Archive of feed items published on the 26th of February 2009
Global seed vault marks 1-year anniversary with four-ton shipment of critical food crops from Science Blog
New tool for genome-wide association studies from Science Blog
Swiss docs diagnose PlayStation palm from UPI
Working late hurts mental ability from UPI
Brain encodes complex plumes of odors with a simple code from Biology News Net
Big-hearted fish reveals genetics of cardiovascular condition from Biology News Net
Scientists eavesdrop on the exciting conversations within cells from Biology News Net
New tool for genome-wide association studies from Biology News Net
'Dark cells' of living retina imaged for the first time from Biology News Net
Fossilized Pregnant Fish One Of First Animals To Have Sex from Science Daily
'Obesity Gene' Involved In Weight Gain Response To High-fat Diet Identified from Science Daily
Excessive Dietary Fat Caused 300 Percent Increase in Metastasizing Tumor Cells In Animal Models from Science Daily
Researchers Explore New Driver Of Transplant Rejection: Platelets from Science Daily
Environmental Footprint Of Information Technology Much Higher Than Expected, Researcher Finds from Science Daily
The Science Behind The 'Anthrax Letter' Attack Investigation from Science Daily
New Theory On How Animals Smell: Brain Encodes Complex Plumes Of Odors With A Simple Code from Science Daily
Mental Fatigue Can Affect Physical Endurance from Science Daily
Additional Evidence That Potato Chips Should Be Eaten Only In Moderation from Science Daily
Biomarker Predicts Disease Recurrence In Colorectal Cancer from Science Daily
Building A Better Protein: Researchers Use Computers To Find Keys To Stabilizing Proteins from Science Daily
Waiting For Biopsy Results May Adversely Affect Health from Science Daily
Clovis-era Tool Cache 13,000 Years Old Shows Evidence Of Camel, Horse Butchering from Science Daily
Cholesterol-reducing Drugs May Lessen Brain Function, Says Researcher from Science Daily
Year Without Summer: Effects Of Tambora Volcanic Eruption On Iberian Peninsula Studied For First Time from Science Daily
U.S. States Expand Newborn Screening For Life-threatening Disorders from Science Daily
Cosmologist Explores Notion Of 'Alien' Life On Earth from Science Daily
Medical Prescription Of Heroin Does Not Pose Neighborhood Risk, Study Suggests from Science Daily
World's Smallest Periscopes Peer At Cells From Several Sides At Once from Science Daily
Vaccine Research Targets HIV In The Slower, Early Stage Of Infection from Science Daily
Vitamin C Production: Molecular Gatekeeper In Enzyme Discovered from Science Daily
What Comes First, Misfolded Proteins Or Alzheimer's? Structural Polymorphism Of 441-residue Tau At Single Residue Resolution from Science Daily
Will Large Amounts Of Soil Carbon Be Released If Grasslands Are Converted To Energy Crops? from Science Daily
Extensive Publication Bias For Phase I Drug Trials Found from Science Daily
Ice Declining Faster Than Expected In Both Arctic And Antarctic Glaciers from Science Daily
Mediterranean Diet Helps Women Preserve Their Bone Mass, Study Suggests from Science Daily
James Webb Space Telescope's Actual 'Spine' Now Being Built from Science Daily
Video Imaging Provides Dynamic View Of Airway Obstruction In Those With Sleep Breathing Disorder from Science Daily
New Software Dramatically Speeds Enzyme Design from Science Daily
When Texting, Eligible Women Express Themselves Better from Science Daily
Mathematical 'Snowfakes' Mimic Nature, Advance Science from Science Daily
Dividing Cells May Contribute To Alzheimer's Disease from Science Daily
Nanoparticles Double Their Chances Of Getting Into Sticky Situations, And Boost Potential Uses from Science Daily
Experimental Antiarrhythmic Drug Reduces Death Rate In Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Scientist Models The Mysterious Travels Of Greenhouse Gas from Science Daily
Peer Victimization In Middle And High School Predicts Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents from Science Daily
Great Lake's Sinkholes Host Exotic Ecosystems Akin To Iced-over Antarctic Lakes from Science Daily
