Archive of feed items published on the 5th of August 2009
Elder self-neglect and abuse associated with increased risk of death from Physorg
Climate change brews up trouble for coffee growers from SciDev
L.A. lawyer accused of fraud in pesticide litigation from LA Times - Science
In healthcare debate, small business becomes pivotal from LA Times - Health
White House rebuts Drudge Report link from LA Times - Health
Federal judge upholds 'bubble ordinance' for abortion protesters from LA Times - Health
Deadly malaria jumped to humans from wild chimps
New stem cell research could make lab mice redundant
Cell-sized vesicle assembly line from Chemistry World
Chemicals sector bumping along the bottom from Chemistry World
Silenced genes as a warning sign of blood cancer
Extreme BMI cause for concern in liver transplantation
Abnormal brain circuits may prevent movement disorder
Climate change poker: The barriers which are preventing a global agreement
Intense, prolonged exposure to WTC attack linked to new health problems years later
Universal screening for intimate partner violence may provide only modest benefits
Project helps protect some of the world's rarest and most fragile coral reefs
Hip and back fractures increase mortality rates in older adults
Perceiving touch and your self outside of your body
Are kids today truly more autonomous?
UBC researchers find first-ever 'wanderlust gene' in tiny bony fish
Pitt researchers find promising candidate protein for cancer prevention vaccines
New research links social stress to harmful fat deposits, heart disease
Hip and back fractures increase mortality rates in people older than 50
Windows 7: A Worthy Upgrade from CBSNews - Science
Elder self-neglect and abuse associated with increased risk of death
Khmer Rouge trials may affect post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among Cambodian survivors
The popular insect repellent deet is neurotoxic
Exxon ignores calls from 50 000 people to stop threatening rare whales
Scary ancient spiders revealed in 3D models, thanks to new imaging technique
Autism study finds visual processing 'hinders ability' to read body language
Brain difference in psychopaths identified
ESA astronaut André Kuipers to spend six months on the ISS starting in 2011 from European Space Agency
Plastics that convert light to electricity could have a big impact
Cooling therapy for cardiac arrest survivors is as cost-effective as accepted treatments
New insight into human ciliopathy
Depression and inflammation linked to pain in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Neuropathic pain: The sea provides a new hope of relief
Adult gut can generate new neurones
Fishermen attack Amazon dolphins from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microsoft to hire at least 400 Yahoo workers from Physorg
Orangutan ruse misleads predators from BBC News: Science & Nature
Emergency physician judgment on chest pain patients syncs with their outcomes
Bone's material flaws lead to disease
Earth's biogeochemical cycles, once in concert, falling out of sync
Link uncovered between viral RNA and human immune response
Hybrid vehicle rebates produce scant environmental benefits, high cost
New angle on gecko research
Plague patient 'near death' in remote Chinese town from Physorg
New Mexico library has Billy the Kid letters from AP Science
Popular insect repellent deet affects nervous system: study from Physorg
New research links social stress to harmful fat deposits, heart disease from Physorg
Neuropathic pain: The sea provides a new hope of relief from Physorg
New Sony e-book reader $100 cheaper than Kindle from Physorg
HP, Taiwan's Foxconn to build China plant: report from Physorg
Researchers find first-ever 'wanderlust gene' in tiny bony fish from Physorg
Autism study finds visual processing 'hinders ability' to read body language from Physorg
Kids Today on Tighter Leash, But Wild at Home from Live Science
Perceiving touch and your self outside of your body from Physorg
Battling the bugs from BBC News: Science & Nature
Drought-defying from BBC News: Science & Nature
Enzyme That Causes Genetic Diseases Investigated from Science Daily
Climate change poker: The barriers which are preventing a global agreement from Physorg
Smelly river trouble hitting P.E.I. earlier from CBC: Technology & Science
Quantum could tolerate errors from Science Alert
