Archive of feed items published on the 6th of August 2009
News briefs from the August issue of Chest from Science Blog
Moving to the US increases cancer risk for Hispanics from Science Blog
More than half of Texas physicians do not always recommend HPV vaccine to girls from Science Blog
Health reform proposals could help 13 million uninsured young adults gain coverage from Science Blog
Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts, ovaries to reduce cancer risk from Science Blog
Koala saved from Australian fires battling disease from AP Science
Man indicted in death of Hawaiian monk seal from AP Science
Tigres win SuperLiga title from AP Science
White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost from NY Times Health
Fitness: Staying Fit When Eating Is Your Job from NY Times Health
Psychologists Reject Gay ‘Therapy’ from NY Times Health
Could ‘Intervention’ Have Helped a Star? from NY Times Health
Quick Tests for the Flu Found Often Inaccurate from NY Times Health
Skin Deep: The Secret Is Out: We Can See Your Feet from NY Times Health
Schering and Merck Are Settling Vytorin Suits from NY Times Health
Centrist Democrats Upbeat on Health Care Bill from NY Times Health
NASA Narrows Options for Post-Shuttle Future from NY Times Science
On the Fairway, New Lessons in Saving Water from NY Times Science
China Sees Progress on Climate Accord, but Resists an Emissions Ceiling from NY Times Science
Positive expectations help patients recover from whiplash 3 times faster: study from Physorg
Symposium to discuss geoengineering to fight climate change at the ESA Annual Meeting from Science Blog
United Agricultural Benefit Trust spotlighted as model for healthcare cooperatives from LA Times - Health
Healthcare debate gets uglier from LA Times - Health
Studies find spinal procedure no more effective than placebo from LA Times - Health
State criticizes police firing range in Redondo Beach from LA Times - Health
Los Angeles County-USC hospital reopens heliport from LA Times - Health
Martian methane breaks the rules from Chemistry World
Challenging conventional wisdom: advances in development reverse fertility declines
Blood transfusion study: Less is more
Venomous sea snakes play heads or tails with their predators
Decoding leukaemia patient genome leads scientists to mutations in other patients
Newspaper sites draw 36 percent of Web audience in June from Physorg
Sea snake's two-headed illusion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Raindrops drive flower evolution from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers from CIC bioGUNE have found a way to treat ischaemic pathologies
Study results raise questions about vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spinal compression fractures
Gene shut-down may offer early warning of chronic leukaemia
Bringing solar power to the masses
Sensitising tumour response to cancer therapy
Understanding how weeds are resistant to herbicides
1930s home goes green
Lucky survivors rescued by Fla. turtle hospital from AP Science
Growing evidence of marijuana smoke's potential dangers
Digital mammography plus digital breast tomosynthesis may decrease patient recall rates
Unraveling how cells respond to low oxygen
Fat hormone influences baseline dopamine levels and our motivation to eat
New clues about a hydrogen fuel catalyst
Hormone levels contribute to stress resilience
MRI may help physicians diagnose, stage and treat diabetes
New insights into health and environmental effects of carbon nanoparticles
Moving to the US increases cancer risk for Hispanics
Bioethanol's impact on water supply 3 times higher than once thought
Sailing to save threatened coral
More than half of Texas physicians do not always recommend HPV vaccine to girls
Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts, ovaries to reduce cancer risk
On the move
What you eat depends on with whom you eat
Considering combination versus sequential chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer
Joint research into an enzyme that causes genetic diseases
Cyber exploring the 'ecosystems' of influenzas
Gut hormone has 'remote control' on blood sugar
Health-care reform must respect patient autonomy
10 Profound Innovations Ahead from Live Science
Brazil returns hazardous UK waste from BBC News: Science & Nature
Indian vulture births are hailed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hollywood gets mixed reviews in history class, study suggests
Shaking the Earth: Just add water
Cooling treatment after cardiac arrest is cost-effective, Penn study shows
UNC researchers decode structure of an entire HIV genome