Researchers Report Breakthrough In Human Papillomavirus Research from Science Daily
Synthetic Biology Yields Clues To Evolution And Origin Of Life from Science Daily
Many Children With Hearing Loss Also Have Eye Disorders from Science Daily
How New Artificial Intelligence Can Help Us Understand How We See from Science Daily
Anthropologist's Studies Of Childbirth Bring New Focus On Women In Evolution from Science Daily
Molecule Helps Sleep-deprived Rebound Mentally from Science Daily
Vaccine Protects Against 1918 Influenza Strain from Science Daily
Chemists Offer New Hydrogen Purification Method from Science Daily
Boosting Its Infectivity Turns Benign Virus Into Good Gene Therapy Carrier For Cystic Fibrosis from Science Daily
Scanning Artifacts Up To Two Tons With Astounding Precision from Science Daily
Persons Who Survive Cancer More Likely To Be Unemployed from Science Daily
Ice in east Antarctica a bigger threat long term from AP Science
'Oldest English words' identified from BBC News: Science & Nature
Son’s Death Recasts Image of British Leader from NY Times Health
Happy Birthday, Doomsday Seed Vault! from PopSci
Researchers find primordial sex from Science Alert
Colorado Backyard Yields Cache of Stone Age Tools from NY Times Science
Sneaky fish disguise revealed from Science Alert
Indonesia's psychedelic fish named a new species from AP Science
Survey: Health care cost keeps the doctor away from AP Health
Scots fir is 'tallest tree in UK' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Team charts under-ice mountain from Science Alert
A Sliver of Chance for Life on Mars from
High rates of gut infection in NZ from Science Alert
Solar cells printed to polymer from Science Alert
Wooden sarcophaguses found in Egypt tomb from Reuters:Science
Protein found linking stress and depression from Science Blog
Opinion: Tensions in the Bennett Report from Science Alert
An 'Impossible' Alloy Now Possible: Cerium And Aluminum Form Substitutional Alloy At High Pressure from Science Daily
Future Of Sports Injuries Will Be In 3D from Science Daily
New Tuberculosis Blood Test Is Useful Tool, If Used With Care from Science Daily
Frequency Of T-cells Determines Severity Of Asthma, Study Finds from Science Daily
Hot Solar Winds: Energy Simulation Explains Physical Mystery Of The Voyager from Science Daily
Caffeine May Kill Some Cancer Cells from Live Science
Group Predicts Robots Will Win Soccer's World Cup in 2050 from Live Science
Soil carbon storage is not always influenced by tillage practices
Reversing ecology reveals ancient environments
University of Alberta and NINT researchers make solar energy breakthrough
Media coverage affects perceptions of climate change
UMMS researchers publish DNA identification of Romanov's children
Crab claws pack strengthening bromide-rich biomaterial
Big-hearted fish reveals genetics of cardiovascular condition
For psychiatric services, wait for the beep
The ultimate in 'green' energy: plants inspire new generation of solar cells
Effects of Tambora volcanic eruption on Iberian Peninsula studied for first time
The future of sports injuries will be in 3D
Vanderbilt scientists invent world's smallest periscopes
Ethnic differences found for fatty liver disease and insulin resistance
Liver tumours associated with metabolic syndrome differ from other tumours
Caltech scientists find evidence for precise communication across brain areas during sleep
Argonne scientists pinpoint mechanism to increase magnetic response of ferromagnetic semiconductor
Diets that reduce calories lead to weight loss, regardless of carbohydrate, protein or fat content
13000 Clovis-era tool cache unearthed in Colorado shows evidence of camel, horse butchering
Healthy food availability could depend on where you live - so does the quality of your diet
Yale researchers find new piece in Alzheimer's puzzle
New metastasizing tumor test is created from UPI
Tigers Get a Stimulus Plan from Newswise - Scinews
More seeds for 'doomsday vault' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA aims for March 12 Discovery launch from CBC: Technology & Science
Oldest English Words Revealed? from Live Science
Missing Asteroids Reveal Planet-Sized Mystery from