Bees learn 'foreign' language from Science Alert
Feature: Negotiating the national e-waste mountain from Science Alert
Protein complex key in avoiding DNA repair mistakes, cancer from Physorg
Social Stress Linked To Harmful Fat Deposits, Heart Disease from Science Daily
Cardiovascular Diseases: Researchers Have Found A Way To Treat Ischemic Pathologies from Science Daily
Genes Associated With Celiac Disease Studied from Science Daily
1930s Home Goes Green from Science Daily
Intelligent Crutch With Sensors To Monitor Usage from Science Daily
Hormone Levels Contribute To Stress Resilience from Science Daily
Dioxin Decomposition In The Yushchenko Case: Elimination Rate Faster Than Expected from Science Daily
New angle on gecko research: Scientists discover trigger that deploys geckos' amazing grip from Physorg
Scary ancient spiders revealed in 3-D models, thanks to new imaging technique (w/ Video) from Physorg
Novartis starts testing its swine flu vaccine from Physorg
`Cash for clunkers' effect on pollution? A blip from AP Science
Engineer, passenger who drove train being charged from AP Science
Quebec tornado strongest in 15 years from CBC: Technology & Science
Listening device tracks gunfire from Science Alert
U of S Appoints New Centennial Chair in Environment and Sustainability from Newswise - Scinews
Finding key to cancer drug Gleevec's limitations from Science Blog
Scientists isolate protein that may be 'boon' to medicine from Science Blog
New clues about a hydrogen fuel catalyst from Science Blog
New plastic beehives to boost UK population from Physorg
NASA Goes Green With New Sustainability Base from
Homeless mums avoid help from Science Alert
Orangutans Kiss Leaves to Sound Bigger and Badder? from National Geographic
NEW FROG PICTURE: Species Changes Color With Age, Sex from National Geographic
Pterosaur's Wing, "Hairs" Unlike Any Living Animals' from National Geographic
US struggling to find cyber-tsar from BBC News: Science & Nature
Synthetic beds worsen asthma from Science Alert
First-ever 'Wanderlust Gene' Found In Tiny Bony Fish from Science Daily
Neuropathic Pain: The Sea Provides A New Hope Of Relief from Science Daily
Saturnian Moon Shows Evidence Of Ammonia from Science Daily
Link Uncovered Between Viral RNA And Human Immune Response from Science Daily
Eating 'Ouch-less' Vaccines Protects Prairie Dogs In The Lab Against Plague from Science Daily
Autism Study Finds Visual Processing 'Hinders Ability' To Read Body Language from Science Daily
$2.4B for Electric Cars Awaits Indiana from CBSNews - Science
Beautiful plumage: Feather color and sex start the species revolution from Science Blog
Cooling treatment after cardiac arrest is cost-effective, Penn study shows from Science Blog
Double engine for a nebula from Science Blog
Government calls meeting on Nortel sale from CBC: Technology & Science
Zipping photovoltaics up straight from Chemistry World
Bhopal returns to haunt former Union Carbide chief from Chemistry World
Study: Healthy Pregnant Women Should Exercise from Live Science
Beautiful plumage: Feather color and sex start the species revolution from Physorg
MRI may help physicians diagnose, stage and treat diabetes from Physorg
Sony cuts e-book reader prices from CBC: Technology & Science
Lab-on-a-Chip Can Carry Out Over 1,000 Chemical Reactions at Once from PopSci
Pinhead-size worms + robot = new antibiotics from Physorg
Double engine for a nebula from Physorg
New insights into health and environmental effects of carbon nanoparticles from Physorg
Joint research into an enzyme that causes genetic diseases from Physorg
Harrabin's notes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: Tracking Sharks from CBSNews - Science
Mind And Body Researcher Started Training At Age 5. from Live Science
What you eat depends on with whom you eat from Science Blog
Smart Choices Program helps shoppers identify food and beverage choices from Physorg
New clues about a hydrogen fuel catalyst from Physorg
Researchers found a way to treat ischemic pathologies from Physorg
DEET's nastiness extends to humans from
Double Engine For A Nebula from Science Daily
New Clues About A Hydrogen Fuel Catalyst from Science Daily
Scientists Paint Brain Tumors With Nanoparticles for More Precise Removal from PopSci
Google to buy video compression firm for $106.5M from Physorg
