Archive of feed items published on the 4th of December 2009
Poisonous Catfish Described from Science Daily
Live saver for the Gulf Stream? Climate changes supplies more saline waters from Indian Ocean from Science Daily
Experimental validation tool for cell phone forensics developed from Science Daily
UN body probes climate e-mail row from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hot water for the Twalas, hot debate at Copenhagen from AP Science
What Exalts Stradivarius? Not Varnish, Study Says from NY Times Science
In Marin County, a Public Fight Over Private Control of Sewage from NY Times Science
Hugh Hurt Jr., Engineer Studied Motorcycle Accidents, Dies at 81 from NY Times Science
After Delays, Vaccine Is Tested in Battle Against Tainted Beef from NY Times Science
World Briefing | Europe: Britain: Investigator Assigned to Review Climate Research from NY Times Science
Samoan Tsunami wave was 46 feet high from AP Science
Crew plans to cut rope to free Hawaii whale from AP Science
Nepal holds highest Cabinet meeting at Mt. Everest from AP Science
New therapy targets for amyloid disease from Science Blog
Chicken pox vaccine reduces shingles risk in kids -- study of 172,000 kids used EHRs from Science Blog
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ramps up aspen growth from Science Blog
Abortion Battle Shifts to Clinic in Nebraska from NY Times Health
Chicago News Cooperative: Treating a Community’s Health Needs That Reform May Not Fix from NY Times Health
In Delayed Test, a Vaccine to Counter Bad Beef from NY Times Health
Senate Backs Preventive Health Care for Women from NY Times Health
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ramps up aspen growth from Physorg
Comcast-NBC deal shows future is in content from Physorg
Cisco to proceed with $3.4 billion Tandberg deal from Physorg
Google adds translation to main search engine from Physorg
Sir John Crofton dies at 97; doctor pioneered combination therapy to treat tuberculosis from LA Times - Science
Risk of blood clot after surgery higher and lasts longer than previously thought
CCNY professor foresees rising Antarctic snowmelt
Vaccination, antivirals and social distancing may blunt impact of H1N1 influenza
CWRU researchers report poor outcomes for CCI patients leaving hospitals on ventilators
'Doughnut hole' unites seniors wary of health bill from AP Health
Source: Stephanopoulos offered 'GMA' job from AP Health
Crew plans to cut rope to free Hawaii whale from Physorg
Study confirms that cannabis is beneficial for multiple sclerosis from Physorg
Weight loss reduces sleep problems in obese men
Hawaiian hot spot has deep roots
By feeding the birds, you could change their evolutionary fate
2 heads better than 1 in new antibiotic method
Model predicts dialysis patients' likelihood of survival
Mice holding back muscular dystrophy research
Study confirms that cannabis is beneficial for multiple sclerosis
Bio-inspired catalyst design could rival platinum from Chemistry World
C-H bond activation takes the relaxing route from Chemistry World
Interview: Setting the climate control from Chemistry World
Samoan Tsunami wave was 46 feet high from Physorg
Major impacts of climate change expected on mental health
Chicken pox vaccine reduces shingles risk in kids - study of 172,000 kids used EHRs
A greener way to get electricity from natural gas
Parents gone wild? Study suggests link between working memory and reactive parenting
Study links real-time data to flu vaccine strategies
Poisonous poisson
Popular diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of heart failure and death
Sony signs 3-D video deal for 2010 World Cup from Physorg
Movies promote smoking among Mexican-American adolescents from Physorg
Turbulence around heat transport
Understanding DNA repair and cancer
The swine flu pandemic
Stopping MRSA before it becomes dangerous is possible
It's all in your head. No, really: How mental imagery training aids perceptual learning
Papillomavirus silences innate immune response
Iron Curtain kept out alien birds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fine-tuned from MIT Research
UC Davis helps orphaned mountain gorilla babies return home to Congo National Park
UCSB, UCL scientists rescue visual function in rats using induced pluripotent stem cells