Tentative date set for Discovery launch from UPI
Nanoscale friction: thinking big helps from Physics World
Ice in east Antarctica a bigger threat long term from Physorg
NASA aims for March 12 space shuttle launch from Physorg
Self-Programming Hybrid Memristor/Transistor Circuit Could Continue Moore's Law from Physorg
Scientists show that language shapes perception from Physorg
Colors Of Quasars Reveal Dusty Universe from Science Daily
'Dark Cells' Of Living Retina Imaged For The First Time from Science Daily
New Tool For Genome-wide Association Studies from Science Daily
Global Seed Vault Marks 1-year Anniversary With Four-ton Shipment Of Critical Food Crops from Science Daily
Mars Orbiter Glitch Stalls Red Planet Science from
Final European crewmembers announced for human Mars mission simulation from European Space Agency
Into the eye of the Helix
An impossible alloy now possible
'Dark cells' of living retina imaged for the first time
New findings measure precise impact of fat on cancer spread
Stalagmites confirm 9000-year lower Brazil rainfall
Dangers of body piercing below the belt
Naturally produced oestrogen may protect women from Parkinson's disease
New cause of critical illness hyperglycaemia identified
Scientists find gene that modifies severity of cystic fibrosis lung disease
Predicting risk of stroke from one's genetic blueprint
Researchers show small robots can prepare lunar surface for NASA outpost
Brain mechanism recruited to reduce noise during challenging tasks
Stages of sleep have distinct influence on process of learning and memory
Managing microRNAs
Study analyses 2006 California heat wave's substantial effect on morbidity
European satellites provide new insight into ozone-depleting species
Addiction: Insights from Parkinson's disease
Gallbladder removal through vagina offers minimally invasive alternative
Stunning finding: Compounds protect against cerebral palsy
Ad click-through rate lower than previously thought
Europe's bison: prehistoric survivor with Achilles' heel from Physorg
Survey: Health care cost keeps the doctor away from Physorg
Protein found linking stress and depression from Science Blog
Global seed vault marks 1-year anniversary with four-ton shipment of critical food crops from Science Blog
New tool for genome-wide association studies from Science Blog
Addiction: Insights from Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
Fungus threatens famed Lascaux cave drawings from MSNBC: Science
Freeze Dying from PopSci
Why California should consider Australia's 'prepare, stay and defend' wildfire policy from Physorg
An impossible alloy now possible from Physorg
Modern lifestyle prevents tooth decay from Physorg
Muscling in on type 2 diabetes from Physorg
Analysis hints at solar energy alternatives from Chemistry World
Crystal clear method for identifying powders from Chemistry World
Instant insight: Food for thought from Chemistry World
Birds' Movements Reveal Climate Change In Action from Science Daily
Scientists Mine Drugs Database For New Diabetes Treatment from Science Daily
Information Superhighway's Trash Yields A Super Highway Asphalt from Science Daily
Hormone Linked To High Blood Pressure And Blood Vessel Disease In African-Americans from Science Daily
Does Sex Sell? New Study Shows How To Make Women Respond To Sexy Ads from Science Daily
Mystery Of Deep-sea Fish With Tubular Eyes And Transparent Head Solved from Science Daily
Million Women Study Shows Even Moderate Alcohol Consumption Associated With Increased Cancer Risk from Science Daily
Tumor Suppressor May Attenuate Fibrotic Disease from Science Daily
Gene Therapy Shows Promise As Weapon Against HIV from Science Daily
Florida Biologists Use Magnets To Keep Nuisance Crocodiles Away from Science Daily
Enzyme Weakens The Heart from Science Daily
Trust Your Heart: Emotions May Be More Reliable When Making Choices from Science Daily
Calories, not diet type, matter for weight loss, trial shows from CBC: Health
Patients, advocates eagerly await breast cancer inquiry report from CBC: Health
A Sliver of Chance for Life on Mars from Live Science
Missing Asteroids Reveal Planet-Sized Mystery from Live Science
