Archive of feed items published on the 21st of August 2009
WHO predicts 'explosion' of swine flu cases from AP Health
Coglanglab @ Scientific American from Science Blog
As the Actress Said to the Bishop, Or, the Professional Practice University
Cisco wants to better connect entertainers and fans from Physorg
Study: Dried coal ash from spill dangerous from UPI
Tech's new love from Physorg
Ancient Man Hurt Coasts, Paper Says from NY Times Science
Environment Permit Is Issued for Oil Pipeline from NY Times Science
Row over South African athlete highlights ambiguities of gender from LA Times - Science
Britons Fault Health Service, Until Others Do from NY Times Health
Where Elderly Back Obama, Health Bill Anxiety from NY Times Health
Obama Insists Health Plan Will Pass from NY Times Health
A Basis Is Seen for Some Health Plan Fears Among the Elderly from NY Times Health
Coglanglab @ Scientific American from Science Blog
Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs from AP Science
Bizarre-looking bat's strong bite from BBC News: Science & Nature
£2m to protect islands' machair from BBC News: Science & Nature
Autistic teens master social cues, find friends from AP Health
Bizarre newt uses ribs as weapons from BBC News: Science & Nature
Type of polio 'resurrected' in Nigeria from SciDev
Off-label use: Oft not evidence based from Science Blog
Off-label use: Oft not evidence based from Physorg
Panasonic ties up with 'Avatar' movie to go 3-D from Physorg
Boost for Methanol? New solid catalyst for the direct low-temperature oxidation of methane to methanol from Physorg
Parasites persuade immune cells to invite them in for dinner, says new research from Physorg
Wikipedia operator gets $500,000 foundation grant from Physorg
New discovery points the way towards malaria 'vaccine' from Physorg
WHO predicts 'explosion' of swine flu cases from Physorg
Glowing 'bomber worms' discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
Autistic teens master social cues, find friends from Physorg
Wing and a prayer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Colombian island fights climate change with rainwater from SciDev
Ultrathin LEDs create new classes of lighting and display systems
Acupuncture may bring relief for a common condition in women
Contrary to popular belief, parents OK with kids' homework loads
Let there be light: Teaching magnets to do more than just stick around
Yale researcher questions federal guidelines for seasonal and swine flu vaccines
The ends of mRNAs may prevent the beginnings of cancer
A new 'bent' on fusion
Disparities in cancer care reflect hospital resources
Blood test can detect brain damage in amateur boxers
Disrupting a destructive duo: Researchers inhibit cancer proteins
Big Squeeze Creates New Stars in Cosmic Cloud from
Research supports calls to study health benefits of nitrate, nitrite
Genetically engineered bacteria are sweet success against IBD
Nostrils alternate to process competing odours
Aphids saved from gruesome death by virus-infected bacteria
Powerful Ideas: Beer Waste Makes Fuel from Live Science
Eight insects with ‘ick’ factor from MSNBC: Science
Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs from Physorg
Why sleep? UCLA scientist delves into one of science's great mysteries
Young Arctic muskoxen better at keeping warm than scientists thought
Alcohol advertising reaching too many teens on cable TV
Optimal flu vaccine priorities developed at Clemson University
The blossoms of maturity
Groups try to block Idaho, Montana wolf hunts from Physorg
Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon to fight Google book deal from Physorg
'Avatar' trailer debuts online amid buzz from Physorg
Tone deaf? blame it on poor connectivity from Science Blog
New research sheds light on sudden death in people with high cholesterol from Physorg
Commerce secretary approves Arctic fisheries plan from Physorg
Gene discovery reveals a critical protein's function in hearing from Physorg
Australia and NZealand join in super telescope bid from Physorg
College students with flu advised to avoid others from Physorg
Mouse brain rewires its neural circuits to recuperate from damaged neural function after stroke from Physorg
Increasing the number of kidney transplants
Neural networks mapped in dementia patients
Moms-to-be warned over use of foetal heart rate monitors
Evolution of the appendix: A biological 'remnant' no more