Grooving down the helix
Stellar family portrait takes imaging technique to new extremes
Gladstone scientists identify strategies to protect new brain cells against Alzheimer's disease
Researchers identify gene that spurs deadly brain cancer
Breastfeeding protects women from metabolic syndrome, a diabetes and heart disease predictor
New therapy targets for amyloid disease from Science Blog
Chicken pox vaccine reduces shingles risk in kids -- study of 172,000 kids used EHRs from Science Blog
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ramps up aspen growth from Science Blog
Forest deal at Copenhagen must avoid creating 'carbon refugees'
Elevated CO2 levels may mitigate losses of biodiversity from nitrogen pollution
U of M researchers discover how a brain hormone controls insect metamorphosis
Quake prediction model developed
The big blow-up
Hope for patients with type 2 diabetes
Birds call to warn friends and enemies
Best and Worst in Cell Phone Service from CBSNews - Science
New therapy targets for amyloid disease
Personality predicts success in medical school, says new study by U of Minnesota professor
Fish with attitude: Some like it hot
Transplant infectious disease experts provide pandemic guidance
Team using Subaru Telescope makes major discovery
Novel carbon-trading scheme could stop large-scale extinctions
Random DNA mix-ups not so random in cancer development
Christan auaigier designers from Science Blog
Glacier threat to Bolivia capital from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Doughnut hole' unites seniors wary of health bill from Physorg
New method of measuring ocean CO2 uptake could lead to climate change 'early warning system'
Galapagos Islands are transformed from BBC News: Science & Nature
The Science Behind Marvel Comics' New Cosmic Tale from
Poisonous Poisson from Physorg
Source: Stephanopoulos offered 'GMA' job from Physorg
Chicken pox vaccine reduces shingles risk in kids -- study of 172,000 kids used EHRs from Physorg
Mice holding back muscular dystrophy research from Physorg
Popular diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of heart failure and death from Physorg
Fishing the online stream from Physorg
United Nations to probe climate e-mail leak from AP Science
Lawmakers demand testimony by WH social secretary from AP Health
China completes climate circle from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microsoft to kick off Office 2010 in June from Physorg
Weight loss reduces sleep problems in obese men from Physorg
New therapy targets for amyloid disease from Physorg
U.K. military shuts down UFO hotline from CBC: Technology & Science
Shop before you sign a data contract for a netbook from Physorg
Risk of blood clot after surgery higher and lasts longer than previously thought from Physorg
Checklist for going solar from Physorg
Nature's fine designs: Scientists find modern lessons in ancient creations from Physorg
Video: Cell Phone Service Battle from CBSNews - Science
Ancient Volcano's Devastating Effects Confirmed from Live Science
Patient Money: Knowing What’s Worth Paying for in Vitamins from NY Times Health
Severity of Injury, Not Legal Fees, Drives Cost of Workers' Compensation from Physorg
UN to probe stolen climate data emails from CBC: Technology & Science
User-controlled camera debuts on Hockey Night from CBC: Technology & Science
Glowing Prairie Rodents Teach Us the Genetics Of Monogamy from PopSci
Natural wonders from BBC News: Science & Nature
Physicist Jack Harris Is Honored by DARPA as One of Nation's 'Rising Stars' from Physorg
Fish swishing mixes the oceans from Physics World
Slim-Fast drinks recalled over bacteria fears from CBC: Health
Study measures ocean's CO2 uptake from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA's WISE infrared satellite to reveal new galaxies, stars, asteroids from Physorg
Microsoft Store mirrors popular concept of its rival from Physorg
Lower income women report more insurance-based discrimination during pregnancy, delivery from Science Blog
Intelligent blood bags from Science Blog
Where are the female scientists in research articles? from Science Blog
Safe journey for works of art from Science Blog
Researchers find increased dairy intake reduces risk of uterine fibroids in black women from Science Blog