Finding key to cancer drug Gleevec's limitations
Scientists isolate protein that may be 'boon' to medicine
Positive expectations help patients recover from whiplash 3 times faster
Pollination research falls short from Science Alert
Imaginary friend helps stories from Science Alert
Mars hoax from BBC News: Science & Nature
PC maker Lenovo reports loss amid weak demand from Physorg
Venomous sea snakes play heads or tails with their predators from Physorg
Orangutans use tools to fool predators with kiss squeaks
An Iowa 911 Call Center is the First to Accept Text Messages from PopSci
How to Get Cancer: Move to the United States from Live Science
Gunshot riddle as beaver vanishes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Grey squirrel threat to Highlands from BBC News: Science & Nature
More than half of Texas physicians do not always recommend HPV vaccine to girls from Physorg
Man indicted in death of Hawaiian monk seal from Physorg
Lucky survivors rescued by Fla. turtle hospital from Physorg
Aussie koala that survived fires dies in surgery from Physorg
Health reform proposals could help 13 million uninsured young adults gain coverage from Physorg
Shooter's online rants were like trees in forest from Physorg
Spike in suicide calls due to economy from Physorg
Seasonal flu vaccine shipping early, demand up from Physorg
Some NFL teams clamp down on tweets from Physorg
New Image Reveals Nebula's Double Star Heart from
Heart-Lung Machine May Not Be the Culprit in Post-Op "Pump Head" Syndrome from Scientific American
Fossil Tooth Remains Of Extinct Rodent Species Discovered: Oldest Find Within This Genus from Science Daily
High Cholesterol In Midlife Raises Risk Of Late-life Dementia, Study Finds from Science Daily
New Insight Into Human Ciliopathy from Science Daily
Sustainable Agriculture: Perennial Plants Produce More; Landscape Diversity Creates Habitat For Pest Enemies from Science Daily
Older Adults Subjected To Abuse Or Self-neglect At Greater Risk Of Mortality from Science Daily
Squirrel Psychology: How Squirrels Learn From Others How To Steal Food from Science Daily
Adult Gut Can Generate New Neurons from Science Daily
High-fat, High-sugar Foods Alter Brain Receptors from Science Daily
Genetic Risk, Not Anesthesia Exposure, Impacts Cognitive Performance, Study Shows from Science Daily
Hearing Aids: New Software Makes it easier to Hear The Words Beneath The Noise from Science Daily
Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Advances In Development Reverse Fertility Declines from Science Daily
Micro Flying Robots Can Fly More Effectively Than Flies from Science Daily
Structure Of An Entire HIV Genome Decoded from Science Daily
Bringing Fish From Ocean Floor: Carefully Released Rockfish Can Survive Barotrauma from Science Daily
Cooling Therapy For Cardiac Arrest Survivors Is As Cost-effective As Accepted Treatments from Science Daily
Earth Seen By NASA's Moon Mapper On India's Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft from Science Daily
Positive Expectations Help Patients Recover From Whiplash Three Times Faster from Science Daily
Current change warms coast from Science Alert
Oberpfaffenhofen opens fourth ESA hotbed for innovative companies from European Space Agency
'Virtual' computers span the digital divide from Physorg
Interview: Raising the bar from Chemistry World
Genes mapped for better pearls from Science Alert
Pharmacy pamphlets apparently more about looks than legibility: study from Science Blog
New UAB study finds novice parents overlook many child-injury risks from Science Blog
University of Hawaii at Manoa researchers reveal ocean acidification at Station ALOHA from Science Blog
New expensive back procedure exposed as ineffective from Science Blog
New experiment could reveal make-up of the universe from Science Blog
Live recordings of cell communication from Science Blog
Swine flu vaccine 'by September' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Unstable proteins can cause premature ageing from Physorg
Pharmacy pamphlets apparently more about looks than legibility: study from Physorg
Study finds novice parents overlook many child-injury risks from Physorg
Is bilateral liver resection safe for bilateral intrahepatic stones? from Physorg
Parity violation in ytterbium is largest ever seen from Physics World
Hopes Dim for Mars Life from
Why Americans Don't Act on Climate Change from Live Science
No Evidence That Therapy Can Turn Gays Straight from Live Science
Planning strategies needed to protect food sources from Physorg