Scripps research scientists develop general-purpose method for detecting trace chemicals from Science Blog
Researchers capture wave of brain activity linked to anticipation from Science Blog
Why California should consider Australia's 'prepare, stay and defend' wildfire policy from Science Blog
Differences in how male, female police officers manage stress may accentuate stress on the job from Science Blog
Youths are most influenced by negative family members and by positive adults outside the family from Science Blog
Investors who 'gamble' in the stock market have same characteristics as lottery players from Science Blog
From stem cells to new organs: Stanford and NYU scientists cross threshold in regenerative medicine from Science Blog
Proepithelin encourages cell growth and migration in prostate cancer from Science Blog
Modern lifestyle prevents tooth decay from Science Blog
Muscling in on type 2 diabetes from Science Blog
Brace for rise in numbers of invasive species in June 2010: expert from CBC: Technology & Science
'Dark cells' of living retina imaged for the first time from Physorg
New cause of critical illness hypeglycemia identified from Physorg
Differences in how male, female police officers manage stress may accentuate stress on the job from Physorg
Investors who 'gamble' in the stock market have same characteristics as lottery players from Physorg
From stem cells to new organs: Scientists cross threshold in regenerative medicine from Physorg
Morning Rounds: Food-Borne Illnesses, Another Flu Death and the Costs of Alzheimer’s Disease from NY Times Health
The British Council and the NMNHS, present the exhibition 'Darwin Now'
Geriatric Pulsar Still Kicking from Newswise - Scinews
Lights, camera, action: Yellowknife to share aurora borealis with world from CBC: Technology & Science
Do you have an eye for entanglement? from Physics World
Second, more realistic estimate can reduce planning and purchasing errors from Physorg
Study finds hemlock trees dying rapidly, affecting forest carbon cycle from Physorg
An underwater drugstore? from Physorg
Long Distant Air Flights Increases Risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis 4X from Physorg
Geriatric pulsar still kicking from Physorg
Diets That Reduce Calories Lead to Weight Loss, Regardless of Carbohydrate, Protein or Fat Content from Science Blog
Good vibrations from MIT Research
'Freaks' Help Scientist Unravel Nature and Nurture from Newswise - Scinews
New discovery gives tuberculosis vaccine a shot in the arm from Physorg
Anti-H5N1 rice could protect poultry, say scientists from SciDev
NASA, FBI Accuse UF Professor, Family of Fraud from
NASA budget request totals $18.7 billion from UPI
Wolves (and dogs) are in-your-face poopers from MSNBC: Science
Liver transplant recipients with hepatitis B may need lifelong antiviral treatment from Physorg
Mould problem "stable" at Lascaux cave from Physorg
HIV mutates at high speed to avoid immune system: study from Physorg
Diet, exercise, weight curbs could cut cancer rates by third from Physorg
British scientists uncover oldest words in English from Physorg
Honda says to open bio-ethanol research centre from Physorg
UN: Geneva to host major telecom fair in 2011 from Physorg
Yahoo CFO leaving as new CEO prepares shake-up from Physorg
More flock to job sites -- even if they have jobs from Physorg
What’s good for the heart is good for the prostate from
Report proposes ways to help keep drivers sharper as they age from CBC: Health
NSF budget request up 16 percent from 2008 from UPI
Busy Bs: Lymphocyte uses multiple mechanisms to shape immune response from Science Blog
New gene-searching method uncovers possible new targets for Crohn's disease drugs from Science Blog
Second, more realistic estimate can reduce planning and purchasing errors from Science Blog
Federal climate change research program should realign focus to both understandstand climate change and inform response strategies from Science Blog
New tool guides doctors to save cancer patients' fertility from Science Blog
Study finds hemlock trees dying rapidly, affecting forest carbon cycle from Science Blog