Scientists think 'killer petunias' should join the ranks of carnivorous plants from Science Blog
Metalloprotein Made To Order from C&EN
ACC Bulks Up from C&EN
Momentum For Chemical Control from C&EN
HIV Drugs from C&EN
Easier ester synthesis from Chemistry World
Recipes for Health: Ravioli or Tortellini in Broth from NY Times Health
Expert panel recommends new isotope reactor from CBC: Technology & Science
Ottawa boy ordered to shut down his radio station from CBC: Technology & Science
Climate past from BBC News: Science & Nature
New laser -- it's a gas, gas, gas... sensor from Physorg
Spitzer Unveils Biggest Milky Way View at Adler Planetarium from Physorg
'Not doing good enough job' for diabetics: MD from CBC: Health
Quebec zoo reports two polar bear births from UPI
DARPA Challenge Competitors Already Mobilizing Social Networks from Scientific American
Increased dairy intake reduces risk of uterine fibroids in black women, study suggests from Science Daily
Intelligent blood bags keep tabs on condition of blood from Science Daily
Safe journey for works of art from Science Daily
Where are the female scientists in research articles? from Science Daily
Gifts for your favorite geek from Physorg
New Peas Unfazed by Viral Bully from Physorg
Black hole may construct its own galactic home from
GSK's H1N1 shot may give kids fever from CBC: Health
Lightweight bionic hand ready for testing from UPI
ESA relay satellite system to spark European and Canadian leadership from European Space Agency
New therapy targets for amyloid disease from Science Daily
Mathematical model advances heart-related research from Science Daily
How to read brain activity with an EEG from Science Daily
Gene module underlying atherosclerosis development discovered from Science Daily
New study cites lower rate of earthquakes along some subduction zones from Science Daily
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ramps up aspen growth from Science Daily
Chicken pox vaccine reduces shingles risk in kids from Science Daily
Weight-loss proves effective cure for sleep apnea from Science Daily
Secret behind the composition of the varnish on Stradivari violins revealed from Physorg
Researchers develop cheap, easy 'kitchen chemistry' to perform formerly complex synthesis from Physorg
Fine-tuned: A wholly new approach to tuning a laser's frequency from Physorg
Where are the female scientists in research articles? from Physorg
TOP TEN PHOTO GALLERIES: Most Viewed of 2009 from National Geographic
Oil is a tool for Iran, an analysis says from UPI
British businesses back Brown on climate from UPI
Gazprom, Eni welcome EDF to South Stream from UPI
Transneft reopens Druzhba pipeline from UPI
Europe closes GDF Suez monopoly probe from UPI
Statoil plans upgrades for Asgard field from UPI
BP has more problems in Alaska from UPI
Eagle Ford shale activity prompts upgrades from UPI
New Delhi volunteers to cut emissions from UPI
Ares launch successful despite parachute failure from CBC: Technology & Science
The hunt for a perfect fishy father from News @ Nature
Researcher quits over science agency interference from News @ Nature
Deep structure imaged under Hawaii from News @ Nature
Earth from Space: Copenhagen, Denmark from European Space Agency
ESA to attend COP15 Climate Conference from European Space Agency
Gallery: The Year's Most Amazing Scientific Images from PopSci
Expert slams 'tabloid' e-mail row from BBC News: Science & Nature
Glaxo's swine flu shot may give kids fever from Physorg
United Nations to probe climate e-mail leak from Physorg
Scientists discover gene module underlying atherosclerosis development from Physorg
Epilepsy patients caught in treatment gap are not getting state-of-the-art care from Science Blog
How to read brain activity? from Science Blog
U-Iowa study helps advance heart-related research from Science Blog
Texas AgriLife researchers helping from Science Blog
FDA-approved drug may slow beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes patients from Science Blog
Lava beneath Hawaii forming new islands from UPI
One Asian carp found in canal fish kill from UPI
Intel CEO Paul Otellini New Chair of Innovation Task Force from Newswise - Scinews
ORNL Receives Recovery Act Funding for Carbon Fiber Technology Center from Newswise - Scinews
Re-engineer Our Gut To Beat Diabetes?