Effects of 'strong coupling' observed for the first time between light and a micromechanical object from Physorg
Live recordings of cell communication from Physorg
'Green' energy from algae from Physorg
Researchers reveal ocean acidification at Station ALOHA from Physorg
Economy shaping health care reform effort from Harvard Science
Opinion: Part two - are humans still evolving? from Science Alert
BCE's Q2 income slips from CBC: Technology & Science
Robot Chefs Run a Restaurant from Live Science
Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts, ovaries to reduce cancer risk from Physorg
New experiment could reveal make-up of the universe from Physorg
South Africa reaching to space to boost economy from Reuters:Science
Totally Forgettable Lunar Eclipse Tonight from
Mary Had a Lot of Lambs: Researchers Identify Way to Accelerate Sheep Breeding from Newswise - Scinews
Gene banks essential in fight against climate change from SciDev
SNAKE PICTURE: "Two Headed" Sea Serpents Fool Attackers from National Geographic
Twitter Tanks on Thursday Morning from CBSNews - Science
H1N1 vaccine approvals likely in September: WHO from CBC: Health
UC design research points the way so you won't get lost at the hospital from Science Blog
Chicken-hearted tyrants from Science Blog
Internists tackle key health reform issues from Science Blog
Mary had a lot of lambs: Researchers identify way to accelerate sheep breeding from Science Blog
Astronomers discover stars in early galaxies had a need for speed from Science Blog
UC design research points the way so you won't get lost at the hospital from Physorg
POLL: What Should Obama Have NASA Do? from
Twitter outage silences tweets from CBC: Technology & Science
Stimulus money unveiled for green cars from News @ Nature
China probe to launch in October from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swiss now pray that glacier will stop shrinking from AP Science
New model for social marketing campaigns details why some information 'goes viral' from Physorg
New cancer drug delivery system is effective and reversible from Physorg
Mary had a lot of lambs: Researchers identify way to accelerate sheep breeding from Physorg
Does Facebook usage contribute to jealousy in relationships? from Physorg
Wastewater produces electricity and desalinates water from Science Blog
First human gets new antibody aimed at hepatitis C virus from Science Blog
Lightning Detected on Mars from
Glacier melt accelerating, federal report concludes from LA Times - Science
Caution urged over cloud seeding from SciDev
Algeria delivers on research funding promise from SciDev
Murdoch To Charge Readers For Online News from CBSNews - Science
Does Facebook usage contribute to jealousy in relationships? from Science Blog
Wastewater produces electricity and desalinates water from Physorg
First human gets new antibody aimed at hepatitis C virus from Physorg
T-Mobile adds 325,000 net subs, mostly prepaid from Physorg
Hacker attack shuts down Twitter from Physorg
WHO: Swine flu vaccine on track from Physorg
Sprint and Samsung launch biodegradable phone from Physorg
Swiss now pray that glacier will stop shrinking from Physorg
Study: Cancers differ in Hispanic groups from UPI
Breast cancer mapping less painful with anesthetic from CBC: Health
Rapid tests often wrong about swine flu from AP Health
Prentice proposes stronger waste-water rules from CBC: Technology & Science
Bird experiment shows Aesop's fable may be true from AP Science
Hoover marvel from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bird's Tool Use Called 'Amazing' from Live Science
Japan to use deep-sea probes to search for minerals from Physorg
Finnish firms announce electric car plans from Physorg
Chinese teen dies at Internet addiction rehab camp from Physorg
Moving to the US increases cancer risk for Hispanics from Physorg
Gene banks essential in fight against climate change from SciDev
Climate Caused Biodiversity Booms and Busts in Ancient Plants and Mammals from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Find Key to Strengthening Immune Response to Chronic Infection from Newswise - Scinews
Tagged Bird Found 8,000 Miles from Home from Newswise - Scinews
Studies question impact of vertebroplasty from UPI
30-Second Science: Sun and Water Enable New Self-Healing Materials from PopSci
Dot Earth: Is the Climate Problem in Our Heads? from NY Times Science
Bird shows Aesop's fable may be true from MSNBC: Science
'Balmy' Eureka broke heat record in July from CBC: Technology & Science
Quebecor earnings rise on telecom growth from CBC: Technology & Science
Clever rooks repeat ancient fable from BBC News: Science & Nature