Team-based diabetes care fetches more value for dollar from Science Blog
No differences in survival or neonatal outcomes in pregnancy-associated colorectal cancer from Science Blog
Arthritis hinders physical activity for adults with heart disease from Science Blog
To Pay for Health Care, Obama Looks to Taxes on Affluent from NY Times Health
Some Prenatal Vitamins Lack Iodine, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Burn rehabilitation experts outline best treatments for post-burn itching from Physorg
'Freaks' help scientist unravel nature and nurture from Physorg
Busy Bs: Lymphocyte uses multiple mechanisms to shape immune response from Physorg
New gene-searching method uncovers possible new targets for Crohn's disease drugs from Physorg
Team-based diabetes care fetches more value for dollar from Physorg
No differences in survival or neonatal outcomes in pregnancy-associated colorectal cancer from Physorg
Excitement Builds for Kepler Planet-Hunting Mission from
Canada recalls Farmer's John basil leaf from UPI
Diverse skills, personalities aid top management teams -- up to a point from Physorg
Commercial ships spew half as much particulate pollution as world's cars from Physorg
Arthritis hinders physical activity for adults with heart disease from Physorg
Ancient footprints show earliest evidence of modern foot anatomy and walking
Glaxo patent rethink sparks debate from SciDev
Poor communities get help with climate adaptation from SciDev
Finding genes that make teeth grow all in a row from AP Science
1.5 Million-Year-Old Footprints Found from Live Science
Disgust Makes Us Truly Sick from Live Science
Finding genes that make teeth grow all in a row from AP Health
Study: Old drugs might give TB a 1-2 punch from AP Health
New ALS gene mutation is discovered from UPI
Soybean oil cuts swine barn emissions from UPI
Earliest 'human footprints' found from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microscope sees the Fermi surface from Physics World
Modern feet step back 1.5 million years from
Second MND gene mutation in one year signifies rapid research progress from Physorg
Audio Watermarking Technique Could Locate Movie Pirates from Physorg
A worm-and-mouse tale: B cells deserve more respect from Physorg
Youths are most influenced by negative family members and by positive adults outside the family from Physorg
Proepithelin encourages cell growth and migration in prostate cancer from Physorg
New tool guides doctors to save cancer patients' fertility from Physorg
Biodegradable mulch films on the horizon from Physorg
This grass is still greener from Physorg
Earliest modern gait found in ancient footprints from AP Science
The Shoe Fits! 1.5 Million-Year-Old Human Footprints Found from Live Science
Many new heart, stroke drugs being created from UPI
Ancient 1.5 Million-Year-Old Footprints Show Earliest Evidence of Modern Foot Anatomy and Walking from Newswise - Scinews
Moral judgments linked to physical disgust, study suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
ISPs should contribute to new-media fund, CBC tells CRTC from CBC: Technology & Science
Research reveals some of Alzheimer's secrets from Reuters:Science
Prints Are Evidence of Modern Foot in Prehumans from NY Times Science
New ALS gene identified from Harvard Science
Microsoft cuts temp worker rates 10 pct from Physorg
Spun-sugar fibers spawn sweet technique for nerve repair from Physorg
Alzheimer's-associated plaques may have impact throughout the brain from Physorg
Study identifies new gene associated with ALS from Physorg
Research team finds immune molecule that attacks wide range of flu viruses from Physorg
Psychologists shed light on origins of morality from Physorg
1.5 million-year-old fossil humans walked on modern feet (Video) from Physorg
Georgia goes bananas from Physorg
Antibiotic combination defeats extensively drug-resistant TB from Physorg
13,000-year-old tools unearthed at Colorado home from AP Science
Global Seed Vault marks first anniversary from UPI
Why Florida researchers are using magnets to confuse crocodiles from BBC News: Science & Nature
Finding genes that make teeth grow all in a row from Physorg