How to read brain activity? from Physorg
Galapagos Islands marine life in danger from UPI
Top 10 Craziest Solutions to Global Warming from Live Science
FDA-approved drug may slow beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes patients from Physorg
Scientists think 'killer petunias' should join the ranks of carnivorous plants from Physorg
Safe journey for works of art from Physorg
Diffusion tensor imaging increases ability to remove benign tumors in children from Physorg
Researchers find increased dairy intake reduces risk of uterine fibroids in black women from Physorg
Gift Guide: High-tech happiness for $100 or less from Physorg
Britain shuts down UFO-hunting unit from Physorg
Iron Curtain limited invasive species from UPI
Beloved National Zoo panda going to China from MSNBC: Science
New study cites lower rate of quakes along some subduction zones from Physorg
Study helps advance heart-related research from Physorg
Scientists Create World's Smallest Snowman (w/ Video) from Physorg
Lower income women report more insurance-based discrimination during pregnancy, delivery from Physorg
Texas AgriLife researchers working to develop heartier, better-adapted crops from Physorg
Diffusion tensor imaging increases ability to remove benign tumors in children from Science Blog
'Killer petunias' should join the ranks of carnivorous plants, scientists propose from Science Daily
CDC: Swine flu cases less widespread from Physorg
NASA Challenges 350 Rocketeers Nationwide to Aim a Mile High from Physorg
Undocumented Volcano Contributed to Extremely Cold Decade from 1810-1819 from Newswise - Scinews
Studying a Star Before it is Born from Physorg
Embodied Cognition: Using Movement to Understand the Mind from Physorg
Repeat negative CT scan for lung cancer does not encourage ex-smokers to resume the habit from Physorg
Ginger prices rise on flu fears from UPI
Experimental drug is combating hepatitis C in chimps, researchers say from LA Times - Health
Pharmacists are a vital, if under-used, part of healthcare from LA Times - Health
Study: Slowdown in warming last year not permanent from AP Science
Ancient volcano's devastating effects confirmed from MSNBC: Science
WISE Launch Scheduled for Dec. 11 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
China sets its sights on African research cooperation from SciDev
Scientists take theoretical research on 'nasty' molecule to next level from Physorg
Stanford's Dostoevsky biographer concludes acclaimed series from Physorg
Keeping Mars Contained from Physorg
Download of the day: FireFound tracks your stolen computer, nukes your personal data from Physorg
Steering the Ares Rockets on a Straight Path from Physorg
Researcher catalogs venomous catfish from UPI
MIT's proposed green power plant from UPI
A little magic provides an atomic-level look at bone from Science Daily
Epilepsy patients caught in treatment gap are not getting state-of-the-art care from Science Daily
WISE Launch Scheduled for Dec. 11 from Physorg
Water-saving technology focus of new grant from Physorg
Cigarette smoking increases colorectal cancer risk from Physorg
Are stroke survivors taking their medicine? from Science Blog
System 97W's 'castle wall' breached, and opened up to dissipation from Physorg
Human guinea pigs link pay and risk levels from Physorg
Defects in T cells make West Nile virus more deadly in older adults from Physorg
Elusive protein points to mechanism behind hearing loss from The Rockefeller University
Orphaned gorilla babies return home from UPI
Birds alert friends, warn enemies from UPI
Copenhagen Climate Summit: What You Need to Know from Live Science
Altitude will have impact on World Cup ball from MSNBC: Science
Eclectic To-Do Lists
Rockefeller postdoc wins GE & Science Prize from The Rockefeller University
Californians -- and their cell phones -- will help computer scientists monitor air pollution from Physorg
Microsoft search engine Bing suffers brief outage from Physorg
Stopping rape as an object of war from Physorg
Study: Slowdown in warming last year not permanent from Physorg
Most runaway teens return home with help of family ties, study finds from Physorg
Muscle cell infusion shown to strengthen sphincters in animals from Physorg