Scientists isolate protein that may be 'boon' to medicine from Physorg
Hormone levels contribute to stress resilience from Physorg
Finding key to cancer drug Gleevec's limitations from Physorg
The Wild Side: Dawn at the Museum from NY Times Science
More East African countries to benefit from broadband from SciDev
WHO launches scheme to improve African diagnostic labs from SciDev
Silenced Genes As Warning Sign Of Blood Cancer from Science Daily
Protein 'Tweek' Rare But Critical In Synaptic Process from Science Daily
Workplace Yoga And Meditation Can Lower Feelings Of Stress from Science Daily
Nanoscale Lasers May Open Door To Faster Computers, More Reliable Internet Access from Science Daily
One Force Behind The MYC Oncogene In Many Cancers Uncovered from Science Daily
Tires Made From Trees: Better, Cheaper, More Fuel Efficient from Science Daily
Growing Evidence Of Marijuana Smoke's Potential Dangers from Science Daily
Innovation Needed: But Can America Still Lead? from Live Science
New Mexico library has Billy the Kid letters from Physorg
It's Not Easy Being Gene Suppressed from Newswise - Scinews
Cornell's Robotic Submarine Wins International Competition from Newswise - Scinews
Vital Signs: Mildly High Cholesterol at Midlife Linked to Alzheimer’s from NY Times Health
Another League Under the Sea: Tomorrow's Research Subs Open Earth's Final Frontier from PopSci
Video: The Fastest Robot Hands in the East from PopSci
CBS' Rhino Probe Prompts Safety Reminder from CBSNews - Science
H1N1 Flu Vaccine Tests Begin from CBSNews - Science
Wyeth ghostwriters pushed hormone therapy from UPI
Orangutans' Leafy Instrument from Live Science
Fat hormone influences baseline dopamine levels and our motivation to eat from Science Blog
Gut hormone has 'remote control' on blood sugar from Science Blog
New approach targets gut hormone to lower blood sugar levels from Science Blog
Naval Research Laboratory's ANDE-2 deployed from Space Shuttle Endeavour from Science Blog
Abnormal brain circuits may prevent movement disorder from Science Blog
Understanding how weeds are resistant to herbicides from Science Blog
Blood transfusion study: Less is more from Science Blog
Iraq to impose controls on Internet from Physorg
Pentagon reviews social networking on computers from Physorg
Bioethanol's impact on water supply 3 times higher than once thought from Physorg
Google sells underperforming radio ad business from Physorg
'Cash for clunkers' effect on pollution? A blip from Physorg
South Asia News in brief: 23 July–5 August 2009 from SciDev
Rural Well Water Linked to Parkinson's Disease from Scientific American
D.C. teen students to be offered STD tests from UPI
Bug Plays Dead, Sacrifices Neighbor from Live Science
NASA's Spitzer Sees The Cosmos Through 'Warm' Infrared Eyes from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mystery deepens on Mars methane from BBC News: Science & Nature
Blood transfusion study: Less is more from Physorg
Fat hormone influences baseline dopamine levels and our motivation to eat from Physorg
New DNA and RNA aptamers offer unique therapeutic advantages from Physorg
Dish prevails over TiVo in initial patent ruling from Physorg
Shaking the Earth: How Water Helps Tectonic Plates Slide in New Zealand from Physorg
Speeding Stars Confirm Bizarre Nature of Faraway Galaxies from
Sailing to Save Threatened Coral from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers Find Hyperactive Galaxies in the Early Universe from Newswise - Scinews
On the Move from Newswise - Scinews
Shaking the Earth: Just Add Water from Newswise - Scinews
Digital mammography plus digital breast tomosynthesis may decrease patient recall rates from Physorg
Astronomers Find Hyperactive Galaxies in the Early Universe from Physorg
Understanding how weeds are resistant to herbicides from Physorg
Gut hormone has 'remote control' on blood sugar from Physorg
On the move: 'Jumping genes' create diversity in human brain cells from Physorg
Researchers decode structure of an entire HIV genome from Physorg
Artificial Intelligence Software Learns to Play Super Mario Bros. from PopSci
NOAA to open marine ops center in Ore. from UPI
Methods for gene transfer in stem cells featured in Cold Spring Harbor Protocols from Science Blog
New DNA and RNA aptamers offer unique therapeutic advantages from Science Blog
Healthcare, the road to robotic helpers from Physorg