Study: Soybean oil reduces carbon footprint in swine barns from Physorg
Study shows benefits of hormone found in fat tissue from Physorg
13,000-year-old tools unearthed at Colorado home from Physorg
New committee to create University-wide conflict of interest policies and principles; from Harvard Science
Alzheimer's-associated plaques may have impact throughout the brain from Harvard Science
Some prenatal vitamins lack iodine levels claimed, tests show from CBC: Health
Obama Budget Includes Funding Boost for NASA from
Invasive species to travel in June 2010 from UPI
Peanut Envy-brand cookie dough is recalled from UPI
New discovery gives tuberculosis vaccine a shot in the arm from Science Blog
Flu virus foiled again from Science Blog
Liver transplant recipients with hepatitis B may need lifelong antiviral treatment from Science Blog
Study shows maritime shipping makes hefty contribution to air pollution from Science Blog
Older women find health benefits through volunteer program from Science Blog
New Zealand breeding program creates new red raspberry variety from Science Blog
New research offers guidance for improving primary grade writing instruction from Science Blog
Commercial ships spew half as much particulate pollution as world's cars from Science Blog
Houseplants increase quality of life for retirement community residents from Science Blog
Diverse skills, personalities aid top management teams -- up to a point from Science Blog
Cosmic Log: The race to save our languages from MSNBC: Science
Children who watch more TV are fatter from Physorg
European researchers usher in Telco 2.0 from Physorg
New research offers guidance for improving primary grade writing instruction from Physorg
CO2 drop and global cooling caused Antarctic glacier to form from Physorg
Color test enhances tomato analyzer software from Physorg
National Science Foundation Seeks Budget Increase from Live Science
Obama budget has more money for space exploration from Reuters:Science
Second team finds natural super flu fighter from Reuters:Science
Recipes for Health: Couscous With Beans and Cauliflower from NY Times Health
New CEO Wants Simpler, Faster Yahoo from CBSNews - Science
Otherworldly Solar Eclipse from Physorg
Good vibrations: Devices aid the deaf by translating sound waves to vibrations from Physorg
Mexico unveils largest donated artifact collection from AP Science
FDA orders drug 'boxed warning' from UPI
What's in a name? Medical jargon sounds scary from CBC: Technology & Science
Low Literacy Can Lead to Food 'Portion Distortion' from Physorg
Pretty Sky Alert from Science @ NASA
What's in a name? Medical jargon sounds scary from CBC: Health
Greenhouse Gas Drove Climate Change and Ice Volume from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists study emerging strains of superbug Clostridium difficile from Physorg
Great Depression spurred ‘amazing` period of creativity from Physorg
Protein found linking stress and depression from Physorg
Lifestyle changes could prevent a third of cancers: report from CBC: Health
Moon and Venus Converge Friday Night from
New 'Super-Dirt' Saves Horses and Riders from Live Science
Predicting risk of stroke from one’s genetic blueprint from Harvard Science
Psychedelic New Fish Species Found from CBSNews - Science
Fungus Threatens Prehistoric Cave Drawings from CBSNews - Science
African grant comes with no strings attached from News @ Nature
Twitter says it's worked out deal with Bell over text charges from CBC: Technology & Science
Extreme Engineering: The Tallest Skyscraper from PopSci
Statins lower stroke severity, improve recovery from Physorg
Micro-RNAs Are Life`s Genetic Sculptors from Physorg
New building design withstands earthquake simulation (Video) from Physorg
Scientists meet to save Lascaux cave from fungus from AP Science
Quebec minister may force skiers to wear helmets from CBC: Health
Fuel and Fun from Programmed Microbes from Live Science
Complexity of Spit Revealed from Live Science
Researchers Uncover 1.5 Million-Year-Old Footprints from Scientific American
Researchers isolate and purify mouse heart stem cells from Physorg