Got influenza? Blood genomic signature provides clues to etiology of respiratory infections from Science Blog
Study links selection for pathogen-resistance with increased risk for inflammatory disease from Science Blog
From fable to fact: Rooks use stones and water to catch a worm from Science Blog
Genomic signature in blood identifies underlying viral infection from Science Blog
Johns Hopkins researchers make stem cells from developing sperm from Science Blog
Wistar scientists find key to strengthening immune response to chronic infection from Science Blog
More insulin-producing cells, at the flip of a 'switch' from Science Blog
Stanford scientists find common trigger in cancer and normal stem cell reproduction from Science Blog
China's first Mars orbiter in Russia for launch: state media from Physorg
Lasers Spark Crystal Growth from C&EN
T-rex's diet may have been young dinosaurs from UPI
Researchers Fully Decode HIV Genome For the First Time from PopSci
Berlin polar bear Knut to get live-in Latin lover from MSNBC: Science
Rover Confirms Meteorite on Mars from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Protein handlers should be effective treatment target for cancer and Alzheimer's from Physorg
Climbing to new heights in the forest canopy: Questions remain after Darwin's own interest (w/ Video) from Physorg
The Rook and the Test Tube: Fable Made Fact from Science NOW
LHC to run at 3.5 TeV for early part of 2009-2010 run rising later from Science Blog
Typhoon Morakot's cloud top extent doubled in size in 1 day from Science Blog
Health, tech classes not required in Texas from UPI
DAVE Wireless on track for 2010 launch from CBC: Technology & Science
New Image Reveals Nebula's Double Star Heart from Live Science
Lightning Detected on Mars from Live Science
Scientists find cells responsible for bladder cancer's spread from Physorg
What makes stem cells tick? from Physorg
Sprint says few contract customers going prepaid from Physorg
Earth-Like Planet-Hunting Telescope Passes Key Test from
Titan: A World Much Like Earth from
FORUM: Are Fuel Depots in Space Feasible? from
Discovery Really Scratches an Itch from Live Science
Titan: A World Much Like Earth from Live Science
Protein unfolding is key for understanding blood clot mechanics: study from Physorg
Nanoscale origami from DNA from Physorg
Huge cost to filling health worker gap in sub-Saharan Africa from Physorg
Early evolution maximized the 'spellchecking' of protein sequences from Physorg
Researchers show how organic carbon compounds emitted by trees affect air quality from Physorg
Researchers uncover potential mechanisms to protect against genetic alterations, diseases from Physorg
Aesop's fable 'the crow and the pitcher' more fact than fiction (w/ Video) from Physorg
Hispanics Who Move to U.S. Face Higher Cancer Rates from NY Times Health
Dot Earth: Fertility Rise for Richest from NY Times Science
Observatory: Scientists Use Curvy DNA to Build Molecular Parts from NY Times Science
First U.S. "Power Tower" Lights Up California from Scientific American
Planet-Hunting Spacecraft Shows Its Stuff by Detecting a Known Exoplanet from Scientific American
NIST Demonstrates Sustained Quantum Processing in Step Toward Building Quantum Computers from Newswise - Scinews
What Makes Stem Cells Tick? from Newswise - Scinews
Web designers target Internet Explorer 6 from UPI
Scientists seek heavenly fingerprint from UPI
Precision Nanoscale Car Parts Self-Assembled From DNA from PopSci
Genomic signature in blood identifies underlying viral infection from Physorg
Researchers find key to keeping cells in shape from Physorg
NIST demonstrates sustained quantum information processing from Science Blog
Extinction runs in the family from Science Blog
Researchers identify itch-specific neurons in mice, hope for better treatments from Science Blog
Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages -- may also help predict future from Science Blog
Penn researchers show that protein unfolding is key for understanding blood clot mechanics from Science Blog
Caltech researchers show how organic carbon compounds emitted by trees affect air quality from Science Blog
Beetroot juice boosts stamina, new study shows from Science Blog
Scientists devise efficient way of learning about complex corn traits from Science Blog
Tool use to crow about from
A source of haze from
Television Viewing Linked to Blood Pressure Increases in Children from NY Times Health
Telescope could see other Earths, if they are there from Reuters:Science
Observatory: An Aesop’s Fable Might Just Be True from NY Times Science