Baby Dolphins Don't Sleep from Live Science
Is Cloned Beef Safe?: Probably... from Live Science
Lizards Bask in Sun for Vitamins from Live Science
Cyber junkies can unplug at US retreat from Physorg
Robot's gentle touch aids delicate cancer surgery from Physorg
Building Safer Airplanes Out of Teeth from PopSci
Evolution Of The Human Appendix: A Biological 'Remnant' No More from Science Daily
Neural Networks Mapped In Dementia Patients from Science Daily
Homes Pollute: Linked To 50 Percent More Water Pollution Than Previously Believed from Science Daily
Overall Antibiotic Prescription Rates For Respiratory Tract Infections Decreasing from Science Daily
Vanquishing Infinity: Old Methods Lead To New Approach To Finding Quantum Theory Of Gravity from Science Daily
Living Longer And Happier from Science Daily
Deafness: Essential Claudin-9 Protein Deficit Caused By Gene Mutation
Better Prediction Sought for Devastating Floods from Live Science
The Art of Science from Live Science
Chronic kidney disease linked to malfunctioning mitochondria
Hello wearable kidney, goodbye dialysis machine
Scientists discover bioluminescent 'green bombers' from the deep sea
Visits to Nana's may keep toddlers from developing negative age stereotypes
Little known type of cholesterol may pose the greatest heart disease risk
Microsoft Word patent dispute to get speedy appeal from CBC: Technology & Science
'Bomber' sea worms found off Oregon from UPI
UBC research sheds light on sudden death in people with high cholesterol from Science Blog
New images capture cell's ribosomes at work from Science Blog
Mouse brain rewires its neural circuits to recuperate from damaged neural function after stroke from Science Blog
Why Do We Need To Sleep?
Metamaterials learn to remember from Physics World
Seeing the tree from the forest: Predicting the future of plant communities from Physorg
Study demonstrates how we support our false beliefs from Physorg
Ready, Set ... Fusion!
Aluminium helps date solar system from Chemistry World
China’s emissions to peak early from Chemistry World
Microfluidics makes its mark from Chemistry World
Antioxidants could promote cancer from Chemistry World
Glycine Found In Comet from C&EN
Polymers May Chemically Degrade In The Ocean from C&EN
Calixarene-Modified Nanoparticles from C&EN
Nanocrystals By The Kilogram from C&EN
Easy-Wash Polymers from C&EN
DNA Catalyst Cuts DNA Sequence-Specifically from C&EN
Parasites persuade immune cells to invite them in for dinner
'Housekeeping' genes play important role in developmental pathways of cells
Unlocking the secret of the bladder's bouncers
Nortel sale review required by law: Opposition from CBC: Technology & Science
Feds to shut Fortymile hunt from UPI
Video: District 9 is Sleeper Hit from CBSNews - Science
New Moon Rovers Rehearse on Earth from Live Science
Big Squeeze Creates New Stars in Cosmic Cloud from Live Science
MRI Reveals Organs During Sex from Live Science
Daylight could help control our weight from Physorg
ESA investigates new methods of mapping tropical forest from space from European Space Agency
Great Salt Lake high in mercury pollution from UPI
New discovery points the way towards malaria 'vaccine'
Princeton team learns why some drugs pack such a punch
Increase in visceral fat during menopause linked with testosterone
People walk in circles when lost
Smokeless tobacco increases risk of heart attack and stroke
Diabetes drug linked to increased risk of heart failure
Switching on the power of stem cells
Weather Looks Good for Tuesday Shuttle Launch from
Swine flu detected in Chilean turkeys: vets from Physorg
Long-term exercise, healthy eating habits in young adults: study from Physorg
Engineers Develop Flexible, Inorganic LED Display from PopSci
Robot's gentle touch aids delicate cancer surgery from Science Blog
Study demonstrates how we support our false beliefs from Science Blog
Long-term exercise, healthy eating habits in young adults: U-M study from Science Blog
New treatments offer better survival and fresh challenges in colorectal cancer from Science Blog
Seawater May Someday Power Jets from Live Science
New treatments offer better survival and fresh challenges in colorectal cancer from Physorg
Movie theaters cut print show times as Web gains from Physorg
Cystorm supercomputer unleashes 28.16 trillion calculations per second from Physorg