Chickenpox shot may protect kids from shingles from CBC: Health
Muscle cell infusion shown to strengthen sphincters in animals from Science Daily
Cholesterol-lowering drugs also may protect stem cell transplant patients from graft-versus-host disease from Science Daily
Bird Courtship from Live Science
FTC expands Intel anti-competition probe, sources say from Physorg
For low-income families with special needs kids, where you live matters (w/ Video) from Physorg
Taiwan plans massive growth in solar energy from Physorg
Toronto clinics to give H1N1 and seasonal flu shots from CBC: Health
N.L. tobacco 'power walls' coming down from CBC: Health
Exhibit Shows Grim Vision of Climate Chaos from CBSNews - Science
Iran cracks down on dissent in universities from AP Health
Largest Ever Milky Way Panorama Constructed from 800,000 Snapshots from PopSci
Getting a Better Grip on Gaming from Live Science
Chink found in armor of perfect cloak from
In Taiwan, bird catchers turn bird watchers from Physorg
For low-income families with special needs kids, where you live matters from Science Blog
System 97W's 'castle wall' breached, and opened up to dissipation from Science Blog
Most runaway teens return home with help of family ties, study finds from Science Blog
ACP expresses views on key issues in H.R. 3590, Senate 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act' from Science Blog
New research uncovers deep origins of the 'Hawaiian hotspot' from Science Blog
Are stroke survivors taking their medicine? from Science Blog
Diffusion tensor imaging increases ability to remove benign tumors in children from Science Blog
Epilepsy patients caught in treatment gap are not getting state-of-the-art care from Science Blog
Pluto's cloud components verified from
Hepatitis C drug tested in chimps from CBC: Health
Hepatitis C drug tested in chimps from CBC: Technology & Science
Polar bear sculpture shapes climate change concern from CBC: Technology & Science
For low-income families with special needs kids, where you live matters from Science Daily
Most runaway teens return home with help of family ties, study finds from Science Daily
Diffusion tensor imaging increases ability to remove benign tumors in children from Science Daily
FDA-approved drug may slow beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes patients from Science Daily
Helping vegetable plants make a less stressful transition from the greenhouse to the field from Science Daily
US drafts guidelines to screen genes from News @ Nature
The hunt for a perfect fishy father from News @ Nature
Cholesterol-lowering drugs also may protect stem cell transplant patients from GVHD from Physorg
'Digging into Data Challenge' grant awarded from Physorg
Microsoft unleashes lawsuits, raids in piracy crackdown from Physorg
For low-income families with special needs kids, where you live matters from Science Blog
System 97W's 'castle wall' breached, and opened up to dissipation from Science Blog
Most runaway teens return home with help of family ties, study finds from Science Blog
ACP expresses views on key issues in H.R. 3590, Senate 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act' from Science Blog
New research uncovers deep origins of the 'Hawaiian hotspot' from Science Blog
This Week in the Future, November 30-December 4, 2009 from PopSci
Stem Cells Battle for Space from Newswise - Scinews
Tips on Having a Green Christmas from Newswise - Scinews
Tech accessories can spice up holiday list from Physorg
EPA Set to Regulate Wastewater from Coal-Fired Power Plants from Scientific American
Study confirms that cannabis is beneficial for multiple sclerosis from Science Daily
Popular diabetes drugs linked to increased risk of heart failure and death, study suggests from Science Daily
Widowed facing higher mortality risk from Science Daily
Researchers Uncover Pictured Rocks History from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Take Theoretical Research on 'Nasty' Molecule to Next Level from Newswise - Scinews
Lack of N.L. cancer screening tragic: oncologist from CBC: Health
Quebec rejects calls for uranium moratorium from CBC: Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography from
Stem cells battle for space from Physorg