Television Viewing Linked to Blood Pressure Increases in Children from NY Times Science
Hispanics Who Move to U.S. Face Higher Cancer Rates from NY Times Science
Study: Low Great Lakes levels are natural from UPI
Stop the Itch from Live Science
Scientists devise efficient way of learning about complex corn traits from Physorg
More insulin-producing cells, at the flip of a 'switch' from Physorg
Researchers make stem cells from developing sperm from Physorg
Carnegie donates landmark clones to biology from Physorg
Educate yourself to boost achievement in kids from Physorg
Man bikes 4,639 miles despite dialysis from UPI
'Itchy' neurons tell mice when to scratch from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers identify cells that say 'scratch me' from AP Science
Researchers identify cells that say 'scratch me' from AP Health
Clinton deal lowers HIV drug cost in poor nations from AP Health
Typhoon Morakot's cloud top extent doubled in size in one day from Physorg
NASA eyes Category 4 Hurricane Felicia and a stubborn Enrique from Physorg
Sustained quantum information processing demonstrated from Physorg
Scientists find universal rules for food-web stability from Physorg
Extinction runs in the family from Physorg
Protein folding: Diverse methods yield clues from Science Blog
Sifting for Planets With Kepler's Fine Comb from
LHC to run at 3.5 TeV for early part of 2009-2010 run rising later from Physorg
Beetroot juice boosts stamina, new study shows from Physorg
Protein folding: Diverse methods yield clues from Physorg
NOAA downsizes hurricane season forecast from UPI
DNA twisted into pretzels from MSNBC: Science
Oldest known paralyzed human found from MSNBC: Science
Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages -- may also help predict future from Physorg
Comcast's 2Q profit soars 53 pct, tops estimates from Physorg
Researchers to study rebirth of an island after volcanic eruption from Physorg
Beep, beep, oops, what was I doing? (w/ Video) from Physorg
Surface features on Titan form like Earth's, but with a frigid twist from Physorg
Researchers identify itch-specific neurons in mice, hope for better treatments from Physorg
Sony Debuts Digital Still Camera with Back-Illuminated 'Exmor R' CMOS Sensor from Physorg
Chicken-hearted tyrants: Predatory dinosaurs as baby killers from Physorg
Scientists find common trigger in cancer and normal stem cell reproduction from Physorg
New orchid deception found: wearing the scent of hornet's prey from Physorg
NRL's XFC UAS achieves flight endurance milestone from Physorg
Presidential panel narrows NASA's options from News @ Nature
Stroke doubles patients' risk of hip or thigh fracture from Science Blog
Psychosocial therapy with antidepressants more effective in helping depressed stroke patients from Science Blog
Researchers to study rebirth of an island after volcanic eruption from Science Blog
Tumor mutations can predict chemo success from Science Blog
Colon cancer may yield to cellular sugar starvation from Science Blog
Tumor mutations can predict chemo success from Physorg
Highest-ever winter water temperatures recorded from Physorg
Scientists find key to strengthening immune response to chronic infection from Physorg
"Big Bang" collider to restart with less energy from Reuters:Science
EU countries show Internet use disparity from UPI
Scientists to explore algae energy options from UPI
Triple Asteroid System Triples Observers' Interest from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New planet-finder shows its power from MIT Research
Tumor mutations can predict chemo success from MIT Research
Lefty or Righty? A new hold on how we think from Physorg
How a denial-of-service attack works from Physorg
From nerve roots to plant roots -- research on hereditary spastic paraplegia yields surprises from Physorg
Avalanche! The Incredible Data Stream of SDO from Physorg
Ouch! Early flu shot season comes with 3 jabs from Physorg
Colon cancer may yield to cellular sugar starvation from Physorg
Baseball by the numbers from
Microbial Fuel Cell Cleans Wastewater, Desalinates Seawater, and Generates Power from PopSci
Brain Health Science: Language Skills from Science Blog
Psychosocial therapy with antidepressants more effective in helping depressed stroke patients from Physorg
Computer software that could plan English football fixtures from Physorg
Touchable Hologram Becomes Reality (w/ Video) from Physorg
Study finds no link between cognitive decline, socioeconomic status in elderly from Physorg
Physicists to study attractive and repulsive forces crucial in designing nano-machines from Physorg