Smuggling wildlife: From eggs in a bra to geckos in underwear from Physorg
Medicaid curbs for autistic kids nixed from UPI
Sony to Unveil New E-book to Rival Kindle from CBSNews - Science
Challenging conventional wisdom: Advances in development reverse fertility declines from Physorg
Cyber exploring the 'ecosystems' of influenzas from Physorg
Japan electric car makers, utility plan battery-charge stations from Physorg
Seeing the Cosmos Through 'Warm' Infrared Eyes from Physorg
Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label from Physorg
Growing evidence of marijuana smoke's potential dangers from Physorg
The cosmic comic: Riding early waves from Physorg
Space Telescope Warms Up, Makes Pretty Pictures from
New Photos: Earth from the Moon from
Pterosaur features defy comparison from MSNBC: Science
How to Tell Liver Spots from Moles and Cancer from Live Science
New Photos: Earth from the Moon from Live Science
NASA Goes Green With New Sustainability Base from Live Science
Speeding Stars Confirm Bizarre Nature of Faraway Galaxies from Live Science
Space Telescope Warms Up, Makes Pretty Pictures from Live Science
Mystery Surrounds Prevalence of Twins in Indian Village from Live Science
New in Baby Research from Science Blog
Cyber exploring the 'ecosystems' of influenzas from Science Blog
On the move from Science Blog
Challenging conventional wisdom: advances in development reverse fertility declines, says Penn study from Science Blog
Methods for gene transfer in stem cells featured in Cold Spring Harbor Protocols from Science Blog
New DNA and RNA aptamers offer unique therapeutic advantages from Science Blog
Fat hormone influences baseline dopamine levels and our motivation to eat from Science Blog
Gut hormone has 'remote control' on blood sugar from Science Blog
Obama announces $2.4 bln grant for electric vehicles from Physorg
Crows can use 'up to three tools' from Physorg
HIV's Genomic Architecture from C&EN
Human tests of swine flu vaccine start from CBC: Health
B.C. records 3rd swine flu death from CBC: Health
Underground water can affect earthquakes from UPI
Rare surgery transplants reversed heart from UPI
San Diego Zoo panda gives birth to 5th cub from MSNBC: Science
New in Baby Research from Science Blog
Cyber exploring the 'ecosystems' of influenzas from Science Blog
On the move from Science Blog
Challenging conventional wisdom: advances in development reverse fertility declines, says Penn study from Science Blog
Lowering the Blow from Physorg
Researchers learn how blood cells 'talk' from Physorg
Iowa 911 call center becomes first to accept texts from Physorg
Teen dies at internet addiction camp in China from CBC: Technology & Science
Men Stare at Women 43 Minutes Per Day from Live Science
Here's One Inheritance You Don't Want from Physorg
Toshiba eyes new businesses for recovery from Physorg
Bringing solar power to the masses from Physorg
Ancient pterosaurs were skilled fliers from Reuters:Science
New technique gives big picture of AIDS gene map from Reuters:Science
Unraveling How Cells Respond to Low Oxygen from Newswise - Scinews
New research sheds light on freak wave hot spots from Science Blog
Sensitizing tumor response to cancer therapy from Science Blog
Bringing solar power to the masses from Science Blog
Hearing the words beneath the noise from Science Blog
Are we heading for a repeat of 1986-87's Superconductor-mania? from Science Blog
Climate caused biodiversity booms and busts in ancient plants and mammals from Physorg
3.2-Million-Year Temperature History from Tiny Fossils from Physorg
Hearing the words beneath the noise from Physorg
Using less energy for more water from Physorg
New research sheds light on freak wave hot spots from Physorg
Donate Your Computer's Idle Time To a Good Cause On Facebook from PopSci
Sensitizing tumor response to cancer therapy from Physorg
Unraveling how cells respond to low oxygen from Physorg
Titan may host prebiotic brew from
South Korea Set For First Orbital Launch Attempt from
Mars's methane hard to explain from UPI
Pinhead-size worms + robot = new antibiotics from Biology News Net
Beautiful plumage: Feather color and sex start the species revolution from Biology News Net
Protein complex key in avoiding DNA repair mistakes, cancer from Biology News Net
Bioethanol's impact on water supply 3 times higher than once thought from Biology News Net