Expos showcase future of renewable energy: Fuel-efficient car, high-tech batteries shine at exhibitions from Physorg
Scientists launch rockets to test atmospheric conditions from Physorg
US shiitake market mushrooming from Physorg
Daytime sleepiness provides red flag for cardiovascular disease from Physorg
Study of spit offers insight into human health from Reuters:Science
Commercial Zenit Rocket Launches New Telstar Satellite from
Moon and Venus Converge Friday Night from Live Science
Obama's Science Budget from Science Blog
Daytime sleepiness provides red flag for cardiovascular disease from Science Blog
Color test enhances tomato analyzer software from Science Blog
US shiitake market mushrooming from Science Blog
Statins lower stroke severity, improve recovery from Science Blog
Scientists discover why teeth form in a single row from Science Blog
Researchers identify ALS gene mutation from Science Blog
Supports Intensity Scale is effective for identifying needs in people with intellectual disability from Science Blog
New MoD tech 'could save lives' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain training devices 'no better than doing a crossword' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Invasive Parasite Spreading Among West Coast Estuaries from Physorg
Google introduces ads to Google News from Physorg
Mexico unveils largest donated artifact collection from Physorg
Mars Orbiter Puts Itself into Precautionary Mode from Physorg
Study Finds 'Pre-Existing Condition' Fueled Killer Cyclone from Physorg
Calif. regulators target tech industry emissions from Physorg
Facebook to let users give input on policies from Physorg
Dell 4Q profit dives, recession stunts tech spend from Physorg
Stiffening arteries could change cell behavior from Physorg
Grand chief encourages First Nations to donate organs, tissues from CBC: Health
Eyes of the Gods: Detail-Revealing New Time-Lapse Movies from Live Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Stem cell research supporters offer Senate bill from Reuters:Science
Science grants rise with stimulus spending from News @ Nature
Drug combo delivers knockout punch to dangerous TB strains in lab tests from CBC: Technology & Science
Europe names crew for Mars 'mission' from Physorg
Penicillin Allergy Not Always Accurate from Physorg
Energy simulation may explain turbulence mystery from Physorg
Colors of Quasars Reveal a Dusty Universe from Physorg
Data Travels Six Times Faster in the Clouds from Physorg
Research advances nanowire technology for large-scale applications from Physorg
Drug combo delivers knockout punch to dangerous TB strains in lab tests from CBC: Health
1.5 million-year-old human footprints found from MSNBC: Science
How cold is too cold for newborn calves? from Physorg
A little bit of spit reveals a lot about what lives in your mouth from Physorg
Effective mentoring critical to HIV/AIDS research efforts from Physorg
'Silver nanoparticle' microscope may shed new light on cancer, bone diseases from Physorg
Scientists discover historic sample of bomb-grade plutonium from Physorg
Muscular dystrophy mystery solved; scientists move closer to MD solution from Physorg
Doctor and Patient: Does Oversight Threaten the Doctor-Patient Bond? from NY Times Health
Early Humans Toed the Line from Science NOW
Drink Up, Energy Hogs from Science NOW
A Picture Is Worth 1000 Votes from Science NOW
What Your Spit Says About You from Science NOW
Dot Earth: Why 2007 I.P.C.C. Report Lacked 'Embers' from NY Times Science
$25 Billion to Promote Electric Cars Is Untouched from NY Times Science
FDA slaps warning on heartburn drug tied to spasms from AP Health
Cassini Maps Global Pattern of Titan's Dunes from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Prehistoric global cooling caused by CO2, research finds from Science Blog
Clemson scientists launch rockets to test atmospheric conditions from Science Blog
Muscular dystrophy mystery solved; Mizzou scientist moves closer to MD solution from Science Blog
Effective mentoring critical to HIV/AIDS research efforts from Science Blog
Prius Tops Consumer Report"s Value List from CBSNews - Science
Footprints show human ancestor with modern stride from Reuters:Science