Innovation to the Rescue: Nikon Coolpix S1000pj Camera with Built-In Projector from Physorg
Wolves menacing sheep in Switzerland from UPI
New site for Berkeley energy institute from News @ Nature
Noninsulin-producing alpha cells in the pancreas can be converted to insulin-producing beta cells from Science Blog
Stroke doubles patients' risk of hip or thigh fracture from Physorg
Minifridge makes quantum computers last from
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Contaminated soils can yield healthy harvest from CBC: Technology & Science
The itch without the pain from News @ Nature
News Corp. plans fees for newspaper Web sites from Physorg
Rapid tests often wrong about swine flu from Physorg
A plant's arsenal of crystalline darts and sand from Physorg
Can't Make it to a Meeting? Send a Computer Instead from Physorg
Noninsulin-producing alpha cells in the pancreas can be converted to insulin-producing beta cells from Physorg
Chile to reduce digital divide in rural areas from SciDev
Minister defends Venezuelan science from SciDev
Kepler Detects an Exoplanet Atmosphere from Science @ NASA
Repellent keeps sharks away ... from humans from MSNBC: Science
Triple Asteroid System Triples Observers' Interest from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kepler Detects Atmosphere of Hot World from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Data From Newest Ocean Satellite Ready for Their 'Close-up' from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kepler Detects Atmosphere of Hot World from Physorg
Rover Confirms Meteorite on Mars from Physorg
Pesticide use on hospital lawns reviewed from CBC: Health
'Itchy' neurons tell mice when to scratch from CBC: Health
NASA Steps Closer to Nuclear Power for Moon Base from
Study links selection for pathogen-resistance with increased risk for inflammatory disease from Physorg
Nissan's all-electric 'Leaf' could outsell Toyota's Prius: exec from Physorg
Vampires and Zombies: No mere pop culture trend from Physorg
Scientists find nerve cells responsible for itch from Reuters:Science
LHC Will Begin Running at Half Energy from Science NOW
Scientists Find from Science NOW
Hip fracture risk doubles after stroke from CBC: Health
Video: Ore. Mecca For Green Trends from CBSNews - Science
NASA Official Guilty of Ethics Violations from CBSNews - Science
Video: Twitter Denial of Service from CBSNews - Science
Small-Scale Quantum Processor Gets Its Act Together from Scientific American
Discovery really scratches an itch from MSNBC: Science
Triple Asteroid System Triples Observers' Interest from Physorg
Particle Collider Will Operate, but at Half Power from NY Times Science
Research breakthrough will lead to more accurate weather forecasts from Science Blog
The Medical Minute: A true or false quiz on vaccines from Physorg
No need to tighten your belt -- credit crunch will worsen obesity epidemic from Physorg
The Promise of Brain Fitness from Science Blog
Mitsubishi, Hitachi eye disc for cloud computing era from Physorg
NASA says Kepler spacecraft proves it can find Earth-like planets from LA Times - Science
Swine flu vaccine on track for September, WHO says from LA Times - Science
Archaeologists unearth 'birthplace of Roman emperor' in Italy from Physorg
UCI discovers new Alzheimer's gene from Science Blog
Shocked by therapies: psychologists reject sexual reorientation from Physorg
Why Consumers Won't Buy Tablet Computers from CBSNews - Science
Video: Bumpers Flunk Crash Test from CBSNews - Science
Mammal Mystery Spurs Calif. Rescue Mission from CBSNews - Science
Spanish ethologist who discovered albino gorilla dies at 87 from Physorg
DNA twists and bends on demand from Physics World
Soap films burst like flapping flags from Physics World
Exposing the flaw in Planck’s law from Physics World
Distinctive gene expression in brains of relapsing heroin-addicted rats from Physorg
Chicken-hearted Tyrants: Predatory Dinosaurs As Baby Killers from Science Daily
Gene Shut-down May Offer Early Warning Of Chronic Leukemia from Science Daily
ER Physician Tells You How To Avoid A Lightning Strike And What To Do If One Occurs from Science Daily
Great Diversity Of Marine Plankton Drive Oceanic Photosynthesis from Science Daily
Fat Hormone Influences Baseline Dopamine Levels And Our Motivation To Eat from Science Daily
Long Debate Ended Over Cause, Demise Of Ice Ages? Research Into Earth's Wobble from Science Daily
Common Trigger In Cancer And Normal Stem Cell Reproduction Found from Science Daily
Fuel Cell Powered Unmanned Aerial System Achieves Flight Endurance Milestone from Science Daily