UNC researchers decode structure of an entire HIV genome from Biology News Net
New DNA and RNA aptamers offer unique therapeutic advantages from Biology News Net
Unraveling how cells respond to low oxygen from Biology News Net
Unraveling how cells respond to low oxygen from Science Blog
Seeing the cosmos through 'warm' infrared eyes from Science Blog
Gene shut-down may offer early warning of chronic leukemia from Science Blog
Aura Marks Five Years of Sky-High Atmosphere Research from Physorg
Early Alzheimer's Screenings Could Cut Health Care Costs from Physorg
Gene shut-down may offer early warning of chronic leukemia from Physorg
Historical movies help students learn, but separating fact from fiction can be challenge from Physorg
Apple's battle over apps from CBC: Technology & Science
Study examines hazardous weather's impact on northerners from CBC: Technology & Science
Galaxies of yore smaller, research shows from UPI
News Corp 4Q loss hits $203M on MySpace writedown from Physorg
Researchers find quantum errors do compute from Physorg
India embarks on push to become a solar power from News @ Nature
Lab worker charged with destroying protein crystals from News @ Nature
Plummeting silicon prices may boost solar sales from News @ Nature
US report backs distinction between science and policy from News @ Nature
Chikyu showcases riser drilling for deep-sea research from News @ Nature
Corrections from News @ Nature
Sending out an SOS from News @ Nature
Economics: Meltdown modelling from News @ Nature
Joint Mars plans come together from News @ Nature
Who speaks for science in Europe? from News @ Nature
Development-fertility link explored from UPI
Crystals grown in a flash from News @ Nature
Twitter punted by some NFL teams from CBC: Technology & Science
Will Tree Plantations Spur the Release of Carbon Locked in Soil? from Scientific American
International Brain Bee Championship Set for Toronto from Newswise - Scinews
State Fund Advances Swine Vaccine Research, Six Other Iowa State Projects from Newswise - Scinews
DNA computer solves logic queries from BBC News: Science & Nature
Health-care reform must respect patient autonomy from Science Blog
Decoding leukemia patient genome leads scientists to mutations in other patients from Science Blog
Study results raise questions about vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spinal compression fractures from Science Blog
Hollywood gets mixed reviews in history class, study suggests from Science Blog
Khmer Rouge trials offer baseline study for mental health impact to a society of war crimes tribunal from Science Blog
Catalyst and Casimir cavity property sets should be merged from Science Blog
Do Clouds Come From Outer Space? from Science NOW
Latest Case for Martian Life May Just Be Hot Air from Science NOW
Studies Question Using Bone Cement for Spine from NY Times Health
Life on Mars unlikely, methane mystery suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
FORUM: Are Sample Return Missions Better Than Rovers? from
Death-grip fungus made me do it from
Spinal crack injections may not benefit patients from CBC: Health
Minute DNA change could lead to evolution from UPI
Cisco earnings fall 46 pct but beat expectations from Physorg
San Diego Zoo panda gives birth to 5th cub from AP Science
Double engine for a nebula
Health-care reform must respect patient autonomy from Physorg
Review: New Sony Walkman misses multimedia mark from Physorg
Study results raise questions about vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spinal compression fractures from Physorg
Positive expectations help patients recover from whiplash 3 times faster: study from Science Blog
Comet Swarm Delivered Earth's Oceans? from National Geographic
BEFORE-AND-AFTER PHOTOS: Vast Aral Sea Vanishing from National Geographic
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
1930s home undergoes energy upgrade from UPI
UC San Diego launches Triton Resource Supercomputer from Physorg
ANDE-2 satellite deployed from Space Shuttle Endeavour from Physorg
Decoding leukemia patient genome leads scientists to mutations in other patients from Physorg
Presidential Panel Narrows Options for NASA's Future from
'Two-Headed' Snake Fakes Predators from Live Science
Let freedom ring with Google Voice from Physorg
1930s home goes green from Physorg