Desert ants use odor trails for navigation from UPI
Prehistoric global cooling caused by CO2, research finds from Science Blog
Clemson scientists launch rockets to test atmospheric conditions from Science Blog
Muscular dystrophy mystery solved; Mizzou scientist moves closer to MD solution from Science Blog
Effective mentoring critical to HIV/AIDS research efforts from Science Blog
Daytime sleepiness provides red flag for cardiovascular disease from Science Blog
Color test enhances tomato analyzer software from Science Blog
US shiitake market mushrooming from Science Blog
Statins lower stroke severity, improve recovery from Science Blog
Scientists discover why teeth form in a single row from Science Blog
Researchers identify ALS gene mutation from Science Blog
Extreme Engineering: The Tallest Skyscraper from PopSci
FDA slaps warning on heartburn drug tied to spasms from Physorg
Engineers probe why Mars orbiter entered safe mode from AP Science
Facebook Opens Up To User Debate And Vote from CBSNews - Science
New Building Design Withstands Earthquake Simulation from Newswise - Scinews
World's Top Minds to Celebrate 'The Birth & Life of Beginnings' from Newswise - Scinews
Commercial ships spew half as much particulate pollution as world's cars from Biology News Net
Scripps research team finds immune molecule that attacks wide range of flu viruses from Biology News Net
Scientists discover why teeth form in a single row from Biology News Net
Doodling Is Good For Your Noodle from Live Science
Footprints show human ancestor with modern stride from Reuters:Science
'Bogs oaks' reveal ancient forest from BBC News: Science & Nature
CO2 drop and global cooling caused Antarctic glacier to form from Science Blog
Spun-sugar Fibers Spawn Sweet Technique For Nerve Repair from Science Daily
Muscular Dystrophy Mystery Solved; Scientist Moves Closer To MD Solution from Science Daily
Stalagmites Confirm 9,000-Year Lower Brazil Rainfall from Science Daily
Indoor Air Pollution Increases Asthma Symptoms, Study Suggests from Science Daily
New Oil Deposits Can Be Identified Through Satellite Images from Science Daily
Study Links Internet Addiction To Aggression In Teens from Science Daily
Immune Molecule That Attacks Wide Range Of Flu Viruses Discovered from Science Daily
DNA Identification Of Czar's Children Available from Science Daily
'Neurological Work-arounds' Offer Hope For Conditions Ranging From Addiction To Schizophrenia from Science Daily
General-purpose Method For Detecting Trace Chemicals Developed from Science Daily
Study Predicts When Invasive Species Can Travel More Readily On Airplanes from Science Daily
Humans Walked On Modern Feet 1.5 Million Years Ago, Fossil Footprints Show from Science Daily
Just Eat Less! Heart-healthy, Low-cal Diets Promote Weight Loss Regardless Of Fat, Protein And Carb Content from Science Daily
SCAN: Delivering Bone Disorder Diagnosis, Fracture Healing from Science Daily
Unhealthy Lifestyle More Than Doubles Stroke Risk from Science Daily
Protecting Wine Grapes From Heat And Drought With Particle Film from Science Daily
Brain Mechanism Recruited To Reduce Noise During Challenging Tasks from Science Daily
Carbon Dioxide Drop And Global Cooling Caused Antarctic Glacier To Form from Science Daily
New Piece In Alzheimer's Puzzle from Science Daily
Diabetes: Increasing Understanding Of How To Control Islet Cell Growth from Science Daily
Ad Click-through Rate Lower Than Previously Thought from Science Daily
Widespread Stress Found Among Veterinarians from Science Daily
Oldest Isolated Pulsar Ever Detected In X-rays Turns Out To Be Surprisingly Active from Science Daily
Sophisticated Molecule Plays Role In Fertility, Blood Pressure, Digestion, Mental Health from Science Daily
Exploring New Pathways To Language from Science Daily
Asthma Drugs Need To Be Maintained For Continued Benefit, Study Shows from Science Daily
Sweet Potato Takes A Ride On Space Shuttle Columbia from Science Daily
Patients Are Untapped Resource For Improving Care, Study Finds from Science Daily
Warcraft video game compared to cocaine from UPI
Flooding sends mine waste into rivers from UPI