Decent weather expected for Tuesday shuttle launch from Physorg
Observatory: Snorkel Genes Help Deepwater Rice Survive from NY Times Science
Patient Money: An Aide for the Disabled, a Companion, and Nice and Furry from NY Times Health
Alcohol ads spike when teens watch: study from CBC: Health
Newly Found Worm Sheds Glowing Green Parts from CBSNews - Science
Harnessing wind power in Africa from SciDev
Lonza Launches Bid For Patheon from C&EN
Cooperative cybercars, a question of priorities from Physorg
Kenyans get solar-powered cell phone from UPI
People do walk in circles when lost from UPI
ESA investigates new methods of mapping tropical forest from space from Physorg
Super-sized tiny proteins from Physorg
CRTC won't name firms in do-not-call probe from CBC: Technology & Science
California Acts to Control Chromium in Drinking Water from Scientific American
Traffic Noise Ruining Frogs' Sex Lives? from CBSNews - Science
No damage from minor California quakes from UPI
First IR Image from Newest Weather Satellite Captures Hurricane Bill from Physorg
Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effective when delivered in real time by a therapist from Physorg
Stanford radiologists scan mummy from UPI
Astronauts Eye Hurricane Bill from
U.S. Navy Plans to Test Biofuels for Super Hornet from Physorg
Diarrhea disorder Giardiasis caused by two different parasite species from Physorg
Impaired transport in neurons triggers prion disease from Physorg
Should females trust showy males? from Physorg
Exhuming a violent event from
Astronauts Eye Hurricane Bill from Live Science
Brighter idea for bendy displays from BBC News: Science & Nature
Carving could be Scotland's earliest human face from BBC News: Science & Nature
Wrong signals from BBC News: Science & Nature
Predators key to sustainable farming from Physorg
Swiss watchdog demands shutdown of Google Street View from Physorg
NASA, AFOSR Test Environmentally-Friendly Rocket Propellant from Physorg
Researchers propose new way to reproduce a black hole from Physorg
Cambodians unsure tribunals will heal wounds of mass killings, study suggests from Physorg
Reserve swine flu drugs for sickest: WHO from CBC: Health
Gene Discovery Reveals Critical Protein's Function In Hearing from Science Daily
FDA approves first drug for infantile spasms from AP Health
News Corp. seeking to form online news consortium: LAT from Physorg
Court: Yahoo's LAUNCHcast not 'interactive' from Physorg
No red flags yet in swine flu vaccine tests from Physorg
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Flaming Bull, Greased-Pole Climb, More from National Geographic
Exercise Can Be Like Heroin, "Gym Rats" Show from National Geographic
People Really Do Walk in Circles When Lost from National Geographic
Gene discovery reveals a critical protein's function in hearing from Science Blog
Dartmouth researchers propose new way to reproduce a black hole from Science Blog
NASA, AFOSR test environmentally-friendly rocket propellant from Science Blog
Lightning helps create artificial blood vessels from MSNBC: Science
Brain-fitness companies applying neuroscience to make safer drivers from Physorg
Making Jupiters from Physorg
Facebook letting bigwigs fire updates to Twitter from Physorg
Feds study climate change effect on pikas from UPI
Feds halt fishing expansion in Arctic from UPI
Brighter Idea: Next-Generation Inorganic LEDs Promise Longer Lives and More Lumens [Slide Show] from Scientific American
"District 9" Is Summer's Sleeper Hit from CBSNews - Science
Robot Cats Purrrrfect for Elderly from Live Science
FDA approves first drug for infantile spasms from Physorg
S. Korea now to launch rocket Tuesday from UPI
Prickly Problem: Engineering Mosquitoes to Spread Less Disease without Boosting Virulence from Scientific American
New Injection-Needle Patch Lends Credence to the Promise: "This Won't Hurt a Bit" from Scientific American
Artwork at hospitals can help in the healing process from Physorg
Using carbon nanotubes to detect nitric oxide from MIT Research
Mangrove destruction threatens food supply from UPI
Human Lifespans Nearly Constant for 2,000 Years from Live Science
Schools fight families over autism service dogs from AP Health
Quenching the Sun, for Fun
NASA watches as Hurricane Bill sweeps over Bermuda from Science Blog
Clues to gigantism provided by family in Borneo Mountains from Science Blog
Jordan Palmer helping players develop iPhone apps from Physorg