Case Western Reserve researchers' new pathway discovery published as 'Paper of the Week' from Physorg
Potential new 'twist' in breast cancer detection from Physorg
Are angry women more like men? from Physorg
Why Your Older Brother Didn't Share from Science NOW
An Introduction to Monkey Grammar? from Science NOW
Asthma tablets recalled from CBC: Health
Virgin Galactic Poised to Unveil Suborbital Space Liner from
GE to buy $345 mln of ads from NBC Universal from Physorg
Potential new 'twist' in breast cancer detection from Science Blog
Stem cells battle for space from Science Blog
UD scientists take theoretical research on 'nasty' molecule to next level from Science Blog
Case Western Reserve researchers' new pathway discovery published as 'Paper of the Week' from Science Blog
Human guinea pigs wary of high-paying medical trials from Science Blog
Are angry women more like men? from Science Blog
Russia Delays Angara Rocket Debut as Testing Progresses from
Grid helps tune tiny transistors from BBC News: Science & Nature
Childhood cancer survivor study report: Late recurrence is a risk for some cancers from Physorg
Decision soon on closing lock to stop Asian carp from Physorg
Ecosia search engine fights climate change from Physorg
N.W.T. syphilis outbreak under control: health official from CBC: Health
LHC Gets First Results; Step Toward "God Particle"? from National Geographic
Gen-x will need 10x (the computing power) from Science Blog
FCC asks Verizon Wireless to explain fees from Physorg
Hamburg 'greens' its profile from UPI
Generic meds, pharmacists and how they affect patients from LA Times - Health
Superbright supernova is first of its kind from Science Daily
Marine life collected to inventory DNA sequence of all Pacific island's living species from Science Daily
Soy peptide lunasin has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties from Science Daily
Hyperactivity associated with shorter nights for young boys from Science Daily
'Smell of old books' offers clues to help preserve them from Science Daily
Nicotine levels higher in children exposed to secondhand smoke in the home from Science Daily
Popular herbicide affects sexual development in frogs, research finds from Science Daily
Risk of blood clot after surgery higher and lasts longer than previously thought from Science Daily
Combining nanotubes and antibodies for breast cancer 'search and destroy' missions from Science Daily
Breaking carbon-hydrogen bonds: Cheap, easy 'kitchen chemistry' developed to perform formerly complex synthesis from Science Daily
Dream-enacting behavior is common in healthy young adults from Science Daily
Learning by imagining: How mental imagery training aids perceptual learning from Science Daily
Researchers put a new spin on atomic musical chairs from Science Daily
Apathy common in dementia patients with brain changes from Science Daily
Ontario women with HIV want babies: study from CBC: Health
Latisse lash lengthener has its fans and detractors from LA Times - Health
Come on, it's just acne from LA Times - Health
Acne medication requires persistence from LA Times - Health
What to do now that the COBRA subsidy is ending from LA Times - Health
A theory for toddlers' turbo-charged learning style from LA Times - Health
If trainers could choose just one gadget . . . from LA Times - Health
Pros' picks: Best fitness devices from LA Times - Health
One-sided chest strengthener on a roller from LA Times - Health
Canned juices and Alzheimer's disease: Are they linked? from LA Times - Health
Huge UK Cave spiders 'sent' home from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science Briefing from LA Times - Science
Autism: Kids put at risk from LA Times - Health
The chelation based on faulty premise from LA Times - Health
Questionable autism approaches from LA Times - Health
Autism therapies can get undeserved credit from LA Times - Health
Four autism treatments that worry physicians from LA Times - Health
On shaky ground with alternative treatments to autism from LA Times - Health
Scientists Respond to "Climategate" E-Mail Controversy from Scientific American
Amputee able to move robotic hand with his mind from LA Times - Science
Penn State prof welcomes climate inquiry from MSNBC: Science
Obama shifts Copenhagen visit to boost deal from AP Science