What you eat depends on with whom you eat from Physorg
San Diego Zoo panda gives birth to 5th cub from Physorg
UC San Diego Launches Triton Resource Supercomputer from Newswise - Scinews
Venomous sea snakes play heads or tails with their predators from Science Blog
Time to clean up your digital closet from Physorg
‘Two-headed’ snake fakes out predators from MSNBC: Science
Structure of HIV genome 'decoded' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Wastewater Reality from Science Blog
Venomous sea snakes play heads or tails with their predators from Science Blog
Positive expectations help patients recover from whiplash 3 times faster: study from Science Blog
Health-care reform must respect patient autonomy from Science Blog
Decoding leukemia patient genome leads scientists to mutations in other patients from Science Blog
Study results raise questions about vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spinal compression fractures from Science Blog
Hollywood gets mixed reviews in history class, study suggests from Science Blog
Khmer Rouge trials offer baseline study for mental health impact to a society of war crimes tribunal from Science Blog
New technique gives big picture of AIDS gene map from Reuters:Science
Have gear, will travel: Testing the industry's slickest netbooks from Physorg
Wastewater Reality from Science Blog
Studies find spinal procedure no more effective than placebo from LA Times - Science
Considering combination versus sequential chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer from Physorg
North Korea Runs "Train of Love" for Remote Schoolkids from National Geographic
Presented By: Drain the Ocean - Sunday August 9 9P e/p from National Geographic
Back treatment for elderly no better than fake one from AP Health
Seasonal flu vaccine shipping early, demand up from AP Health
Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan from AP Health
Ontario man accused of mass online pranks from CBC: Technology & Science
Spike in suicide calls due to economy from AP Health
All-in-One Nanoparticle: A 'Swiss Army Knife' For Nanomedicine from Science Daily
Protein That May Be 'Boon' To Medicine Isolated from Science Daily
African Village Dogs Are Genetically Much More Diverse Than Modern Breeds from Science Daily
Popular Insect Repellent Deet Is Neurotoxic from Science Daily
Shedding Light On Freak Wave Hot Spots from Science Daily
Men Who Do The Housework Are More Likely To Get The Girl from Science Daily
Astronomers Find Hyperactive Galaxies In Early Universe from Science Daily
Decoding Leukemia Patient Genome Leads Scientists To Mutations In Other Patients from Science Daily
Do Chicago’s Suburbs Hold The Key To Understanding West Nile Virus? from Science Daily
Sex Hormones Associated With Broken Bones In Older Men from Science Daily
NASA To Provide Web Updates On Objects Approaching Earth from Science Daily
Venomous Sea Snakes Play Heads Or Tails With Their Predators from Science Daily
Gut Hormone Has 'Remote Control' On Blood Sugar from Science Daily
New Insights Into Health And Environmental Effects Of Carbon Nanoparticles from Science Daily
Protein Complex Key In Avoiding DNA Repair Mistakes, Cancer from Science Daily
Possible Meteorite On Mars Imaged By Opportunity Rover from Science Daily
Intense, Prolonged Exposure To World Trade Center Attack Linked To New Health Problems Years Later from Science Daily
Crows Can Use 'Up To Three Tools' In Correct Sequence Without Training from Science Daily
MRI May Help Physicians Diagnose, Stage And Treat Diabetes from Science Daily
Scientists In Northern Alaska Spot A Shorebird Tagged 8,000 Miles Away from Science Daily
Is There Long-term Brain Damage After Bypass Surgery? More Evidence Puts The Blame On Heart Disease from Science Daily
Hybrid Vehicle Rebates Produce Scant Environmental Benefits, High Cost from Science Daily
Myth Of High Engineering Dropout Rate Refuted By New Study from Science Daily
'Jumping Genes' Create Diversity In Human Brain Cells, Offering Clues To Evolutionary And Neurological Disease from Science Daily
Cardiovascular Risk After Ischemic Attack Predicted By Ultrasound from Science Daily
IgM In Urine Acts As Prognostic Indicator In Diabetes from Science Daily
Shipwrecks Wrecking Coral Reefs? A Case Study At Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge from Science Daily