Metastasis formation revealed in detail and real time from Science Blog
Global temperatures could rise more than expected, new study shows from Science Blog
Boston University reseachers develop faster, cheaper DNA sequencing method from Science Blog
Scientists take a step towards uncovering the histone code from Science Blog
A Brief Introduction to Virtual Water from Science Blog
Russia to have nuclear spacecraft by 2012 from UPI