Schools fight families over autism service dogs from Physorg
U.S. to review state of wireless competition from CBC: Technology & Science
By Degrees: Paying to Keep Trees Up in Brazil from NY Times Science
AT&T says it was Apple that blocked Google Voice from Physorg
New technique prevents major cause for heart-related stroke from Physorg
High serum insulin levels and risk of prostate cancer from Physorg
At the fungal farmer's market, only the best cyanobacteria are for sale from Physorg
Clues to gigantism provided by family in Borneo Mountains from Physorg
Fecal DNA methylation detects gastric and colorectal cancers from Physorg
NASA watches as Hurricane Bill sweeps over Bermuda from Physorg
ALICE: Environmentally-Friendly Rocket Propellant
Isotope regional disparity of 'great concern' from CBC: Health
The low-down on the Sanofi-Aventis shake-up from News @ Nature
Japan relaxes human stem-cell rules from News @ Nature
Clues To Gigantism Provided By Family In Borneo Mountains from Science Daily
New Way To Reproduce A Black Hole? from Science Daily
The triangle pose done right from LA Times - Health
Which first, sunscreen or insect repellent? from LA Times - Health
Ignition for Colombian yucca car from Physorg
Brainy Birds Get More Chicks from Science NOW
Where Did You Get Those Lovely Spirals? from Science NOW
Female Flies Put Up a Fight to Keep Sex Short from National Geographic
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Fruits and vegetables, good for the bones? from LA Times - Health
Sugar hit triggers bug's drug slug from News @ Nature
Almost Heaven: Landing the Thirty Meter Telescope Fortifies Mauna Kea's Position as Earth's Eye on the Sky from Scientific American
Impaired Transport In Neurons Triggers Prion Disease from Science Daily
Mount Sinai first with new technique to prevent a major cause for heart-related stroke from Science Blog
NASA Heads Out to Sea from Science @ NASA
New Moon Photo Reveals Tracks from Tough Apollo Moonwalk from
FORUM: Could NASA's Orion Rach Mars in 2 Months? from
NEW FOSSIL PHOTOS: "Graceful Weasel," Jewel Bug, More from National Geographic
Lemurs Hunted, Eaten Amid Civil Unrest, Group Says from National Geographic
Slain Che Guevara Soldiers Found? from National Geographic
Free flu shots tied to lower antibiotic use from CBC: Health
Residents under boil water order await tests from CBC: Health
Second Test Rover Added to Driving Experiments from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA's "A-Train" on Track With Hurricane Research from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
How the Internet Sees You
John Madden welcomes Favre, Vick to his video game from Physorg
Research shows why low vitamin D raises heart disease risks in diabetics from Science Blog
UCSF researchers identify 2 key pathways in adaptive response from Science Blog
Brain workouts: Do they sharpen our thinking? from LA Times - Health
Overuse of antivirals could make H1N1 pandemic even worse from LA Times - Health
Doctors, remember the human touch from LA Times - Health
College students should make sure they have coverage from LA Times - Health
'HawthoRNe': Treatment depends on when the stroke started from LA Times - Health
Fit in body and wallet from LA Times - Health
Heart troubles told her it was time for a new direction from LA Times - Health
Internet 'churn' a well-kept secret from CBC: Technology & Science
Brain-training games get mixed scores from LA Times - Health
Shade myths: How to really stay safe from Physorg
The Origin of Natural Structure from Science Blog
Artificial Life One Step Closer: Scientists Clone And Engineer Bacterial Genomes In Yeast And Transplant Genomes Back Into Bacterial Cells from Science Daily
Satellites put into orbit for Japan and Australia from Reuters:Science
Sit properly, for slouch can lead to 'ouch' from Physorg
Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellite Duo for Japan, Australia from
DNA scaffolds could make nano-circuits from Physics World
Daylight Could Help Control Our Weight from Science Daily
Bringing science back into America's sphere from LA Times - Science
Experts endorse a simple way to keep trees from UPI
How to Go, Part 2: Public Transit Apps from CBSNews - Science
Protecting the Fair’s Prize Pig From the Swine Flu from NY Times Health
No Side Effects So Far in Trial of Swine Flu Shot from NY Times Health