Sensitizing Tumor Response To Cancer Therapy from Science Daily
Geoengineering To Mitigate Global Warming May Cause Other Environmental Harm from Science Daily
No Need To Tighten Your Belt: Credit Crunch Will Worsen Obesity Epidemic from Science Daily
Scientists Find Universal Rules For Food-web Stability from Science Daily
New Alzheimer's Gene Discovered from Science Daily
Wastewater Produces Electricity And Desalinates Water from Science Daily
Women Often Opt To Surgically Remove Their Breasts, Ovaries To Reduce Cancer Risk from Science Daily
Technology To Support Deepwater Crustal Drilling from Science Daily
Moving To The US Increases Cancer Risk For Hispanics from Science Daily
New Planet-finder Shows Its Power: Kepler Orbiting Telescope Should Soon Find Alien Earths from Science Daily
Stem Cells Made From Developing Sperm from Science Daily
Beetroot Juice Boosts Stamina, New Study Shows from Science Daily
Higher Drug Doses Needed To Defeat Tuberculosis, Researchers Report from Science Daily
Scientists Find Early Evolution Maximized The 'Spellchecking' Of Protein Sequences from Science Daily
100-meter Sprint Can Be Run In 9.51 Seconds, Extreme-value Theory Shows from Science Daily
Nanoscale Origami From DNA from Science Daily
More Insulin-producing Cells, At The Flip Of A 'Switch' from Science Daily
Protein Unfolding Is Key For Understanding Blood Clot Mechanics from Science Daily
Finding Key To Cancer Drug Gleevec's Limitations from Science Daily
Large Hadron Collider To Run At 3.5 TeV For Early Part Of 2009-2010 Run, Rising Later from Science Daily
Does Facebook Usage Contribute To Jealousy In Relationships? from Science Daily
Organic Carbon Compounds Emitted By Trees Affect Air Quality from Science Daily
Key To Strengthening Immune Response To Chronic Infection Found from Science Daily
Researchers Reveal Ocean Acidification At Station ALOHA In Hawaii from Science Daily
Protein Level May Serve As Predictor Of Severe Osteoarthritis from Science Daily
NASA Eyes Category 4 Hurricane Felicia And A Stubborn Enrique from Science Daily
More Accurate Weather Forecasts Coming Soon from Science Daily
Study Links Selection For Pathogen-resistance With Increased Risk For Inflammatory Disease from Science Daily
New Seedless Tangerine-Like Citrus Plant Developed from Science Daily
Higher Muscle Density Reduced Risk Of Hospitalization In The Elderly from Science Daily
Typhoon Morakot's Cloud Top Extent Doubled In Size In 1 Day from Science Daily
Depression And Inflammation Linked To Pain In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from Science Daily
Big tech push on campus; Portability is a major issue as laptops, phones in demand from Physorg
Climbing to new heights in the forest canopy from Biology News Net
New orchid deception found: wearing the scent of hornet's prey from Biology News Net
Protein folding: Diverse methods yield clues from Biology News Net
Extinction runs in the family from Biology News Net
First human gets new antibody aimed at hepatitis C virus from Biology News Net
Nanoscale origami from DNA from Biology News Net
UCI discovers new Alzheimer's gene from Biology News Net
Distinctive gene expression in brains of relapsing heroin-addicted rats from Biology News Net
Novel mechanism revealed for increasing recombinant protein yield in tobacco from Physorg
Cannibalism theory over bone-find from BBC News: Science & Nature
Canadian charged in US in Internet gambling case from Physorg
Twitter, Facebook Attack Targeted One User from CBSNews - Science
Research breakthrough will lead to more accurate weather forecasts from Physorg
New Battle on Vieques, Over Navy’s Cleanup of Munitions from NY Times Science
City Says Exxon Is Liable for Tainted Well Water in Queens from NY Times Science
Climate Bill Is Threatened by Senators from NY Times Science
National Briefing | Science: Kepler Satellite Quickly Spies a Planet from NY Times Science
Doctor and Patient: Are Patients in Part to Blame When Doctors Miss the Diagnosis? from NY Times Health
Governors Fear Added Costs in Health Care Overhaul from NY Times Health
Senators Hear Concerns Over Costs of Health Proposal from NY Times Health
Democrats Say No to Cost Cap for Drug Manufacturers from NY Times Health
Birth Rate Is Said to Fall as a Result of Recession from NY Times Health
High-Risk Drug Is in Spotlight in Wake of High-Profile Death from NY Times Health
Partners Behind an MS Drug Take Their Dispute to Court from NY Times Health
Guided care reduces cost of health care for older persons with chronic conditions from Science Blog
Bladder cells feel stretch from Science Blog